Stripe Webhooks Pending Status Test webhook error: 500 - stripe-payments

I got Test webhook error: 500 Error in Response? Why?
How to resolve the problem? What is 500 error Status mean?

With code 500 it is Internal Server error. So looks like the issue is on the server side.
Please see the various status codes for your reference, this will help you with debugging web requests.


Facebook Live session video issue?

When i am trying to create session with nodejs API i will get this error can anyone help me solve this.
The error is given below:
Request POST /facebook-schedule-session/11455 failed with status code 500.
FacebookApiException: {"error":{
"(#3) Application does not have the capability to make this API call.",
any solution which help me solve this error.

"Error: Internal error encountered" while running RequestSync to Google Homegraph API - Node.js

I am using a Nodejs client to integrate with Google Smart Home.
When I request to RequestSync API, it sometimes shows the following error.
Error: Internal error encountered.
Although I saw the above error, it seems that the SYNC request has been triggered properly.
Does anyone know why this happens?
Since the request failed and returned an error, our app retries the RequestSync again and again, so I'd like to fix the error if possible.
Thank you.
#googleapis/homegraph: 3.0.2
Nodejs: 18.4.0

LoadRunner replay error : Action.c(312): Error -26630: HTTP Status-Code=401 (Unauthorized)

I have co-related all the required dynamic values, added cookies & headers in the recorded load test script. But, I can't able to get a successful login into the application.
It throws an error Action.c(312): Error -26630: HTTP Status-Code=401 (Unauthorized) in the login transaction itself.
Action.c(312): Error -26630: HTTP Status-Code=401 (Unauthorized) for "https://myapplicationURL" [MsgId: MERR-26630]
Is there any other missing values need to be added in the script, Please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Seems that you haven't correlated the the dynamic values. Or the credentials that you are using are not valid.
You can debug this problem by looking into the snapshots of your previous requests.

Express js not returning full error on status code 500 but does with code 200

I have an express js project that has a try catch, when i respond with status code 500 i get no error detail returned.
Below you can see that when i return status code 200 i get a full response with the error and in this case 'Invalid time value'.
But when i change to status code 500 i get hardly any information, how do i send status code 500 but still get full error information?
this output is normal based on Hypertext Transfer Protocol, you can check the details about status codes here.
when status code is 200
The request has succeeded. The information returned with the response
is dependent on the method used in the request, for example:
GET an entity corresponding to the requested resource is sent in
the response;
HEAD the entity-header fields corresponding to the requested
resource are sent in the response without any message-body;
POST an entity describing or containing the result of the action;
TRACE an entity containing the request message as received by the
end server.
when status code is 500
500 Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it
from fulfilling the request
this outputs is Hypertext Transfer Protocol and its normal

Error 500 not leaving a "xml" in "Failed Request Tracing Logs" (Azure)?

I have an app in Azure and I'm monitoring that every request is HTTP 200 (OK)
Yesterday I had many errors HTTP 500 and I went to "Diagnose and solve problems > Failed Request Tracing Logs" and for each of these errors there was a .xml with the detailed information.
Thanks to these logs I solved the problem in my app and deployed again. After this all the requests were HTTP 200.
But today something happend and I had 17 errors HTTP 500:
And then I went to "Diagnose and solve problems > Failed Request Tracing Logs" but there are no .xml for these errors.
I thought: maybe Azure is not logging anymore, so I provoked a 404 but the .xml appeared there, so...
Question: Why I don't have 17 xml for these HTTP500 ?
If I turn on "Failed Request Tracing", I can get the failed requests logs, please make sure you have enabled it.
Failed Request Tracing
Failed requests logs
Besides, the failed requests logs should be stored in /LogFiles/W3SVC#########/ folder, you can go to that folder using Kudu Console and check if the logs are there.
