Why it is that when clicking on API, it is displaying the popup as shown in the picture, rather then going to the API page?
I have publish the project and reset content but then also no change?
How can I activate the site?
It seems to me that some setting is still remaining
You open the developer portal as administrator:
Follow the steps below to access the managed version of the portal.
In the Azure portal, navigate to your API Management instance.
Select the Developer portal button in the top navigation bar.
A new browser tab with an administrative version of the portal will open.
In this administrative version of the developer portal, you are able to modify the look & feel,...
If you want to use the developer portal as a usual user, you have to open the developer portal in a browser with private mode or with a different browser and sign in.
I cannot find where on the portal I originally created this FTP access account. I wish to delete it. Where can this be done?
In "Application Settings" blade there's now an option to restrict to FTPS or fully disable.
Starting May 8th 2018, a new setting is available to enable or disable FTP/FTPS. You can read more about it at https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appserviceteam/2018/05/08/web-apps-making-changes-to-ftp-deployments/
This is a known issue in Azure App Service. I believe that Azure team will add this feature in the future. You can check this link: https://feedback.azure.com/forums/169385-web-apps/suggestions/8211222-option-to-disable-ftp-and-force-ftps-in-azure-we for status.
In latest Azure these options are changed,
Now its App Service > Configuration(its part of Settings in left pane) > General Settings (Tab on the Top) > FTP State and than Save it
Azure endpointName.azureedge.net created successfully but while accessing Endpoint url it show error
You do not have permission to view this directory or page.
Did I need to add Custom domain to work it out.
Please guide me.
Which endpoint do you add in Azure CDN profile? If adding Azure web app as its endpoint, which language do you use to develop your web app? From my experience, Please try to input detailed path in your url, for example https://endpointName.azureedge.net/default. We can also set default page at Azure web app Application settings like below screenshot:
Build your solution in release mode
Try to publish it with using publish option of project then check
I have recently updated my azure subscription and after that I am unable to see my content or resources on the Azure portal and unable to download the publish profile.
So please help me to find the latest subscription in the new azure portal.
From the top right end, you will have your profile. There you will be able to see the Active Directories available for you. Click on that and it will show a page containing info on "Directories+ Subscriptions". In case you are not able to see the respective subscription in any of those directories, it is requested to raise a Support ticket in the portal itself.
You should ask azure support to help you with this. They can see what you have registered in the portal and if something when wrong. One thing you can try is to open the portal in a private browser session to see if anything is cached or not.
Is there a file "view" available in Azure?
When I log in to Azure to look at a website I've deployed there is no obvious see exactly what files Azure is hosting.
I can see there's the Visual Studio Online option which allows you to live edit your server code but that is more than I need. I just want to be able to check that certain files are deployed and others are not.
If you're just trying to look around, and see the various directories and files in your deployment, you can enter the site's "Kudu" dashboard, using the url format http://<yoursitename>.scm.azurewebsites.net
This will give you a web-based dashboard, including a debug console (web-based) where you can explore your various directories (and the directories will show up visually as well).
More info can be found in this post from the Azure Websites team.
In Visual Studio, in the window "Server Explorer" you click and connect on "Azure".
=> App Service
=> Your site name
=> Files
Here you see all your files and you can edit them directly in Visual Studio.
##### UPDATE 19/08/2019 #####
For some time now, it hasn't worked anymore.... :(
Here is another way to do it: By FTP !
From the Azure portal, in the "App Service" section of your website, go to "Deployment Center" > FTP > Dashboard
There is the FTPS Endpoint => ftp://.....ftp.azurewebsites.windows.net/site/wwwroot
And username, password information.
Install FileZilla Client! (https://filezilla-project.org/)
Enter Host with "FTPS Endpoint" the "username" and "password" and then login quickly!
You can use App Service Editor (previously known as Visual Studio Online). It can be found under your webapp -> Development Tools section in the Azure Portal.
I know this is old, but I just found it, and got some useful tips from it. If you are using an App Service, there is now a browser option to do this as well:
You can get there from the Azure portal, then go to your App service, then scroll down to Development Tools, and click on "App Service Editor".
In VS2017/2019, there's Cloud Explorer to view files in Azure, but each time open folder to view files will invoke connection to cloud, so you have to wait, that's a bit slow.
To open Cloud Explore, Right click on project > Publish > Manage in Cloud Explore, or Top Menu > View > Cloud Explorer.
Yes, you have many options to see that
By clicking Console option (run "dir" command, will list down all files)
By hitting App Service Editor(Preview) option,
Adding to the accepted answer,
you can open an ssh session by going to http://<yoursitename>.scm.azurewebsites.net/webssh/host.
For a long time, I've looked for a linux-style terminal to view my deployed files and environment variables. With this you can view the files, check and set environment variables, make db migrations directly, and a lot more. Hope this is useful.
That could be relevant: AppService->Console
You can use Visual Studio Code and the Azure extension
Since you are using Azure Websites, Azure wants to "manage" it for you, and as a result, you cannot connect to the VM itself. If you were using a Cloud Service, you can obtain the RDP information from the Azure Console and just remote into the machine.
For your situation, you can use FTP as an option. Here is blog that describes one approach:
Here is another option using WebMatrix: