Is it possible to configure the Web App's Diagnostic Logs "web server logging" storage account to be bound to a slot (i.e. as a slot setting), in order to prevent this during the swap:
The actual value for this is set as a WEBSITE_HTTPLOGGING_CONTAINER_URL app setting variable on the actual Web App, but it is invisible on the portal (meaning one cannot enable 'slot setting').
This is unlike the "application logging" storage account, which is made visible (meaning I can enable slot settings):
I would prefer not to have to do this via cmdlets.
According to your description, if you want to enable the "WEBSITE_HTTPLOGGING_RETENTION_DAYS" and "WEBSITE_HTTPLOGGING_CONTAINER_URL", I suggest you could try to use azure Resource explorer to change the slot settings.
More details, you could follow below ways.
1.Open the azure Resource explorer and locate your web app.
2.Open the web app's slotConfigNames tag.
3.Add the appsetting name in the properties.
Firstly click the edit and change the properties. At last click the put to save the changes.
You could find all the slot setting will not miss when using swap.
How can I add custom host name for my Azure Media Service streaming endpoint on the new portal? I know how to add it on the classic portal, but managing AMS on classic portal will be disabled after 10 January 2017, and the new portal doesn't seem to have an option for that?
New portal doesn't include custom domain names since it was an advanced feature mostly targeted for prodev. You can set it using either code or using Azure Media Explorer tool.
Cenk has the details about custom hostname. See the section "CustomHostNames". But it is not doable in portal and you have to use media explorer.
Please note that currently SSL is not supported for custom hostname in AMS. Above link also confirms the same.
In the old Azure Portal, I used to download the publish profile (which included FTP username/password) for App Services using the menu shown here.
How do I get this in the new Azure Portal? Ultimately, how can I get my FTP user/pass for my App Service?
it is right on the website`s blade.
and regarding to FTP address and username, you should be able to see the details from setting --> properties
I found it just in the main menu under Overview. Yeah, hidden firstly so you need to click ...More.
Just Here "Get Publish Profile"
In the new portal, Goto
Azure Portal -> Your web app -> Overview Tab
It can be found in App Service as follows
Click here to see the Download Publish Profile link
Thank you
Is there a file "view" available in Azure?
When I log in to Azure to look at a website I've deployed there is no obvious see exactly what files Azure is hosting.
I can see there's the Visual Studio Online option which allows you to live edit your server code but that is more than I need. I just want to be able to check that certain files are deployed and others are not.
If you're just trying to look around, and see the various directories and files in your deployment, you can enter the site's "Kudu" dashboard, using the url format http://<yoursitename>
This will give you a web-based dashboard, including a debug console (web-based) where you can explore your various directories (and the directories will show up visually as well).
More info can be found in this post from the Azure Websites team.
In Visual Studio, in the window "Server Explorer" you click and connect on "Azure".
=> App Service
=> Your site name
=> Files
Here you see all your files and you can edit them directly in Visual Studio.
##### UPDATE 19/08/2019 #####
For some time now, it hasn't worked anymore.... :(
Here is another way to do it: By FTP !
From the Azure portal, in the "App Service" section of your website, go to "Deployment Center" > FTP > Dashboard
There is the FTPS Endpoint =>
And username, password information.
Install FileZilla Client! (
Enter Host with "FTPS Endpoint" the "username" and "password" and then login quickly!
You can use App Service Editor (previously known as Visual Studio Online). It can be found under your webapp -> Development Tools section in the Azure Portal.
I know this is old, but I just found it, and got some useful tips from it. If you are using an App Service, there is now a browser option to do this as well:
You can get there from the Azure portal, then go to your App service, then scroll down to Development Tools, and click on "App Service Editor".
In VS2017/2019, there's Cloud Explorer to view files in Azure, but each time open folder to view files will invoke connection to cloud, so you have to wait, that's a bit slow.
To open Cloud Explore, Right click on project > Publish > Manage in Cloud Explore, or Top Menu > View > Cloud Explorer.
Yes, you have many options to see that
By clicking Console option (run "dir" command, will list down all files)
By hitting App Service Editor(Preview) option,
Adding to the accepted answer,
you can open an ssh session by going to http://<yoursitename>
For a long time, I've looked for a linux-style terminal to view my deployed files and environment variables. With this you can view the files, check and set environment variables, make db migrations directly, and a lot more. Hope this is useful.
That could be relevant: AppService->Console
You can use Visual Studio Code and the Azure extension
Since you are using Azure Websites, Azure wants to "manage" it for you, and as a result, you cannot connect to the VM itself. If you were using a Cloud Service, you can obtain the RDP information from the Azure Console and just remote into the machine.
For your situation, you can use FTP as an option. Here is blog that describes one approach:
Here is another option using WebMatrix:
I enabled the Web Deploy feature for my Web Role and deployed it.
But how can I get hold of the .publishsettings file so I can create a Publishing Profile for it?
This 2 year old article states that it should have been created automatically, but I haven't got that in my profile manager.
Any ideas?
If you are using Visual Studio 2012 or greater, the server explorer to the left will have several Azure items.
Specifically the Windows Azure Compute is what we are looking for, right click on that and say 'add deployment environment'. You will then be prompted with a dialog that allows you to sign in and download publish settings file:
You can get publishsettings file from the following link:
Well, the problem was really behind the keyboard.
So the publishing profile is actually provisioned correctly and automatically to the Web project as the documentation states.
The problem and confusion was that I have a secondary web application in my Solution that I also publish to the same Web Role (referenced as an additional Site in the ServiceDefinition.csdef file).
That Web Project does not get the Publishing Profile, and when I try to create a profile manually, it doesn't work since that (secondary) IIs instance is not configured for Web Deployment.
Oh well, back to the tedious Cloud Service deployment it is...