How to install ACXMLAID as a service? - kofax

How to install Kofax - XML Importer as a service?
This will run as a service scanning C:\ACXMLAID\
Scan Folder > Read Xmls > Create Kofax Batches

You need to do this on Command Line:
[Kofax Install]\CaptureSS\ServLib\Bin
Run the command: ACXMLAI -install


Cannot install Azure Dev Spaces using cloud shell in AKS

When i run the below command in cloud shell.
az aks use-dev-spaces -g aksrgrp -n akscluster
I get the below error. Any help will be highly appreciated
You may be prompted for your administrator password to authorize the installation process.
/tmp/tmpy1vng2we/ line 84: sudo: command not found
/tmp/tmpy1vng2we/ line 112: sudo: command not found
[INFO] Failed to install dotnet core dependencies.
[INFO] You can manually install all required dependencies based on the following documentation:
Azure Dev Spaces CLI not installed properly. Visit '' for Azure Dev Spaces.
The error shows why the issue happens. It cannot find the command azds. Because the cloud shell does not install the command tool. You can find all the command tools installed in the cloud shell here.
I suggest you can install the tool which you need in the Azure VM of the azure Kubernetes, if you do not find the tool what you want.
It's a better way for you. By the way, the Cloud Shell just enables access to a browser-based command-line experience built with Azure management tasks in mind. So install the Azure CLI in the VM is a better experience.
To add to Charles's answer: the Azure Dev Spaces CLI currently does not support running in the Cloud Shell. Its functionality is designed more for running on your local dev machine where you application's source code is.

Schedule a node app to run i command tool

I have a node app that I want to schedule to run in the command tool. Is this possible? I extract data from a source with the command tool and save it to a json file. Can I run my node app in the browser to retrieve the file?

TFS 2017 on-premise cannot find node modules in cmd

How to run npm modules in tfs agent running as a service?
Here's my setup.
I setup agent on local machine with TFS 2017 running on-premise.
And I try to build aurelia application on agent running as a service.
I already have installed node, aurelia cli and npm in machine where the agent run. It was globally accessed running manually cmd with command au build(aurelia cli build). However when I create a Command Line build step running au(Tool) and build(Arguments) the agent does not find au.
I think it will also not find other npm modules.
In general, the build agent (running as service) uses Network Service account and the installed npm packages are in current user folder, so you can call au command directly, but can’t call au command during the build.
You can change build agent service account to use your account or refer to these steps to install Aurelia-cli package and call au command in Command Line step if you still uses Network Service account:
Add Command line step to build definition (Tool: npm; Arguments: install Aurelia-cli -g)
Add Command line step (Tool: C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\npm\au; Arguments: build; Working folder: [project folder] (e.g. $(Build.SourcesDirectory))
Note: the step 1 just need to run only once, you can disable or delete it for next build to save time.
On the other hand, you can try to add C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\npm to environment variable (system variables > Path), then use au directly.

Running Unity CLI on Headless Linux to build open source project - license issue

How can I run Unity CLI on Linux to build my project without getting the dreaded "Failed to activate/update license" error. Why do I need a license to do a build from the command line? This works fine for Unity CLI on macOS and Windows.
Launching Unity from the UI and signing in once is not an option as I am trying to do this on Travis CI.
Here's my .travis.yml file and related install + build scripts and here's the failing build
The doc Command line arguments mentions serial, username and password. But they seem not in your build scripts.
Also try the lastest build of Unity3D for linux.
There is a fix in the lastest release (5.6.0b10):
Fix "Manage License" UI regression
Just found a post about your problem. Hope it helps.
1) Network issue - Some education users will have internal network and lack of internet access (can you verify if you can ping to on command line?).
2) To verify if it is a CACerts.pem issue, can you follow this code:
CACerts.pem is included in the repository
Add the CACerts.pem to the Unity license folder (in the user's .local directory: ~/.local/share/unity3d/Certificates/)
You can create and use a license file following next steps.
Create license file:
/opt/unity-editor-2018.3.0f2/Editor/Unity -batchmode -createManualActivationFile -logfile -nographics
Go to and upload ulf generated file
Use downloaded ulf file:
/opt/unity-editor-2018.3.0f2/Editor/Unity -batchmode -manualLicenseFile Unity_v2018.x.ulf -logfile -nographics
That's all

How to create Solr 6 cores?

I've installed Solr 6 on a Digital Ocean ubuntu instance: solr-6.1.0.tgz
and verified that Solr is running. However, I cannot create any cores, either through the UI or at the command line. I've tried various different permutations of:
sudo ./solr create -c netest
sudo ./solr create -c netest -d /opt/solr/server/solr/configsets/basic_configs/conf/
but it always gives me:
ERROR: Error CREATEing SolrCore 'netest': Unable to create core [netest] Caused by: /var/solr/data/netest/data
If I create the directory in advance:
sudo mkdir /var/solr/data/netest/
sudo mkdir /var/solr/data/netest/data
sudo chown -R solr:solr /var/solr/data
when I rerun the create command I get:
ERROR: Error CREATEing SolrCore 'netest': Unable to create core [netest] Caused by: Can't find resource 'solrconfig.xml' in classpath or '/var/solr/data/netest'
If I copy solrconfig.xml into the directory and run the command again I get:
ERROR: Error CREATEing SolrCore 'netest': Unable to create core [netest] Caused by: Can't find resource 'schema.xml' in classpath or '/var/solr/data/netest'
and I'm stuck at this stage as google isn't helping me find where to get or create the schema.xml file.
Can anyone help?
Try this way
Navigate to Solr/solr-6.1.0/server/solr/
create new folder and name it netest.
copy conf folder from Solr/solr-6.1.0/server/solr/configsets/basic_configs/ and paste it inside netest folder.
now you enter this command on terminal sudo ./solr create -c netest
This will create newcore with name netest using config files inside conf folder
hope this helps
You shouldn't use root, but solr user privileges to create Solr cores since data folder (e.g. /var/solr/data) is usually owned by solr. Secondly please note that provided solr shell script is still using the Solr Admin UI as the main starting point for administering Solr.
So try the following commands:
cd /opt/solr
sudo -u solr ./bin/solr create -c netest
sudo ls -la /var/solr/data
For any other problems, please double check that:
Solr is accessible via Admin UI (e.g. curl -s http://localhost:8983/solr/ or links).
jar command is accessible (it is in your PATH).
For syntax, run: bin/solr --help in your Solr HOME folder.
For troubleshooting, check your Solr logs (e.g. /var/solr/logs/solr.log).
Related: SOLR-7826: Permission issues when creating cores with bin/solr as root user.
Its permission issue, so try to create a new core using below command, and it will work!
sudo -u solr bin/solr create -c demo
If you have created schema.xml and solrconfig.xml in your core directory, try Add Core from core admin page, it should work.
./solr create_core -c netest -d basic_configs
su - solr -c "/opt/solr/bin/solr create -c testcore -n
This command works for me in solr 6.60 with the sudo user.
