AgileCRM : Add Current day in compaing email - agile-crm

I am developing marketing campaign , I want to insert the day name in campaign. I Try to add date using custom field but it is not possible . Please suggest any solution

I didn't find any direct way to get current day in AgileCRM campaigns. However I can suggest using JSONIO node with URL to get current date and time w.r.t timezone. You can use {{localDate}} as merge field wherever you need after JSONIO node.


How to loop through all line items of a sales order and get the earliest term start date

We are building out the ARM module of Netsuite and our director of Accounting would like the Contract Start date on the header level to be populated with the earliest Term Start date from the line items on the sales order.
I'm just starting this project and am new to Suite Script. I'm hoping to get pointed in the right direction and work f rom there.
To filter earliest date from lines, you first need to fetch all the dates which can be done using record.getSublistValue which requires a set of parameters which you can find here. Once you have filtered out the date, you can set it on body field using record.setValue and you can find its documentation here.
To get the record, it depends on which script-type you are working on, like if you are sripting in User-Event, you will receive newRecord in its script parameter. Whereas if you are working on some scheduled/map-reduce script, you might have to load the record using record.load from N/record module.
You can also do this in the UI without SuiteScript.
Create a saved search with results as Term Start Date with a summary of Minimum.
Add any criteria that you may need (such as Term Start Date is not empty)
Add a filter of Internal Id.
Create the custom field, and under Validation and Defaulting select the previously created saved search. Make sure that stored value is checked off for the custom field!
Look into the article "Creating Custom Fields with Values Derived from Summary Search Results" in the help center for more information!

Dynamics CRM FetchXML - Birthday is today

Is it possible using FetchXML to find out the Contacts who's birthday is for today? For example 4/1/2000, 4/1/2001, 4/1/2002?
I don't want to write custom code to do this if possible
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately that's not possible without additional coding... General approach is to add 2 fields - day of birth and month of birth, populate it during creation/update of a record and use mentioned fields after.
Have you tried
<condition attribute="birthdate" operator="today"/>
One way to accomplish this would be to create a recurring workflow job that runs a custom activity daily that sets an attribute to true for all the people whose birthday is today.
Another option might be to create a retrieve multiple plugin that changes the query criteria dynamically, but you might need to also include additional attribute(s) to just keep track of the month and day separately from the year.

How to trigger Javascript in CRM VIew Refreshing?

I create one javascript function For calculate the No.Of Days from created Date and show in one Field.
And I add that script in Form Load and as well Form Save Actions.It was Working Fine.
Now My question is,I need to trigger that javascript function grid's(view) refresh.Or I need to calculate and show the No Of Days Field without opening Form.
Now the noofdays field affected when the form will getting open.
I need noofdays field automatically updated From the Created on date?How to do this...Thanks in Advance
Trigger an javaScript function without opening the from is not possible.
If i understood correctly, you want to display the time period between the creation and current date in days.
If so:
A Solution would be:
On creation of the record the noofdays field will always be 1 or 0. However you look at it.
So you can fill that field on creation per default to 1 per Plugin, JS, or simply per workflow.
Now you need to update this field each day via workflow.
The workflow must retrieve all records, calcualte and update the noofdays field.
I reccomend to run this workflow after midnight.
The other solution: (I do not reccomend)
Create an Plugin which is registerd to the message "retrieve" and "retrieve multiple".
If the message is triggered, check if you are in the right entity and fake the output of the noofdays field or update it.

Get current month in SharePoint 2013 search query

I am trying to show users with birthday in current month by Content Search Web Part.
Now my main problem is how to get current month in search query. I can get {Today}, but I need get month part of today for query on user profile property with user birthday month.
How I can get this?
Thank you!
check this link on technet, it seems it's a similar question as yours:

How to get the Current Date & Time Automatically to a Date Time Field

I have created a date time field I made today's date as the default value, Then I added it to a page layout and created a page, But the current Date Time is not picking up from the system.
I dont want to give the user to select a Date Time instead it should populated automatically
Is there anyway to achieve this without writing code in code behind files?
This is very similar to this question I think
SO - How to get Date and current time from the Date/Time column in SharePoint Custom list
My answer there gives a few options such as using the built in Created field, using a calendar template, a JavaScript hack and a custom field type.
Guys, fake [Today] trick worked for us - but prob is we only got the date value not datetime.
Janis, is it possible to get date and time both from the fake [today] column trick? pls refer few articles on the same
Does [Today] work?
If you have language pack applied to SharePoint, then you must use localized "Today" string.
