Dynamics CRM FetchXML - Birthday is today - dynamics-crm-2011

Is it possible using FetchXML to find out the Contacts who's birthday is for today? For example 4/1/2000, 4/1/2001, 4/1/2002?
I don't want to write custom code to do this if possible
Thanks in advance

Unfortunately that's not possible without additional coding... General approach is to add 2 fields - day of birth and month of birth, populate it during creation/update of a record and use mentioned fields after.

Have you tried
<condition attribute="birthdate" operator="today"/>
One way to accomplish this would be to create a recurring workflow job that runs a custom activity daily that sets an attribute to true for all the people whose birthday is today.
Another option might be to create a retrieve multiple plugin that changes the query criteria dynamically, but you might need to also include additional attribute(s) to just keep track of the month and day separately from the year.


Modify SharePoint view of lookup field that can have multiple values

I am trying SharePoint for first time. So please be nice to me. Here is what I am trying to do.
Lets say I have a List where I have values as shown below
Lesson Days
Tennis Monday,Wednesday
Swim Saturday
Golf Sunday,Saturday.
Above Days is lookup field that can take multiple values.
How can I modify the view to look as below
Lesson Days
Tennis Monday
Swim Saturday
Golf Monday
Looks like we can code, but I have no idea how to do this.
Also it would be awsome if we have sequence number for multiple values. Something like this
Lesson Days
Tennis 1.Monday
Swim 1.Saturday
Golf 1.Monday
Edit: Based on further search looks like I need to do Client side rendering. I found this link
SharePoint 2013 Client Side Rendering: List Views
I am still struggling to understand this. Need much simple example on how to do this. Will appreciate any hint/help on getting this started.
To start this might help. Using Sample 1, changing the field name and the render function you can easily get the view version without sequence.
If you want a custom order on the days you have to change the EditForm for your days field to change the way the user inserts the days. That will be the hard part since if you do so, you have to either get the values for the lookup field by urself (using the javascript client api or rest calls) or use the default sharepoint lookupfield and customize it (I would not recommend this). To save the custom values back to the days field this example will help (using the registerGetValueCallback function)
You can include your script with a script webpart on the view page/edit page or use the jslink property on the webpart property section miscellaneous to include a javascript file containing the csr code.

AgileCRM : Add Current day in compaing email

I am developing marketing campaign , I want to insert the day name in campaign. I Try to add date using custom field but it is not possible . Please suggest any solution
I didn't find any direct way to get current day in AgileCRM campaigns. However I can suggest using JSONIO node with URL http://www.convert-unix-time.com/api?date=now&timezone=vienna to get current date and time w.r.t timezone. You can use {{localDate}} as merge field wherever you need after JSONIO node.

SharePoint Nintex Workflow Run Multiple Conditions

I was hoping you could help me. I have a calendar in SharePoint 2010 that I want to run a Nintex Workflow when the following conditions are true:
A new item is created
The "Type of Leave" field equals "Vacation". This field I created as just a category for the types of requests.
The date that the item was created for already has an entry with the "Type of Leave" field equaling "Vacation."
The use of this will be that the first person to enter vacation on a day will be automatically granted. But if more than one person enters vacation on the day that another vacation day is on, it will go through an approval process through their manager.
Here's what I've tried/reviewed:
- Using a Condition within a workflow. I can't find an option that would complete this.
- I did try looking on line searching for different solutions. I've watched some tutorials but nothing with this kind of solution was present.
- One thought I did have was to have an additional calculated column that counted how many entries for the same day with "Vacation" and then use that in a condition if the column was greater than 1 but I couldn't figure out the syntax.
This is on SharePoint 2010.
Thank you!
have you considered using the rest interface to query the list from nintex:
You can call this service from nintext using the call web service action.
Apply the filters on the url as per documentation above and count the records returned you can then include that in the nintext condition.
I am not sure if Nintext supports calls to Restfull services (from memory i think it does).
If not, you can use the Soap web service, same principle as above just the parameters to call it are slightly more complicated:
I don't think there's an need for REST. Once your workflow starts, query the list for items matching the current item booking date and put the result in a collection. You can query the collection length, and if it's >0 you can use that condition to steer the logic of your workflow.

how to call and sort data in a view?

I have two view, one is sorting 2011 data and the other one is sorting the 2012,
2013 is coming and I think, create another view is not good. Then I tried to code a formula to call the data in my database and send to view but it's not working .
please help me :)
I think your best option is to create another view. Notes doesn't do well with dynamic view selection formulas.
Another alternative to consider is to use categories to group data by year. You could then set up an embedded view that shows only a single category, which could be determined by a drop-down field that shows the available years.
A solution I have used when dealing with weekly or monthly date is to use an agent to create a new folder every week and to put the correct documents in the folder. But this is a lot of work and if there is a high volume of data you can run into problems with some of the internal limits of the Notes database structure. Someone with expert level knowledge of Notes can probably manage this, but I do not recommend it as a general solution -- and certainly not for yearly data.
Adding a view once a year is really not that bad. It's two minutes of work every 12 months, just copying and renaming the previous year's view and changing the selection formula.

How to get the Current Date & Time Automatically to a Date Time Field

I have created a date time field I made today's date as the default value, Then I added it to a page layout and created a page, But the current Date Time is not picking up from the system.
I dont want to give the user to select a Date Time instead it should populated automatically
Is there anyway to achieve this without writing code in code behind files?
This is very similar to this question I think
SO - How to get Date and current time from the Date/Time column in SharePoint Custom list
My answer there gives a few options such as using the built in Created field, using a calendar template, a JavaScript hack and a custom field type.
Guys, fake [Today] trick worked for us - but prob is we only got the date value not datetime.
Janis, is it possible to get date and time both from the fake [today] column trick? pls refer few articles on the same
Does [Today] work?
If you have language pack applied to SharePoint, then you must use localized "Today" string.
