Customise NSIS MessageBox title / caption - nsis

In an NSIS installer, I'm interested in displaying a MessageBox with a custom title. I currently have:
In this call, there's no definition of MessageBox title, which then becomes a default string, saying <Installer Name> Setup. I would like to remove the 'Setup' part, or provide a string of my own.
Thank you.

You can use the Caption attribute to set the caption Caption "Whatever" but that changes it globally.
NSIS does not have native support for a custom MessageBox caption but you can call the Windows API directly:
!define MB_OK 0x00000000
!define MB_ICONINFORMATION 0x00000040
System::Call 'USER32::MessageBox(i $hwndparent, t "The message", t "The caption", i ${MB_OK}|${MB_ICONINFORMATION})i'
You can lookup the other MB_* flags on MSDN...


write in header section of custom installer page (without MUI)

I used this guide to create custom page in my installer:
and its working without a problem, this is the code:
!include nsDialogs.nsh
!include LogicLib.nsh
XPStyle on
Var Dialog
Page custom nsDialogsPage nsDialogsPageLeave
Function nsDialogsPage
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $Dialog
${If} $Dialog == error
Function nsDialogsPageLeave
But the only thing missing is this part:
Could someone help me out and show how to add text there, but without this MUI, all the guides i tried to find are refering to the MUI way but i went with Pages instead so i would like to keep it that way, surely there is a way. Thank you in advance!
Your screenshot looks like MUI. Even when using MUI, custom pages still use Page Custom ....
The MUI has a helper macro to set the text on the top for your custom pages:
!include MUI2.nsh
Function nsDialogsPage
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Blah" "Blah blah"
This macro is documented in the MUI readme. It is not in the nsDialogs documentation because these labels are in the outer dialog, not in the inner page dialog.
In the unlikely event that you are not using MUI (but you are using the MUI dialog layout and ChangeUI) you can copy the MUI_HEADER_TEXT macro from the MUI(v1) source file or write your own custom macro based on the MUI source.

NSIS to check installation location is empty or not

How to add functionality about to display override dialog for the installation location.
If user already installed the software, and he is trying to reinstall the software in the same location then i wanted to show information whether do you need to overwrite or not?
I have used below function but it is invoking before opening the location page.
Function .onVerifyInstDirIfFileExists "$INSTDIR\temp.xls" PathGood
MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "Do you want to overwrite the location with new installer ?" IDOK lbl_ok IDCANCEL lbl_cancel
.onVerifyInstDir is used to disable the Next button, it should not display UI:
This code will be called every time the user changes the install directory, so it shouldn't do anything crazy with MessageBox or the like. If this function calls Abort, the installation path in $INSTDIR is deemed invalid.
If you want to display a message you must use the page leave callback instead:
!include LogicLib.nsh
Function MyDirLeave
${If} ${FileExists} "$INSTDIR\temp.xls"
MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "Do you want to overwrite the location with new installer?" IDOK +2
Abort ; Stay on the current page
Page Directory "" "" MyDirLeave
Page InstFiles

Change default buttons name NSIS

I am very new to NSIS,
I created a simple installer with 2 screens,
!include LogicLib.nsh
!include nsDialogs.nsh
Page custom someName someEndmethod
Page instfiles
First one is a custom page (nsDialogs) and on it the default button is "install" and i have 2 questtions :
How do i bound a method to its click event ?
How do i change the text on that button ?
BTW - I am not using MUI .
The best reference i could found regarding the nsDialogs was the following:
but could not seem to find answer to those simple questions.
!include WinMessages.nsh
Function MyPageCreate
GetDlgItem $0 $hwndparent 1 ; Get the handle to the button
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 `STR:$(^NextBtn)` ; The part after STR: can be any string, using the next button language string here
nsDialogs::Create 1018
pop $0
Function MyPageLeave
MessageBox mb_yesno "User clicked Next/Install, allow the page change?" IDYES allow
Page Components
Page Custom MyPageCreate MyPageLeave
Page InstFiles
If you just want to change the string on the install button no matter which page it is on (The page before the instfiles page) you can change it with LangString instead.

How to set the form title

The form displays with "Name Setup" as the form caption. I understand how to set the titles of the individual installer pages (Welcome, Finish etc), but how do you set the form caption of the installer interface?
Usually setting Name is enough for the title and all pages.
To customize the default title use Caption or to customize the subtitle on a per page basis use SubCaption, or Caption inside a PageEx block (If you are using the Modern UI, it has defines for most of these)
For pages based on nsDialogs use macro MUI_HEADER_TEXT
Function nsDialogsPage
nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018

Calling PRE functions of MUI in NSIS installer, skipping pages/dialogs in NSIS installer

Can PRE function of a MUI dialog be called only when required?
!define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE SkipComponentsPage
Function SkipComponentsPage
MessageBox MB_OK "You chose to UPDATE your current version"
//This section will be checked by default, that is , user will not be able to select or unselect this section , this has to be to do this?To hide it , i have included a - sign in its name. its name is "mandatory"
Section "-mandatory" SEC_UPDATE
#Do update............
I have two RadioButtons (Demo & Update) on my custom dialog page in the NSIS installer.
I want that when the user choses to install the UPDATE (choses the UPDATE RadioButton), then the Components Page is skipped , and a specified Section is auto CHECKED and executed.
But if the user choses to install the DEM (choses the DEMO RadioButton) , then the Components page is not skipped & the user can Check or Uncheck Sections on that Component page.
A page callback is always called, but you can put logic inside the function:
section "" SEC_UPDATE
Function SkipComponentsPage
!insertmacro UnSelectSection ${SEC_UPDATE} ; Don't include update with demo by default?
${If} $InstallType == UPDATE
!insertmacro SelectSection ${SEC_UPDATE}
It is not really clear to me if you want the user to be able to choose update in the demo mode, but if you want to force the update you can make the section read only:
section "Update" SEC_UPDATE
SectionIn RO
(And remove the UnSelectSection call from the pre function)
...or just make the section invisible with the -name prefix like you suggested.
