I am working on a program to get the closest prime number by the exponent of 2, this is between an interval.
module Main where
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import Control.Monad (liftM)
data PGetal = G Bool | P Int
instance Show PGetal where
show (P n) = show n
mPriem::(Int, Int) -> PGetal
mPriem (x,y) | (x > y) = G False
| (x > 1000000) = G False
| (y > 1000000) = G False
| (null (getAllPriem(x,y))) = G False
| otherwise = P (kleinsteVerschilF(getAllPriem(x,y),1000000,1))
kleinsteVerschilF:: ([Int], Int , Int) -> Int
kleinsteVerschilF ([],_, priemGetal) = priemGetal
kleinsteVerschilF (priem1:priemcss, kleinsteVerschil,priemGetal)=
if(kleinsteVerschil <= kleinsteVerschilMetLijst (priem1,(getMachtenVanTwee(0)),1000000))then kleinsteVerschilF(priemcss, kleinsteVerschil,priemGetal)
else kleinsteVerschilF (priemcss,kleinsteVerschilMetLijst(priem1,(getMachtenVanTwee(0)),1000000), priem1)
kleinsteVerschilMetLijst :: (Int,[Int],Int) -> Int
kleinsteVerschilMetLijst ( _,[],kleinsteVerschil) = kleinsteVerschil
kleinsteVerschilMetLijst (x,tweeMachten1:tweeMachtencss,kleinsteverschil)=
if((abs(x-tweeMachten1)) < kleinsteverschil)
then kleinsteVerschilMetLijst(x,tweeMachtencss, (abs(x-tweeMachten1)))
else kleinsteVerschilMetLijst(x,tweeMachtencss, kleinsteverschil)
getAllPriem :: (Int, Int) ->[Int]
getAllPriem (x,y) = filter isPriem [x..y]
getMachtenVanTwee ::(Int) -> [Int]
getMachtenVanTwee (macht)
|(functieMachtTwee(macht)< 1000000) = (functieMachtTwee(macht)) : (getMachtenVanTwee ((macht+1)))
| otherwise = []
functieMachtTwee:: (Int) -> Int
functieMachtTwee (x) = 2^x
isPriem n = (aantalDelers n)==2
aantalDelers n = telAantalDelersVanaf n 1
telAantalDelersVanaf n kandidaatDeler
| n == kandidaatDeler = 1
| mod n kandidaatDeler == 0
= 1 + telAantalDelersVanaf n (kandidaatDeler+1)
| otherwise
= telAantalDelersVanaf n (kandidaatDeler+1)
aantalDelers2 getal = telDelers getal 1 0
where telDelers n kandidaat teller
| n == kandidaat = 1+teller
| mod n kandidaat == 0
= telDelers n (kandidaat+1) (teller+1)
| otherwise
= telDelers n (kandidaat+1) teller
transform :: [String] -> [PGetal]
transform [] = []
transform (cs:css) =
let (a : b: _ ) = words cs
in (mPriem ((read(a)),(read(b))): transform css)
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- read `liftM` getLine :: IO Int
lss <- lines `liftM` getContents
let cases = take n lss
let vs = (transform (lss))
putStr $ unlines $ map show vs
When I use the mPriem function, it works fine.
But it needs to work with an input txt file, so I made a .exe file with the ghc command. I also added this .txt file in the folder.
1 1
1 3
1 100
200 250
14 16
5 10
20 31
16 50
100 120
5200 7341
When I use in command line this command, it does nothing. There is no output. I can't CTRL+C to stop the program, so I think it crashes. But I don't know what's wrong.
type invoer.txt | programma.exe
Your program works, but is not that efficient and personally I find it not that elegant (sorry :S) because you introduce a lot of "noise". As a result it takes a lot of time before output is written.
If I understand the problem statement correctly, each line (except the first), contains two integers, and you need to count the amount of prime numbers between these two numbers (bounds inclusive?)
First of all, you can do this more elegantly by defining a function: cPrime :: Int -> Int -> Int that takes as input the two numbers and returns the amount of prime numbers:
cPrime :: Int -> Int -> Int
cPrime a b = count $ filter isPrime [a .. b]
You can improve performance by improving your prime checking algorithm. First of all, you do not need to check whether 1 is a divisor, since 1 is always a divisor. Furthermore, you can prove mathematically that there is no divisor greater than sqrt(n) (except for n) that divides n; unless there is another divider that is smaller than sqrt(n). So that means that you can simply enumerate all numbers between 2 and sqrt n and from the moment one of these is a divisor, you can stop: you have proven the number is not prime:
isPrime :: Int -> Bool
isPrime 1 = False
isPrime 2 = True
isPrime n = all ((0 /=) . mod n) (2:[3,5..m])
where m = floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n
Now I'm not sure what you aim to do with kleinsteVerschilF.
I want to create a function as mentioned in the title. The specific is that it adds the digits in reversed order, you can see that in the test cases: 12 -> 1; 852369 -> 628; 1714 -> 11; 12345 -> 42; 891 -> 9; 448575 -> 784; 4214 -> 14
The main idea is that when the number is bigger than 99 it enters the helper function which has i - indicator if the the digit is on an even position, and res which stores the result. Helper begins to cycle n as it checks whether or not the current digit is on even position and adds it to the result.
So far I've tried the following code:
everyOther :: Int -> Int
everyOther n
| n < 10 = error "n must be bigger than 10 or equal"
| n < 100 = div n 10
| otherwise = helper n 0 0
helper :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
helper n i res
| n < 100 = res
| i == 1 = helper (div n 10) (i - 1) (res + (mod n 10)*10)
| otherwise = helper (div n 10) i res
Any help would be appreciated!
You can obtain the one but last digit of x with mod (div x 10) 10. You can use this with an accumulator that accumulates the value by each time multiplying with 10, so:
everyOther :: Int -> Int
everyOther = go 0
where go a v
| v < 10 = a
| otherwise = go (10*a + mod (div v 10) 10) (div v 100)
If v is thus less than 10, we can return the accumulator, since there is no "other digit" anymore. If that is not the case, we multiply a with 10, and add mod (div v 10) 10 to add the other digit to it, and recurse with the value divided by 100 to move it two places to the right.
We can improve this, as #Daniel Wagner says, by making use of quotRem :: Integral a => a -> a -> (a, a):
everyOther :: Int -> Int
everyOther = go 0
where go a v
| v < 10 = a
| otherwise = let (q, r) = v `quotRem` 100 in go (10*a + r `quot` 10) q
here we thus work with the remainder of a division by 100, and this thus avoids an extra modulo.
I'm doing a simple Haskell function using recursion. At the moment, this seems to work but, if I enter 2, it actually comes up as false, which is irritating. I don't think the code is as good as it could be, so, if you have any advice there, that'd be cool too!
I'm pretty new to this language!
EDIT: Ok, so I understand what a prime number is.
For example, I want to be able to check 2, 3, 5, 7, etc and have isPrime return true. And of course if I run the function using 1, 4, 6, 8 etc then it will return false.
So, my thinking is that in pseudo code I would need to do as follows:
num = 2 -> return true
num > 2 && num = even -> return false
After that, I'm struggling to write it down in any working code so the code below is my work in process, but I really suck with Haskell so I'm going nowhere at the minute.
module Recursion where
isPrime :: Int -> Bool
isPrime x = if x > 2 then ((x `mod` (x-1)) /= 0) && not (isPrime (x-1)) else False
let's do this step by step:
In math a (natural) number n is prime if it has exactly 2 divisors: 1 and itself (mind 1 is not a prime).
So let's first get all of the divisors of a number:
divisors :: Integer -> [Integer]
divisors n = [ d | d <- [1..n], n `mod` d == 0 ]
then get the count of them:
divisorCount :: Integer -> Int
divisorCount = length . divisors
and voila we have the most naive implementation using just the definition:
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
isPrime n = divisorCount n == 2
now of course there can be quite some impprovements:
instead check that there is no divisor > 1 and < n
you don't have to check all divisors up to n-1, it's enough to check to the squareroot of n
Ok just to give a bit more performant version and make #Jubobs happy ;) here is an alternative:
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
isPrime n
| n <= 1 = False
| otherwise = not . any divides $ [2..sqrtN]
where divides d = n `mod` d == 0
sqrtN = floor . sqrt $ fromIntegral n
This one will check that there is no divisor between 2 and the squareroot of the number
complete code:
using quickcheck to make sure the two definitions are ok:
module Prime where
import Test.QuickCheck
divisors :: Integer -> [Integer]
divisors n = [ d | d <- [1..n], n `mod` d == 0 ]
divisorCount :: Integer -> Int
divisorCount = length . divisors
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
isPrime n
| n <= 1 = False
| otherwise = not . any divides $ [2..sqrtN]
where divides d = n `mod` d == 0
sqrtN = floor . sqrt $ fromIntegral n
isPrime' :: Integer -> Bool
isPrime' n = divisorCount n == 2
main :: IO()
main = quickCheck (\n -> isPrime' n == isPrime n)
I just saw (had something in the back of my mind), that the way I did sqrtN is not the best way to do it - sorry for that. I think for the examples with small numbers here it will be no problem, but maybe you really want to use something like this (right from the link):
(^!) :: Num a => a -> Int -> a
(^!) x n = x^n
squareRoot :: Integer -> Integer
squareRoot 0 = 0
squareRoot 1 = 1
squareRoot n =
let twopows = iterate (^!2) 2
(lowerRoot, lowerN) =
last $ takeWhile ((n>=) . snd) $ zip (1:twopows) twopows
newtonStep x = div (x + div n x) 2
iters = iterate newtonStep (squareRoot (div n lowerN) * lowerRoot)
isRoot r = r^!2 <= n && n < (r+1)^!2
in head $ dropWhile (not . isRoot) iters
but this seems a bit heavy for the question on hand so I just remark it here.
Here are two facts about prime numbers.
The first prime number is 2.
An integer larger than 2 is prime iff it's not divisible by any prime number up to its square root.
This knowledge should naturally lead you to something like the following approach:
-- primes : the infinite list of prime numbers
primes :: [Integer]
primes = 2 : filter isPrime [3,5..]
-- isPrime n : is positive integer 'n' a prime number?
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
isPrime n
| n < 2 = False
| otherwise = all (\p -> n `mod` p /= 0) (primesPrefix n)
where primesPrefix n = takeWhile (\p -> p * p <= n) primes
As a bonus, here is a function to test whether all items of a list of integers be prime numbers.
-- arePrimes ns : are all integers in list 'ns' prime numbers?
arePrimes :: [Integer] -> Bool
arePrimes = all isPrime
Some examples in ghci:
ghci> isPrime 3
ghci> isPrime 99
ghci> arePrimes [2,3,7]
ghci> arePrimes [2,3,4,7]
You can get a recursive formulation from the "2 divisors" variant by step-wise refinement:
isPrime n
= 2 == length [ d | d <- [1..n], rem n d == 0 ]
= n > 1 && null [ d | d <- [2..n-1], rem n d == 0 ]
= n > 1 && and [ rem n d > 0 | d <- takeWhile ((<= n).(^2)) [2..] ]
= n > 1 && g 2
g d = d^2 > n || (rem n d > 0 && g (d+1))
= n == 2 || (n > 2 && rem n 2 > 0 && g 3)
g d = d^2 > n || (rem n d > 0 && g (d+2))
And that's your recursive function. Convince yourself of each step's validity.
Of course after we've checked the division by 2, there's no need to try dividing by 4,6,8, etc.; that's the reason for the last transformation, to check by odds only. But really we need to check the divisibility by primes only.
I want to reverse an Integer in Haskell with recursion. I have a small issue.
Here is the code :
reverseInt :: Integer -> Integer
reverseInt n
| n>0 = (mod n 10)*10 + reverseInt(div n 10)
| otherwise = 0
Example 345
I use as input 345 and I want to output 543
In my program it will do....
reverseInt 345
mod 345 10 -> 5
reverseInt 34
mod 34 10 -> 4
reverseInt 3
mod 3 10 -> 3
reverseInt 0
0=0 (ends)
And at the end it returns the sum of them... 5+4+3 = 12.
So I want each time before it sums them, to multiple the sum * 10. So it will go...
5*10 + 4
54*10 + 3
Here's a relatively simple one:
reverseInt :: Int -> Int
reverseInt 0 = 0
reverseInt n = firstDigit + 10 * (reverseInt $ n - firstDigit * 10^place)
n' = fromIntegral n
place = (floor . logBase 10) n'
firstDigit = n `div` 10^place
You take the logBase 10 of your input integer, to give you in what place it is (10s, 100s, 1000s...)
Because the previous calculation gives you a floating point number, of which we do not need the decimals, we use the floor function to truncate everything after the decimal.
We determine the first digit of the number by doing n 'div' 10^place. For example, if we had 543, we'd find place to be 2, so firstDigit = 543/100 = 5 (integer division)
We use this value, and add it to 10 * the reverse of the 'rest' of the integer, in this case, 43.
Edit: Perhaps an even more concise and understandable version might be:
reverseInt :: Int -> Int
reverseInt 0 = 0
reverseInt n = mod n 10 * 10^place + reverseInt (div n 10)
n' = fromIntegral n
place = (floor . logBase 10) n'
This time, instead of recursing through the first digit, we're recursing through the last one and using place to give it the right number of zeroes.
reverseInt :: Integer -> Integer
reverseInt n = snd $ rev n
rev x
| x>0 = let (a,b) = rev(div x 10)
in ((a*10), (mod x 10)*a + b)
| otherwise = (1,0)
Explanation left to reader :)
I don't know convenient way to found how many times you should multiply (mod n 10) on 10 in your 3rd line. I like solution with unfoldr more:
import Data.List
listify = unfoldr (\ x -> case x of
_ | x <= 0 -> Nothing
_ -> Just(mod x 10, div x 10) )
reverse_n n = foldl (\ acc x -> acc*10+x) 0 (listify n)
In listify function we generate list of numbers from integer in reverse order and after that we build result simple folding a list.
Or just convert it to a string, reverse it and convert it back to an integer:
reverseInt :: Integer -> Integer
reverseInt = read . reverse . show
More (not necessarily recursion based) answers for great good!
reverseInt 0 = 0
reverseInt x = foldl (\x y -> 10*x + y) 0 $ numToList x
numToList x = if x == 0 then [] else (x `rem` 10) : numToList (x `div` 10)
This is basically the concatenation of two functions : numToList (convert a given integer to a list 123 -> [1,2,3]) and listToNum (do the opposite).
The numToList function works by repeatedly getting the lowest unit of the number (using rem, Haskell's remainder function), and then chops it off (using div, Haskell's integer division function). Once the number is 0, the empty list is returned and the result concatenates into the final list. Keep in mind that this list is in reverse order!
The listToNum function (not seen) is quite a sexy piece of code:
foldl (\x y -> 10*x + y) 0 xs
This starts from the left and moves to the right, multiplying the current value at each step by 10 and then adding the next number to it.
I know the answer has already been given, but it's always nice to see alternative solutions :)
The first function is recursive to convert the integer to a list. It was originally reversing but the re-conversion function reversed easier so I took it out of the first. The functions can be run separately. The first outputs a tuple pair. The second takes a tuple pair. The second is not recursive nor did it need to be.
di 0 ls = (ls,sum ls); di n ls = di nn $ d:ls where (nn,d) = divMod n 10
di 3456789 []
rec (ls,n) = (sum [y*(10^x)|(x,y) <- zip [0..] ls ],n)
Run both as
rec $ di 3456789 []
Consider the modified Euler problem #4 -- "Find the maximum palindromic number which is a product of two numbers between 100 and 9999."
rev :: Int -> Int
rev x = rev' x 0
rev' :: Int -> Int -> Int
rev' n r
| n == 0 = r
| otherwise = rev' (n `div` 10) (r * 10 + n `mod` 10)
pali :: Int -> Bool
pali x = x == rev x
main :: IO ()
main = print . maximum $ [ x*y | x <- nums, y <- nums, pali (x*y)]
nums = [9999,9998..100]
This Haskell solution using -O2 and ghc 7.4.1 takes about 18
The similar C solution takes 0.1 second.
So Haskell is 180 times
slower. What's wrong with my solution? I assume that this type of
problems Haskell solves pretty well.
Appendix - analogue C solution:
#define A 100
#define B 9999
int ispali(int n)
int n0=n, k=0;
while (n>0) {
k = 10*k + n%10;
n /= 10;
return n0 == k;
int main(void)
int max = 0;
for (int i=B; i>=A; i--)
for (int j=B; j>=A; j--) {
if (i*j > max && ispali(i*j))
max = i*j; }
printf("%d\n", max);
The similar C solution
That is a common misconception.
Lists are not loops!
And using lists to emulate loops has performance implications unless the compiler is able to eliminate the list from the code.
If you want to compare apples to apples, write the Haskell structure more or less equivalent to a loop, a tail recursive worker (with strict accumulator, though often the compiler is smart enough to figure out the strictness by itself).
Now let's take a more detailed look. For comparison, the C, compiled with gcc -O3, takes ~0.08 seconds here, the original Haskell, compiled with ghc -O2 takes ~20.3 seconds, with ghc -O2 -fllvm ~19.9 seconds. Pretty terrible.
One mistake in the original code is to use div and mod. The C code uses the equivalent of quot and rem, which map to the machine division instructions and are faster than div and mod. For positive arguments, the semantics are the same, so whenever you know that the arguments are always non-negative, never use div and mod.
Changing that, the running time becomes ~15.4 seconds when compiling with the native code generator, and ~2.9 seconds when compiling with the LLVM backend.
The difference is due to the fact that even the machine division operations are quite slow, and LLVM replaces the division/remainder with a multiply-and-shift operation. Doing the same by hand for the native backend (actually, a slightly better replacement taking advantage of the fact that I know the arguments will always be non-negative) brings its time down to ~2.2 seconds.
We're getting closer, but are still a far cry from the C.
That is due to the lists. The code still builds a list of palindromes (and traverses a list of Ints for the two factors).
Since lists cannot contain unboxed elements, that means there is a lot of boxing and unboxing going on in the code, that takes time.
So let us eliminate the lists, and take a look at the result of translating the C to Haskell:
module Main (main) where
a :: Int
a = 100
b :: Int
b = 9999
ispali :: Int -> Bool
ispali n = go n 0
go 0 acc = acc == n
go m acc = go (m `quot` 10) (acc * 10 + (m `rem` 10))
maxpal :: Int
maxpal = go 0 b
go mx i
| i < a = mx
| otherwise = go (inner mx b) (i-1)
inner m j
| j < a = m
| p > m && ispali p = inner p (j-1)
| otherwise = inner m (j-1)
p = i*j
main :: IO ()
main = print maxpal
The nested loop is translated to two nested worker functions, we use an accumulator to store the largest palindrome found so far. Compiled with ghc -O2, that runs in ~0.18 seconds, with ghc -O2 -fllvm it runs in ~0.14 seconds (yes, LLVM is better at optimising loops than the native code generator).
Still not quite there, but a factor of about 2 isn't too bad.
Maybe some find the following where the loop is abstracted out more readable, the generated core is for all intents and purposes identical (modulo a switch of argument order), and the performance of course the same:
module Main (main) where
a :: Int
a = 100
b :: Int
b = 9999
ispali :: Int -> Bool
ispali n = go n 0
go 0 acc = acc == n
go m acc = go (m `quot` 10) (acc * 10 + (m `rem` 10))
downto :: Int -> Int -> a -> (a -> Int -> a) -> a
downto high low acc fun = go high acc
go i acc
| i < low = acc
| otherwise = go (i-1) (fun acc i)
maxpal :: Int
maxpal = downto b a 0 $ \m i ->
downto b a m $ \mx j ->
let p = i*j
in if mx < p && ispali p then p else mx
main :: IO ()
main = print maxpal
#axblount is at least partly right; the following modification makes the program run almost three times as fast as the original:
maxPalindrome = foldl f 0
where f a x | x > a && pali x = x
| otherwise = a
main :: IO ()
main = print . maxPalindrome $ [x * y | x <- nums, y <- nums]
where nums = [9999,9998..100]
That still leaves a factor 60 slowdown, though.
This is more true to what the C code is doing:
maxpali :: [Int] -> Int
maxpali xs = go xs 0
go [] m = m
go (x:xs) m = if x > m && pali(x) then go xs x else go xs m
main :: IO()
main = print . maxpali $ [ x*y | x <- nums, y <- nums ]
where nums = [9999,9998..100]
On my box this takes 2 seconds vs .5 for the C version.
Haskell may be storing that entire list [ x*y | x <- nums, y <- nums, pali (x*y)] where as the C solution calculates the maximum on the fly. I'm not sure about this.
Also the C solution will only calculate ispali if the product beats the previous maximum. I would bet Haskell calculates are palindrome products regardless of whether x*y is a possible max.
It seems to me that you are having a branch prediction problem. In the C code, you have two nested loops and as soon as a palindrome is seen in the inner loop, the rest of the inner loop will be skipped very fast.
The way you feed this list of products instead of the nested loops I am not sure that ghc is doing any of this prediction.
Another way to write this is to use two folds, instead of one fold over the flattened list:
-- foldl g0 0 [x*y | x<-[b-1,b-2..a], y<-[b-1,b-2..a], pali(x*y)] (A)
-- foldl g1 0 [x*y | x<-[b-1,b-2..a], y<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (B)
-- foldl g2 0 [ [x*y | y<-[b-1,b-2..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (C)
maxpal b a = foldl f1 0 [b-1,b-2..a] -- (D)
f1 m x = foldl f2 m [b-1,b-2..a]
f2 m y | p>m && pali p = p
| otherwise = m
where p = x*y
main = print $ maxpal 10000 100
Seems to run much faster than (B) (as in larsmans's answer), too (only 3x - 4x slower then the following loops-based code). Fusing foldl and enumFromThenTo definitions gets us the "functional loops" code (as in DanielFischer's answer),
maxpal_loops b a = f (b-1) 0 -- (E)
f x m | x < a = m
| otherwise = g (b-1) m
g y m | y < a = f (x-1) m
| p>m && pali p = g (y-1) p
| otherwise = g (y-1) m
where p = x*y
The (C) variant is very suggestive of further algorithmic improvements (that's outside the scope of the original Q of course) that exploit the hidden order in the lists, destroyed by the flattening:
{- foldl g2 0 [ [x*y | y<-[b-1,b-2..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (C)
foldl g2 0 [ [x*y | y<-[x, x-1..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (C1)
foldl g0 0 [ safehead 0 . filter pali $
[x*y | y<-[x, x-1..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (C2)
fst $ until ... (\(m,s)-> (max m .
safehead 0 . filter pali . takeWhile (> m) $
head s, tail s))
(0,[ [x*y | y<-[x, x-1..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]]) (C3)
safehead 0 $ filter pali $ mergeAllDescending
[ [x*y | y<-[x, x-1..a]] | x<-[b-1,b-2..a]] (C4)
(C3) can stop as soon as the head x*y in a sub-list is smaller than the currently found maximum. It is what short-cutting functional loops code could achieve, but not (C4), which is guaranteed to find the maximal palindromic number first. Plus, for list-based code its algorithmic nature is more visually apparent, IMO.
I'm working through Project Euler, and a lot of problems involve similar functions, for example calculating lists of primes. I know calculations with Integer are slower than Int so I'd like to write the functions to work with both, depending on the size of the numbers I'm working with.
module Primes
import Data.List
isPrime :: Int -> Bool
isPrime n
| n == 0 = False
| n == 1 = False
| n < 0 = isPrime (-n)
| n < 4 = True
| n `mod` 2 == 0 = False
| n `mod` 3 == 0 = False
| any ( (==0) . mod n ) [5..h] = False
| otherwise = True
h = ( ceiling . sqrt . fromIntegral ) n
allPrimes :: [Int]
allPrimes = [ x | x<- [2..], isPrime x ]
prime :: Int -> Int
prime n = allPrimes !! (n-1)
I know this code isn't generally as optimal as it could be. I'm just interested in how to make the integer types more generic.
Try Integral it should allow support for both Int and Integer
A more general solution to this kind of problem, you could try getting your code to compile without the explicit type declarations. Haskell will assume the most general type possible and you can find out what it was by, for example, loading your file on GHCi and doing a :t myFunctionName