How to ensure data consistency in Cassandra on different tables? - cassandra

I'm new in Cassandra and I've read that Cassandra encourages denormalization and duplication of data. This leaves me a little confused.
Let us imagine the following scenario:
I have a keyspace with four tables: A,B,C and D.
tableID int,
column1 int,
column2 varchar,
column3 varchar,
column4 varchar,
column5 varchar,
PRIMARY KEY (column1, tableID)
Let us imagine that the other tables (B,C,D) have the same structure and the same data that table A, only with a different primary key, in order to respond to other queries.
If I upgrade a row in table A how I can ensure consistency of data in other tables that have the same data?

Cassandra provides BATCH for this purpose. From the documentation:
A BATCH statement combines multiple data modification language (DML) statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) into a single logical operation, and sets a client-supplied timestamp for all columns written by the statements in the batch. Batching multiple statements can save network exchanges between the client/server and server coordinator/replicas. However, because of the distributed nature of Cassandra, spread requests across nearby nodes as much as possible to optimize performance. Using batches to optimize performance is usually not successful, as described in Using and misusing batches section. For information about the fastest way to load data, see "Cassandra: Batch loading without the Batch keyword."
Batches are atomic by default. In the context of a Cassandra batch operation, atomic means that if any of the batch succeeds, all of it will. To achieve atomicity, Cassandra first writes the serialized batch to the batchlog system table that consumes the serialized batch as blob data. When the rows in the batch have been successfully written and persisted (or hinted) the batchlog data is removed. There is a performance penalty for atomicity. If you do not want to incur this penalty, prevent Cassandra from writing to the batchlog system by using the UNLOGGED option: BEGIN UNLOGGED BATCH
UNLOGGED BATCH is almost always undesirable and I believe is removed in future versions. Normal batches provide the functionality you desire.

You can also explore a new feature from Cassandra 3.0 called materialized views:
Basic rules of data modeling in Cassandra involve manually denormalizing data into separate tables based on the queries that will be run against that table. Currently, the only way to query a column without specifying the partition key is to use secondary indexes, but they are not a substitute for the denormalization of data into new tables as they are not fit for high cardinality data. High cardinality secondary index queries often require responses from all of the nodes in the ring, which adds latency to each request. Instead, client-side denormalization and multiple independent tables are used, which means that the same code is rewritten for many different users.
In 3.0, Cassandra will introduce a new feature called Materialized Views. Materialized views handle automated server-side denormalization, removing the need for client side handling of this denormalization and ensuring eventual consistency between the base and view data. This denormalization allows for very fast lookups of data in each view using the normal Cassandra read path.
The idea is exactly the same as suggested by Jeff Jirsa, but it won't require you to handle all the multi-table consistency logic inside your application, Cassandra will do it for you automatically.


Is it hacky to do RF=ALL + CL=TWO for a small frequently used Cassandra table?

I plan to enhance the search for our retail service, which is managed by DataStax. We have data of about 500KB in raw from our wheels and tires and could be compressed and encrypted to about 20KB. This table is frequently used and changes about every day. We send the data to the frontend, which will be processed with Next.js later. Now we want to store this data in a single row table in a separate keyspace with a consistency level of TWO and RF equal to all nodes, replicating the table to all of the nodes.
Now the question: Is this solution hacky or abnormal? Is any solution rather this that fits best in this situation?
The quick answer to your question is yes, it is a hacky solution to do RF=ALL.
The table is very small so there is no benefit to replicating it to all nodes in the cluster. In practice, the tables are so small that the data will be cached anyway.
Since you are running with DataStax Enterprise (DSE), you might as well take advantage of the DSE In-Memory feature which allows you to keep data in RAM to save from disk seeks. Since your table can easily fit in RAM, it is a perfect use case for DSE In-Memory.
To configure the table to run In-Memory, set the table's compaction strategy to MemoryOnlyStrategy:
CREATE TABLE inmemorytable (
) WITH compaction= {'class': 'MemoryOnlyStrategy'}
AND caching = {'keys':'NONE', 'rows_per_partition':'NONE'};
To alter the configuration of an existing table:
ALTER TABLE inmemorytable
WITH compaction= {'class': 'MemoryOnlyStrategy'}
AND caching = {'keys':'NONE', 'rows_per_partition':'NONE'};
Note that tables configured with DSE In-Memory are still persisted to disk so you won't lose any data in the event of a power outage or service disruption. In-Memory tables operate the same as regular tables so the same backup and restore processes still apply with the only difference being that a copy of the data is kept in memory for faster read performance.
For details, see DataStax Enterprise In-Memory. Cheers!

What is the performance difference between stream.filter instead of CQL ALLOW FILTERING?

The data in my Cassandra DB table doesn't have much data right now.
However, since it is a table where data is continuously accumulated, I am interested in performance issues.
First of all, please don't think about the part where you need to redesign the table.
Think of it as a general RDBS date-based lookup. (startDate ~ endDate)
From Cassandra DB
Apply allow filtering and force the query.
This will get you exactly the data you want.
Query "all data" in Cassandra DB, This query only needs to be done once. (no where)
After that, only the data within the desired date is extracted through the stream().filter() function.
Which method would you choose?
In general, which one has more performance issues?
Summary: You need to do about 6 methods.
Execute allow filtering query 6 times / Not perform stream filter
Execute findAll query once / Execute stream filter 6 times
The challenge with both options is that neither will scale. It may work with very small data sets, say less than 1000 partitions, but you will quickly find that neither will work once your tables grow.
Cassandra is designed for real-time OLTP workloads where you are retrieving a single partition for real-time applications.
For analytics workloads, you should instead use Spark with the spark-cassandra-connector because it optimises analytics queries. Cheers!

Spark: Continuously reading data from Cassandra

I have gone through Reading from Cassandra using Spark Streaming and through tutorial-1 and tutorial-2 links.
Is it fair to say that Cassandra-Spark integration currently does not provide anything out of the box to continuously get the updates from Cassandra and stream them to other systems like HDFS?
By continuously, I mean getting only those rows in a table which have changed (inserted or updated) since the last fetch by Spark. If there are too many such rows, there should be an option to limit the number of rows and the subsequent spark fetch should begin from where it left off. At-least once guarantee is ok but exactly-once would be a huge welcome.
If its not supported, one way to support it could be to have an auxiliary column updated_time in each cassandra-table that needs to be queried by storm and then use that column for queries. Or an auxiliary table per table that contains ID, timestamp of the rows being changed. Has anyone tried this before?
I don't think Apache Cassandra has this functionality out of the box. Internally [for some period of time] it stores all operations on data in sequential manner, but it's per node and it gets compacted eventually (to save space). Frankly, Cassandra's (as most other DB's) promise is to provide latest view of data (which by itself can be quite tricky in distributed environment), but not full history of how data was changing.
So if you still want to have such info in Cassandra (and process it in Spark), you'll have to do some additional work yourself: design dedicated table(s) (or add synthetic columns), take care of partitioning, save offset to keep track of progress, etc.
Cassandra is ok for time series data, but in your case I would consider just using streaming solution (like Kafka) instead of inventing it.
I agree with what Ralkie stated but wanted to propose one more solution if you're tied to C* with this use case. This solution assumes you have full control over the schema and ingest as well. This is not a streaming solution though it could awkwardly be shoehorned into one.
Have you considered using composite key composed of the timebucket along with a murmur_hash_of_one_or_more_clustering_columns % some_int_designed_limit_row_width? In this way, you could set your timebuckets to 1 minute, 5 minutes, 1 hour, etc depending on how "real-time" you need to analyze/archive your data. The murmur hash based off of one or more of the clustering columns is needed to help located data in the C* cluster (and is a terrible solution if you're often looking up specific clustering columns).
For example, take an IoT use case where sensors report in every minute and have some sensor reading that can be represented as an integer.
create table if not exists iottable {
timebucket bigint,
sensorbucket int,
sensorid varchar,
sensorvalue int,
primary key ((timebucket, sensorbucket), sensorid)
} with caching = 'none'
and compaction = { 'class': 'com.jeffjirsa.cassandra.db.compaction.TimeWindowedCompaction' };
Note the use of TimeWindowedCompaction. I'm not sure what version of C* you're using; but with the 2.x series, I'd stay away from DateTieredCompaction. I cannot speak to how well it performs in 3.x. Any any rate, you should test and benchmark extensively before settling on your schema and compaction strategy.
Also note that this schema could result in hotspotting as it is vulnerable to sensors that report more often than others. Again, not knowing the use case it's hard to provide a perfect solution -- it's just an example. If you don't care about ever reading C* for a specific sensor (or column), you don't have to use a clustering column at all and you can simply use a timeUUID or something random for the murmur hash bucketing.
Regardless of how you decide to partition the data, a schema like this would then allow you to use repartitionByCassandraReplica and joinWithCassandraTable to extract the data written during a given timebucket.

Big data solution for frequent queries

I need a big data storage solution for batch inserts of denormalized data which happen infrequently and queries on the inserted data which happen frequently.
I've gone through Cassandra and feel that its not that good for batch inserts, but an OK solution for querying. Also, it would be good if there was a mechanism to segregate data separately based on a data attribute.
As you mentioned Cassandra I will talk about it:
Can you insert in an unbatched way or is this impossed by the system? If you can insert unbatched, Cassandra will probably be able to handle it easily.
Batched inserts should also be handable by Cassandra nodes, but this won't distribute the load properly among all the nodes (NOTE: I'm talking about load balancing, not about data balance, which will be only depending on your partition key setup). If you are not very familiar with Cassandra you could tell us your data structure and your query types and we could suggest you how to use Cassandra's data model to fit it.
For the filtering part of the question, Cassandra has clustering keys and secondary indexes, that are basically like adding another column configuration to the clustering key so that you have both for querying.

Real time complex queries on Cassandra

We're looking for a tool (preferably open source) which helps us to perform complex queries (advanced filtering and joins, no need full SQL) in real time.
Assume that all the data needed fits in memory, and we want to avoid, if possible, the overhead of map reduce tools.
To be more specific, we need to load n partitions of a single table, and join them by clustering column.
Variables Table:
Variable ID: Partition key
Person ID: Clustering key
Variable Value
Desired output columns:
Person ID, Variable 1 Value, Variable 2 Vale, ..., Variable N Value
We can achieve it by an in-memory load-filter-join process, but we were wondering if there's any tool out there with this use case covered out of the box and with a fair performance.
We've tested Spark, but the partitioning of Spark C* connector is based on the primary key, so each Variable ID would be loaded in a different Spark node, and the join process would be really slow (all the data would travel all over the Spark cluster).
Any tips? known tools?
I believe that you have a number of options to perform this task:
Rethink your database schema, denormalize it. var_id:person_id:value rows are not the best table schema if you want to query by person_id (and it smells really bad as an entity-attribute-value db antipattern):
EAV gives a flexibility to the developer to define the schema as needed and this is good in some circumstances. On the other hand it performs very poorly in the case of an ill-defined query and can support other bad practices. In other words, EAV gives you enough rope to hang yourself and in this industry, things should be designed to the lowest level of complexity because the guy replacing you on the project will likely be an idiot.
You can use schema with multiple columns (cassandra can handle a lot of them):
create table person_data (
person_id int primary key,
var1 text,
var2 text,
var3 text,
var4 text,
If you don't have a predefined set of variables, you can use cql3 collections like map for storing the data in a more flexible way.
Create a secondary index on person_id (even it's a clustering key already). You can query for all data for a specific user without using joins, but with some issues:
As your query will hit multiple partitions, it will require not a single disk seek, but a series of them, so your query latency may be higher than you're expecting.
secondary indexes are not free: C* must perform more work under the hood if you insert a row to a table with indexed columns.
Use external index like ElasticSearch/Solr if you plan to have a lot of complex queries which do not fit well into cql3.
