Share a web project between subdomains on Azure Websites - .htaccess

I would like to create the following scenario in my web project, but as I am not pro web developer I don't know how to handle this.
Let's assume that I have project with main domain: and on this I have a links to the following subdomains:
I would like to that every site hosted on subdomains used the same code with only one different parameter sent to the subdomain from main page. This parameter will be a JavaScript variable. I am using Azure Web Sites from my project. The main question here is how to manage the code (now I am using Continuos Integration with GitHub) through these subdomains (the source code for every subdomain would be the same, except this one variable). Where should I start to search / read?

Are you passing any value for the parameter? Or is it just a static parameter? If it's static, you could possibly use JavaScript code to read the subdomain name in the URL.
Not sure what language you're using on the server, but you should also able to read the subdomain via server-side code.
But if its value is dynamic, the main page with the links can generate a QueryString parameter to pass along in the URL. Your implantation will vary depending on what language you've selected.
UPDATED, with additional info:
When you say "share the project source code between subdomains", do you mean that you want to deploy the same web app to multiple endpoints?
If so, you can create a separate Web App in Azure (formerly known as Azure Web Site) for each corresponding subdomain, and set up your source control to deploy to both of them whenever you check in your code.
Since you have no server-side code, I'm using you have only HTML/JavaScript/CSS files. So, you can write JavaScript code to read the parameter from the URL.
As I mentioned earler, you would set up the links on the main index page to pass in QueryString parameters:
Link 1:
Link 2:
Hope that helps!

First, make sure you point your domain to your azure website using wildcard (references)
Second, in your html head, find the subdomain using javascript and assign in to the variable you want to use
var full_url =; // e.g.
var parts = full.split('.'); // split it
var subdomain = parts[0];
now you can use the subdomain variable to change your website based on subdomain value (e.g. change the content)


Use existing ExpressJS app as Firebase app

I have existing app that runs on Heroku. It's a simple web app with no background jobs or database.
Basically it has three endpoints. One of them serves the HTML, the other is POST endpoint for communicating with backend and third is GET endpoint that renders error HTML content as well.
Now the frontend is not single page application and the goal is not to be one. It's just HTML page with a form and some links. The front end can be used without Javascript.
My questions are:
Can I re-use existing ExpressJS code? I was thinking about importing route callbacks and use them inside the "functions".
I know there is Firebase hosting that can serve static content. However, as I mentioned the server can respond with HTML content so I'd need traditional routing (such as /error url for rendering HTML error). In my ExpressJS app I use .ejs templating so I'd like to load the template and render it.
Can Firebase be set up so the "backend" (functions) can be placed on my own domain? I'd like to call relative URLs from my index file (like that POST endpoint) instead of using Google Firebase URL.
I'm really just trying to find out if my use case can fit the Firebase infrastructure. I think it's a good candidate since I need the web app to respond infrequently and it's not really demanding, not many people would use it. This is also my hobby project so I'm trying to minimize costs.
To answer your questions:
Yes you can, but keep in mind some things are limited. In my case, I had tried to use multer library for multipart forms but didn't work and had to resort to using busboy instead. To use an Express app for a function endpoint, you simply just pass your app as the onRequest function parameter like so: functions.https.onRequest(app).
The hosting is for static files only. You can't use that with .ejs. Unless, you're thinking to use that as a proxy to your Express app..
Yes, you can set custom domains so you can use your domain(s) instead of default ones. Reference:
From your project's Hosting page, enter the wizard for connecting a custom domain:
If you have only one Hosting site, click Connect domain.
If you have more than one Hosting site, click View for the desired site, then click Connect domain.
Enter the custom domain name that you'd like to connect to your Hosting site.
(Optional) Check the box to redirect all requests on the custom domain
to a second specified domain (such that and redirect to the same content).
Click Continue to initiate the validation process.

Creating custom domain names for api

I have a web server using cpanel and I would like to use a custom domain on one folder for an api. So if I created a folder called api in the public_html folder then the path to that folder would be php file). How could I change it so the folder would become a custom domain of php file).
I have looked at a few options but don't really know the best way. I have tried to add a htaccsess file to the api folder and then create a rewrite rule to rewrite the www to api.
I also then looked at creating sub domains with the path to the api folder.
I have read that creating a A record on the server could work but I'm not quite sure how to do this. I know it can be done as most apis use some custom domain like facebooks graph api. (i.e
This will depend on if you have access to make DNS records for your root domain, For example right now www. is a CNAME or A record (depends on how your web server is set up), that resolves to the address of your web server. If you made an identical record but named it api. (api. IN A ip-of-webserver), then would do the same thing that does. This is kind of pointless if they go to the same web server though, the /api/ part of the route makes it clear enough that the routes are for the api. What subdomains like facebook's are doing are pointing to a completely different application, and different web servers. For example, a company may have domains like,,, that all resolve to the address of different web servers for the different apps they have, but in this case it sounds like you are running one web server which is fine, you can have one web server be the api as well as serve the website.

How do I redirect traffic from a domain on other servers to content on mine?

Here's the basic situation:
I have an application on AWS which needs to serve assets to and create 'share' links for content hosted on my AWS servers. I need to figure out a way to still use the URL/domain from another clients infrastructure, so it will essentially whitelabel our application as coming from their services. I was thinking of using Route53 and a CNAME, but things like the dynamic 'share' urls will create a huge problem for redirects. Does anybody have any ideas on how this could be accomplished?
I think that you will have to set up your server at the "whitelabeling" location to have a web server that can call the other URLs and return their content. Ie, you create a server that responds at, which then calls and passes the result back to whoever called You could make this flexible by allowing whatever the end destination URL needs to be to be passed in as a parameter (so, if you call, it will call, though this has some security ramifications, and also requires a lot of knowledge by the consumer of exactly where things will reside.

Multiple domains and web app in Business Catalyst

I have set up a secondary domain on my BC hosting successfully and have already set it up to point to a homepage and the url stays the way I wish, for example www.[secondary domain].com
I now want to setup a web app to use my secondary domain rather than my default, does anyone know how I would achieve this?
Fore example at present it looks like this www.[default domain].com/[webapp name]/ I would really want it to read www.[secondary domain].com/[webapp name]
I am going to have to use redirects when promoting the page and just accept that the proper url is going to be www.[default domain].com/[webapp name]/
BC serves all content the same, no matter which domain it is accessed from.
Proper server-side 301 redirects are unavailable, since BC gives us no method to discriminate by domain. You can perform a client-side 'redirect' though, after comparing the hostname in Javascript (with something like
There is also Liquid Markup, which you can use to detect the domain and vary the served content accordingly.
You'll need to ensure all links to the app are fully qualified, including the preferred domain.
I'd also add canonical links (<link rel="canonical" href="...">) to each page of the app. This will indicate the preferred domain to search engines.
Note the inverse is also a problem; content on your primary domain will also be accessible through the secondary domain, causing rank dilution / duplicate content issues.

SharePoint - provisioning url properties through CAML?

Is there a solution to the following that I am missing in SharePoint/CAML. Note that I'll give a specific example of using a URL on a Redirect Page (publishing feature content type), but the issue is broader in scope than provisioning a Redirect Page. It is really a question anywhere a "URL" field/property can be set (web parts, pages, etc).
Like most SharePoint developers, I have a set of environments: "DEV", "QA", "STAGING", and "PROD". I have a few "locale" specific sites in each environment:
Sites in each environment, other than PROD, have an environment prefix associated with them, for example:
Probably a pretty common setup...
I have a need to redirect users to a page that only exists on the "www" site from each of the locale specific sites. I need the redirect to redirect users to appropriate "www" site for the environment they are currently in. For example, if I am in dev in the uk locale, and I visit the redirect page, I should be redirected to the www dev site.
I was hoping to use a "Redirect Page" from SharePoint to accomplish this. I was going to setup a feature (with module elements) to provision an instance of the "Redirect Page" content type. This allows me to specify a url to redirect users to. If I am provisioning the page through CAML, however, I need a way to ensure the redirect is appropriate for the environment being specified. I cannot trust myself, or other devs, to remember to change the URL each time we build and deploy the wsp to each environment.
Is there anyway in SharePoint/CAML to do some sort of token replacement based on some switch when specifying field/property values?
I'm not sure I understand you requirements entirely, but for the variance of environments (Dev, QA, Staging, Prod), I would use Chris O'Brien's 'Config Store' feature:
This will create a simple list where you can store infomation specific to the current environement.
This combined with Gary Lapointe's stsadm extentions:
You can use this to push out the correct values per environment to your 'Config Store' and in your code, query the 'config store list' for the environment value.
For sites that represent different countries, you can vary them on the regional settings property for that site/site collection/web. This adds another dimension to check in your code.
In your case, you may have entry in the config store called 'MyPrefixUrl' and call its value + relative path to redirect the user to the correct place.
Hope this doesn't confuse you.
