Error with swift command in terminal in ubuntu 15.04 - linux

I installed the open sourced version of Swift from for Ubuntu 15.10, but I am running Ubuntu 15.04 in my machine. Now when I executed the swift command in the terminal it raising the following error.
swift/usr/bin/repl_swift:error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
error: failed to stop process at REPL breakpoint
I ran the following command to ensure libicu52 is installed.
sudo apt-get install libicu52
Please help me to sort out this problem.
Thanks in advance.

Try this one
sudo dpkg -i libicu55_55.1-7_amd64.deb
It worked for me

For newer versions where it complains about cannot open shared object file (version 57), use the following:
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i libicu57_57.1-6ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb
In general, you can search here for the version you need.

I tried this as well
apt-get install libicu-dev
It worked for me

You don't need libicu-dev unless you are building Swift from source. The problem is that, as pointed out by gengisdave, libicu52 is installed on the machine, but libicu55 is required. A few things you might try:
See if apt-get install libicu55 is going to install the needed version.
Install the binary distribution intended for Ubuntu 14.04. That one requires libicu52, which you do have on the system. This may or may not work, and if it does at first, it may break unexpectedly later depending on what you are doing.
This is even worse, but you might try it if you are just experimenting. Use dpkg -L libicu52 to find out where is located and create a symlink to it, named, in the same directory.

Before the 8th of December this used to work
echo "deb xenial-security main" | sudo tee --
append /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libicu55


when i open unity and make something project then the error is coming that " no usable version of libssl was found "

i am new to linux ubuntu . i am using ubuntu 22.04 . recently i downloaded unity and it is showing error " no usable version of libssl was found " How to fix this PLease help me !!
i tried to find solution for this problem and i found nothing .
( i am using linux and i am new to linux )
You need to download the missing libssl library and install it
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i libssl1.0.0_1.0.2n-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb
For Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rael-gc/rvm
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install libssl1.0-dev
The reason for this error lies in incompatible versions of Open ssl on your machine and needed from Unity. Ubuntu 22.04 installs Open ssl 3.0 per default but Unity for Linux currently uses .Net5 per default and therefore can only run with Open ssl 1.0 or 1.1.
To fix this, you need to downgrade your Open ssl on your machine to either 1.0 or 1.1. I tested 1.0.2 version from the link Jeff Chen commented below rainman's answer.
I also tested the wget method from this answer over on askubuntu just with the downloaded package and it worked like a charm for me.
Unity is aware of this problem as seen here.
Edit: I had to restart my computer for the error to disappear.
You need to install libssl1.1
# download package with wget
# install package locally
sudo dpkg -i libssl1.1_1.1.0g-2ubuntu4_amd64.deb
original gist post:
You have to install the openssl 1.1
Download and Install it by the following steps:
tar -xzvf openssl-1.1.1q.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.1.1q
sudo ./config
sudo make install
openssl version -v
I'm not sure but you can set ln too:
sudo ln -sf /usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl `which openssl`
and if you get this error:
openssl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
fix it with this command: ldconfig after install
The problem doenst exist with Unity 2022.2.2.
Works great on Ubuntu 22.04 with libssl3
Unity 2021 doesnt work on same system because of libssl3

Install gitlab-ce on ubuntu server 17.04

I'm trying to install the gitlab-ce package on a system running Ubuntu server 17.04. I followed the official installation instructions here.
First I ran:
sudo apt-get install curl openssh-server ca-certificates postfix
I already had all of those installed. Then I ran:
curl -sS | sudo bash
Which also worked fine. But when I try to run
sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce
I get the following error message:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package gitlab-ce
I know it's possible to install gitlab on Ubuntu server 17.04, since I had already done It on a previous installation. Unfortunately I installed the OS again from scratch and I can't remember how I had installed gitlab.
Thanks for any help in advance!
I gave up with the "full" automated script, as it doesn't appear to be working with 17.04... Anyway. I grabbed the latest package from
curl -LJO
Installed it with the package manager
sudo dpkg -i gitlab-ce_9.3.0-ce.0_amd64.deb
Then configured it with
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
Then, point your web browser at your new gitlab install and you should be good to go...
Ubuntu 20.04.1
Incase anyone bumps back into this, while trying to gitlab on version 20.0.4 of ubuntu, life is much easier... and the instructions and automated script actually work. GitLab-CE installation instructions
on a fresh install of ubuntu: -
sudo apt install curl
curl -s ce/ | sudo bash
sudo apt install gitlab-ce
I was facing the same problem (Lubuntu 17.10), after searching the gitlab forums for 2 Hours, I found this thread.
So from what I have read: Gitlab-ce is not supported for zesty yet. Also the simple
sudo apt-get install gitlab
is a wrong prompt cause it installs a Ubuntu package created by a user named as "praveen" and It is not officially supported by Gitlab.
here is what I did To solve my problem:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gitlab_gitlab-ce.list
replace "zesty" with "xenial" (These files are root access only)
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce
This worked for me.
I have spent my whole afternoon for solving this problem, I hope this solution works for you too.
Prost !
EDIT: corrected spelling
I had the same problem getting the install to run on 17.10. According to an issue on their site ( ), the artful packages are not being built.
I did the same this as #DevX, but just changed the parameters on their setup script.
Howler#GitLab:/tmp$ curl -LO
Howler#GitLab:/tmp$ sudo os=ubuntu dist=xenial bash ./
Howler#GitLab:/tmp$ sudo apt-get install gitlab-ce

Ubuntu software center not loading

I have tried loading up the software center in order to install some packages but it doesn't seem to open. I tried entering the following command in terminal:
and get the following error:
bash: /usr/bin/software-center: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: Permission denied
Try this out, killall snap-store then relaunch the app
Try this, worked for me sudo apt install gnome-software
Turns out some default package files for python were missing:
sudo apt-get -m --reinstall install python python-minimal dh-python
sudo apt-get -f install
Using ubuntu 20.04 with default configurations means you should ignore answers prompting you to explore gnome-software adjustments. This version uses the snap-store to manage applications. This worked for me.
$ killall snap-store
$ snap-store

"configure: error: libnl and libnl-genl are required but were not found"

I'm trying to configure powertop-2.5 but when I run ./configure I get a "configure: error: libnl and libnl-genl are required but were not found" error
I've run
sudo apt-get install libtool autoconf libnl-dev ncurses-dev pciutils-dev build-essential -y
as was recommended by these guys but I get the same error.
I ran
sudo apt-get install libnl-genl-3-dev
Which replaced the previous libnl file but I still get the config error.
According to this, powertop has (or had) problems with detecting libnl but I can't figure out how to fix it.
I'm currently running Linux username 3.2.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.2.51-1 i686 GNU/Linux
I see you tried libnl-dev, maybe try libnl-3-dev instead:
sudo apt-get install libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev
Probably the problem is the lack of the pkg-config application in your system (which is used to find the proper dependencies with the configure script). I just have the same problem in a fresh installed Ubuntu 14.04 system, and after installing the pkg-config package the configure script finalized successfully its work. Then I could compile and install the last version (2.6.1) of powertop.
I "solved" my problem by installing powertop-2.0 instead.
The use of pkg-config made the trick. I was able to install Powertop 2.7.

How do I build/install protobuf 2.4.1 on CentOs (or any LINUX/UNIX system)?

Ok, so I'm kind of a complete foreigner in the UNIX/LINUX land, but I need to install profbuf 2.4.1.
I was following the instructions by doing
tar xfj protobuf-2.4.1.tar.bz2
pushd protobuf-2.4.1
sudo make install
I could only go as far as ./configure'. WHen I tried runningmake`, I got some error saying "No target specified and no makefile found... Stop"
Does anyone know what I might've done wrong?
You probably don't have a g++ compiler in your system or your environment variable doesn't contain the path of it. To install one on linux use the following:
yum install gcc-c++
I had met the same question before, and now I've known the reason. It's lack of corresponding library. If you are using redhat, use root permission to enter the two lines of commands:
# yum install glibc-headers
# yum install gcc-c++
If you are using ubuntu,you can enter this:
# sudo apt-get install build-essential
I've solved my question by that way. Wish you luck!
