How do I build/install protobuf 2.4.1 on CentOs (or any LINUX/UNIX system)? - linux

Ok, so I'm kind of a complete foreigner in the UNIX/LINUX land, but I need to install profbuf 2.4.1.
I was following the instructions by doing
tar xfj protobuf-2.4.1.tar.bz2
pushd protobuf-2.4.1
sudo make install
I could only go as far as ./configure'. WHen I tried runningmake`, I got some error saying "No target specified and no makefile found... Stop"
Does anyone know what I might've done wrong?

You probably don't have a g++ compiler in your system or your environment variable doesn't contain the path of it. To install one on linux use the following:
yum install gcc-c++

I had met the same question before, and now I've known the reason. It's lack of corresponding library. If you are using redhat, use root permission to enter the two lines of commands:
# yum install glibc-headers
# yum install gcc-c++
If you are using ubuntu,you can enter this:
# sudo apt-get install build-essential
I've solved my question by that way. Wish you luck!


Build-essential for openSUSE

I am a newbie on openSUSE. I needed to get build-essential for the system but could not get it using sudo apt-get install build-essential or even by using sudo apt-get update and then following it with the previous code. I found a way to install most packages of build essential through sudo zypper install -t pattern devel_basis. But however, I am not able to obtain libframe package !! I can't directly download it because mine is an account on the office computer and I don't have the root access.
I am also attaching the screenshot of my terminal.. The error is towards the end.
zypper info -t pattern devel_basis to see what packages have the pattern
zypper install -t pattern devel_basis to install these packages
thanks to what-is-build-essentials-for-opensuse
I'm not sure if this requires root login or just maybe sudo privileges. These can be granted by ur system administrator. You may just need to ask for them.
You need to add the repository first before trying the zypper install
The command is
zypper ar -f URL alias
ar is short form of addrepo command
-f instruction to zypper to add autorefresh flag to newly added repo
URL is URL of the repo which you type in a browser to visit repo
in this case (itc):
alias is name that is easy to remember. itc: openSUSE:Leap:42.2
zypper ar -f openSUSE:Leap:42.2
I had a similar problem with ubuntu/debian command.
sudo apt-get build-essential libssl-devel
it turns out in Suse build-essential and libssl-devel would be devel_basis and openssl-devel respectively. to install I then searched on google for just openssl-devel (as it was all that I needed at that time), and followed the link from Hope this helps

Error with swift command in terminal in ubuntu 15.04

I installed the open sourced version of Swift from for Ubuntu 15.10, but I am running Ubuntu 15.04 in my machine. Now when I executed the swift command in the terminal it raising the following error.
swift/usr/bin/repl_swift:error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
error: failed to stop process at REPL breakpoint
I ran the following command to ensure libicu52 is installed.
sudo apt-get install libicu52
Please help me to sort out this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Try this one
sudo dpkg -i libicu55_55.1-7_amd64.deb
It worked for me
For newer versions where it complains about cannot open shared object file (version 57), use the following:
sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i libicu57_57.1-6ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb
In general, you can search here for the version you need.
I tried this as well
apt-get install libicu-dev
It worked for me
You don't need libicu-dev unless you are building Swift from source. The problem is that, as pointed out by gengisdave, libicu52 is installed on the machine, but libicu55 is required. A few things you might try:
See if apt-get install libicu55 is going to install the needed version.
Install the binary distribution intended for Ubuntu 14.04. That one requires libicu52, which you do have on the system. This may or may not work, and if it does at first, it may break unexpectedly later depending on what you are doing.
This is even worse, but you might try it if you are just experimenting. Use dpkg -L libicu52 to find out where is located and create a symlink to it, named, in the same directory.
Before the 8th of December this used to work
echo "deb xenial-security main" | sudo tee --
append /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libicu55

How to install jpegrescan on Centos 6?

Id like to use jpegrescan on my Centos 6 linux install, both on its own and as part of Picopt.
Unfortunately I can't seem to get it work with either. The Picopt instructions just vaguely say it needs to be "in path" though I'm not sure where that is?
I've tried dropping in various places such as /usr/bin /usr/local/bin - but I don't get the jpegrescan command, and nor does picopt find it to use...
Can anyone advise?
After getting the jpegrescan Perl script and making it executable, you also need to install the File::Slurp Perl module like so:
yum install perl-File-Slurp
In Ubuntu, the command needed was:
apt-get -y install libfile-slurp-perl
So complete installation sequence in Ubuntu would be:
sudo apt-get -y install libfile-slurp-perl
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/jpegrescan
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/jpegrescan

error in Install previous versions of R on ubuntu

I have R on my computer (Linux).
I want to install R version 2.14.1 since the package Rmosek does not work in newer version.
I have downloaded the R-2.14.2.tar.gz from Cran.
My problem is that I do not understand the INSTALL instructions,
It says to unpack the R sources and go to the top directory and issue the following commands:
I wrote the following in a terminal:
tar -zxvf R-2.14.2.tar.gz
cd Downloads
cd R-2.14.2
It is run but finally gives the error:
configure: error: --with-x=yes (default) and X11 headers/libs are not available
and it gives the error:
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
The file explains that If my make is not called `make', set the environment variable MAKE to
its name, and use that name throughout these instructions. I really do not know how I should do it since I am new in Linux.
Is there any other instruction with more explanation? I would be very thankful in advance for your help or guidances.
This is answered in detail in the R installation and administration guide,
Unless you do not want to view graphs on-screen (or use a Mac) you
need ‘X11’ installed, including its headers and client libraries. For
recent Fedora distributions it means (at least) RPMs ‘libX11’,
‘libX11-devel’, ‘libXt’ and ‘libXt-devel’. On Debian we recommend the
meta-package ‘xorg-dev’. If you really do not want these you will need
to explicitly configure R without X11, using --with-x=no.
More specifically, for Ubuntu, this means:
sudo apt-get install xorg-dev
and then proceed with compiling and installing R.
If you have to compile R in your system and install you should have libx11-dev package installed in Ubunut.Can you check whether this package is installed or not.
Otherwise you can configure the source with this option as a work around solution only in the case if you are not going to use any GUI functionality in R.
./configure --with-x=no
You need to install these libraries:
sudo apt-get install -y libx11-dev \
xorg-dev \
Then run:
And then it should work.
Good luck!

Boost Installation

I have a question regarding the installation of the boost libraries. Is there a package that I can use the sudo apt-get install to install this package. I searched all of the questions in this forum and using the commands sudo apt-get install libboost1.40-dev I cannot install theh package with this. Also, I can download it from but I do not know the correct path to install it too. I would prefer to install it using the sudo apt-get install commands if possible. I am using Ubuntu 9.04.
If you want to run with the latest version, you can do the bjam install as mentioned by Ralf, but I suggest you build a 'pseudo' package so you can
uninstall it safely
prevent/notice conflicts with official/existing boost packages.
Here is how to do that:
mkdir -pv /tmp/boostinst
cd /tmp/boostinst/
wget -c ''
tar xf download
cd boost_1_66_0/
./ --help
./ --show-libraries
checkinstall ./b2 install
On new boost version there is other way:
sudo apt-get update
wget -c ''
tar xf download
cd boost_1_50_0
./b2 install
You can use command aptitude search libboost to see list of the availiable boost libraries. The last version of boost is 1.42 - maybe that's why you can't find version 1.40.
If aptitude search command don't give you sufficient results, try sudo aptitude update and then run aptitude search again.
On my version of Ubuntu (10.04) it's libboost1.40-all-dev
On your version you've probably got an older version of boost, you should just be able to tab-complete to see which version you can install.
In any case what I usually do under Ubuntu is
sudo apt-get install bjam
Extract the downloaded boost archive to your hard-drive and then cd into the root and
sudo bjam install
This way you can get the newest version of boost, and not the slightly outdated one that is available for your Ubuntu version.
This is a link which explain step by step on how to install it (give it some time read!)
but your inline shell command might be the simple and easy way for doing it
