Where is cloud-config.yml in coreOS? - coreos

I can't find where cloud-config.yml is in coreOS.
If anyone knows, please teach me cloud-config.yml location in coreOS.
If it does not exist, where should I make one?
Thank you.

The cloud-config is typically stored in your cloud providers metadata service, which is a network address that returns the config. For bare metal, it's normally stored on disk if the OS was installed, or held in RAM if the server was PXE-booted.
Here's a full list of locations: https://coreos.com/os/docs/latest/cloud-config-locations.html


Proxmox VE: How to create a raw disk and pass it through to a VM

I am searching for an answer on how to create and pass through a raw device to a VM using proxmox. Through that I am hoping to have full control of the disk including S.M.A.R.T. stats and disk spindown.
Currently I am using passthrough using the SATA passthrough offered by proxmox.
Unfortunately I have no clue how to create a raw disk file from my (empty) disk). Furthermore I am not entirely certain on how to bind it to the VM.
I hope someone knows the relevant steps.
Side notes:
This question is just a measure I want to try out to achieve a certain goal. For the sake of simplicity I posed my question confined to the part above. However, if you have a better idea, feel free to give me a hint. So far I have tried a lot of things to achieve my ultimate goal.
Goal that I want to achieve:
I am using Proxmox VE 5.3-8 on a HP Proliant Gen 8 server. It hosts several VMs among which OMV should serve as a NAS. Since the files will not be accessed too often, I opt for a spindown of the drives.
My goal is reduction of noise and power savings.
Current status:
I passed through two disks by adding them to
sata1: /dev/disk/by-id/{disk-id}
Through that I do see SMART stats and everything except disk spindown works fine. Using virtio instead of SATA does not give me SMART values.
using hdparm -y to put a drive to sleep does not work inside the VM. Doing the same on the proxmox console result in a sleep, but it wakes up a few seconds later.
Passing through the entire HBA is currently not an option.
I read in a forum that first installing Debian and then manually installing the proxmox packages resulted in a success. However that was still for Debian jessie and three years ago.
Install Proxmox VE on Debian Stretch
Before I try this as a last resort, I want to make sure if passing the disk through as a raw file will lead to the result.
Maybe someone has an idea on how to achieve my ultimate goal.
I do not have a clear answer to your question, as per "passing through" the disk, but i recently found a good enough solution for my use case.
I have an HDD that i planned to use as a backup dir for VMs, but i also wanted to put any kind of data on it, and share that disk with any VM that would like to.
The solution i found is to format the disk using ZFS, then creating mount points for different usage (vzdump backup, shared nas folder accross VMs + ISO mounting point etc...). I followed this guide: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/how-to-create-a-nas-using-zfs-and-proxmox-with-pictures/117375
I ended up installing samba on proxmox host itself, with a config to share some folder/mount point of the disk, via SMB. Now the device appears as a normal disk over the network, with excellent read/write speed as everything is local.
Sorry that this post does not "answer" your question (no SMART data or things low level like that :'( ) BUT shared storage ^^'

Attach SAN storage share path to Two linux machine

I have two VM running on Centos7. One is active and another one is passive server.
And created 200GB size LUN in SAN for common share path for both VMs. If I upload files on one server, then same can be seen on another one. Even it helps on failover case of single VM.
Can someone please share me how to setup this method ?.
You might want to use NFS Server so that your can freely share directories plus when one of your nfs client went down you can easily start another then share your files again.

Neo4j Azure hosting and Database location

I know that we can use the VM Depot to get started with the Neo4J in Azur but one thing that is not clear is where should we physically store the DB files. I tried to look around in the net if there are any recommendations on where the physical files would be stored so that then a VM crashes or restarts, the data is not lost.
can someone share their thoughts or point me to a address where some more details can be found on do and don'ts of Neo4j on Azure for a production environment.
When you set up a Neo4j VM via VM Depot, that image, by default, configures the database files to reside within the same VM as the server itself. The location is specified in neo4j-server.properties. This lets you simply spin up the VM and start using Neo4j immediately.
However: You'll soon discover that your storage space is limited (I believe the VM instances are set up with a 127GB disk). To work with larger databases, you'll need to attach an additional disk (or disks), each disk up to 1TB in size. These disks, as well as the main VM disk, are backed by blob storage, meaning they're durable - persistent disks.
How you ultimately configure this is up to you, depending on the size of the database and its purpose. The only storage to avoid, if you need persistence, is the scratch disk provided (which is a locally-attached drive with no durability).
The documentation announcing that VM doesn't say. But when you install neo4j as a package on to other similar linux systems (the VM in question is a linux VM) then the data usually goes into /var/lib/neo4j/data. Here's an example:
user#host:/var/lib/neo4j/data$ pwd
user#host:/var/lib/neo4j/data$ ls
graph.db keystore log neo4j-service.pid README.txt rrd
user#host:/var/lib/neo4j/data$ cat README.txt
Neo4j Data
This directory contains all live data managed by this server, including
database files, logs, and other "live" files.
The main directory you really have to have is the "graph.db" directory. That's going to contain the bulk of the data. May as well back up the entirety of this directory. Some of the files (like the .pid file and the README.txt) of course aren't needed.
Now, there's no guarantee that in the VM that it's going to be /var/lib/neo4j/data but it's going to be something very similar. And what you're going to want is going to be a directory whose name ends in .db since that's the default for new neo4j databases.
To narrow down further, once you get that VM running, just run updatedb then locate *.db | grep neo4j and that's almost certain to find it quickly.

Migrate data from one server to another

I bought a new server and I want to move all the data (directories, sub directories, users, passwords, ..etc) from my old server to it.
Is there a way to do that?
Do you have physical access to both servers? If so you can use the dd command to make a clone of the disk from the old server to the disk that is going into the new server.
In order to do this though, both hard drives have to be installed in one of the servers.
You can also use netcat and dd to clone a disk over a network.
for the directories and files, use a FTP client from your server, if it allows you to, if not, just download all the content to your computer and upload it to the new server.
For the users and passwords, i guess they are in a Database, connect to the database using SSH, telnet, or MysqlAdmin or any RMDB client system and export a dump file, then log in to the new server's SQL system and import that dump file.
Anyway you should give more details of both servers anyway so we can help you, for example, are they Shared hosting or dedicated machine? and what kind of access do you have to them, also, their operative system would help people to reply you accurately
In principle, yes.
If the hardware is similar (= just more RAM, disk space but same CPU architecture and no special graphics card drivers), you might be able to copy every file and then install the boot loader once more (the boot loader config usually changes when the hard disk size changes).
Or you can create a list of all services that you use, determine which config files each one uses and then just copy those. Ideally, you shouldn't copy them but compare the old and the new versions and merge them.
The most work intensive way is to use a tool like puppet. In a nutshell, puppet allows to create install scripts for services (along with all the configuration that you need). So if you need to install a service again (new hardware, second server), you just tell puppet to do it. On the plus side, your whole installation will be documented, too. If you ever wonder why something is the way it is, you can look into the puppet files.
Of course, this approach takes a lot of time and discipline, so it might not be worth it in your case. Apply common sense.

IIS Virtual Directory in Azure

I've been told that you can create virtual directories in IIS hosted on Azure but I'm struggling to find any info on this as its a relatively new feature. I'd like to point the virtual directory to an Azure Drive (XDrive, NTFS Drive) so that I can reference resources on the drive.
I'm migrating an on premise website onto Azure and need to minimise the amount of rework / redevelopment required. Currently the website has access to shared content folders and I'm trying to mimic a similar set up due to tight time scales.
Does anyone have any knowledge of this or pointers for me as I can't find any information on how to do this?
Any information / pointers you have would be great
I haven't had a moment to check myself, but get the latest copy of the Windows Azure Platform Training kit. I'm fairly certain that it has a hands on lab that demonstrates the new feature. However, I do not believe that lab includes creating a virtual directory on a azure drive. Even if you can point it there, you may run into some .NET security limitations. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=413e88f8-5966-4a83-b309-53b7b77edf78&displaylang=en
Another resource to look into might be the stuff Cory Fowler is doing http://blog.syntaxc4.net/ He's been spending some time of late really digging into the internals of the new 1.3 roles. So he might be able to lend you a hand.
I've been kicking this issue around for sometime now and I can upload a VHD to Azure and I can create a virtual directory in Azure that points to a physical location on my pc (when running in Dev fabic) and here is the but....
I can't find any examples on where I can do both at the same time, i.e. mount a drive and then map a virtual directory to it.
I've had a look in the 1.3 SDK and looked at various blogs but I can't see any pointers on this - I guess I may have got hold of the wrong end of the stick. If anyone knows how or if this can be done, that would be great.
