Why doesn't the instruction reorder issue occur on a single CPU core? - multithreading

From this post:
Two threads being timesliced on a single CPU core won't run into a reordering problem. A single core always knows about its own reordering and will properly resolve all its own memory accesses. Multiple cores however operate independently in this regard and thus won't really know about each other's reordering.
Why can't the instruction reorder issue occur on a single CPU core? This article doesn't explain it.
The following pictures are picked from Memory Reordering Caught in the Act:
Below is recorded:
I think the recorded instructions can also cause issue on a single CPU, because both r1 and r2 aren't 1.

A single core always knows about its own reordering and will properly resolve all its own memory accesses.
A single CPU core does reorder, but it knows it's own reordering, and can do clever tricks to pretend it's not. Thus, things go faster, without weird side effects.
Multiple cores however operate independently in this regard and thus won't really know about each other's reordering.
When a CPU reorders, the other CPUs can't compensate for this. Imagine if CPU #1 is waiting for a write to variableA, then it reads from variableB. If CPU#2 wrotes to variableB, then variableA like the code says, no problems occur. If CPU#2 reorders to write to variableA first, then CPU#1 doesn't know and tries to read from variableB before it has a value. This can cause crashes or any "random" behavior. (Intel chips have more magic that makes this not happen)
Two threads being timesliced on a single CPU core won't run into a reordering problem.
If both threads are on the same CPU, then it doesn't matter which order the writes happen in, because if they're reordered, then they're both in progress, and the CPU won't really switch until both are written, in which case they're safe to read from the other thread.
For the code to have a problem on a single core, it would have to rearrange the two instructions from process 1 and be interrupted by process 2 and execute that between the two instructions. But if interrupted between them, it knows it has to abort both of them since it knows about it's own reordering, and knows it's in a dangerous state. So it will either do them in order, or do both before switching to process 2, or do neither before switching to process 2. All of which avoid the reordering problem.

There are multiple effects at work, but they are modeled as just one effect. Makes it easier to reason about them. Yes, a modern core already re-orders instructions by itself. But it maintains logical flow between them, if two instructions have an inter-dependency between them then they stay ordered so the logic of the program does not change. Discovering these inter-dependencies and preventing an instruction from being issued too early is the job of the reorder buffer in the execution engine.
This logic is solid and can be relied upon, it would be next to impossible to write a program if that wasn't the case. But that same guarantee cannot be provided by the memory controller. It has the un-enviable job of giving multiple processors access to the same shared memory.
First is the prefetcher, it reads data from memory ahead of time to ensure the data is available by the time a read instruction executes. Ensures the core won't stall waiting for the read to complete. With the problem that, because memory was read early, it might be a stale value that was changed by another core between the time the prefetch was done and the read instruction executes. To an outside observer it looks like the instruction executed early.
And the store buffer, it takes the data of a write instruction and writes it lazily to memory. Later, after the instruction executed. Ensures the core won't stall waiting on the memory bus write cycle to complete. To an outside observer, it just looks like the instruction executed late.
Modeling the effects of the prefetcher and store buffer as instruction reordering effects is very convenient. You can write that down on a piece of paper easily and reason about the side-effects.
To the core itself, the effects of the prefetcher and store buffer are entirely benign and it is oblivious to them. As long as there isn't another core that's also changing memory content. A machine with a single core always has that guarantee.


rcu_read_lock and x86-64 memory ordering

On a preemptible SMP kernel, rcu_read_lock compiles the following:
With barrier being a compiler directive that compiles to nothing.
So, according to Intel's X86-64 memory ordering white paper:
Loads may be reordered with older stores to different locations
why is the implementation actually OK?
Consider the following situation:
What prevents read_non_atomic_stuff from "leaking" forward past rcu_read_lock, causing it to run concurrently with the reclamation code running in another thread?
For observers on other CPUs, nothing prevents this. You're right, StoreLoad reordering of the store part of ++ can make it globally visible after some of your loads.
Thus we can conclude that current->rcu_read_lock_nesting is only ever observed by code running on this core, or that has remotely triggered a memory barrier on this core by getting scheduled here, or with a dedicated mechanism for getting all cores to execute a barrier in a handler for an inter-processor interrupt (IPI). e.g. similar to the membarrier() user-space system call.
If this core starts running another task, that task is guaranteed to see this task's operations in program order. (Because it's on the same core, and a core always sees its own operations in order.) Also, context switches might involve a full memory barrier so tasks can be resumed on another core without breaking single-threaded logic. (That would make it safe for any core to look at rcu_read_lock_nesting when this task / thread is not running anywhere.)
Notice that the kernel starts one RCU task per core of your machine; e.g. ps output shows [rcuc/0], [rcuc/1], ..., [rcu/7] on my 4c8t quad core. Presumably they're an important part of this design that lets readers be wait-free with no barriers.
I haven't looked into full details of RCU, but one of the "toy" examples in
https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/RCU/whatisRCU.txt is "classic RCU" that implements synchronize_rcu() as for_each_possible_cpu(cpu) run_on(cpu);, to get the reclaimer to execute on every core that might have done an RCU operation (i.e. every core). Once that's done, we know that a full memory barrier must have happened in there somewhere as part of the switching.
So yes, RCU doesn't follow the classic method where you'd need a full memory barrier (including StoreLoad) to make the core wait until the first store was visible before doing any reads. RCU avoids the overhead of a full memory barrier in the read path. This is one of the major attractions for it, besides the avoidance of contention.

Is synchronization for variable change cheaper then for something else?

In a multi-threading environment, isn’t it that every operation on the RAM must be synchronized?
Let’s say, I have a variable, which is a pointer to another memory address:
foo 12345678
Now, if one thread sets that variable to another memory address (let’s say 89ABCDEF), meanwhile the first thread reads the variable, couldn’t it be that the first thread reads totally trash from the variable if access wouldn’t be synchronized (on some system level)?
foo 12345678 (before)
89ABCDEF (new data)
••••• (writing thread progress)
89ABC678 (memory content)
Since I never saw those things happen I assume that there is some system level synchronization when writing variables. I assume, that this is why it is called an ‘atomic’ operation. As I found here, this problem is actually a topic and not totally fictious from me.
On the other hand, I read everywhere that synchronizing has a significant impact on performance. (Aside from threads that must wait bc. they cannot enter the lock; I mean just the action of locking and unlocking.) Like here:
synchronized adds a significant overhead to the methods […]. These operations are quite expensive […] it has an extreme impact on the program performance. […] the expensive synchronized operations that cause the code to be so terribly slow.
How does this go together? Why is locking for changing a variable unnoticeable fast, but locking for anything else so expensive? Or, is it equally expensive, and there should be a big warning sign when using—let’s say—long and double because they always implicitly require synchronization?
Concerning your first point, when a processor writes some data to memory, this data is always properly written and cannot be "trashed" by other writes by threads processes, OS, etc. It is not a matter of synchronization, just required to insure proper hardware behaviour.
Synchronization is a software concept that requires hardware support. Assume that you just want to acquire a lock. It is supposed to be free when at 0 et locked when at 1.
The basic method to do that is
fetch lock value from memory
set lock value in memory to 1
got_the_lock = (fetched value from memory == 0)
print "I got the lock!!"
The problem is that if other threads do the same thing at the same time and read lock value before it has been set to 1, several threads may think they got the lock.
To avoid that, one need atomic memory access. An atomic access is typically a read-modify-write cycle to a data in memory that cannot interrupted and that forbids access to this information until completion. So not all accesses are atomic, only specific read-modify-write operation and it is realized thanks tp specific processor support (see test-and-set or fetch-and-add instructions, for instance). Most accesses do not need it and can be a regular access. Atomic access is mostly use to synchronize threads to insure that only one thread is in a critical section.
So why are atomic access expensive ? There are several reasons.
The first one is that one must ensure a proper ordering of instructions. You probably know that instruction order may be different from instruction program order, provided the semantic of the program is respected. This is heavily exploited to improve performances : compiler reorder instructions, processor execute them out-of-order, write-back caches write data in memory in any order, and memory write buffer do the same thing. This reordering can lead to improper behavior.
1 while (x--) ; // random and silly loop
2 f(y);
3 while(test_and_set(important_lock)) ; //spinlock to get a lock
4 g(z);
Obviously instruction 1 is not constraining and 2 can be executed before (and probably 1 will be removed by an optimizing compiler). But if 4 is executed before 3, the behavior will not be as expected.
To avoid that, an atomic access flushes the instruction and memory buffer that requires tens of cycles (see memory barrier).
Without pipeline, you pay the full latency of the operation: read data from memory, modify it and write it back. This latency always happens, but for regular memory accesses you can do other work during that time that largely hides the latency.
An atomic access requires at least 100-200 cycles on modern processors and is accordingly extremely expensive.
How does this go together? Why is locking for changing a variable unnoticeable fast, but locking for anything else so expensive? Or, is it equally expensive, and there should be a big warning sign when using—let’s say—long and double because they always implicitly require synchronization?
Regular memory access are not atomic. Only specific synchronization instructions are expensive.
Synchronization always has a cost involved. And the cost increases with contention due to threads waking up, fighting for lock and only one gets it, and the rest go to sleep resulting in lot of context switches.
However, such contention can be kept at a minimum by using synchronization at a much granular level as in a CAS (compare and swap) operation by CPU, or a memory barrier to read a volatile variable. A far better option is to avoid synchronization altogether without compromising safety.
Consider the following code:
synchronized(this) {
// a DB call
This block of code will take several seconds to execute as it is doing a IO and therefore run high chance of creating a contention among other threads wanting to execute the same block. The time duration is enough to build up a massive queue of waiting threads in a busy system.
This is the reason the non-blocking algorithms like Treiber Stack Michael Scott exist. They do a their tasks (which we'd otherwise do using a much larger synchronized block) with the minimum amount of synchronization.
isn’t it that every operation on the RAM must be synchronized?
No. Most of the "operations on RAM" will target memory locations that are only used by one thread. For example, in most programming languages, None of a thread's function arguments or local variables will be shared with other threads; and often, a thread will use heap objects that it does not share with any other thread.
You need synchronization when two or more threads communicate with one another through shared variables. There are two parts to it:
mutual exclusion
You may need to prevent "race conditions." If some thread T updates a data structure, it may have to put the structure into a temporary, invalid state before the update is complete. You can use mutual exclusion (i.e., mutexes/semaphores/locks/critical sections) to ensure that no other thread U can see the data structure when it is in that temporary, invalid state.
cache consistency
On a computer with more than one CPU, each processor typically has its own memory cache. So, when two different threads running on two different processors both access the same data, they may each be looking at their own, separately cached copy. Thus, when thread T updates that shared data structure, it is important to ensure that all of the variables it updated make it into thread U's cache before thread U is allowed to see any of them.
It would totally defeat the purpose of the separate caches if every write by one processor invalidated every other processor's cache, so there typically are special hardware instructions to do that only when it's needed, and typical mutex/lock implementations execute those instructions on entering or leaving a protected block of code.

Single write - single read big memory buffer sharing without locks

Let's suppose I have a big memory buffer used as a framebuffer, what is constantly written by a thread (or even multiple threads, guaranteed that no two threads write the same byte concurrently). These writes are indeterministic in time, scattered through the codebase, and cannot be blocked.
I have another single thread which periodically reads out (copies) the whole buffer for generating a display frame. This read should not be blocked, too. Tearing is not a problem in my case. In other words, my only goal is that every change done by the write thread(s) should eventually appear in the reading thread. The ordering or some (negligible compared to a display refresh rate) delay does not matter.
Reading and writing the same memory location concurrently is a data race, which results in an undefined behavior in c++11, and this article lists same really dreadful examples where the optimizing compiler generates code for a memory read that alters the memory contents in the presence of data race.
Still, I need some solution without completely redesigning this legacy code. Every advice counts what is safe from practical standpoints, independent of if it is theoretically correct or not. I am also open to not-fully-portable solutions, too.
Aside from that I have a data race, I can easily force the visibility of the buffer changes in the reading thread by establishing a synchronizes-with relation between the threads (acquire-release an atomic guard variable, used for nothing else), or by adding platform-specific memory fence calls to key points in the writer thread(s).
My ideas to target the data race:
Use assembly for the reading thread. I would try to avoid that.
Make the memory buffer volatile, thus preventing the compiler to optimize such nasty things what are described in the referenced article.
Put the reading thread's code in a separate compile unit, and compile with -O0
+1. Leave everything as is, and cross my fingers (as currently I do not notice issues) :)
What is the safest from the list above? Do you see a better solution?
FYI, the target platform is ARM (with multiple cores) and x86 (for testing).
(This question is concretizing a previous one what was a little too generic.)

Thread visibility among one process

I'm reading the book Crack Code Interview recently, but there's one paragraph confusing me a lot on page 257:
A thread is a particular execution path of a process; when one thread modifies a process resource, the change is immediately visible to sibling threads.
IIRC, if one thread make a change to a variable, the change will firstly save in the CPU cache (say, L1 cache), and will not guarantee to synchronize to other threads unless the variable is declared as volatile.
Am I right?
Nope, you're wrong. But this is a very common misunderstanding.
Every modern multi-core CPU has hardware cache coherence. The L1, and similar caches, are invisible. CPU caches like the L1 cache have nothing to do with memory visibility.
Changes are visible immediately when a thread modifies a process resource. The issue is optimizations that cause process resources not to be modified in precisely the order the code specifies.
If your code has k = j; i = 4; if (j == 2) foo(); an optimizer might see that your first assignment reads the value of j. So it might not bother reading it again when you compare it to 2 since it "knows" that it can't have changed. However, another thread might have changed it. So optimizations of some kinds need to be disabled when synchronization between threads is required. That's what things like volatile do.
If compilers and CPUs made no optimizations and executed a program precisely as it was written, volatile would never be needed. Memory visibility is about optimizations in code (some done by the compiler, some by the CPU), not caches.
I think the text you are quoting is incorrect. The whole idea of the Java Memory Model is to deal with the complex optimizations by modern software & hardware, so that programmers can determine what writes are visible by the respective reads in other threads.
Unless a program in Java is properly synchronized, you can't guarantee that changes by one thread are immediately visible to other threads. Maybe the text refers to a very specific (and weak) memory model.
Usage of volatile variables is just one way to synchronize threads, and it's not suitable for all scenarios.
I think I understand the confusion now... I agree with David Schwartz, assuming that:
1) "modifies a process resource" means the actual change of the resource, not just the execution of a write instruction written in some high level computer language.
2) "is immediately visible to sibling threads" means that other threads are able to see it; it doesn't mean that a thread in your program will necessarily see it. You may still need to use synchronization tools in order to disable optimizations that bypass the actual access to the resource.

How locking is implemented?

i have following code:
lock = 1;
// critical section
lock = 0;
As reading or changing lock value is in itself a multi-instruction
read lock
change value
write it
If it happens like:
1) One thread reads the lock and stops there
2) Another thread reads it and sees it is free; lock it and do something untill half
3) First thread wakes up and goes into CS
SO how would locking would be implmented in system ?
Placing variables over top of another variables is not right : it would be like Guarding the guard ?
Stopping other processors threads is also not right ?
It is 100% platform specific. Generally, the CPU provides some form of atomic operation such as exchange or compare and swap. A typical lock might work like this:
1) Create: Store 0 (unlocked) in the variable.
2) Lock: Atomically attempt to switch the value of the variable from 0 (unlocked) to 1 (locked). If we failed (because it wasn't unlocked to begin with), let the CPU rest a bit, and then retry. Use a memory barrier to ensure no future memory operations sneak behind this one.
3) Unlock: Use a memory barrier to ensure previous memory operations don't sneak past this one. Atomically write 0 (unlocked) to the variable.
Note that you really don't need to understand this unless you want to design your own synchronization primitives. And if you want to do that, you need to understand an awful lot more. It's certainly a good idea for every programmer to have a general idea of what he's making the hardware do. But this is an area filled with seriously heavy wizardry. There are so many, many ways this can go horribly wrong. So just use the locking primitives provided by the geniuses who made your platform, compiler, and threading library. Here be dragons.
For example, SMP Pentium Pro systems have an erratum that requires special handling in the unlock operation. A naive implementation of the lock algorithm will cause the branch prediction logic to expect the operation to keep spinning, incurring a massive performance penalty at the worst possible time -- when you first acquire the lock. A naive implementation of the lock algorithm may cause two cores each waiting for the same lock to saturate the bus, slowing the CPU that needs to get work done in order to release the lock to a crawl. These all require heavy wizardry and deep understanding of the hardware to deal with.
In a course I studied at Uni, a possible firmware solution for implementing locks was presented in the form of the "atomicity bit" associated to a memory operation initiated by a processor.
Basically, when locking, you'll notice that you have a sequence of operations that need to be executed atomically: test the value of the flag and, if not set, set it to locked, otherwise try again. This sequence can be made atomic by associating a bit with each memory request send by the CPU. The first N-1 operations will have the bit set, while the last one will have it unset, to mark the end of the atomic sequence.
When the memory module (there can be several modules) where the flag data is stored receives the request for the first operation in the sequence (whose bit is set), it will serve it and not take requests from any other CPU until the CPU that initiated the atomic sequence sends a request with an unset atomicity bit (since these transactions are usually short, a coarse-grain approach like this is acceptable). Note that this is usually made easier by the assembler providing specialized instructions of type "compare-and-set", that do exactly what I mentioned before.
