What is the fastest way to find the center of an irregular convex polygon? - geometry

I'm interested in a fast way to calculate the rotation-independent center of a simple, convex, (non-intersecting) 2D polygon.
The example below (on the left) shows the mean center (sum of all points divided by the total), and the desired result on the right.
Some options I've already considered.
bound-box center (depends on rotation, and ignores points based on their relation to the axis).
Straight skeleton - too slow to calculate.
I've found a way which works reasonably well, (weight the points by the edge-lengths) - but this means a square-root call for every edge - which I'd like to avoid.(Will post as an answer, even though I'm not entirely satisfied with it).
Note, I'm aware of this questions similarity with:What is the fastest way to find the "visual" center of an irregularly shaped polygon?
However having to handle convex polygons increases the complexity of the problem significantly.

The points of the polygon can be weighted by their edge length which compensates for un-even point distribution.
This works for convex polygons too but in that case the center point isn't guaranteed to be inside the polygon.
def poly_center(poly):
sum_center = (0, 0)
sum_weight = 0.0
for point in poly:
weight = ((point - point.next).length +
(point - point.prev).length)
sum_center += point * weight
sum_weight += weight
return sum_center / sum_weight
Note, we can pre-calculate all edge lengths to halve the number of length calculations, or reuse the previous edge-length for half+1 length calculations. This is just written as an example to show the logic.
Including this answer for completeness since its the best method I've found so far.

There is no much better way than the accumulation of coordinates weighted by the edge length, which indeed takes N square roots.
If you accept an approximation, it is possible to skip some of the vertices by curve simplification, as follows:
decide of a deviation tolerance;
start from vertex 0 and jump to vertex M (say M=N/2);
check if the deviation along the polyline from 0 to M exceeds the tolerance (for this, compute the height of the triangle formed by the vertices 0, M/2, M);
if the deviation is exceeded, repeat recursively with 0, M/4, M/2 and M/2, 3M/4, M;
if the deviation is not exceeded, assume that the shape is straight between 0 and M.
continue until the end of the polygon.
Where the points are dense (like the left edge on your example), you should get some speedup.

I think its easiest to do something with the center of masses of the delaunay triangulation of the polygon points. i.e.
def _centroid_poly(poly):
T = spatial.Delaunay(poly).simplices
n = T.shape[0]
W = np.zeros(n)
C = 0
for m in range(n):
sp = poly[T[m,:],:]
W[m] = spatial.ConvexHull(sp).volume
C += W[m] +np.mean(sp, axis = 0)
return C / np.sum(W)
This works well for me!


Calculate the number of circles that fit on the circumference of another circle

I'm looking for an algorithm (or pseudo code) that can calculate the maximum number of (smaller) circles with diameter "s" that can be squeezed into the circumference of another (larger) circle with radius "r" ...
Image: http://teasy.space/images/terracolony-squeezingcircles2.jpg
You can alternate between radius/diameter etc if you wish -- as these are the only 2 parameters (other than the center (large circle) coordinate) that i have, i.e. that are known ...
The outer circles may not overlap but can fit "snug" together ...
After various upgrades to my routine through the years, I'm currently using an algorithm that is not perfect (and it needs to be accurate or the galaxy breaks down lol)
which does a broad interpolation between small outside circle diameter and large inside circle circumference, to somewhat accurately plot the circle count in a polygon style fitting pattern, which causes problems (i.e. overlaps) when using larger outside circles ...
; try to fit a random number of circles
num_Circles = Rand( min,max )
; check if the number of circles exceed the maximum that can fit
If num_Circles * SmallCircle_Diameter > LargeCircle_Circumference
; adjust the amount accordingly
num_Circles = LargeCircle_Circumference / SmallCircle_Diameter
End If
Another assumption is that the size of the smaller outer circles never exceeds that of the larger inner circle ...
something less to worry about ;)
I'm using this algorithm for one of my projects called Terra Colony, based on Gravity Well, a 2D space/gravity realtime colonization simulation game with moons, planets, stars, black/white holes, etc
Image: http://teasy.space/images/terracolony-squeezingcircles1.jpg
This is an issue that has plagued this project for over a decade!
Hopefully you can point me in the right direction :D
I have previously done many experiments and wrote different programs to find a solution, and have traveled the internet looking for formulas and solutions which in the end are very close, but not close enough! :P
Thank you! <3
P.S. I tried to add the tag "circumference" but it apparently requires "1500 reputation" (points i guess, maybe to prevent spam)
There is formula that establishes relation between radius of big circle R, radius of small circle r and number of (touching) small circles N
R = r / Sin(Pi/N)
So maximum number of small circles might be found as
Sin(Pi/N) = r / R
Pi / N = arcsin(r / R)
and finally
N = Pi / arcsin(r / R)
N = Pi / arcsin(1/2) =
Pi / (Pi/6) =
Given the diam. of the small circle 'd' and the number of them 'c'
then the dia. of the large circle 'D' is

Convex hull with constant size or triangular form

I know QuickHull algorithm runs in Theta(n), if convex hull is triangular or it has constant size.
What's this means?
I'm not sure about the shape (if it looks a triangle), because the algorithm uses 4 extreme points.
If the number of vertices of the convex hull, let H, is a constant (doesn't depend on N), then QuickHull takes a time proportional to N (more precisely c1.N < T < c2.N for two constants c1 and c2).
When H=3, the hull is a triangle. Regardless the way the algorithm works, it has to return this triangle. Careful implementations should even work for H=2 (a line segment) or H=1 (a single point).

finding value of a point between measured points on a 2D plane

I'm trying to find the best way to calculate this. On a 2D plane I have fixed points all with an instantaneous measurement value. The coordinates of these points is known. I want to predict the value of a movable point between these fixed points. The movable point coodinates will be known. So the distance betwwen the points is known as well.
This could be comparable to temperature readings or elevation on topography. I this case I'm wanting to predict ionospheric TEC of the mobile point from the fixed point measurements. The fixed point measurements are smoothed over time however I do not want to have to store previous values of the mobile point estimate in RAM.
Would some sort of gradient function be the way to go here?
This is the same algorithm for interpolating the height of a point from a triangle.
In your case you don't have z values for heights, but some other float value for each triangle vertex, but it's the same concept, still 3D points.
Where you have 3D triangle points p, q, r and test point pt, then pseudo code from the above mathgem is something like this:
Vector3 v1 = q - p;
Vector3 v2 = r - p;
Vector3 n = v1.CrossProduct(v2);
if n.z is not zero
return ((n.x * (pt.x - p.x) + n.y * (pt.y - p.y)) / -n.z) + p.z
As you indicate in your comment to #Phpdevpad, you do have 3 fixed points so this will work.
You can try contour plots especially contour lines. Simply use a delaunay triangulation of the points and a linear transformation along the edges. You can try my PHP implementations https://contourplot.codeplex.com for geographic maps. Another algorithm is conrec algorithm from Paul Bourke.

How to calculate the mass of a inhomogenous sphere?

I want to calculated the mass of a sphere based on a threedimensional discret inhomogenous density distribution. Lets say a set of 3x3x3 cubes of different densities is inscribed by a sphere. What is the fastest way to sum up the partitioned masses using Python?
I tried to calculate the volume under the mathematical equation for a sphere: x^2 +y^2 +z^2 = R^2 for the range of one of the cubes using scipy.integrate.dblquad.
However, the result is only valid if the boundaries are smaller than the radius of the sphere and repetitive calculation for lets say 50'000 spheres with 27 cubes each would be quite slow.
On the other hand, the usual equation for CoM caluations could't be used in my opinion, due to the rather coarse and discrete mass distribution.
Timing Experiment
You didn't specify your timing constraints, so I've done a little experiment with a nice integration package.
Without optimization, each integral in spherical coordinates can be evaluated in 0.005 secs in a standard laptop if the cubes densities are straightforward functions.
Just as a reference, this is the program in Mathematica:
(* Define a cuboid as density function *)
iP = IntegerPart;
f[{x_, y_, z_}, {lx_, ly_, lz_}] := iP[x - lx] + iP[y - ly] + iP[z - lz] /;
lx <= x <= lx + 3 && ly <= y <= ly + 3 && lz <= z <= lz + 3;
f[{x_, y_, z_}, {lx_, ly_, lz_}] := Break[] /; True;
Timing[Table[s = RandomReal[{0, 3}, 3]; (*sphere center random*)
sphereRadius = Min[Union[s, 3 - s]]; (*max radius inside cuboid *)
NIntegrate[(f[{x, y, z} - s, -s] /. (*integrate in spherical coords *)
{x -> r Cos#th Sin#phi,
y -> r Sin#th Sin#phi,
z -> r Cos#phi}) r^2 Sin#phi,
{r, 0, sphereRadius}, {th, 0, 2 Pi}, {phi, 0, Pi}],
The result is 52 secs for 10^4 iterations.
So perhaps you don't need to optimize a lot ...
I cannot get your exact meaning of inscribed by a sphere. Also I havent tried the scipy.integrate. However, here are some though:
Set a 3x3x3 cube to unit density. Then take the integration for each cube respectively, so you should have the volume cube V_ijk here. Now for each of sphere, you can get the mass of each sphere by summing V_ijk*D_ijk, where the D_ijk is the density of the sphere.
It should be much faster because you do not need to do integration now.
You can obtain an analytic formula for the intersecting volume between a cube (or rectangular prism) and a sphere. It won't be easy, but it should be possible. I have done it for an arbitrary triangle and circle in 2D. The basic idea is to decompose the intersection into simpler pieces, like tetrahedra and volumetric spherical triangle sectors, for which relatively simple volume formulas are known. The main difficult is in considering all the possible cases of intersections. Luckily both objects are convex, so you are guaranteed a single convex intersection volume.
An approximate method might be to simply subdivide the cubes until your approximate numerical integration algorithm does work; this should still be relatively fast. Do you know about Pick's Theorem? That only works in 2D, but there are, I believe, 3D generalizations.

Given a set of points, how do I approximate the major axis of its shape?

Given a "shape" drawn by the user, I would like to "normalize" it so they all have similar size and orientation. What we have is a set of points. I can approximate the size using bounding box or circle, but the orientation is a bit more tricky.
The right way to do it, I think, is to calculate the majoraxis of its bounding ellipse. To do that you need to calculate the eigenvector of the covariance matrix. Doing so likely will be way too complicated for my need, since I am looking for some good-enough estimate. Picking min, max, and 20 random points could be some starter. Is there an easy way to approximate this?
I found Power method to iteratively approximate eigenvector. Wikipedia article.
So far I am liking David's answer.
You'd be calculating the eigenvectors of a 2x2 matrix, which can be done with a few simple formulas, so it's not that complicated. In pseudocode:
// sums are over all points
b = -(sum(x * x) - sum(y * y)) / (2 * sum(x * y))
evec1_x = b + sqrt(b ** 2 + 1)
evec1_y = 1
evec2_x = b - sqrt(b ** 2 + 1)
evec2_y = 1
You could even do this by summing over only some of the points to get an estimate, if you expect that your chosen subset of points would be representative of the full set.
Edit: I think x and y must be translated to zero-mean, i.e. subtract mean from all x, y first (eed3si9n).
Here's a thought... What if you performed a linear regression on the points and used the slope of the resulting line? If not all of the points, at least a sample of them.
The r^2 value would also give you information about the general shape. The closer to 0, the more circular/uniform the shape is (circle/square). The closer to 1, the more stretched out the shape is (oval/rectangle).
The ultimate solution to this problem is running PCA
I wish I could find a nice little implementation for you to refer to...
Here you go! (assuming x is a nx2 vector)
def majAxis(x):
e,v = np.linalg.eig(np.cov(x.T)); return v[:,np.argmax(e)]
