Groovy find specific word in a text file - groovy

i'm using soapui for web service test and i want to find a specific word in my response file which is text file.
i found codes for find and replace but i want only find and display some specific word from my text file.
i tried to modify this code and i need some help please.
suppose i have a text file with Hello world and i want to find only "world" and create anothe with only "word"
def copy(source, dest, Closure replaceText){
def source = new File('source.txt') //Hello World
it.findAll ('World')

def copy(source, dest, term){
def source = new File('source.txt') //Hello World
def dest = new File('dest.txt')
copy(source, dest, "World")

your code sample is not very clear, but I guess you'll find your solution when you take a look at the regexp features of groovy:


How to print the directory which is 1 level up in groovy?

May I know how to print the directory path which is 1 level up? (eg. the groovy file is located in "abc/def/ghi/dummy.groovy" and I want to get the "abc/def" path)
here is my dummy.groovy script
File fileCon= new File("/../")
logger.debug((String.format("[%s]", fileCon))
groovy file could be loaded from plain file, from jar, from url.
i'd not recommend to use this approach - it will not work for all cases.
def url = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource()?.getLocation()
println new URL(url, '..')
Here is how you get the parent directory as File:
def file = new File('abc/def/ghi/dummy.groovy')
println "Parent: ${file.getParentFile().absolutePath}"
it will give you abc/def/ghi/. You may get parent folder from the result:
println "Parent: ${file.getParentFile().getParentFile().absolutePath}"
you'll get your desired abc/def.
I didn't see any File in GroovyDocs, so I presume this is a Java Class.
So why not just use:
def file = new File('abc/def/ghi/dummy.groovy')
def filePath = file.getParent().getParent()

Explicit wait utility

I am using one generic explicit wait utility which can be used in different places in my test case. Following is the code I have written for the same under Base Test. Here I am looking for a text to present in the screen.For that I have given the parameter "text" in the function VerifyTextPresence.
But after running the script, I am having the below error. How to make it generic so that for any text, I can use this utility. For example, here I am checking for the text "Get" to be present in the screen
Utility Code:
def VerifyTextPresence(self,text):
wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 15)
element = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((AppiumBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, 'new UiSelector().text(text)'))).text
Test Script:
def test_testcasename(self):
io.appium.uiautomator2.common.exceptions.UiSelectorSyntaxException: Could not parse expression `new UiSelector().textGet`: No opening parenthesis after method name at position
Based on Appium docs
UiSelector for text should look like:
new UiSelector().text("some text value")
and in your example:
new UiSelector().text(text)
I see 2 issues here:
no quotes for text
no reference to python method text arg
element = (...).text will put the text value to element, and looks not helpful.
Try this:
def VerifyTextPresence(self, text):
WebDriverWait(self.driver, 15).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((AppiumBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f"new UiSelector().text(\"{text}\")")))

Cannot replace string text in Groovy script

I am trying to replace a test in pom.xml using a groovy script. These are my two approaches. The text should be replaced is {env.AM_$environment.toUpperCase()_SERVER_CREDS_USR}
Approach one
File mainPomXml = new File(rootDir,'/pom.xml')
Approach two
def mainPomXml = new File(rootDir,'/pom.xml')
def mainPom = mainPomXml.text.replace('{env.AM_$environment.toUpperCase()_SERVER_CREDS_USR}','${env.AM_$environment.toUpperCase()_SERVER_CREDS_USR}');
But none of these approaches work. That means both executes but the test is not get replaced. How to fix this issue?
Change the mainPom part as below.
def mainPomXml = new File(rootDir, '/pom.xml')
def mainPom = mainPomXml.text.replace('AM_SERVER_CREDS_USR', '${env.AM_'+ env.toUpperCase() +'_SERVER_CREDS_USR}')

SoapUI/Groovy: expand txt file, NOT re-write it

There is no problem to save response sheet to file. Smth like
def xmlFile = "C:/.../Try.xml"
def response = context.expand( '${Request#Response}' )
def f = new File(xmlFile)
f.write(response, "UTF-8")
I re-run my request in groovy script with new parameters (using while), and I need to ADD info to result file, not to re-write it. Now it's just re-writing each time:(. File created outside the cycle.
Thanks in advance,
straight from the ref-doc
new File('TestFile1.txt').withWriterAppend( 'UTF-8' ){ w->
w << 'abcdefghij'

Find an element in XML using XML Slurper

"I have a code that is working as expected but now I have to find the element in different format. Example is below
<car-model model="i10">
I have to find the value of "corolla" from this XML. Please reply.
You can run this in the Groovy console
def text = '''
<car-model model="i10">
def records = new XmlSlurper().parseText(text)
// a quick and dirty solution
assert 'corolla' == records.toString()
// a more verbose, but more robust solution that specifies the complete path
// to the node of interest
assert 'corolla' == records.'car-model'.'model-year'.'year.make'.name.text()
