How do I use IIS (not express) with Visual Studio 2015? - iis

I have an ASP .NET web site project that was developed in Visual Studio 2012. We just migrated the project to Visual Studio 2015.
I've googled around and I keep reading about a "Create Virtual Directory" button and a "Use Local IIS" option but neither are present. In the project properties page all I see are the options "Use default Web server" and "Use custom server" along with a "Base URL" text field.
I'm running Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10 Pro.
What am I missing?

Have you enabled IIS in Windows Features?
Press the Windows Key and type Windows Features.
Select the first entry Turn Windows Features On or Off.
Make sure the box next to IIS is checked. If it is not checked, check it and it will install everything you need. Be patient as this could take a few minutes.
IIS should now be accessible from Control Panel > Administrative Tools
You should now be able to go to the properties page of you application and change your website setting from IIS Express to Local IIS


Opening Project from TFS Dashboard causes Visual Studio Web Handler Exception

I'm trying to open a project from TFS 2018 (on-premises installation but I guess that would happen with any version or VSTS as well) dashboard but I can't.
I click on url Open in Visual Studio:
And an error form shows up:
The error description says:
Input args:/openurivsweb://vs/Product=Visual_Studio&EncFormat=UTF8&tfslink=dnN0ZnM6Ly8vRnJhbWV3b3JrL1RlYW1Qcm9qZWN0L2I1MjI0OWRjLTdhMDUtNDI1Yi1iZTE5LWNmMDM5YzE1YTJlND91cmw9aHR0cHM6Ly90ZnMubWFucG93ZXIuaXQvTmV4dEcv
Exception thrown:'Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSWebHandler.VSWebHandlerException'.
I have installed both VS2012 and 2017.
I tried also this workaround, but with no success:
Launch Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 as Administrator
Go to VS 2017 installation folder, for example: pushd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise
Launch command: gacutil -if Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0.dll
In the Windows Default Apps panel open the protocol handlers and scroll down to the vsweb: and the vstfs: protocol handlers. It could have multiple instances of the handler, one of which has to have the 2017 icon. Mine is showing 2 2017 icons because I have the 2017 preview installed side by side.
Change the default, restart the browser and try again.
In addition to jessehouwing answer, that works for Windows Metro UI systems (8 and superiors), this is what you need for Windows 7.
Go to Control Panel, select Default Programs and click the second option:
Then it opens the window where you have to change the association between Visual Studio Web Handler Selector and TFS Procotol Handler (vstfs:):
From the icon, as suggested, you can see that's Visual Studio 2012 symbol.
Now we change it:
Sorry bout Italian language, but procedure would be the same with any localization.

Installing/running iis

I am using Visual studio 2010. I want to expand iis using run window by writing "inetmgr" there but on hitting ok the windows is not able to find that...Kindly tell me if there is any other method for expanding iis other than this..
Please check if IIS is installed at Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. If not, check out following link.
Installing IIS 7 on Windows Vista and Windows 7 : The Official Microsoft IIS Site

Is Visual Studio 2013 Missing "Remote Site" as a Option Within the "Copy Web Site" Feature?

In Visual Studio 2012 when you "copy web site" (in VS 2013 > Website > Copy Web Site) and you click on the Connect button the interface used to have File System / Local IIS / FTP Site / and "Remote Site". This was used to connect to sites with Front Page Server Extensions. I still have one client on a server that I support that is using this. Is there a way within VS 2013 to still accomplish this or do I need to keep a copy of VS 2012 around for this feature?
Support for Front Page was removed in VS2013. You'll need to keep a copy of VS2012 around for this.

How to debug with IIS (not Express) in Visual Studio 2013

This might be a stupid question, but I have a problem with Visual Studio 2013 and IIS (not Express), that the Visual Studio debugger by default uses IIS Express (iisexpress.exe) to debug code. But I do not want that, but I want to use IIS installed on my computer (w3wp.exe).
I succeeded in debugging with IIS by using Attach to Process... and then selecting All Users and then picking w3wp.exe as a process. But I need to do this every time I start debugging. Is there a way to use IIS by default? In Visual Studio 2012, everything worked well, but in VS 2013 I cannot find an option to use IIS (w3wp.exe) by default.
I am debugging a Web Site ASP.NET 4.0.
Thanks for any help!
If your website project was opened via IIS, it should debug the IIS process automatically. If your site exists in IIS currently, you should be able to find it via File -> Open -> Web Site.
If you opened an IIS Express based website project (or via the file system, which uses IIS Express by default), then run the site through IIS, VS doesn't know that the site is running in IIS.
In order to get this working on my setup (VS2013, IIS7, Win7) I needed to go into IIS Management Console and manually enable Windows Authentication.

Loading a Windows Azure Project from Gallery into Visual Studio 2012

I have a Windows Azure web site. I started this web site as a New -> Compute -> Web Site -> From Gallery. Once here, I chose the Orchard CMS. I have the site successfully running in Windows Azure. My challenge is, I want to do some customizations to it.
How do I get this code into my local Visual Studio 2012 instance so that I can:
Make customizations to the site with Visual Studio 2012.
Check it into source control so other on my team can work on it
I saw the following post: However, this only talks about opening the site in WebMatrix. I want to skip WebMatrix and go straight to Visual Studio if possible.
Download WebMatrix and click the Visual Studio button in the ribbon. It must create a solution file for you to then access your website via Visual Studio. I don't have an Azure website at the moment to try it with.
You may need to tweak the registry to get the VS 2012 to open properly:
Type regedit and select the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
Locate VisualStudio.DTE and change the CurVer to
Finally change the CLSID to {059618E6-4639-4D1A-A248-1384E368D5C3}
You do not need to use WebMatrix at all; another option is to just download the files from FTP and then create a VS solution and add the files you downloaded.
From Visual Studio you can easily deploy the solution to TFS and to your azure website.
As a side note, as of today (January 28th, 2014) the registry edit proposed by SilverNinja is no longer needed, I was able to open VS 2013 Professional from Webmatrix without editing the registry.
