Excel match multiple records from timetable - excel

I just stuck with my school homework, it seems easy, but there is always different errors and mistakes.
All I need is to connect information from 3 pages.
The first one is timetable of trainings.
The second page is "groups"
Players page
1) Here is my first question. How I can put the time from the "timetable" page ?
I tried vlookup with the easiest group "children 5-7" but even this doesnt work.
The problem is that there is many possible times of some groups and I need the answer like "17:00, 18:00 etc" then.
2) The second question is with the page "players".
Firstly I need to match group or coach from page "groups". For children all is simple, but excel dont want to work even with this. But, there is one problem more. In adult group there cant be more than 4 players in one group, that why I have TK1, TK2, TK3 and TK4 - all this are for adult A. and TK11, TK22 etc are for adult B. So when its done we should match court and time from page "groups".
There is my spreadsheet so be free to try it right here. Hope you will help me!

I try to give you some ideas about how to solve your issues
Question 1:
The issue you have with VLOOKUP is that you cannot search on the left of your lookup value in the reference table. As suggested above by BruceWayne, you may use INDEX/MATCH. Considering the structure of your data a good formula could be:
=INDEX('timetable try here'!B:G,MATCH(A2,CHOOSE(B2,'timetable try here'!C:C,'timetable try here'!D:D,'timetable try here'!E:E,'timetable try here'!F:F,'timetable try here'!G:G),0),1)
In fact I am using CHOOSE() to select the column where your case should match, because your courts are numbers from 1 to 5. You may replace this formula in the column D under the label Time in your sheet named "groups try here". By the way the result that you get is only the first occurrence (in case you see a zero with some decimals figures, remind to change format to hours), so you will not be able to get the list as you like. As far as I know Excel does not have such kind of formulas. What you could do is create a VBA formula by yourself. You can find more details in this other post always here in StackOverflow, where I replied to a similar question with some code. I believe that your case is exactly the same.
Question 2
In this part I just added the last argument to the VLOOKUP and your formula works. So the correct formula should be in cell E2 of "players try here":
=VLOOKUP(D2,'groups dont try here'!A2:C15,3,0)
and in cell F2 (Court) of the same sheet:
=VLOOKUP(D2,'groups dont try here'!A2:C15,2,0)
I believe you need also a formula to pick-up the time in cell G2 (time):
=VLOOKUP(D2,'groups dont try here'!A2:D15,4,0)
These formulas of course works with suitable groups starting with "children". For the others it is not very clear to me what you need. If you have grouped all TK in Adult A and Adult B you need to have some criteria to fill in the other cells from your sheet 'groups dont try here'. Also remind that if you recode the TK1 and TK2 (for instance by adding a new column to be used as key for the VLOOKUP), with VLOOKUP you will always pick up only the first occurrence in the table.
If you need more support, please leave a comment.


Return the value in the first non-empty cell in the column directly to the left and going upward

I'm all new to VBA and have mostly been trying to modify code after recording macros, so it's all pretty basic and the approach might not be as elegant as some of the stuff I've seen on here. So here we go.
I have coded (by brute force) my data to be arranged like a CAD design tree view with parent products/assemblies and constituent sub-assemblies/parts.
Column E contains Level 0 top assembly Part Number
Column F contains Level 1 items Part Number
... etc all the way to ...
Column M containing Level 8 items Part Number
As an example, cell G112 contains ASSY1; cells H113 to H134 contain its constituent items.
I would like to display in a new column (i.e. Column O) the value of cell G112 (ASSY1) for each of its constituents. So O113 to O134 would show the value of G112. That would need to be applied to every single level of the assembly.
I'm not sure I'm making much sense do please have a look at the picture linked below, it speaks a thousand words. I've highlighted and colour-coded the result I would like in column O.
ADDENDUM - To clarify things:
I don't know how else to explain my request but to post a simplified version of my original picture.
.CSV available here WeTransfer
A very useful tool to retrieve VBA code for determined action is the macro recorder, in the ribbon, Developer -> RecordMacro, perform you action and stop recording and then you can check the code generated for the actions you recorded. Its not the cleanest code but you can find there the lines of code for the specific actions you want. Once you step into a one concrete problem with the code you tried, you can then ask for help regarding something more concrete, more than expecting that someone will code that for you.
Anyhow if you want someone to try to solve your problem, you need to post the table with the accessible data instead of the image, for the person whoever tries to approach your problem to have the data available.
Hope that helps
Here's the answer I got from somewhere else if anyone is interested:
Formula in Cell O3:
=IF(C3=0,"N/A , ALREADY TOP LEVEL",INDEX(D$2:D2,AGGREGATE(14,6,(ROW(D$2:D2)-ROW(D$2)+1)/(C$2:C2=C3-1),1)))
Copy/Paste down in every cell in column O

Making a Top 3 column based on a column category with answers in the row

I'm managing the server awards for a gaming community and using Google Forms for the first time. The voting phase ended, I moved the form responses into an excel sheet in Google Docs.
It goes like this (Answers from 89 forum accounts [ROWS] for 31 questions [COLUMNS])
The nominations were put as multiple-choice votes in the Forms as can be seen here, if this helps at all.
Most of the attempts I've read on the internet read back to integer values, whereas I'm using strings. Plus, I really have no idea how to work formulas on Excel.
I need the results to be like this, if possible.
Name One —> Most repeated name in Column C, from Row 2 to Row 30.
(47) —> Amount of times Name One is repeated in Column C.
Name Two and Three show us the second and third most repeated names.
If you are using Google Sheets
To get your top three in column C, add this formula into another sheet.
=QUERY('Your sheet name'!A1:Z100,
// Change the sheet name and the last cell reference to suit.
// Keep the single quotes around the sheet name if it has a
// space or a non-alphanumeric character in it.
"Select C, count(C) group by C order by count(C) desc limit 3")
Thanks to #pnuts's answer on another question for allowing me to double check without turning on my laptop. :)
Have tested it and it's working for me.

Sum with text conditions

Good afternoon, I'm stuck with a small problem of formulas in excel:
I have a table in another sheet and I have to perform the following operations:
1. number of units sold in Bogota.
2. number of units sold in different cities to Bogota.
I'm trying to use the formula:
For the first requirement works, but at the moment of using it to know which city is different from Bogota, I do not know how to do it; try to use the <> operator but I get an error and placing the formula as follows:
do not add the data (Summation gives 0). Someone has an idea of the problem.
I believe you have to put quotes "like this" around the entire logical statement ""<>BOGOTA"
It can be used like this:
Hope this helps

Can excel clean up free-text user entry?

any help would be massively appreciated - I'm really stuck on this.
I have a field on a user entered form that asks people what university they've attended which, due to technical limitations on our system, has to be free text.
This invariably leads to hundreds of different entries for each university, which means I have to use filter on excel and comb through thousands of entries and manually unify - lack of knowledge on how to automate this limits it's practical use massively.
Does anyone know a way we can automate this process of categorizing (and then unifying) different entries which refer to the same thing (e.g someone might put UCL, another might put "university of college, London" and another "university of college london" - I need to teach the system that all 3 are the same and then convert it on excel).
I have a list of the exact entries we want for each university, and I'm happy to manually 'teach' excel when a user entry matches one of these, providing it then learns this for the future (so as time goes on, we have to less and less manual unifying).
Happy to clarify anything, and thanks so much for any help.
Don't become the victim of user mischief.
Assign a unique ID for each valid response and have the users enter the ID.
As you said, you need to do some teaching, here's is the teaching table. Basically just fill up as you go along. You might ask what is UOL, sorry i just crack it out, just for illustration.
And then you have the users inputs (column E), plus 5 calculated columns (F:J)
And now the formulae, I'll show those in row 2 only, the rest are just filled down.
F2 = SUBSTITUTE(E:E," ","*")
G2 = VLOOKUP(E:E,A:B,2,0)
I2 = VLOOKUP(F:F,A:B,2,0)
J2 = IFERROR(G2,IF(H2=1,I2,IF(H2=0,"Never seen before","Need validation")))
Basically the logic flow is
do the exact match vlookup of user input in teaching table, if found, then thats it and return the unified name. (Column G)
if the above exact match not found, then we'll proceed to use the star like Helper vallue. Count how many times the HELPER value is found in the teaching table. (Column H)
do the exact match vlookup of helper value in teaching table. (Column I, for use with Column H)
If value in column G is not an error, then use it,
else if value in Column H is 1, then VLOOKUP(HELPER) value is good. If its 0, then you haven't teach excel on the name before. If >2, then it means it need your further attention, the VLOOKUP(Helper) value could be wrong as there are more than one matches.
The trick here is the HELPER column. by replacing blank space with stars, the vlookup now become some sort like vlookup of a sequence of keywords. Doesn't matter how the user's input is, as long as some keywords found and the sequence match, the countif and vlookup return the value.
And at the same time, you also submit an IT enhancement request ! :)

How to search for a partial and an absolute in excel to get an answer?

I have a worksheet, in where I need a search that does more than one query. The problem I am running into is this:
On the workbook there are two tabs, the first is Jobs, the second is OOR. In OOR there are multiple columns empty, Order Qty., Orig Promise Date, and Shop Order.
Now I know there are duplicates, and this is fine, what I am looking at now is to use Column B in OOR is a refrence. So in this case use B3 as the refrence point. which is a partial number of 48900421 Rev 2. What I want to do is this, use two refrence points.
I want to look up B3 in OOR, and use two points of refrence to gurantee the correct job is refrenced. Those two columns to refrence is in Jobs. The first is Column B which will always equal Dakota Systems, Inc., and the other will reference Column C, but this is where I don't know what to do here, I since C3 in OOR only shows 48900421, it will never find 48900421 Rev 2I thought about using something like this:
=IFERROR(INDEX(Jobs!$E:$E,MATCH(1,INDEX((OOR!$C:$C=$B3)*(Jobs!$C:$C="Dakota Systems, Inc."),1),0)),"")
But for some reason I am getting a blank when I don't think I should be. I'm loosing my sanity this late in the week, can someone help?
You don't seem to be referencing the right columns....and also you need a zero in the second INDEX function, not a 1
Try this version in in OOR!I3 copied down, using ISNUMBER(FIND to find your part number within other text:
=IFERROR(INDEX(Jobs!E$3:E$1000,MATCH(1,INDEX(ISNUMBER(FIND(B3,Jobs!C$3:C$1000))*(Jobs!B$3:B$1000="Dakota Systems, Inc."),0),0)),"")
format in required date format
Revised re comment below:
=IFERROR(INDEX(Jobs!E$3:E$1000,MATCH(1,INDEX(ISNUMBER(FIND(B3,Jobs!C$3:C$1000))*(Jobs!B$3:B$1000="Dakota Systems, Inc.")*(Jobs!A$3:A$1000=M3),0),0)),"")
