Sum with text conditions - excel

Good afternoon, I'm stuck with a small problem of formulas in excel:
I have a table in another sheet and I have to perform the following operations:
1. number of units sold in Bogota.
2. number of units sold in different cities to Bogota.
I'm trying to use the formula:
For the first requirement works, but at the moment of using it to know which city is different from Bogota, I do not know how to do it; try to use the <> operator but I get an error and placing the formula as follows:
do not add the data (Summation gives 0). Someone has an idea of the problem.

I believe you have to put quotes "like this" around the entire logical statement ""<>BOGOTA"
It can be used like this:
Hope this helps


Excel percentage increase based on formula

I am trying to fill the sell price column in an Excel spreadsheet with the increased values in colors based on the round up columns value (1 to 50 green, 50 to 100 blue, 100 to 150 yellow, 150+ pink).
I've opted for the percentage table because some items can be sold for a lot more than what I have purchased them for, so that's just for my benefit. I am open to any other suggestions and I am new to this whole business thing.
I was using IF in my formula which would work great for using one percentage increase in the formula:
If I try to enter a second argument like
I will get an error.
I'm probably using the formulas wrong, I've tried "AND" and a couple other formulas, but I can't find anyone else trying to achieve the same or similar.
So something like this:
But not sure what the <100 was for.
Although the problem is not completely clear, I understand that you want to add a formula with nested if statements.
I will recommend you to try nested ifs in parts.
=IF($E27<50,ROUNDUP(I$27,-1),"First if condition is false")
If everything is working as per the requirement then edit that text in the formula to add another if statement.
=IF($E27<50,ROUNDUP(I$27,-1),IF(OR(condition 1, condition 2,more conditions),"value if true","value if false"))
In the second argument provided by you, the arguments of the OR function has not been properly provided. Ensure that all the arguments of an OR function are conditions separated by a comma.
$E28<50 This is a condition so it's ok.
But other arguments are not making sense.
Also, using OR multiple times inside the first OR arguments is not clear.
It would be beneficial if you could provide the basic table and mention the requirement clearly.

Define Status depending on Criteria

I have advanced Excel/Google Sheets skills. I have more of a conceptual question. I am happy with any solution (Excel or for Sheets, no difference for me).
I have a sheet where various coworkers have access and work with. It is used to define which product needs to go through which steps. Then when a part of a job is done, the status of the product is changed depending on criteria.
You can also think of it as projects and the status of a project.
The 3 examples shows how the data is input by the workers. Sometimes, the "No" cells are empty, sometimes they have a "No", sometimes for the same product, one criterion is empty, the other has a "No".
If I do a nested IF formula, I would have to create 32 of them (I believe, since its 5 criteria with each 2 options).
Obviously I can do that. I was wondering anyone has a better solution for me? Something more practical.
Thanks in advance!
Based on the data you've provided, it looks like your statuses are based on the number of Yes's in the input columns. Also you don't have a status shown for zero Yes's so I'll make an additional for that.
Given that assumption you can use a combination of the COUNTIF function (to count the Yes's), and the IFS function (to manage nested Ifs better) to drastically reduce the size of your function.
To make this cleaner I suggest you add a column and hide it containing: =COUNTIF([InputCriteria1to5Range],"Yes")
For the next formula assume the formula above is in B2. In your status column put the following:
=IFS(B2=5, Status1, B2=4, Status2, B2=3, Status3, B2=2, Status4, B2=1, Status5, B2=0, Status6)
Solution: Thanks to all for your help, I ended up firstly, creating ALL scenarios. This was actually the most complex part. See (Answer from "Tusharm") where I had to repeat this process 5 times to have all possible outcomes. In the end, there were 192 combinations.
Then, I assigned a status for each combination.
Finally, for each product/row, I created another column where I concatenated the different criteria so that it looks exactly like my above combinations. Then finally index match the concatenated criteria to my combinations.

Finding the right range from excel table

What is the best way to find the right column for the travelled miles using visual basic coding or some excel function and return the price from that column? HLOOKUP can't be used here because the lookup value isn't exact and the ranges in the table are also not with specific intervals (If they were, I could use e.g. FLOOR(travelled miles/100)*100 and find the price with HLOOKUP). Obviously, it's easy to find the price manually with a small table but with a big table computer will be faster.
Note that, if x is between a and b, then MEDIAN(x,a,b)=x. Combine this with some nested IFs:
I'm on my phone, so just done the first three cases, but hopefully you can see how it continues.
(should note you need to remove the dashes for this to work)
I also want to answer your question in the comments above. You can use the following to keep the dash, but get a number to work with.
Assume cell A1 has got the value 10-. We can use the FIND function to work out where the - occurs and then use the LEFT function to only return the characters from before the dash:
This will return the value 10, but it will return it as a string, not a number - basically Excel will think it is text. To force Excel to consider it as a number, we can simply multiply the value by one. Our formula above therefore becomes:
You may also see people use a double minus sign, like this:
I don't recommend this because it's a bit complex, but combining with the formula above would give:

Excel match multiple records from timetable

I just stuck with my school homework, it seems easy, but there is always different errors and mistakes.
All I need is to connect information from 3 pages.
The first one is timetable of trainings.
The second page is "groups"
Players page
1) Here is my first question. How I can put the time from the "timetable" page ?
I tried vlookup with the easiest group "children 5-7" but even this doesnt work.
The problem is that there is many possible times of some groups and I need the answer like "17:00, 18:00 etc" then.
2) The second question is with the page "players".
Firstly I need to match group or coach from page "groups". For children all is simple, but excel dont want to work even with this. But, there is one problem more. In adult group there cant be more than 4 players in one group, that why I have TK1, TK2, TK3 and TK4 - all this are for adult A. and TK11, TK22 etc are for adult B. So when its done we should match court and time from page "groups".
There is my spreadsheet so be free to try it right here. Hope you will help me!
I try to give you some ideas about how to solve your issues
Question 1:
The issue you have with VLOOKUP is that you cannot search on the left of your lookup value in the reference table. As suggested above by BruceWayne, you may use INDEX/MATCH. Considering the structure of your data a good formula could be:
=INDEX('timetable try here'!B:G,MATCH(A2,CHOOSE(B2,'timetable try here'!C:C,'timetable try here'!D:D,'timetable try here'!E:E,'timetable try here'!F:F,'timetable try here'!G:G),0),1)
In fact I am using CHOOSE() to select the column where your case should match, because your courts are numbers from 1 to 5. You may replace this formula in the column D under the label Time in your sheet named "groups try here". By the way the result that you get is only the first occurrence (in case you see a zero with some decimals figures, remind to change format to hours), so you will not be able to get the list as you like. As far as I know Excel does not have such kind of formulas. What you could do is create a VBA formula by yourself. You can find more details in this other post always here in StackOverflow, where I replied to a similar question with some code. I believe that your case is exactly the same.
Question 2
In this part I just added the last argument to the VLOOKUP and your formula works. So the correct formula should be in cell E2 of "players try here":
=VLOOKUP(D2,'groups dont try here'!A2:C15,3,0)
and in cell F2 (Court) of the same sheet:
=VLOOKUP(D2,'groups dont try here'!A2:C15,2,0)
I believe you need also a formula to pick-up the time in cell G2 (time):
=VLOOKUP(D2,'groups dont try here'!A2:D15,4,0)
These formulas of course works with suitable groups starting with "children". For the others it is not very clear to me what you need. If you have grouped all TK in Adult A and Adult B you need to have some criteria to fill in the other cells from your sheet 'groups dont try here'. Also remind that if you recode the TK1 and TK2 (for instance by adding a new column to be used as key for the VLOOKUP), with VLOOKUP you will always pick up only the first occurrence in the table.
If you need more support, please leave a comment.

MS Excel IF statement confusion

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet for some calendars that I'm selling. I have a pricing scheme which depends on how many calendars a customer buys. I want to be able to keep track of sales, but I don't want to have to input the price per unit for each sale. I set up an IF statement that seems to work except for the last variable. Here's a screenshot:
As you can see, it works all the way to the last one. After the number reaches 11, the price per unit should drop to 6, but it doesn't! I know it must be a simple fix, but I don't know much about IF statement, so I'm stuck. Please help!
If you set up your price table similar to my set-up below, you can use a VLOOKUP formula to make it more flexible.
The formula in H10 is:
Enter and drag down.
The benefit of this approach is that you can change the lower bound count on the left and you'll get an adjustment without having to update the formula. Try changing the 2 in Count to 3 and you'll see the adjustments right away.
An added benefit is you can add some more values to the table for further pricing brackets.
If you must use an IF statement, try:
=IF(G10=1,9,IF(G10<=5,8,IF(AND(G10>5, G10<11),7,IF(G10>=11,6,IF(G10="","")))))
The problem with yours is it will never read the if(G10>=11 part because it has already evaluated if(G10>5
If it should have no output when G10 is blank, use the following variant:
=IF(ISBLANK(G10),"",IF(G10=1,9,IF(G10<=5,8,IF(AND(G10>5, G10<11),7,IF(G10>=11,6,IF(G10="",""))))))
I agree with #Nanashi that putting the price thresholds in a separate table and using vlookup is a better solution. That would make it possible to change the price points without having to edit multiple formulae.
But to just get your formula working, try this: =if(g10="","",if(g10=1,9,if(g1<=6,8,if(g10<=10,7,6))))
Notice that:
You don't need (and probably don't want) quotes around your numeric
The order of tests is important. In your original, the test for g10>=11 is never reached because it is in the else part of the g10>5 function.
A properly constructed table of quantities and pricing coupled with a VLOOKUP formula would be the best way to go and eases future pricing changes. But for the sake of diversity, your straightforward pricing structure could also be handled by the following:
In the formula, "G10>5" should be "G10<=10". Otherwise, when it gets to 11, it still meets the G10>5 criteria.
