npm install creates inordinate amount of dependencies in node_modules - node.js

This started happening just recently, but every time I run npm install I end up getting dozens of node modules beyond what's listed in package.json.
This answer shows that this is a new feature of npm 3 where the dependencies are being "flattened" instead of nested. However, I don't want to look at a bazillion modules every time I venture into the folder. Is there any way I can disable this setting?

No, that cannot be disabled.
is there anyway that I can force npm#3 to install new package for me, but old way? So without calculating project-wise tree. I just want the new package to be placed in node_modules with its dependencies in its node_modules?
No. The new installer is pretty much a complete rewrite, and while there is some special-case code to install packages into siloed subdirectories, that's only available when doing global installs, to simplify packaging and managing shared tools.


Can you prevent node.js from installing packages locally? (Use global packages)

I've been working on a lot of different node.js projects. All of them have their own package.json file with their own needed packages. Every time I run node <mainfile>.js, npm installs all the packages to the project directory. Like so: C:/Users/me/Projects/<project-name>/node_modules.
This isn't a very big problem, but is there a way to make npm use/install to the global packages? Like in C:/Users/me/node_modules?
One of the advantages I could see this having is less storage being taken up, although it isn't a huge advantage.
I would assume that if it is possible, it would require you to add/modify something in the package.json file.
While looking into answers for this question, I've seen people saying that you should avoid installing packages globally. Can you also explain why this is a bad practice andy why I should avoid it?
Install Package Globally
NPM installs global packages into //local/lib/node_modules folder.
Apply -g in the install command to install package globally.
npm install -g express
To answer your other question
The obvious short answer is that your project depends on them. If your
project depends on a package, it should be documented in package.json
so that you can guarantee that it is installed when someone types npm
install. Otherwise, you’ll need to add extra steps in your README file
to inform anyone else who clones your project that they need to
install each of your global dependencies as well
Finally, even if someone installs the correct version of Browserify
for your project, they may be working on a different project that
requires a different version of that same tool, which would cause
conflicts. Several of your own projects might even use different
versions of Browserify because you updated it when you started a new
project and didn’t go back to make sure that earlier projects were
updated to work with the new version. These conflicts can be avoided.
You can only have one version installed globally. This causes problems if you have different projects that rely on different versions of a package.
Why not to install all packages globally
It's not really you shouldn't install a package globally it's more knowing what packages to install globally. The packages to install globally are ones that your project/application does not depend on.
How to identify a package that my project depends on
A package that your project is depended on is a package that your application could not run without like axios or express (an express API could not run without express installed or a web page that makes API requests with axios cant make those requests without axios) but something like http-server or minify is not needed to run the application so it can be installed globally.
Why is it important to have locally installed packages
It's important/good practice because if you are working with a group of developers or someone gets your work from Github they can just run npm install and get all the packages with out having to find all the packages them selfs.
How can I remove the node modules folder
You could technically globally install every package but I would sudjest not to. Node and many other developers know this is an issue that they have created a solution for in deno "the node killer".
I would recommend not installing all packages globally and if the node modules folder really annoys you try deno it fixes a lot of things that node developers hate.

How to use one node_modules for all projects

Is there an easy way to share one node_modules folders with all angular projects and thus avoiding to download same dependencies every-time when we create a new project ?
if yes , is the method recommended ( what are pros/cons)
Thanks for your time
Package Managers namely npm and yarn have caching mechanism.
The packages are download for the first time only and when you run the install command for the already downloaded package, they won't be downloaded again.
That being said even if you don't have an internet connection you can still install previously cached packages.
Yarn is particularly awesome on handling this and npm is now catching up.
This solves your problem of downloading the packages again. Do lock your package dependencies version. This might help in using the same node_modules for other projects too. But I don't recommend using same node_modules folder for all projects personally as this might mess the entire project. Check out my article about dependency management in JS apps

npm install is really slow every time

when running npm install --no-optional, it takes around 3 mins every time to complete. It installs ~ 200MB of files. I would like to speed the build process, but I cannot find any ways to really speed it up.
Doesn't npm install by default cache dependencies (like any other decent tool e.g. maven, sbt or nuget) by default? If yes, shouldn't it be much faster than that? If no, then WHY and how to work around that?
I found npm-cache package, but it seems to .tar all the dependencies and when neither of them changes, npm-cache will reuse the tar file. The downside of this is that, whenever a small change in dependencies occurs, it won't be able to reuse the cache (from what I understand).
Are there any nice resources on why this is slow and how to speed it up and how caching works with npm in general? Other tools that I have used (sbt, maven, nuget) are much faster, therefore my expectations are high for npm as well.
Another option I looked into is npm install -g, but it seems not to solve any problems here, as it is meant to be used for installing some cli tools like grunt, npm-cache and etc., as it adds them to a path. So this definitely doesn't solve the problem.
npm -v: 4.0.5
node -v: 6.8.1
The problem with node was that coming from sbt background, where sbt uses a local ivy cache to cache dependencies, I expect the same behaviour from Node. So at least up to V 5.0, Node didn't have a proper dependency caching mechanism, so you basically needed to redownload all of the dependencies every time you do a node install with a clean node_modules folder.
There were some tool developed to work around that, but none of them were satisfactory.
But it seems that this might have been fixed in Node V 5.0 with some caching strategy, therefore if you have a similar issue, please take a look at the changes for the 5th version.
It's better to install pnpm package using the following command:
npm i -g pnpm
pnpm uses hard links and symlinks to save one version of a module only ever once on a disk. When using npm or Yarn for example, if you have 100 projects using the same version of lodash, you will have 100 copies of lodash on disk. With pnpm, lodash will be saved in a single place on the disk and a hard link will put it into the node_modules where it should be installed.
As an example I can mention that whenever you want to install the dependencies of package.json file, what you should do is simply that enter the pnpm i and it handles the other things by itself. Its speed is faster than the npm, because it will reuse the dependencies that you've installed them before!

ReactNative: is it possible to avoid storing all dependencies in node_modules subfolder

I'm quite new to ReactNative so sorry if it's obvious, but..
Each RN project init-ed via CLI has a large number of node modules stored in project_root/node_modules. Not that I would mind, but if you have several projects it seems redundant and takes up time/space to move it to the source versioning system.
Wouldn't it be possible to retrieve all these same modules from the general node_modules on the machine instead ?
You never want to store dependencies nested in node_modules in your source control... it defeats the whole purpose of versioning and dependencies in general. Your package.json file will specify the versions so when you run npm install it knows exactly which dependencies to grab.
As an alternative, Yarn is an up and rising package client that Facebook developed that does a much better job of caching your packages locally so that way if multiple projects reuse the same depencencies, it will still satisfy the need to keep them in node_modules but doesn't need to perform http requests for each one.
Yarn doesn't replace NPM as a package registry, just a better client to download, maintain, and cache those packages.
Yarn also adds a yarn.lock file (similar to Ruby's Gemfile.lock) that allows you to lock in the specific versions used in your app, regardles of the package.json. This file can be stored in version control, which is probably what you were wanting to achieve by saving the node_modules in version control.
Some good reads...
Yarn vs NPM Yarn Tutorial
Why I'm working on Yarn (Yehuda Katz)
I would echo Brad's answer: Don't put node_modules in version control. npm install will install the correct versions from the package.json. Just put package.json in version control, not node_modules.
However, if you still want to save disk space, you can install some of your dependencies in a general node_modules folder by using the link option:
npm config set link true -g
You can read more about link here:
Note that you must not include node_modules in your version control when using this option since npm will put symlinks to the globally installed packages in node_modules. The global install location varies from machine to machine, so if node_modules is in version control, it may link to non-existent locations.

What should one put into npm package?

Recently I start committing my application node_modules folder into VCS to speed up deployments and fix dependencies.
I noticed that many npm packages contain a bunch of stuff unnecessary to me like tests and various builds that I'll never use and I wrinkle every time when I put it in my repo.
So, what should one put into npm package?
The tests and other items are usually a good item to include in your devDependencies.
You can install packages without them by using npm install --production or setting the configuration flag to production using npm config set production
I would recommend looking at this page and reading the information in the different types of dependencies to get an understanding of what each does.
That being said the bare minimum to include is just what it takes for your module to run but that varies based on the module you're creating. Although a is almost essential if you're sharing your package publicly so users can git a quick overview of your package on npm and github.
