Copy and install exe on azure vm via powershell - azure

I'm trying to create an Azure VM and then copy an install file to the VM and then silently installing it. I have created a basic Azure Resource Group project, and can create and deploy the VM, but I can't figure out how to do everything from the powershell script.

It sounds like you could use a custom script extension to do what you want. In your ARM template, you can specify the url for a file and the command to run; Azure will handle getting the file onto your VM and running it based on your command. Here is an example from the Azure Quickstart Templates:
Hope this helps! :)


How to run yaml file from Azure cloud shell

I have created a Windows Server container on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using the Azure CLI. While trying to deploy my aspnet core app to the AKS cluster, I am stuck on this step of the above link. I have sample.yaml file on my Windows-10 hard drive that needs to run in the Azure cloud shell using the following command:
kubectl apply -f sample.yaml
Question: Where can I place the above sample.yaml file so I can run the above command in Azure Cloud Shell? I am assuming it probably has to be somewhere in my Azure storage account but where exactly it should be placed so above command can recognize its path? Currently it's giving an expected error: the path "sample.yaml" does not exist
You can directly create a file named sample.yaml using vi or nano or code sample.yaml in the Azure could shell then copy your YAML definition.
For example, type code sample.yaml in the Azure Bash. It opens a sample.yaml file then copy YMAL content and save it. The file automatically was stored in your current working path /home/user.
Or, you can upload your sample.yaml from your local to the Azure path.
Or, you also could persistently store your file into the Azure file share. To find the Azure file share, you can type df command.

Use Azure CLI commands within VM

I am writing a program that uploads a file to Azure blob storage, creates a virtual machine, and now I want to download and execute that file within the VM. For that I am trying to execute the command az storage blob download <parameters> in the VM, but unfortunately az is not recognized. How can I enable that the Azure CLI is (pre)installed on each new VM? Is there such a possibility provided by Azure? Or should I install the Azure CLI with yum for each VM within my script? Any information or ideas is highly appreciated, thank you.
You need to install the Azure CLI yourself. See the steps here. You can install it following the steps one by one, or put the commands inside a script and execute the script in the VM extension or cloud-init in the creation time.

How to automatically deploy a web job to Azure portal using Power shell

I have been checking for ways to deploy a web job to azure automatically using PowerShell. I saw some blogs that depict the steps and the following summarizes what I have tried
I build my application (ASP.NET Console Application) in release mode and Zipped the contents of bin/Release to a folder.
In PowerShell, I logged in with az login
Then I tried the following commmand
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://$$webJobName ` -InFile $ZipFile -ContentType "application/zip" -Method Put
$ZipFile has the path to the folder I created on step 1.
The output I get is the following
Invoke-WebRequest : The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large
Please let me know if you know what the issue is or If you have any reference that would help.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for pitching in everyone! Your input was helpful, however I would like to update the answer with the solution I found that was so easy and saved me so much time. I will like to update you on how I could successfully deploy the app service and web job in a single go. Its very easy and since it deploys web app and corresponding web jobs in a single go, this was the perfect solution for my scenario. Thanks to my colleague who helped me with this solution.
The following depicts the steps I had to go through.
Lets suppose that my app service in Azure is "appService1" and I want to create a triggered web job under appService1 that goes by the name "webJob1".
I followed zip-deployment with azure cli.
Publish your web application (For the app service) solution in release mode to get the files you will have to deploy. Let this folder be WebAppBuild.
Build your application (a console application in my case) that would serve as the web job for the app service in release mode.
Inside the published folder for the web application (for app service ie WebAppBuild in our example), add a folder with the following path
(If you need more than one web jobs deployed, you can create more than one folders like webJob2, webJob3 etc)
Add the files you have in step 2 to this folder. This is basically the files needed for your web job
Zip the contents in a single folder that acts as your deployment folder for web app and web job
Go to powershell and run az login (works if you have installed azure cli, otherwise you will have to install it as well)
Log into your respective account with the prompt window
Run the following commands that sets run from package property to true for your web app and the second command is the actual deployment command
az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group <<resourceGroupName>> --name <<appServiceName>> --settings WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE="1" ;
az webapp deployment source config-zip --resource-group <<resourceGroupName>> --name <<appServiceName>> --src <<zipFilePath>>
Now login to your azure portal and navigate to your web app. Check under web jobs option and you will see that the web job has been created with the files you deployed.
For more help on starting, stopping, deleting the web job with azure cli, go through the following document.
Check here

Get Mount script from Azure file share - Terraform

For every new fileshare that we create in Azure Storage account we get a connect option
if we click connect we get the below options,
is it possible to get that piece of code to mount this fileshare through terraform? I could not find it anywhere. Any help on this would be appreciated
Of course, it's possible. You just need to copy the code into a script and then use the VM extension to execute inside the VM. It's not complex at all. Here is an example.
But there is one thing you need to pay attention to, the VM extension only supports the non-interactive script. For example, the connect code for the Linux, the command sudo is an interactive command, so it's not recommended to use in the VM extension. You can get more details about the VM extension here.

azure vm location default using command line?

I'm trying to use the azure command line to start a vm:
azure vm start myvmnamehere
But it's telling me:
No deployments were found
I'm guessing that I need to specify the location "West US"?
azure vm start is going to start a virtual machine that you've already created, within a specific region. To do that, you'd first need to call azure vm create. You would first create your vm from an image in the gallery (and within a dns name, To see the images available to you, try running azure vm image list.
Also: don't forget to add --ssh or --rdp so you can have remote access, when calling azure vm create.
Jeff Wilcox blogged about this in more detail, here.
