Intern leadfoot (element not visible) : Wait till element is visible using isDisplayed? - intern

I am trying to test the login dialogue of my application. There is a wait until an element with class name "LoginDialog" is added to the DOM. However, the dialog doesn't appear right away anymore on the UI though it is still added to the DOM right away. I need to determine if it is visible as well.
I decided to first pollUntil the element is added then check if the element is dipslayed using isdiplayed but i still keep getting element no visible error
.then(pollUntil('return document.getElementsByClassName("LoginDialog", 8000)'))
.findAllByXpath("//div[contains(#class, \'LoginDialog\')]")
.then(function(bool) {
if (!bool[0]) {
this.then(pollUntil('return document.getElementsByClassName("LoginDialog", 8000)'))
//not sure about this step too. i need to wait until the element is diplayed on the UI

Leadfoot has a set of findDisplayed methods for just this purpose. These methods will find the first displayed element that matches the query. Like regular find, they'll wait up to the current find timeout for a matching element to appear.


Selenium/ python performing a click with browser.execute_script VS. normal click line

I wanted to click on something in a webpage so I used
WebDriverWait(browser, 30).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#styleguide-v2 > div.banner-container > a:nth-child(2)")))
except that it doesn't work in the background.I have to switch to the browser manually where it to be seen on my screen so that the code works properly.
Then I added this
x = WebDriverWait(browser, 30).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "#styleguide-v2 > div.banner-container > a:nth-child(2)")))
browser.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", x)
now it works like charm, my question is what's the difference? I want to know what's happening behind this
the webpage
presence_of_element_located expected condition finishes and the program continues to the next call while the element already created but still not clickable and still not located on it's final position on the page and still not ready to accept regular click.
JavaScript click can handle this kind of click, however this doesn't really imitates real UI user action.
To mimic real user action you should use element_to_be_clickable expected condition and click the element only when it became clickable.
visibility_of_element_located didn't work because the element is not actually visible itself, so we had to use element_to_be_clickable expected condition.
It is also possible that element is covered by some other element during the page rendering when it is literally become clickable but the page is still rendered. In this case we have to add some hardcoded delay or to wait until the element covering the desired button is disappeared. this can be achieved by invisibility_of_element_located expected condition for the covering element.

Element not recognized

Working on Coded UI testing and for scripts developed using Record Capture and playback feature (ctrl +I).
The problem is when the page has sub-menus (e.g. I need to hover over menu link then click sub-menu). When I record and capture element using Ctrl+I and executed a script it recognizes, but when I ran the script for the second time the element gets changed and it's not recognized.
I have tried simple x path utility posted here but coudn't able to use this feature. What would be the problem for always element id's getting changed. How to resolve it ?
Are you sure it isn't a nested object?
You could also try EnsureClickable()
There could few reasons behind not recognizing an element:
List item Element is not visible when you are trying to click on it.
If Type of Parent Element is e.g. winclient then it’s difficult in coded UI to identify its child elements.
There could various solutions, you can try:
First Click on Menu Item and then click on Sub Menu Item, if you are directly clicking on sub menu item in your recorded script, this will make sub menu element visible.
Also you can check the visibility from Coded UI Test Builder-> Add Assertion button then going to UI Control Map, then select the element in tree and click on Refresh. It will show if element is visible or not.
If Ids are changing, then you can various other properties like Name, ClassName, InnerText, ControlType, TagInstance, ControlName etc. whichever is supported by Element.

Auto-collapse any item in PrimeFaces PanelMenu on page loading

I'm writing a Primefaces 5.1 portlet.
It consists in a unique page containing a panelMenu, and I need that it starts with any panel collapsed everytime a user change page (on page loading).
But, if I open a panel, then change page, it will start showing that panel still opened.
I wasn't able to find any option to achieve this goal (e.g. collapsed=true, ignoreCookie=true or something similar).
The only solution I found was the following Javascript code:
The problem is that this code will collapse any opened panel (so on page loading user is able to see panel menu collapsing animation) but it seems it doesn't store this state in its cookie/localstorage... the result is that on any page loading user can see this animation.
I'm sure it doesn't save its state, because the only way to "solve" the problem is to manually re-open and re-collapse the panels... then, on following page change, these menus start closed (and there is no animation).
I also tried to use PrimeFaces.widgets.sideMenuPanel.saveState() after collapsing, but with no success.
Do you have any idea about?
Thank you...
I found a solution to the problem.
If you read my discussion with Kukeltje (comments on my question), you will find that latest Primefaces' versions will solve the problem.
Otherwise, if you want to avoid upgrade or modify sources, and you need a quick fix based on Javascript only please read the following part of the answer.
It directly works on the component's state using JavaScript.
First of all you need to have a variable reference to your component:
<p:panelMenu model="#{menuBackingBean.menuModel}" widgetVar="sidePanelMenu" />
Then you should add the following JS code on document ready:
var panelMenu = PrimeFaces.widgets.sidePanelMenu;
// 1. On page loading collapses possible opened panels
// following line is commented because it never should be necessary is not necessary (unless unexpected situation I never verified)
// 2. Call the "clear preferences" actions on click on two tpe of links: first level are the panel link (used to open/close the menu) and second level are the destination links
// We need to fork also on the first level links to be sure it works after user clicks there then exit from the page in another way
panelMenu.headers.children("a").click(function(){setTimeout(clearSidePanelMenuPreferences, 500)}); // setTimeout is necessary because this event should be fired after preferences are written
The function called to clear preferences are the following:
function clearSidePanelMenuPreferences() {
var panelMenu = PrimeFaces.widgets.sidePanelMenu;
panelMenu.expandedNodes = []; // clear the opened panels lists
panelMenu.saveState(); // store this information
Hope it helps
Please check this block of code
var header = jQuery(this);
I prefer to do this in order to execute this method only once and keep the menu option selected.
$(document).ready(function() {
if(location.pathname == "/cotizador/" || location.pathname == "/cotizador/faces/login.xhtml"){
var panelMenu = PrimeFaces.widgets.sidePanelMenu;
// 1. On page loading collapses possible opened panels
panelMenu.expandedNodes = []; // clear the opened panels lists

IE11 full screen on element

IE 11 has been out just one day as of this posting.
I cannot get an element to go full screen (div or document)
msRequestFullscreen will error 'object does not support this...)
However, the above msdn example will work on passing a target - makeFullScreen(
Can I get an div to go fullscreen as in following jquery code?:
var xxx = $('#container');
Or better still: click a button then have a div or the entire document to go fullscreen?
As it stands now, when a click a button, it's the button that goes full screen.
I think this is actually a small misconception of JQuery. JQuery-ing an ID doesn't actually return the element found - it returns a "JQuery object" which allows many actions on that element (or, on a series of elements if you used a class selector)
I don't have IE11 available so I can't test for you, but try this. The [0] should retrieve the element itself.
var xxx = $('#container')[0]; xxx.msRequestFullscreen();
Your code:
var xxx = $('#container');
This is wrong, because you're trying to call a DOM method on a jQuery object.
jQuery calls like $('#container') return jQuery objects. You can do lots of things with these objects, but one thing you can't do is call standard DOM methods. For that, you need an actual DOM object.
jQuery objects contain an array of matching DOM objects, which you can access via [0] for the first one, and [1], etc if there was more than one matching element. So you can do your call by changing your second line as follows:
This will call the msRequestFullscreen() on the DOM element rather than the jQuery element, and that should work for you.
In this case, you don't even need jQuery at all, since you're not using any of the jQuery functionality. You could simply use document.getElementById('container') to get the DOM object in the first place rather than the jQuery method. Then you don't need the [0] syntax on the second line because you've already got the DOM object.
Finally, you might want to be careful of course, because this is an IE-specific method; the ms at the front of the name tells you that, which means that your code won't work in other browsers, even if they support the same feature. You need to do it in a cross-browser way. There are some tips on how to do this here: How to make the window full screen with Javascript (stretching all over the screen)

Watir : How do we capture the subitems displayed by doing mouseover on a particular item

I am trying to work with mouseover on a particular Item in my application by using the following command
ie.text_field(:xpath, "//a[contains(text(),'Deal')]").fire_event('onmouseover')
On doing mouseover on a item, two subitems are displayed.
Is there any way to capture the sub items which are part of the Item by doing mouseover with which we can report that our test is pass or fail.
Please suggest.
Additional Information :
If we take example,On the StackOver flow page, If i do mouseover on my name, i get a window where i see activity, privileges, Logout and other stuff. This is really what i was looking for. Is there a way to capture the items displayed on the window on doing mouseover.
I also tried to capture the subitems with the following :
text=ie.text_field(:xpath, "//a[contains(text(),'Deal')]").fire_event('onmouseover')
On doing this "text" value is displayed as 'nil'.
My general tactic for such things is a combination of using IRB and the IE Developer tool, or Firebug.
using IRB, type out (or cut and paste) the watir statement to fire the onmouseover command to the proper element on the page.
Then have the developer tool rescan the DOM (there's a little refresh icon you can click) The use the tool to point to an element to point to one of the items in the stuff exposed by the onmouseover. Using the info from that, you can then figure out how to address those elements to get the text from the proper div, etc.
If I do that here to the info that opens up when I float the mouse over my name I can find out that it is a table of class "profile-recent-summary" Furthermore I can then look at the way the table is made up and see for example that the 'today' reputation value is in the second cell on that row.. The row also has the text 'reputation' in it.. so
browser.table(:class, 'profile-recent-summary').row(:text, /reputation/).cell(:index, 2).flash
Should flash the cell I want (index might be 1 if using firewatir or webdriver) I can then replace the .flash with something else like .text if I want to get the text from that cell (which is actually inside a link that sits in the cell)..
without seeing your code, I would 'inspect' the element that you are trying to verify and when_present (text) assert that its true
