.install Command not found while installing PopcornTime - linux

I am trying to install Popcorntime in ubuntu 14.04 from .tar. I have extracted .tar successfully. Then according to this link I have written sudo .install while I was in my extracted folder. But I get "sudo: .install: command not found". Also there is no .install file in my extracted folder. What can I do?

I have written sudo .install while I was in my extracted folder. But I
get "sudo: .install: command not found"
The command given there isn't sudo .install; it is sudo ./install. You have missed a / in between . and install.
And, . represents current(present) directory in which you are(here /opt/popcorntime), as displayed on the terminal.
So, install is a file inside the current directory (install is a file inside the /opt/popcorntime/ directory) , which would be /opt/popcorntime here; since you have done cd /opt/popcorntime in the previous step.
I hope it resolves your query.

If the executable "install" file is not found in the extracted package then it is probably a pre-installed package. In this case there should be an executable file called Popcorn-Time, and all you have to do is type the following command ./Popcorn-Time and the application will be launched.


Linux Newb ./config: No Such file or directory

I'm new to Linux and I'm trying to install a program called OpenSSL. I'm following a guide and it says to download the tar file, so i created a directory called Website_Related with the path
and downloaded the tar file from that directory with the command
wget http://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2o.tar.gz
This went fine. Then the guide says to execute the following command
$ ./config \
--prefix=/opt/openssl \
--openssldir=/opt/openssl \
I tried executing this command from the same directory where I downloaded the file to and I get an error "No such file or directory". I also tried executing the command from my home directory and got the same error. The guide gives an explanation for the "enable-ec_nist_64_gcc_128" but not the rest of the command.
What is going on here? I did some research and saw . is often a directory having to do with configuration in your home directory, and I can see it in my home directory with
ls -a
command, but if i try to go into it with
cd .
that fails. Could someone please explain to me what this ./config command is attempting to do, and why it is failing?
Thank you.
You need to unpack it first:
tar vxf openssl-1.0.2o.tar.gz

Why do I get /etc/cups conflicts between attempted installs in Yocto?

I have a recipe to compile a printer driver and have a few simple lines to run in do_install.
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${libdir}/cups/filter
install -m 755 ${B}/src/rastertoprinter ${D}${libdir}/cups/filter/
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/cups/ppd
install -m 755 ${B}/../rastertoprinter/printer_name.ppd ${D}${sysconfdir}/cups/ppd/
To compile the source I have a DEPENDS on cups and also an RDEPENDS on cups as the OS needs cups installed to print of course.
The printer driver is not publicly available so as such I've renamed it to rastertoprinter and changed my path names.
Essentially I need to simply create or ensure the directory /usr/lib/cups/filter exists, and copy the rastertoprinter program there. I also need to create or ensure the directory /etc/cups/ppd exists and copy the .ppd file into that directory.
The first two lines run fine but the 3rd throws the following errors:
file /etc/cups conflicts between attempted installs of printername-r0.corei7_64 and cups-2.2.2-r0.corei7_64
file /etc/cups/ppd conflicts between attempted installs of printername-r0.corei7_64 and cups-2.2.2-r0.corei7_64
I don't understand why both recipes can't create this directory and put stuff in it? Strangely I'm able to do the first /usr/lib/cups/filter directory though fine.
Turns out the issue is that each file to be packaged in Yocto will also generate a %dir for each parent of each file. We don't want to own a directory that is owned by another package, so if you add this to your recipe:
It will cause your package to not own parent directories of the files you package.
This will generate an rpm spec file without the %dir entries.

Spark Installation Problems

I am following instructions from here:
I downloaded and prebuilt version of Spark , untarred it and mv it to /usr/local/spark.
According to this, this is all I should have to do.
Unfortunately, I can run the interactive shell as it cant find the file.
When i run :
I get
-bash: ./bin/pyspark: No such file or directory.
I also notice that installing it this way does not add it to the bin directory.
Is this tutorial wrong or am I missing a trick?
You need to change your working directory to /usr/local/spark. Then this command will work.
And also, when you untar it, it usually will not add it to bin folder. You need to add it manually by adding the path to environment variables.
Update your working Directory to /usr/local/spark and execute the command. Hopefully this will fix the issue.

How to install rabbitmq and erlang on centOS without root user?

Can anyone help me with installation?
I have install virtualEnv and trying to install both of these. but not sure it is correct or not.
I know this is an old version, but it worked for me on a different Linux build (Mate OS). Follow the steps in this blog post which I have simplified below.
Download the below
ERLANG from OTP R16B03-1 Source File
RabbitMQ from RabbitMQ Server.tar.gz
Installing Erlang
Extract the ERLANG file
cd to source folder
run $ configure
run $ make
Open Makefile and change /Users/deepkrish/Application/erlang to a suitable directory
The line you are looking for is the below:
# prefix from configure, default is /usr/local (must be an absolute path) prefix = /Users/deepkrish/Application/erlang
Run $ make install
Once Erlang is installed non root user add the erlang/bin to PATH in .bash_profile like below:
export ERLANG=”/Users/deepkrish/Application/erlang/bin”
export PATH=${ERLANG}:${PATH}
Now execute the profile by running `$ source .bash_profile” or log off and login again.
Check $ erl -version This should give you the below:
Erlang (SMP,ASYNC_THREADS,HIPE) (BEAM) emulator version 5.10.4
Installing RabbitMQ
Untar the RabbitMQ.tar file and $ cd to the extracted folder
run $ make
2. This should create a scripts folder. Now change into that. $ cd scripts
Now change the below in the rabbitmq-defaults file. This will change where we run and log rabbitMQ. You can change it to the folder you want to run RabbitMQ from as below
### next line potentially updated in package install steps SYS_PREFIX=~/Application/RabbitMQ
Save and close the file
Now create a directory mkdir -p ../etc/rabbitmq Note that if you don't have access to the /etc directory you can also change it to somewhere else.
./rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Start rabbitmq server $ ./rabbitmq-server &
I use the below script file to start RabbitMQ server whenever I log on.
cd /home/myusername/myproject/RabbitMQ/rabbitmq-server-3.2.3/scripts
export ERLANG="/home/myusername/myproject/RabbitMQ/erlang/bin"
export PATH=${ERLANG}:${PATH}
./rabbitmq-server &

Google protocol buffer installation failling in windows xp

I am trying to run these commands given in the read me of protocol buffer
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make check
$ make install
when I give ./configure, I get the error
bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
First of all, it seems like you haven't got to the right directory that has the executable file "configure."
If your goal is to install protocol buffer on Windows, specifically for Java, you can do the following steps:
Download 2 files from http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/downloads/list (get the most up-to-date version)
protoc-2.4.1-win32.zip (this is the pre-compiled file for easy install)
Follow instructions in README from the downloaded protobuf
Install Apache Maven
Follow instructions in README in the downloaded Apache Maven
Step 3 is the one that I spent a lot of times since I hadn't read the whole documentation in the first place and did a harder way. I suggest to do step 3B since it takes me 5 minutes instead of waiting to download cygwin.
[DIFFICULT]For compiling binary ourselves, download and Install cygwin (REMEMBER to select gcc)
Run ./configure, make, make check, make install
[EASY] Using pre-compiled binary:
Unzip protoc-2.4.1-win32.zip
Place protoc.exe in protobuf-2.4.1\src (notice that this is different than protobuf-2.4.1\java\src . Some people on the net is confused between these 2 files so they'll get "An Ant BuildException has occured: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "../src/protoc"" exception and have to change the pom.xml file manually. If we place the protoc.exe in the correct folder, we don't have to modify anything as I'm aware of)
Place protoc.exe in PATH (i.e. protobuf-2.4.1\src)
Then, below is just the copy from README file
Check protoc by executing "protoc --version"
cd protobuf-2.4.1\java (which has the file "pom.xml")
run "mvn test", "mvn install", "mvn package"
Should not have any errors
you must run ./autogen.sh first
