Bash: Move files to specific folder if name contains one of a list of strings - string

I have a script that queries the Twitter API for several queries, and then writes the raw data to a file with the query in the name, plus a timestamp. I'd like to have a script that, given the list of query strings (regexs?) and for all files in a folder, if one of the query strings is a substring in that file, move it to a specific folder. Right now I have just a script with just a few dozen mv commands, but I'd like a simpler and more maintainable version. Here's an example of what I'm doing now:
mv /home/nick/TwitterSearchToDatabase/queries_for_amita/*femin*/home/nick/TwitterSearchToDatabase/queries_for_amita/feminism
mv /home/nick/TwitterSearchToDatabase/queries_for_amita/*patriarchy* /home/nick/TwitterSearchToDatabase/queries_for_amita/feminism
mv /home/nick/TwitterSearchToDatabase/queries_for_amita/*yesallwomen* /home/nick/TwitterSearchToDatabase/queries_for_amita/feminism
mv /home/nick/TwitterSearchToDatabase/queries_for_amita/*womanpower* /home/nick/TwitterSearchToDatabase/queries_for_amita/feminism

I would use a for loop:
for i in femin patriarchy yesallwomen womanpower; do
mv /home/nick/TwitterSearchToDatabase/queries_for_amita/*$i* /home/nick/TwitterSearchToDatabase/queries_for_amita/feminism
That way the list is in the first line so it is easy to amend.

I would isolate data (the words to be moved to feminism) and code.
When you have more keywords (feminism and so), you can make files with keywords and check these keywordfiles for the files you are considering to move.
With ${fromdir} where the files come from, ${todir} where you want them and ${keyfiledir} with the keywords, you get something like
for keyfile in ${keyfiledir}/*; do
find $from -type f | sed 's#.*/##' | while read -r file; do
echo "${file}" | grep -q -f "${keyfiledir}"/"${key}" && mv "${from}"/"${file}" "${to}"/"${key}"
How does that work? I tested the solution above with the following script.
rm -rf ${from} ${to} ${keyfiledir}
mkdir ${from} ${to} ${keyfiledir}
mkdir ${to}/feminism ${to}/so
touch ${from}/yesallwomen ${from}/women ${from}/some_femin ${from}/"help move"
cat <<# > ${keyfiledir}/feminism
touch ${from}/yesallwomen ${from}/women ${from}/some_femin
cat <<# > ${keyfiledir}/so
test ! -d "${from}" && echo " Wrong dir ${from}" && exit 1
test ! -d "${to}" && echo " Wrong dir ${to}" && exit 1
test ! -d "${keyfiledir}" && echo " Wrong dir ${keyfiledir}" && exit 1
for keyfile in ${keyfiledir}/*; do
find $from -type f | sed 's#.*/##' | while read -r file; do
echo "${file}" | grep -q -f "${keyfiledir}"/"${key}" && mv "${from}"/"${file}" "${to}"/"${key}"
echo "Not moved"
ls ${from}
echo "Moved"
ls -R ${to}

A simple combination of mv and egrep should suffice. egrep can take a pattern list from a file (and then you get to use full regexp syntax, not just glob syntax.) Make sure to exclude the name of the target folder.
cd /home/nick/TwitterSearchToDatabase/queries_for_amita
mv $(ls | egrep -f patterns.txt | grep -v '^feminism$') feminism


Bash regex for just numbers and dots

There's a folder with two files in it like: filename-3.0.1-extra.jar and filename-3.0.1.jar. The number and dots in the middle are the version, which can change. I'm trying to copy filename-3.0.1.jar to another folder.
Something like:
cp folder1/filename-*.jar otherfolder/
But the wildcard * matches both files. I'm trying to copy just the file without the -extra at the end. So I'm trying to match filename on just numbers and dots when I copy, something like this:
cp folder1/filename-[0-9.].jar otherfolder/.
But that's not the right syntax for the regex. Would appreciate any help here!
I got it somewhat working with this:
ls | grep -e "filename-[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]\.jar"
But the regex seems a bit rigid. Is there a way to shorten it to something like "filename-([0-9]+[\.])+jar"?
So that even cases like filename-32.430.3.jar would also get captured?
Using extglob you can do this:
shopt -s extglob
cp folder1/filename-+([0-9.]).jar otherfolder/
Here +([0-9.]) will match 1 or more of any digits or dots.
Based on your edited question it appears you're trying to use a grep with a regular expression. You can use this grep solution:
printf '%s\n' *.* | grep -E '^filename-([0-9]+\.)+jar$'
you can do something like
cp "folder1/${##*.}" otherfolder
cd folder1 && cp -r -v $(echo -e $(ls | grep -e "[0-9]*\.*")) otherfolder/. && cd ..
$ ls -1 *.jar
You can use a loop and filter out those that match *-extra*:
for fn in *.jar; do # with this glob, what DO you want
[[ $fn != #(*-extra*) ]] && echo "$fn" # and what you DONT want
So your loop could be:
for fn in *.jar; do
[[ $fn != #(*-extra*) ]] && cp "$fn" otherfolder/

How can i move/group specific folders in bash?

I have a folder structure like the following:
I need to create folders from the first 2 numbers and omit whatever follows the second dash (-). Then I need to put the prior folders under the newly created ones with the correct name.
I tried to write a script in bash like this:
ls -d */ > folder.txt
cut -f1,2 -d"-" folder.txt |cut -f1 -d"/" |sort|uniq > mainfolder.txt
while read line; do mkdir $line ; done < mainfolder.txt
while read line; do mv $(cut -f1,2 -d"-" $line) $line/ ; done < folder.txt
I couldn't make the last line work, I know it has issues.
Actually, you don't have to parse the directory names and build the hierarchy. You can make use of the -p option of mkdir, thus, an awk one-liner will do the job:
awk -F'-' '{top=$1 FS $2;printf "mkdir -p %s; mv %s %s\n",top, $0, top}' dir.txt
The output with your example:
mkdir -p 2020-123; mv 2020-123-1 2020-123
mkdir -p 2020-123; mv 2020-123-2 2020-123
mkdir -p 2020-123; mv 2020-123-3 2020-123
mkdir -p 2020-124; mv 2020-124-1 2020-124
mkdir -p 2020-124; mv 2020-124-2 2020-124
This one-liner just print the commands without executing them, you just pipe the output to |sh if everything looks fine. Examine the output commands, change the printf format/values for adjustment.
I didn't quote the filenames, since your example doesn't contain any special chars. Do it if it is in the case.
So the final script is as follows:
ls -d */ | cut -f1 -d"/" > folder.txt
awk -F'-' '{top=$1 FS $2;printf "mkdir -p %s; mv %s %s\n",top, $0, top}' folder.txt |sh
In pure bash:
for src in *-*-*; do
[[ -d $destdir ]] || mkdir "$destdir" || exit
# This just prints out the command that will be called.
# Remove the "echo" in actual script after making sure it will run as intented
echo mv "$src" "$destdir"
In the script above it is assumed that each file name to be moved contains exactly two dashes. If it can contain two or more dashes then the destdir=${src%-*} line should be replaced with these two lines:
For detailed information read the "shell parameter expansion" section in bash reference.
Additionally, a good read article is: Why you shouldn't parse the output of ls

Deleting all files except ones mentioned in config file

I need a bash script that deletes all files in the current folder, except all the files mentioned in a file called ".rmignore". This file may contain addresses relative to the current folder, that might also contain asterisks(*). For example:
What I've tried:
I tried to use GLOBIGNORE but that didn't work well.
I also tried to use find with grep, like follows:
find . | grep -Fxv $(echo $(cat .rmignore) | tr ' ' "\n")
It is considered bad practice to pipe the exit of find to another command. You can use -exec, -execdir followed by the command and '{}' as a placeholder for the file, and ';' to indicate the end of your command. You can also use '+' to pipe commands together IIRC.
In your case, you want to list all the contend of a directory, and remove files one by one.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o nounset
set -o errexit
shopt -s nullglob # allows glob to expand to nothing if no match
shopt -s globstar # process recursively current directory
my:rm_all() {
local ignore_file=".rmignore"
local ignore_array=()
while read -r glob; # Generate files list
done < "${ignore_file}"
echo "${ignore_array[#]}"
for file in **; # iterate over all the content of the current directory
if [ -f "${file}" ]; # file exist and is file
local do_rmfile=true;
# Remove only if matches regex
for ignore in "${ignore_array[#]}"; # Iterate over files to keep
[[ "${file}" == "${ignore}" ]] && do_rmfile=false; #rm ${file};
${do_rmfile} && echo "Removing ${file}"
If we assume that none of the files in .rmignore contain newlines in their name, the following might suffice:
# Gather our exclusions...
mapfile -t excl < .rmignore
# Reverse the array (put data in indexes)
declare -A arr=()
for file in "${excl[#]}"; do arr[$file]=1; done
# Walk through files, deleting anything that's not in the associative array.
shopt -s globstar
for file in **; do
[ -n "${arr[$file]}" ] && continue
echo rm -fv "$file"
Note: untested. :-) Also, associative arrays were introduced with Bash 4.
An alternate method might be to populate an array with the whole file list, then remove the exclusions. This might be impractical if you're dealing with hundreds of thousands of files.
shopt -s globstar
declare -A filelist=()
# Build a list of all files...
for file in **; do filelist[$file]=1; done
# Remove files to be ignored.
while read -r file; do unset filelist[$file]; done < .rmignore
# Annd .. delete.
echo rm -v "${!filelist[#]}"
Also untested.
Warning: rm at your own risk. May contain nuts. Keep backups.
I note that neither of these solutions will handle wildcards in your .rmignore file. For that, you might need some extra processing...
shopt -s globstar
declare -A filelist=()
# Build a list...
for file in **; do filelist[$file]=1; done
# Remove PATTERNS...
while read -r glob; do
for file in $glob; do
unset filelist[$file]
done < .rmignore
# And remove whatever's left.
echo rm -v "${!filelist[#]}"
And .. you guessed it. Untested. This depends on $f expanding as a glob.
Lastly, if you want a heavier-weight solution, you can use find and grep:
find . -type f -not -exec grep -q -f '{}' .rmignore \; -delete
This runs a grep for EACH file being considered. And it's not a bash solution, it only relies on find which is pretty universal.
Note that ALL of these solutions are at risk of errors if you have files that contain newlines.
This line do perfectly the job
find . -type f | grep -vFf .rmignore
If you have rsync, you might be able to copy an empty directory to the target one, with suitable rsync ignore files. Try it first with -n, to see what it will attempt, before running it for real!
This is another bash solution that seems to work ok in my tests:
while read -r line;do
exclude+=$(find . -type f -path "./$line")$'\n'
done <.rmignore
echo "ignored files:"
printf '%s\n' "$exclude"
echo "files to be deleted"
echo rm $(LC_ALL=C sort <(find . -type f) <(printf '%s\n' "$exclude") |uniq -u ) #intentionally non quoted to remove new lines
Test it online here
Alternatively, you may want to look at the simplest format:
rm $(ls -1 | grep -v .rmignore)

How do I search for a file based on what is output by a command running on that file

I am working on a project for one of my professors and he asked me to sort a couple hundred .fits images based on their header files (specifically what star they are images of) I think that grep would be the best way to do this however I can't seam to figure out how to use grep based on the header.
I am entering:
ls | imhead *.fits | grep -E -r "PG\ 1104+243" *
to just list them out for now, once they are listed I know how to copy them into a directory.
I am new to using grep so I am unsure as to where my error lies? any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Assuming that imghead will extract the headers of the .fits as txt, you can use a simple shell script to do it:
grep "$1" "$2" > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "$2"
Note that the + is a special character if you use extended regular expression, meaning if you pass the -E as in the question. A simple grep without any options should do the trick here.
Use find to exec the script on every *.fits file in the current folder:
find -maxdepth 1 -name '*.fits' -exec ./ 'PG 1104+243' {} \;
If you are going to copy/move/alter or do something with the files you find, you might be better off, in terms of complexity and ease of quoting, using a loop like this:
find . -name \*.fits -print0 | while read -d '' -r file; do
echo Checking file: $file
imhead "$file" | grep -q 'PG 1104+243'
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo Object matches: $file

Shell Scripting: Print directory names and files with specifics

In my script, I am asking the user to input a directory and then list all the files in that specific directory. What I want to do with that is to make the display a little better in which I would be able to display a "/" if the item in the directory is another directory and if it is an executable file (not an executable directory), print with a **".
This is what I have:
echo “Directory: “
read thing
for var123 in $thing*
echo $var123
In a directory I have a few folders and a few scripts that have the execute permission. when I run the script I want to say
I am new to this and have no clue what I am doing. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
You might want to check and make sure the user inputs something that ends in a / first.
[[ $thing =~ '/'$ ]] || thing="$thing/"
Also check if it exists
[[ -d $thing ]] || exit 1
Then for checking if it's a directory use the -d test as above. To check if executable file use -x. So putting that all together, try:
echo “Directory: “
read thing
[[ $thing =~ '/'$ ]] || thing="$thing/"
[[ -d $thing ]] || exit 1
for var123 in "$thing"*
if [[ -f $var123 && -x $var123 ]]; then
echo "$var123**"
elif [[ -d $var123 ]]; then
echo "$var123/"
echo "$var123"
ls -F is your friend here - if you want to do it for the current directory:
ls -F
If you want to do it for all files & subfolders of the current directory:
find * -exec ls -Fd {} \;
... and for a given directory:
echo "Directory: "
read DIR
find $DIR/* -exec ls -Fd {} \;
Edit: ls -F will append a / to directories and a * to executables. If you want ** instead, just use sed to replace them:
find $DIR/* -exec ls -Fd {} \; | sed 's/\*$/&&/'
And this approach works in all shells, not just bash.
