1second down counter with initial value verilog code - verilog

I want to write the code of 1-second down counter that get the initial value from outside and count it down till 0. but there is a problem. How can I get the initial value. i tried some ways but ....
here is the code:
module second_counter ( input clk,
input top_num,
output reg [3:0] sec_num
parameter clk_frequency = 25;
reg [31:0]cnt;
wire [3:0]sec;
/// how can get the top_num and count it down.
assign sec=top_num;
always #(posedge clk)
if (cnt==clk_frequency)
sec <= sec -1;
cnt <=cnt+1;

What you basically need is a reset signal. Just like clock, reset is to be added in the sensitivity list.
After instantiation of module, you must apply a reset signal to initialize all the internal variables and registers of design.
Following code gives you initial value of cnt by reset application. This is an active low reset.
module second_counter ( input clk, input reset, input top_num, output reg [3:0] sec_num );
parameter clk_frequency = 25;
reg [31:0]cnt;
// wire [3:0]sec;
reg [3:0] sec;
// assign sec=top_num;
always #(posedge clk, negedge reset)
cnt<=0; // initialize all internal variables and registers
if(sec == 0) // latch input when previous count is completed
if (cnt==clk_frequency)
sec <= sec -1;
cnt <=cnt+1;
Note that this is an asynchronous reset, means it does not depend on clocking signal. Synchronous reset is the one which only affects the registers at the clock pulse.
Regarding to sec, I have modified the code. Now the design latches the inputs for one clock cycle and counts down to zero. Once the counter reaches zero, it again latches the input to re-count to zero.
Note that you cannot do like latching top_num at every clock and counting through zero (since top_num can change at every pulse). For latching at every clock pulse, you need more complex logic implementation.


Assign multiple values to one latch

I need a latch which can take multiple bus with one enable signal for each and when this signal is high, the latch takes the value of the associated bus, something like this :
I tried this :
module Test (
input [1:0] load,
input [15:0] bus,
output reg [7:0] value
wire [7:0] temp;
assign temp = (load[0]) ? bus[7:0] : (load[1]) ? bus[15:8] : 8'bZZ;
always #(load or temp) begin
// Latch value
if (load) begin
value <= temp;
and this :
module Test (
input [1:0] load,
input [15:0] bus,
output reg [7:0] value
always #(load or bus) begin
// Latch value
if (load[0]) begin
value <= bus[7:0];
if (load[1]) begin
value <= bus[15:8];
And this same warning appears on both (repeated for each bit) :
Warning (13012): Latch Test:test|value[0] has unsafe behavior
Warning (13013): Ports D and ENA on the latch are fed by the same signal load[0]
The only way that I found to avoid these warnings is like this :
module Test (
input [1:0] load,
input [15:0] bus,
output [7:0] value
reg [15:0] temp;
reg index;
always #(load or bus) begin
if (load[0]) begin
index <= 0;
if (load[1]) begin
index <= 1;
// Latch value
if (load) begin
temp <= bus;
assign value = temp[8*index+7 -:8];
But it's a waste of memory because it saves the two buses instead of one, is it possible to do it with one reg and avoiding these warnings ?
I don't think you can get rid of the warnings in the first two examples—you have a bonafide race condition between the latch enable and the data feeding the latch. It is more obvious in your first example.
When load goes to 0, temp will be changing to Z ( a don't care most likely 0) at the same time the latch enable goes to 0. Which one happens first is clearly a race.

How can I use display or monitor in verilog to check a register

I have 2 Modules. One is Register_File_Rf which is a file of 32 Registers I have created. I want to be able to see what every single register is storing.
Can I do this with $display or $monitor somehow?
Where these should be? In actual code or in Testbench, and how do I get the value in testbench when the stored Data is neither input or output?
module Register(
input Clk,
input [31:0] Data,
input WE,
output reg[31:0] Dout
reg [31:0] stored;
// With every Positive Edge of the Clock
always #(posedge Clk)begin
// If Write is Enabled we store the new Data
if (WE)begin
stored <= Data;
Dout <= stored;
end else
Dout <= stored;
module Register_File_RF(
input [4:0] Adr1,
input [4:0] Adr2,
input [4:0] Awr,
output reg[31:0] Dout1,
output reg[31:0] Dout2,
input [31:0] Din,
input WrEn,
input Clk
integer j;
genvar i;
wire [31:0]Temp_Dout[31:0];
reg W_E [31:0];
// Writing only in the first time R0 Register with 0
initial begin
W_E[0] = 1;
// Creating the R0 Register
Register register (.Clk(Clk),.WE(W_E[0]),.Data(0),.Dout(Temp_Dout[0]));
// Creating 30 Registers
for(i = 1; i < 32; i = i + 1)begin:loop
Register register (.Clk(Clk),.WE(W_E[i]),.Data(Din),.Dout(Temp_Dout[i]));
// Assigning to Dout1 and Dout2 the Data from a spesific register
always #(Adr1, Adr2) begin
Dout1 = Temp_Dout[Adr1];
Dout2 = Temp_Dout[Adr2];
// Wrting Data to a specific register
always #(posedge Clk)begin
//Reseting Write Enable of the register to 0
for (j = 0; j < 32; j = j + 1)begin:loop2
W_E[j] = 0;
W_E[Awr] = WrEn;
Yes, you can do this with either $display or $monitor.
Typically, $monitor would be called inside an initial block since it should only be called at one time in your simulation. It automatically displays values whenever one of its argument signals changes value.
Unlike $monitor, $display only displays values when it is called; it must be called whenever you want to display a signal value. It can be called in an initial block, but it is often called in an always block.
Regarding when to use either one, it is up to you to decide what you require.
If you are not planning to synthesize your modules, you could place monitor/display inside your design module directly. However, if you plan to synthesize, it might be better to place them in the testbench.
You can use hierarchical scoping to view internal signals from the testbench module. For example, assume you named the instance of the Register_File_RF module in the testbench as dut:
Register_File_RF dut (
// ports
always #(posedge Clk) begin
$display($time, " dout='h%x", dut.register.Dout);
initial begin
$monitor($time, " dout='h%x", dut.register.Dout);
$monitor will display a value every time Dout changes value, whereas $display will show the value at the posedge of the clock.
If your simulator supports SystemVerilog features, you can also use bind to magically add code to your design modules.

why does my output signal have 2 clock cycles delay?

For each bit in a 32-bit vector, capture when the input signal changes from 1 in one clock cycle to 0 the next. "Capture" means that the output will remain 1 until the register is reset (synchronous reset).
Each output bit behaves like a SR flip-flop: The output bit should be set (to 1) the cycle after a 1 to 0 transition occurs. The output bit should be reset (to 0) at the positive clock edge when reset is high. If both of the above events occur at the same time, reset has precedence. In the last 4 cycles of the example waveform below, the 'reset' event occurs one cycle earlier than the 'set' event, so there is no conflict here.
In the example waveform below, reset, in1 and out1 are shown again separately for clarity.
my code:
module top_module (
input clk,
input reset,
input [31:0] in,
output [31:0] out );
integer i;
reg [31:0] in_del;
reg [31:0] out_del;
always # (posedge clk)
out_del<=~in & in_del;
if (reset)
for (i=0; i<32;i=i+1) begin
if (out_del[i])
my output
First about your code.
it cannot be compiled. The out must be a reg in order to be assignable within the always block.
using non-blocking assignment in out_del <= in & in_del will cause a one-cycle delay for the if (out_del) comparison. Non-blocking assignments schedule lhs assignment after the block gets evaluated. The rule of thumb is to always use blocking assignments for intermediate signals in the sequential block.
because of the above and because of the in & in_del, this cannot be synthesized, or at least it cannot be synthesized correctly.
you violate industry practices by using the blocking assignment on the out signal. The rule of thumb is to always use non-blocking assignments for the outputs of the sequential blocks.
the code just does not work :-(
If I understood your requirement correctly the following code does it:
module top_module (
input clk,
input reset,
input [31:0] in,
output reg [31:0] out );
reg lock;
always # (posedge clk)
if (reset) begin
lock <= 0;
out <= 0;
else if (lock == 0)
out <= in;
lock <= 1;
Just use the lock signal to allow updated. And yes, here is a simple test bench to check it:
module real_top();
reg clk, reset;
reg [31:0] in;
reg [31:0] out;
top_module tm(clk, reset, in, out);
initial begin
clk = 0;
forever #5 clk = ~clk;
integer i;
initial begin
in = 0;
reset = 1;
#7 reset = 0;
for (i = 1; i < 5; i++) begin
#10 in = i;
#10 reset = 1;
#10 reset = 0;
$monitor(clk, reset, in, out);

Verilog code for down counting in 7 segment display from 9999 to 0630

I want to write a code that counts backward from 9999 to 0630 and a reset button on FPGA Nexys3 when pressed the initial value will appear (9999).
Here is my block diagram:
I have finished the slow-clock module but I don't know in which module should I write the reset code? and what should it be?
If I knew the code of the counter (project module) I would be able to write the rest modules.
Please help me in writing the counter code and the reset code.
The reset functionality should be such that the outputs and internal registers are assigned initial counter values.
The reset value is 9999. The counter should count down from 9999 to 0630 on every clock pulse. After reaching 0630, it gets reset and it can optionally give an out pulse indication.
Following is a sample code, this may not be the optimum version.
module ctr(counter,reset,clk)//out
output reg [13:0] counter;
// output reg out;
input reset;
input clk;
always #(posedge clk, negedge reset) begin
if(!reset) begin
counter <= 14'd9999;
// out<=0;
else begin
if (counter == 14'd0630) begin
counter <= 14'd9999;
// out <= ~out;
else begin
counter <= counter -1;

Why using two flip-flops instead of one in this Verilog HDL code?

This code is a button debouncer.
But I can't understand why there are two flips flops :
reg PB_sync_0; always #(posedge clk) PB_sync_0 <= ~PB; // invert PB to make PB_sync_0 active high
reg PB_sync_1; always #(posedge clk) PB_sync_1 <= PB_sync_0;
Why the autor of this code did not write this ?
reg PB_sync_1; always #(posedge clk) PB_sync_1 <= ~PB;
Here is the full code:
module PushButton_Debouncer(
input clk,
input PB, // "PB" is the glitchy, asynchronous to clk, active low push-button signal
// from which we make three outputs, all synchronous to the clock
output reg PB_state, // 1 as long as the push-button is active (down)
output PB_down, // 1 for one clock cycle when the push-button goes down (i.e. just pushed)
output PB_up // 1 for one clock cycle when the push-button goes up (i.e. just released)
// First use two flip-flops to synchronize the PB signal the "clk" clock domain
reg PB_sync_0; always #(posedge clk) PB_sync_0 <= ~PB; // invert PB to make PB_sync_0 active high
reg PB_sync_1; always #(posedge clk) PB_sync_1 <= PB_sync_0;
// Next declare a 16-bits counter
reg [15:0] PB_cnt;
// When the push-button is pushed or released, we increment the counter
// The counter has to be maxed out before we decide that the push-button state has changed
wire PB_idle = (PB_state==PB_sync_1);
wire PB_cnt_max = &PB_cnt; // true when all bits of PB_cnt are 1's
always #(posedge clk)
PB_cnt <= 0; // nothing's going on
PB_cnt <= PB_cnt + 16'd1; // something's going on, increment the counter
if(PB_cnt_max) PB_state <= ~PB_state; // if the counter is maxed out, PB changed!
assign PB_down = ~PB_idle & PB_cnt_max & ~PB_state;
assign PB_up = ~PB_idle & PB_cnt_max & PB_state;
Thanks !
The autor of this code uses 2 flip-flops in order to synchronize PB signal into clk domain.
As he mentioned in a comment "PB" is the glitchy, asynchronous to clk.
Not synchronizing a signal on a clock domain transition may cause metastability in the system, as toolic referenced en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metastability_in_electronics
