Map multiple people in multiple States - excel

I am looking for a way to chart out some Excel data onto a PowerView map. I'd like to see which person within my group is most active in each state. However, when I'm running with the data in Excel and PowerView, it lists every person and their activity in each state. I just want to show each state with the most active user.

Do you have any example data? You need to use MODE & MATCH for this in an array, so MODE(MATCH(A1:A5,A1:A5)) will give the row number of the most occuring, so A,B,A,B,A,E will give 4, the last A, so INDEX the column will give the value, so INDEX(A1:A5,MODE(MATCH(A1:A5,A1:A5)),1) would return A.
Without seeing your data, i cant really answer fully, you'll probably need to add another array to select the state.


How do one extract information from a dynamic table, automatically through excel functions?

I have been searching high and low for a way to solve my dilemma, in different ways, so I am trying to post both of the things I've been trying to do:
The challenge version 1:
I want to extract the entire row with information tied to the name which is the latest entry of that name in the table. So from the table below I would want to collect the entire row which contains the information: "A, Jack Black, 01.01.2029, 10:20". I simply want to copy the entire row to another sheet. But one important factor is that it has to happen automatically.
So i need functions which can check if: Is there another entry with the same name, higher up in the table? If so, DO NOT COPY THE ROW. If there ain't another entry with the exact same name higher up in the table, COPY THE ENTIRE ROW, to another table, within another sheet.
The challenge version 2:
What I really want to do is count the number of unique people(unique names) per. department, and summarize this in another table. Basically this means that "Jack Black" should be counted as 1 person, in department A.
So the result I want, is a table looking like this (the one beneath), where the number of people does not contain any duplicate people (names). OR it does not function with a dynamic table, which updates the information it contains on the fly. I can make this happen if I am copying from a static table, but as stated above, the table is dynamic and updates with new information every minute...
So far i've tried excel's built in filtering, but this does not work automatically. I've also tried using functions like in this guide: However every solution i find seems to need criteria for filtering out duplicates or does not function when copying information from a dynamic table.
Does anyone know how to reach my desired result, without implementing criteria for selecting the rows or counting rows as stated above? VBA code is not an option at the moment :(
In advance, THANK YOU, I've really tried solving this, but I feel like this just might break my head wide open soon if I can't solve it. HEEEEELP!

Taking means of irregular amounts data

I'm not able to take the means for a large dataset given that the amount of attributes is irregular.
I have posted a simplified case for the problem. It explains the problem very well.
An idea that I came up with: Make a filter to condition on a single attribute. However, still, I don't see a way to do this in an efficient way (other then doing it all by hand).
see excel file:
All help is much appreciated.
I'm basically looking for a function/method to achieve taking means of all different attributes conditioned on each person for a large dataset without doing it by hand.
You can use AVERAGEIFS() inside an IF:
the ifrst part of the if tests whether the row starts a new group either by the person or the attribute changing. Then it uses AVERAGEIFS() to return the correct average of that group. otherwise it returns a blank
What you want to do can be accomplished very simply with a pivot table.
Simply select one of the cells inside the range of data you want to process(See the video for general use of a pivot table )
go the insert tab and insert pivot table.
Once you have it, simply check people, attribute, and values. Then drag people and attribute into rows, drag valut into the values window, select the drop down list and change it from sum of value to average and you should be done.

Fix the structure of the SSRS Matrix

I have been working on a small project. I am trying to display all the results in the same row without NULL values. I've written a small expression to remove the Null values already "=IIF(IsNothing(Fields!RegisterNo.Value),True,False)". However, the rows seem to be moving one level down as it is displayed in the picture ResultMatrix1. I want the results to be on the same level. Can you please tell me if this is possible and how I can achieve it. Is it something to do with the groupings or something else?
Design Groupings
By default, when you create a table, there is a Row Group called "Details" that is not actually grouped by anything. This causes it to produce one row for each row from the dataset. Since you are trying to group these, you need to make sure that innermost group is grouped by your Staff Ref No.
In the lower-right cell, you may need to change the expression to use a Max function. This will simply avoid arbitrarily showing blanks when they happen to be sorted before a real value within that group.

Single Use List - Excel

I'm after a way of preferably using VLookup to return information and once returned, have the source information unavailable for the same lookup.
e.g. If I have a list of names I have not used in seating for an event, I will want a formula which can look up this information WITHOUT entering the same name more than once. I'd rather not do a drop-down option as requires selecting the entry and I want my whole table to be an self-filling database.
I've about 20 nested IF functions going on in one cell so ideally something that could fit in there easily? Ill take anything honestly :P
Thanks in advance

how to autocomplete values based on a list

I created many Lists and they are getting longer. At the moment i am using data validation, so I have big lists and need to select the name i want
They are all listed on my formulas, so i would like to know if there is any way
to start to write the name that i need and excel already shows the
I tried to use this formula but was not successful
For instance i have a list of currencies called "CCY", i would like to write
"US" and excel already shows USD. Is there any way to do that?
=OFFSET(Currency,MATCH(A2&"*",Currency,0)-1,0) 'A2 is where the validation applies, make sure it accepts values not in list
You can enter the value in a second go, will let you select from values after.
I wouldn't use it but
It will let you select any value from the drop-down
You can let it do its job by typing "us", Tab, Shift+Tab, Alt+Down and Tab quite fast.
The formula below won't let you select values after, takes the first match only, handle with care.
=OFFSET(Currency,MATCH(A2&"*",Currency,0)-1,0,1,1) 'fun fact: you can give names to data table columns thus creating expanding lists
