Express middleware testing with race condition - node.js

I'm having a trouble testing a middleware in Express that utilises promise (using Q library).
Here's an example that resembles my case.
var httpMocks = require('node-mocks-http');
test('should return 404 status', function (done) {
var req = httpMocks.createRequest(),
var res = httpMocks.createResponse();
myMiddleware(req, res);
Let's say, myMiddleware makes a call to another module using promise that calls either next() on resolve or res.status(404).send() on reject.
I mocked the module for testing purpose.
how would I able to catch the end of myMiddleware on reject that does not return with next()?

You're going to have to change myMiddleware to either return a promise, or making a callback.
You could do something like this:
// myMiddleware now makes callback with potential error
function myMiddleware(req, res, callback) {, function(err, results){
Then in your test you can wait for the callback to test values:
test('should return 404 status', function (done) {
var req = httpMocks.createRequest(),
var res = httpMocks.createResponse();
myMiddleware(req, res, function(error) {
if(error) {
// Handle error for tests
// Test your values now
// All done
In this example the callback from myMiddleware only returns an error, because apparently you're not concerned with anything else. In your case, we are mainly just using the callback as a trigger to test the values.


KOA / node.js outer function responds before callback finishes

First, I'm sorry for the title, I couldn't mind up something better.
I thought I understand Node.js / KOA, at least the basics but now I'm starting to feel that I'm missing some fundamentals.
Take a look at the following code:
async function (ctx, next) {
// do something
await next();
async function (ctx, next) {
// do something
await next();
async function (ctx, next) {
if (some condition) {
.write(profile_path, async function (err) {
.resize(60, 60)
.write(chat_path,async function (err) {
await next(); // HERE 1
} else {
await next();
// HERE 2
async function (ctx, next) {
responses.success(ctx, "Success");
So what this is all about. The ones that are familiar with KOA framework will immediately see what is going on here. Where my problem starts/ends is in the third async function. So what I'm trying to do here is some image manipulation (saving). gm is asynchronus, but as you can see from the code I'm using anonymous callback functions, and what I'm trying to achieve is that the last async function is being called when gm finishes through await next(); // HERE 1.
But what really happens is (from my understanding)... gm starts asynchronously.. and // HERE 2 is hit, and because there's nothing, end of function, KOA returns default 404 response. I simply can't understand why this is so and how to overcome this.
What I really want to happen is when callback finishes await next(); // HERE 1 gets called and I can return success response.
await next(); // HERE 1 of course gets called (eventually) but too late, because KOA already responds with 404.
If there is someone that is able and willing to explain what exactly is happening here, thank you.
As far as I see is that your aproach is not really following the async await pattern: The async function should the "await" the asynchronous part. This then needs to return a promise. So you have to encapulate your callback in a promise. Something like this could work (not testet, just to show the concept):
function gmAsync(){
return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
.write(profile_path, async function (err) {
.resize(60, 60)
.write(chat_path,async function (err) {
and then you async function could look like this:
async function (ctx, next) {
if (some condition) {
await gmAsync()
} else {
await next();
Makes sense?

Unit testing with Supertest, Mocha & Sinon timing out

I am trying to write a unit/integration test where I want to get a list of things in the database. For not it is only a GET, but these tests needs to extend to POST, PUT & DELETE.
The code I have thus far works fine, I can actually get data from the DB, but as soon as I try to stub out the function which is responsable for making the call to the DB, Mocha times out
1 failing
1) /account_types GET 200 List:
Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.
at null. (C:\Code\JS\general_admin_service\node_modules\mocha\lib\runnable.js:215:19)
I understand the done() callback isn't being called because the code is stuck somewhere, however, I do not understand what I am doing wrong.
I used the following references to get where I am:
Testing With Mocha, Sinon.js & Mocking Request
Lessons learned from unit testing with Sinon.JS
My code is as follows:
The Test:
'use strict';
var expect = require('chai').expect,
request = require('supertest'),
chance = require('chance').Chance(),
server = require('../server'),
sinon = require('sinon'),
select = require('../../helpers/data_access/select');
describe("/account_types", function () {
.stub(select, "query_list")
.returns([{id: "test"}]);
it('GET 200 List', function (done) {
.set('Accept', 'application/json')
.expect('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.end(function (err, res) {
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (err)
return done(err);
return done();
Restify endpoint:
var select = require('../helpers/data_access/select')
module.exports = function (server) {
var query = "..."
return select.query_list(res, next, db_config, query);
var sql = require('mssql');
module.exports = {
query_list: function (res, next, config, sql_query) {
return query(res, next, config, sql_query, true);
query_single: function (res, next, config, sql_query) {
return query(res, next, config, sql_query, false);
function query(res, next, config, sql_query, isList) {
var connection = new sql.Connection(config);
connection.connect(function (err) {
if (err) {
return on_error(err, res);
var request = new sql.Request(connection);
request.query(sql_query, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
return on_error(err, res);
if (isList) {
return return_list(res, response, next);
} else {
return return_single(res, response, next);
function on_error(error, res, next) {
return next();
function return_list(res, response, next) {
res.send({result: response});
return next();
function return_single(res, response, next) {
res.send({result: response[0]});
return next();
What I expect to happen is that because I stub out the query_list function, should I wish to put a console.log(res.body.result); after the expect's I have in place, I should see a return of [{id: "test"}], but it is obviously not getting to that point.
What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: Added the full select.js file.
As you already make clear in the comments, it's difficult to test code that's deeply nested.
It's usually much better to work with callbacks or promises, so that each piece of your app will handle the part it's responsible for, but not (much) more. So your route handler will handle the request and the response. It's obviously okay to call other functions, like ones that perform database queries, but instead of letting those functions send back a response, you use callbacks that "call back" to the route handler with the query results.
Something like this:
server.get('/api/v1/account_types', function(req, res, next) {
select.query_list(QUERY, function(err, records) {
if (err) return next(err);
res.send({ results : records });
In terms of using Sinon to test something like this: it really depends on the exact implementation. I can provide a quick example on how to stub the above usage of select.query_list, to make sure that the response contains the correct data.
The basic stub looks like this:
sinon.stub(select, 'query_list').yieldsAsync(null, [ { id : 'test' } ]);
What this does, is when select.query_list() gets call, it will call the first callback argument it receives (it does this by checking each argument to see which is a function) with the arguments null, [ { id : 'test' } ].
Those are the err and records arguments of the callback function passed in the handler. So you can use this to skip the database query entirely and pretend that the query yielded a particular array of records.
From there, res.send() gets called (which was the issue that you initially ran into: it didn't get called at all because it was being performed in a part of your app that wasn't getting called because of your stub) and you can check in your test if the resulting response data is as expected.
It becomes a bit more complicated if you want to stub a function deeper in the call stack, but with the correct Sinon tools (like .yields*, or using spies instead of stubs) it's usually not terribly difficult (provided that all the functions that you want to stub/spy are accessible, that is, exported).

Testing Restify Route Handler that contains Promise Code Block, using SinonJs and Mocha

I have a restify action code block below:
function retriveAll(req, res, next) {
.find({where: {id: 1})
I want to test this action specifically validating that res.send() was called within this code block. And later on validating the res.send() returned data. I'm using SinonJs and Mocha for testing framework. Here's a sample test code block for the method above.
describe('retrieveAll()', function() {
reqStub = {};
resStub = {send: sinon.stub()};
nextStub = sinon.stub();
beforeEach(function() {
module.retrieveAll(reqStub, resStub, nextStub);
// this doesn't work
// and the sub.calledCount is 0
// i wonder if it's because the res.send() is inside a Promise code block???
// if I move the res.send() out from Promise, just before next(), then it works
it('should call res.send()', function() {
// this one works
it('should call next', function() {
Could someone shed some light?
The beforeEach()'s callback function receives a done parameter that can be called to signal an asynchronous completion. Since your retriveAll function calls the last parameter (next) as the last action, you can pass that parameter as the next value and it should work:
beforeEach(function(done) {
module.retrieveAll(reqStub, resStub, done);
You will however loose the nextStub, so... alternatively, you could spy on that done function:
describe('retrieveAll()', function() {
var reqStub = {};
var resStub = {send: sinon.stub()};
var nextSpy;
beforeEach(function(done) {
nextSpy = sinon.spy(done);
module.retrieveAll(reqStub, resStub, done);
// this doesn't work
// and the sub.calledCount is 0
// i wonder if it's because the res.send() is inside a Promise code block???
// if I move the res.send() out from Promise, just before next(), then it works
it('should call res.send()', function() {
// this one works
it('should call next', function() {
So, I got this working thanks for #Amit for pointing me to the done callback on beforeEach
First, I modified the retrieveAll so the next callback is included in the promise chain. I put it in the finally handler making sure that next will be called after all process.
Second, I passed the done to beforeEach and then nextStub will spy on done callback.
Third, instead of passing done cb to module.v1.retrieveAll I used nextStub. This solve the issue on testing nextStub.calledOnce.
The updated code now looks:
function retriveAll(req, res, next) {
.find({where: {id: 1})
describe('retrieveAll()', function() {
var reqStub = {};
var resStub = {send: sinon.stub()};
var nextStub;
beforeEach(function(done) {
nextStub = sinon.spy(done);
module.retrieveAll(reqStub, resStub, nextStub);
// this doesn't work
// and the sub.calledCount is 0
// i wonder if it's because the res.send() is inside a Promise code block???
// if I move the res.send() out from Promise, just before next(), then it works
it('should call res.send()', function() {
// this one works
it('should call next', function() {
I going to choose #Amit answer as best answer since he helped and gave me clues on the changes.

Testing Express and Mongoose with Mocha

I'm trying to test my REST API endpoint handlers using Mocha and Chai, the application was built using Express and Mongoose. My handlers are mostly of the form:
var handler = function (req, res, next) {
// Process the request, prepare the variables
// Call a Mongoose function
Model.operation({'search': 'items'}, function(err, results) {
// Process the results, send call next(err) if necessary
// Return the object or objects
return res.send(results)
For example:
auth.getUser = function (req, res, next) {
// Find the requested user
User.findById(, function (err, user) {
// If there is an error, cascade down
if (err) {
return next(err);
// If the user was not found, return 404
else if (!user) {
return res.status(404).send('The user could not be found');
// If the user was found
else {
// Remove the password
user = user.toObject();
delete user.password;
// If the user is not the authenticated user, remove the email
if (!(req.isAuthenticated() && (req.user.username === user.username))) {
// Return the user
return res.send(user);
The problem with this is that the function returns as it calls the Mongoose method and test cases like this:
it('Should create a user', function () {
auth.createUser(request, response);
var data = JSON.parse(response._getData());
never pass as the function is returning before doing anything. Mongoose is mocked using Mockgoose and the request and response objects are mocked with Express-Mocks-HTTP.
While using superagent and other request libraries is fairly common, I would prefer to test the functions in isolation, instead of testing the whole framework.
Is there a way to make the test wait before evaluating the should statements without changing the code I'm testing to return promises?
You should use an asynchronous version of the test, by providing a function with a done argument to it.
For more details refer to
Since you don't want to modify your code, one way to do that could be by using setTimeout in the test to wait before to call done.
I would try something like this:
it('Should create a user', function (done) {
auth.createUser(request, response);
var data = JSON.parse(response._getData());
}, 1000); // waiting one second to perform the test
(There might be better way)
Apparently, express-mocks-http was abandoned a while ago and the new code is under node-mocks-http. Using this new library it is possible to do what I was asking for using events. It's not documented but looking at the code you can figure it out.
When creating the response object you have to pass the EventEmitter object:
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var response = NodeMocks.createResponse({eventEmitter: EventEmitter});
Then, on the test, you add a listener to the event 'end' or 'send' as both of them are triggered when the call to res.send. 'end' covers more than 'send', in case you have calls other than res.send (for example, res.status(404).end().
The test would look something like this:
it('Should return the user after creation', function (done) {
auth.createUser(request, response);
response.on('send', function () {
var data = response._getData();

Unit testing validation with express-validator

How can I unit test my validations that are done using express-validator?
I have tried creating a dummy request object, but I get the error: TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'checkBody'. I am able to manually test that the validation works in the application.
Here is what I have tried:
describe('couponModel', function () {
it('returns errors when necessary fields are empty', function(done){
var testBody = {
merchant : '',
startDate : '',
endDate : ''
var request = {
body : testBody
var errors = Model.validateCouponForm(request);;
My understanding is that the checkBody method is added to the request object when I have app.use(expressValidator()) in my express application, but as I am only testing that the validation is working in this unit test I do not have an instance of the express application available, and the validation method that I am testing is not called directly from it anyway as it is only called through a post route, which I do not want to call for a unit test as it involves a database operation.
Here's a solution for the new express-validator api (v4):
tl;dr: You can use this function:
exports.testExpressValidatorMiddleware = async (req, res, middlewares) => {
await Promise.all( (middleware) => {
await middleware(req, res, () => undefined);
It can be called like this:
const { validationResult } = require('express-validator/check');
await testExpressValidatorMiddleware(req, res, expressValidatorMiddlewareArray);
const result = validationResult(req);
These solutions assume you have the async/await syntax available. You can use the node-mocks-http library to create the req and res objects.
Each element in an express-validator array is applied to the route as middleware. Say this is your array:
Each check will be loaded as middleware.
In order to test middleware, we need to implement a function which acts similarly to how express implements middleware.
Express middleware always accepts three params, the request and response objects, and the next function it should call (next by convention). Why do we need next? For scenarios where we want our middleware to do something before and after the proceeding function, e.g.
const loggerMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
console.log('req body is ' + req.body);
console.log('res status is ' + res.status);
But express-validator doesn't do this, it just calls next() once each of its validators is finished. For that reason, our implementation doesn't really need to bother with next().
Instead, we can just run each of our middlewares in turn and pass an empty function as next to avoid a TypeError: => {
middleware(req, res, () => undefined);
But this won't work, because express-validator middleware returns promises and we need to wait for them to resolve... (middleware) => {
await middleware(req, res, () => undefined);
And we don't want to move on until all promises in our iteration are resolved (Mozilla docs on Promise.all are here):
await Promise.all( (middleware) => {
await middleware(req, res, () => undefined);
And we should extract this as a reusable function:
exports.testExpressValidatorMiddleware = async (req, res, middlewares) => {
await Promise.all( (middleware) => {
await middleware(req, res, () => undefined);
And now we've arrived at my solution. If someone can improve on this implementation, I'm very happy to make edits.
I faced the same issue and I had to create the methods using this:
var validRequest = {
// Default validations used
checkBody: function () { return this; },
checkQuery: function () { return this; },
notEmpty: function () { return this; },
// Custom validations used
isArray: function () { return this; },
gte: function () { return this; },
// Validation errors
validationErrors: function () { return false; }
function getValidInputRequest(request) {
Object.assign(request, validRequest);
return request;
So, in your code you have to call the getValidInputRequest helper:
describe('couponModel', function () {
it('returns errors when necessary fields are empty', function(done){
var testBody = {
merchant : '',
startDate : '',
endDate : ''
var request = {
body : testBody
request = getValidInputRequest(request); // <-- Update the request
var errors = Model.validateCouponForm(request);;
Now, the request object has the body property and all the methods needed by express-validator.
If you want to test the cases that the validator fails, you should use something like this:
function getInvalidInputRequest(request, errorParams) {
// Get de default valid request
Object.assign(request, validRequest);
// Override the validationErrors function with desired errors
request.validationErrors = function () {
var errors = [];
errors.push({msg: 'the parameter "'+ error +'" is mandatory'})
return errors;
return request;
And to update the request you should do:
request = getInvalidInputRequest(request, ['mandatory_param_1', 'mandatory_param_2']);
