Change date format on category axis in my PowerPivot column chart - excel

I'm trying to show values based on date on a PivotChart (column) in Excel. The problem is that the category label does not seem to follow the number formatting I set. Yes, the underlying table is formatted as date type. I've Googled a bit and the fix that seems to work for most people is to have complete data set (no holes or empty cells). My dataset is complete, so it doesn't help me.
Any ideas?

If you want guaranteed consistency of display format, make a display date string in your date dimension that is formatted the way you like. Use this for labels in pivot tables and charts.
You will also have to sort this field by your date field in the model to make sure they display in chronological order.

This is not possible with data linked from a PowerPivot data model. It is something Microsoft has been aware of for a long while but unfortunately they haven't implemented the functionality you desire.
There is, however, one work around: you can create a calculated column using =FORMAT(<date>,"<date format>"). If you use the formated column instead of your usual date column the axis will be formatted according to your needs.

This is old, but creating a calculated column using =FORMAT(,""), With this approach you lose the ability to sort the Axis in proper date order.


How to add multiple measures into a pivot table?

I'm quite new to using pivot tables and data models, so I don't even know if what I want to do is possible. I have a pivot table (PivotTable1) and its source (Table 25) and I would like to add a hundred or so measures which are listed in the TableCombinations.
For example, I entered the two first measure in orange, but they are not linked to TableCombination and entering them all one by one would be quite long. Each measure is for a distinct Sum wfn column that sums all other rows multiplied by a coefficient. The TableCombinations table simply states the coefficient to be used for each column. For the first three rows, these are my measure formulas :
sum wf1=1.4*Table25[Sum of wD]+0*Table25[Sum of wL]+0*Table25[Sum of wS]+0*Table25[Sum of wW]+0*Table25[Sum of wWSOUL]
sum wf2=1.25*Table25[Sum of wD]+1.5*Table25[Sum of wL]+1*Table25[Sum of wS]+0*Table25[Sum of wW]+0*Table25[Sum of wWSOUL]
sum wf3=1.25*Table25[Sum of wD]+1.5*Table25[Sum of wL]+0*Table25[Sum of wS]+0.4*Table25[Sum of wW]+0*Table25[Sum of wWSOUL]
Two questions :
Is there a way to link the tables so that any change made to TableCombination would then be updated in the pivot table measures?
Is there a way to generate all the of the measures without typing them in one by one.
You should be able to use just one DAX measure to do this, using the CROSSJOIN function.
Don't set up a relationship between the Tables, and drag # to the Columns area of the PivotTable. Then create this Measure:
That should give you the exact answer you need.
Here's how it looks using some sample data:
...and here's the sample data I'm using:
You could certainly use VBA to add measures, and to update them when the Table changes. I might have a crack at writing up an answer along that approach shortly. But here's another way to achieve what you want.
I've previously written some code to slave a Table to a PivotTable, so that any change in the PivotTable's dimensions or placement will be reflected in the shadowing Table's dimensions and placement. This effectively gives us a way to add a calculated field to a PivotTable that can refer to something outside of that PivotTable. If the PivotTable grows, the Calculated Table will grow. If the PivotTable shrinks, the Calculated Table will shrink, and any redundant formulas in it will be deleted.
You can easily use this approach to perform your calculations in a 2nd table alongside your PivotTable, and each column x in that 2nd table could easily reference row x in your 'parameters' table.
See Select Newest Record and Create New Table of Unique Values in Excel

Pivot table sorting by text string

It seems so silly, but I am trying to set up my pivot table, and it doesnt seem to be my strongest side.
The following picture demonstrates what I am after:
... so basically in the data there is a currency string, however it seems as if I cant get this string to be represented in the matix - only in either the row labels or columns labels, which makes the table very unstructured. Is there a way to match the security (row label) with its denominated currency ?
this part of my source table:
... where CCY is the currency column I would like within the pivot table and not as a pivot row or column label.
/ Phillip
Make the pivot as a classic pivot, you will see how the above person sees it.
Classic pivot is your answer of putting in text strings inside pivot. It somehow aligns better.
Right click on pivot --> Pivot table option --> Display --> Check the box which says "Classic Pivot table layout".
Take a backup of the excel copy before you switch to classic pivot. Some say it's irreversible
Include the currency-field in the Pivot table, like this:
This is exactly what I am after #MatsLind however this is what I receive when doing this:
so my question is why is our results different ?
Please let me know if I am totally off, but end goal should preferably be the following image:
.. however with this sorting (1.Security , 2.CCY) I am not allowed to sort the value within the pivot table. If I make the follwing sorting (1.CCY, 2.Security):
then I am allowed to sort the data within the pivot table, but I would prefer the former layout.
Can't add comments due to lack of reputation but this ain't an answer exactly.. Maybe..
From what I see in the below image, it looks like you have the row CCY on top and then security. If you want it like the top image, change the hierarchy.
Go to field list and under rows, drag and place the Security on top of CCY, youre pivot will look like above picture.
But you're speaking of sorting, it looks like the above picture has been sorted with the grand total column.. I didn't follow you completely on the sorting peice..
Edit: I understood the problem now, what values exactly are you trying to sort?

SSAS Calculated member that knows if the user is using the report filter

I am trying to write a calculated member which acts differently depending on whether the user is filtering by that member or has it dragged down as rows or columns on their pivot table (using Excel).
The rules are:
1. If the user is using the date dimensin as a Report Filter in Excel, then the calculated member should get the maximum date out of all dates that they are filtered by.
2. If they have the date dimension as rows on the pivot table, then I need to apply ClosingPeriod and some other logic.
Please try this. The idea came from here.
Basically the dynamic named set represents what's in the report filters. And the EXISTING keyword trims the list of days down to the filter context of the current cell letting you detect say if one month is on rows. Compare counts and you can detect what the user did.
WHEN SelectedDays.Count > {existing [Date].[Date].[Date].Members}.Count
THEN Tail({existing [Date].[Date].[Date].Members},1).Item(0).Item(0).Name
WHEN SelectedDays.Count < [Date].[Date].[Date].Members.Count
THEN Tail(SelectedDays,1).Item(0).Item(0).Name
Performance is going to not be good. And I suspect users will be confused with the results of your calc. If you want to describe the business scenario more I can maybe recommend a better approach.

Calculating the difference between the count of two date fields

I have data that is provided to me that includes the routed date and the service restoration date. From that it's pretty easy to generate a pivot table that generates a table with the date of the month, then a count of received tickets (routed), and the count of closed tickets. I'm trying to generate a calculated field (Pivot -> Options -> Fields, Items & Sets -> Calculated Field) to derive the delta.
When I use =Received - Closed, I get the difference in date rather than the delta in the counts. Can anyone point me in a direction on how I may calculate it? If it was static content it would be easy peasy, but I'm not getting the knack of doing this with a pivot table. Also I could achieve something similar with a countif type command and run it from a static calendar type table (which is what I'll probably end up doing if this ends up being a dead end).
As a solution, you can copy the pivot table and paste it as values in the new sheet. Do you math on values instead of on pivot.
I don't know if formatting your results in the pivot as NUMBER would help.. But you can try that as well.
I was unable to determine a way outside of what was mentioned above by Andrew. I've set up a static date list for the calendar month and then use a series of countifs instead of a pivot table to generate the output. Thanks to all who reviewed the question and to Andrew for his responses.

Dax code: find sum of values filtered by month

I have seen some posts that address this concept online, but I have been unable to adapt them to my needs.
I have a table with three columns.
Column A- [Month] (formatted mm/dd/yyyy)
Column B- [salesperson]
Column C- [Assets]
I am trying to determine a formula which will return the total assets for all salespeople for each month in a fourth column.
Why am I doing this? I am building a report which will generate a graph from this data. In reality there will be additional columns which will contain values for some variables. I will be using the slicer function in conjunction with these variables to create an interactive functionality within the graph. Hard coded references won't work for me, as this will be a recurring report, and the dataset will be refreshed with current data regularly.
Thank you for any help you can offer. I'm still fairly new to all this (<1yr) so interpreting general formulas I've found elsewhere has been very problematic.
Create a calculation like this (syntax dependent on data model)
AllSalespersons:=CALCULATE(SUM[Assets], ALL[Salesperson])
Using the CALCULATE function here is important because it will remove the row syntax for Salesperson (created in the pivottable) and give you the sum of 'ALL' salespersons for each month.
Again, you'll have to play with the syntax to fit your data model, but based on your quetsion, I think this should give you what you are looking for.
