What are the differences between RPC (Remote Prpcedure Calls) and LPC (Local Procedure Calls)?
Read their respective Wikipedia pages:
RPC - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_procedure_call
LPC - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Local_Procedure_Call
Everything is explained there. First put some effort into it and if you get stuck you can still pose a non-trivial questions.
RPC is slower than LPC since it uses the network to invoke the method.
With RPC the procedure call can be executed on a remote machine which can be addressed in several ways.
The parameters and return value need to be serializable (to use java terminology).
RPC's can fail due to network issues.
RPC's need to be set up before using them.
The language used to call the remote procedure and the language implementing the remote procedure are not necessarily the same.
and more.
In RPC, programs can be executed from a different computer while in LPC, programs are executed by the host computer.
So I am taking this distributed systems class in which projects are done by simulating a distributed system using android and multiple emulators. This approach is terrible for multiple reasons:
Android emulators are too effin resource consuming that my poor laptop crashes mostly.
Poor networking support between emulators. Need to do port forwarding on TCP and what not.
So what is the way to emulate a distributed system on my Linux machine that consumes minimal resources, mostly RAM and CPU time?
Is Docker the answer to all of this? Maybe create multiple containers with separate IP for each? Is that even possible?
My team maintains several production distributed systems; and we have to unit test it in such a way that we can capture protocol bugs.
We have a stub implementation of clock and of the network that we inject into our classes. The network mimics the Message Passing model used in many distributed systems papers: pick a message at random and deliver it. This models network latencies and inconsistencies very well. We have other things built in: being able to block/release or drop messages to/from sets of hosts; and a simple tcp model.
With this simple addition our unit tests are now what we call interaction tests. We can very quickly add however many servers we want all running in single process on a laptop.
Oh, and after doing this, you'll know why global variables and singletons are a Bad Thing.
You can run several docker containers on one Linux machine. Each container will get its own IP address and it will also be able to talk to other containers on the same host. How many systems do you want to simulate?
I want to use RPC in a client-server architecture. In test/debug phase, we establish just one remote call-it means that there is no concurrent RPC to the same remote function-, however, concurrent remote call from multiple client are also possible in the future.
several client would call the same remote function, currently. what happen in this situation?
I want to know that is there a bottleneck in RPC due to the maximum concurrent remote call?
Dosen't RPC reject any remote call, itself, when another client concurrently do RPC on the same function?
Thank you
I implemented RPC in Linux with the help of rpcgen, for two different architecture, X86-64 & ARM (Raspberry Pi), as client and server, respectively. It work fine when I used my own stress test. I think that dual was right. He wrote "It depends on so many factors. What kind of machines, the switches, connection between the machines, the programming language used. ..."
I wrote a Linux program that creates some persistent TCP connections, and I would like my program to close() those TCP sockets just before the Linux-computer goes to sleep, so that the remote peer isn't left with a non-responsive "zombie" TCP connection.
According to this answer, one way to do that is to modify the /etc/pm/sleep.d file to run a special notification app, but I'd prefer not to do it that way since modifying system config files is risky (and in many cases not possible if my program does not have permissions to do so).
Windows and MacOS/X have C-based notification APIs for this sort of thing; is there anything similar in Linux-land?
You can use systemd-logind a tiny daemon that manages user logins and provides both a C library interface as well as a D-Bus interface. You can subscribe to the following signals:
The PrepareForShutdown() resp. PrepareForSleep() signals are sent right before (with the argument True) and after (with the argument False) the system goes down for reboot/poweroff, resp. suspend/hibernate. This may be used by applications for saving data on disk, releasing memory or doing other jobs that shall be done shortly before shutdown/sleep, in conjunction with delay inhibitor locks. After completion of this work they should release their inhibition locks in order not to delay the operation any further.
You can also take a look at this sample program written in Python that uses D-Bus and the PrepareForSleep() signal.
We have a DLL that provides an API for a USB device we make that can appear as a USB CDC com port. We actually use a custom driver on windows for best performance along with async i/o, but we have also used serial port async file i/o in the past with reasonable success as well.
Latency is very important in this API when it is communicating with our device, so we have structured our library so that when applications make API calls to execute commands on the device, those commands turn directly into writes on the API caller's thread so that there is no waiting for a context switch. The library also maintains a listening thread which is always waiting using wait objects on an async read for new responses. These responses get parsed and inserted into thread-safe queues for the API user to read at their convenience.
So basically, we do most of our writing in the API caller's thread, and all of our reading in a listening thread. I have tried porting a version of our code over to using QSerialPort instead of native serial file i/o for Windows and OSX, but I am running into an error whenever I try to write() from the caller's thread (the QSerialPort is created in the listening thread):
QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
which seems to be due to the creation of another QObject-based WriteOverlappedCompletionNotifier for the notifiers pool used by QSerialPortPrivate::startAsyncWrite().
Is the current 5.2 version of QSerialPort limited to only doing reads and writes on the same thread? This seems very unfortunate as the underlying operating systems do not have any such thread limitations for serial port file i/o. As far as I can tell, the issue mainly has to do with the fact that all of QSerialPort's notifier classes are based on QObject.
Does anyone have a good work around to this? I might try building my own QSerialPort that uses notifiers not based on QObject to see how far that gets me. The only real advantage QObject seems to be giving here is in the destruction of the notifiers when the port closes.
Minimal Impact Solution
You're free to inspect the QSerialPort and QIODevice code and see what would need to change to make the write method(s) thread-safe for access from one thread only. The notifiers don't need to be children of the QSerialPort at all, they could be added to a list of pointers that's cleaned up upon destruction.
My guess is that perhaps no other changes are necessary to the mainline code, and only mutex protection is needed for access to error state, but you'd need to confirm that. This would have lowest impact on your code.
If you care about release integrity, you should be compiling Qt yourself anyway, and you should be having it as a part of your own source code repository, too. So none of this should be any problem at all.
On the Performance
"those commands turn directly into writes on the API caller's thread so that there is no waiting for a context switch" Modern machines are multicore and multiple threads can certainly run in parallel without any context switching. The underlying issue is, though: why bother? If you need hard-realtime guarantees, you need a hard-realtime system. Otherwise, nothing in your system should care about such minuscule latency. If you're doing this only to make the GUI feel responsive, there's really no point to such overcomplication.
A Comms Thread Approach
What I do, with plenty of success, and excellent performance, is to have the communications protocol and the communications port in the same, dedicated thread, and the users in either the GUI thread, or yet other thread(s). The communications port is generally a QIODevice, like QTcpSocket, QSerialPort, QLocalSocket, etc. Since the communications protocol object is "just" a QObject, it can also live, with the port, in the GUI thread for demostration purposes - it's designed fully asynchronously anyway, and doesn't block for anything but most trivial of computations.
The communications protocol is queuing multiple requests for execution. Even on a single-core machine, once the GUI thread is done submitting all of the requests, the further execution is all in the communications thread.
The QSerialPort implementation uses asynchronous OS APIs. There's little to no benefit to further processing those async replies on separate threads. Those operations have very low overhead and you will not gain anything measurable in your latency by trying to do so. Remember: this is not your code, but merely code that pushes bytes between buffers. Yes, the context switch overhead may be there on heavily loaded or single-core systems, but unless you can measure the difference between its presence and absence, you're fighting imaginary problems.
It is possible to use any QObject from multiple threads, of course, as long as you serialize the access to it via the event queue mutex. This is done for you whenever you use the QMetaObject::invokeMethod or signal-slot connections.
So, add a trivial wrapper around QSerialPort that exposes the write as a thread-safe method. Internally, it should use a signal-slot connection. You can call this thread-safe write from any thread. The overhead in such a call is a mutex lock and 2+n malloc/free calls, where n is the non-zero number of arguments.
In your wrapper, you can also process the readyRead signal, and emit a signal with received data. That signal can be processed by a QObject living in another thread.
Overall, if you do the measurements correctly, and if your port thread's implementation is correct, you should find no benefit whatsoever to all this complication.
If your communications protocol does heavy data processing, this should be factored out. It could go into a separate QObject that can then run on its own thread. Or, it can be simply done using dedicated functors that are executed by QtConcurrent::run.
What if you use QSerialPort to open and configure the serial port, and QSocketNotifier to monitor for read activity (and other QSocketNotifier instances for write completion and error handling, if necessary)?
QSerialPort::handle should give you the file descriptor you need. On Windows, if that function returns a Windows HANDLE, you can use _open_osfhandle to get a file descriptor.
As a follow up, shortly after this discussion I did implement my own thread-safe serial port code for POSIX systems using select() and the like and it is working well on multiple threads in conjunction with Qt and non-Qt applications alike. Basically, I have abandoned using QtSerialPort at all.
There is a lot on multithreading on the Corba server side, but I'm interested about the client side. We have a multithreaded client (Solaris, Orbix 6.3) with a Corba singleton "manager" that initialises the ORB. During runtime 'lsof' shows only one TCP connection to the Corba server, so all synchronous calls made from the client worker threads should be serialised.
Would like to change this arrangement to take advantage of parallelism: each thread to manage its own connection. I've changed the setup so that instead of a singleton each worker thread calls ORB_init(), etc.
Totally puzzled now: 'lsof' shows now 2 TCP connections but there are 6 worker threads.
Something is not right, would have expected as many TCP connections as the number of worker threads. May be that the approach is naive - does it makes sense for example to call ORB_init() per thread?
I'd need someones opinion on this. Sample code for a multithreaded client would greatly help. Again, using Orbix 6.3 on Solaris.
Kind regards,
The management of connections is implementation specific for plain CORBA. Each vendor has its own proprietary way of configuration their behavior. If you check the RTCORBA specification, that has a standardized way to configure how connections between client and server will be used.
I don't know how Orbix works and whether it supports RTCORBA, that is something you could get from their manuals probably. I do know that TAO has a lot of support for threading at the client side. By default when multiple threads make an invocation to the same server multiple tcpip transports can be opened at the same moment.
Thank you guys for your answers. I found, as Johnny says that this is indeed implementation specific.
omniORB has for example maxGIOPConnectionPerServer - default 5. That's:
The maximum number of concurrent connections the ORB will open to a single server. If multiple threads on the client call the same server, the ORB opens additional connections to the server, up to the maximum specified by this parameter. If the maximum is reached, threads are blocked until a connection becomes free for them to use.
Unfortunately I haven't yet found out what's the equivalent (if any) for Orbix. It's definitely defaulting to 1 connection. Still googling...
Found out though that as part of Solaris -> Linux migration will be moving from Orbix to TAO in a number of months. Hoping TAO would be more friendly and customizable.
Orbix internally uses a lot of optimization routines to ensure that connections are used efficiently. Specifically, it's not going to open up multiple connections to the same server endpoint because it's able to multiplex multiple concurrent GIOP requests over the same TCP connection. CORBA deliberately hides connection management from client and server programmers.
I don't believe this is controllable through configuration. Send a support ticket to Progress Support to confirm. You might be able to force it to happen if you move away from the singleton model and initialize a different ORB for each client (each with their own unique ID), but that would be a very heavy-handed and costly solution to a problem that is a little vague. The underlying ORB is already build to optimize for concurrent requests, so I'm not sure what problem it is you're trying to solve.
In my honest opinion I don't think there is such a concept called multi threaded client for CORBA applications. Because in the server side, there is only one object that is registered with the naming service which is available for all the clients. If you look at the IOR of the object, it will be same for all the clients. So it can establishes at most only one connection to that object. It also leads to thinking that you can not get more than one remote object (which means how much ever you do look-up for the object from different clients, they all get the same reference) for any number of clients. So, in order to support mutli-threading ,the server actually has to support different thread policies. POA the server can have different thread policies. Please go through JAVA PROGRAMMING WITH CORBA for more.
I don't know how exactly Orbix works, but normally ORB initialization in done only once even for a multithreaded setup. The multithreaded (server side) ORB will start an amount of worker threads (on demand or if needed or if configured, a fixed number) to handle incomming connection. These connections are handled by a worker. This worker looks up the servant that can handle this request. Normally this (the real call to the servant) is performed in an extra thread also. But you won't see this thread with lsof. Try so use ps -eLf or top -H with thread support enabled.
On the client side it depends on how many object do you want to call. For each object a caller thread is possible. It is also possible to have more than one caller thread per remote object, but only if called from different threads on the client side logic. (Imagine to have multiple threads and the remote object is shared across the threads)