TCP retranmission timer overrides/kills TCP keepalive timer, delaying disconnect discovery - linux

Machine - linux, 3.10.19 kernel
This is in a large distributed system, there are several servers and clients (on same as well as different nodes/machines) having TCP connections with each other.
Test case:
The client program node/machine is switched off (on purpose, test case) and the only way for server to know about his disconnection is via keepalive timer (idle time=40 sec, 4 probes, probe time=10 sec).
Good case:
This works fine in most of the cases, the server gets to know that the client has gone down in [40,70] sec.
Bad case:
But I am hitting another unique situation where while keepalive timer is running, the server tries sending some data to the client, and this in turn starts the TCP retransmission timer which overrides/kills the keepalive timer. It takes ~15 min for the retransmission timer to detect that the other end is not there anymore.
15 min is a lot of time for server to realize this. I am looking for ways how others handle such a situation. Do I need to tweak my retransmission timer values?

There is a completely separate configuration for retransmission timeouts.
From Linux's tcp.7 man page:
tcp_retries2 (integer; default: 15; since Linux 2.2)
The maximum number of times a TCP packet is retransmitted in
established state before giving up. The default value is 15, which
corresponds to a duration of approximately between 13 to 30 minutes,
depending on the retransmission timeout. The RFC 1122 specified
minimum limit of 100 seconds is typically deemed too short.
This is likely the value you'll want to adjust to change how long it takes to detect if your connection has vanished.

I have the same issue with a linux kernel release 4.3.0-1-amd64:
I used a server and a client, connected to the same switch.
TCP keep-alive mecanism works correctly for client and server in the following cases:
When no message is sent between the cable disconnection and the socket disconnection (by the tcp keep-alive mecanism).
When the cable is disconnected between the client/server and the switch (which sets the link state to down) even if the client/server application tries to send a message.
When the wire is unpluged on the other side of the switch, TCP Keep-Alive frames are transmitted until an applicative message is sent. Then, TCP Retransmission frames are sent and TCP keep-alive frames stop being sent, which prevents the socket to be closed.


When is a TCP connection considered idle?

I have a requirement to enable TCP keepalive on any connections and now I am struggling with the results from our test case. I think this is because I do not really understand when the first keepalive probe is sent. I read the following in the documentation for tcp_keepalive_time on Linux:
the interval between the last data packet sent (simple ACKs are not considered data) and the first keepalive probe; after the
connection is marked to need keepalive, this counter is not used any
Some other sources state that this is the time a connection is idle, but they do not further define what this means. I also looked into Stevens to find a more formal definition of this, because I am wondering what "the last data packet sent" actually means when considering retransmissions.
In my test case, I have a connection where data is only sent from a server to a client at rather high rates. To test keepalive, we unplugged the cable on the client's NIC. I can now see that the network stack tries to send the data and enters the retransmission state, but no keep alive probe is sent. Is it correct that keep alive probes are not sent during retransmission?
I have a connection where data is only sent from a server to a client
at rather high rates.
Then you'll never see keepalives. Keepalives are sent when there is "silence on the wire". RFC1122 has some explanation re keepalives.
A "keep-alive" mechanism periodically probes the other end of a
connection when the connection is otherwise idle, even when there is
no data to be sent
Back to your question:
Some other sources state that this is the time a connection is idle,
but they do not further define what this means.
This is how long TCP will wait before poking the peer "hoy! still alive?".
$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time
In other words, you've been using a TCP connection and it has been great. However, for the past 2 hours there hasn't been anything to send. Is it reasonable to assume the connection is still alive? Is it reasonable to assume all the middleboxes in the middle still have state about your connection? Opinions vary and keepalives aren't part of RFC793.
The TCP specification does not include a keep-alive mechanism it
could: (1) cause perfectly good connections to break during transient
Internet failures; (2) consume unnecessary bandwidth ("if no one is
using the connection, who cares if it is still good?")
To test keepalive, we unplugged the cable on the client's NIC.
This isn't testing keepalive. This is testing your TCPs retransmit strategy, i.e. how many times and how often TCP will try to get your message across. On a Linux box this (likely) ends up testing net.ipv4.tcp_retries2:
How may times to retry before killing alive TCP connection. RFC 1122
says that the limit should be longer than 100 sec. It is too small
number. Default value 15 corresponds to 13-30min depending on RTO.
But RFC5482 - TCP User Timeout Option provides more ways to influence it.
The TCP user timeout controls how long transmitted data may remain
unacknowledged before a connection is forcefully closed.
Back to the question:
Is it correct that keep alive probes are not sent during retransmission
It makes sense: TCP is already trying to elicit a response from the other peer, an empty keepalive would be superfluous.
Linux-specific (2.4+) options to influence keepalive
TCP_KEEPCNT The maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection.
TCP_KEEPIDLE The time (in seconds) the connection needs to remain idle before TCP starts sending keepalive probes, if the socket option SO_KEEPALIVE has been set on this socket
TCP_KEEPINTVL The time (in seconds) between individual keepalive probes
Linux-specific (2.6.37+) option to influence TCP User Timeout
TCP_USER_TIMEOUT The maximum amount of time in
milliseconds that transmitted data may remain unacknowledged before
TCP will forcibly close connection.
So for example your application could use this option to determine how long the connection survives when there is no connectivity (similar to your NIC-unplugging example). E.g. if you have reason to believe the client will come back (perhaps they closed the laptop lid? spotty wireless access?) you can specify a timeout of 12 hours and when they do come back the connection will still function.

what will happen if I use socket.setKeepAlive in Node.js server

I just want to ask in net module of Node.js because I did not fully understand in the docs. what will happen if I implement the setKeepAlive() ?. what is the behavior of this setKeepAlive() ?
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(socket){
socket.setKeepAlive(true,60000); //1 min = 60000 milliseconds.
///receiving data here
server.listen(1333,'', function () {
console.log("server is listening in port 1333!");
Thank you in advance.
The .setKeepAlive() method enables/disables TCP keep alive. This is done at the TCP level in the OS, so it is enabled by the node.js socket library, but the keep-alive functionality is actually implemented in the TCP stack in the host OS.
Here's a pretty good summary of what the keep alive feature does:
Here's a piece of that article that should give you an overview:
The keepalive concept is very simple: when you set up a TCP
connection, you associate a set of timers. Some of these timers deal
with the keepalive procedure. When the keepalive timer reaches zero,
you send your peer a keepalive probe packet with no data in it and the
ACK flag turned on. You can do this because of the TCP/IP
specifications, as a sort of duplicate ACK, and the remote endpoint
will have no arguments, as TCP is a stream-oriented protocol. On the
other hand, you will receive a reply from the remote host (which
doesn't need to support keepalive at all, just TCP/IP), with no data
and the ACK set.
If you receive a reply to your keepalive probe, you can assert that
the connection is still up and running without worrying about the
user-level implementation. In fact, TCP permits you to handle a
stream, not packets, and so a zero-length data packet is not dangerous
for the user program.
This procedure is useful because if the other peers lose their
connection (for example by rebooting) you will notice that the
connection is broken, even if you don't have traffic on it. If the
keepalive probes are not replied to by your peer, you can assert that
the connection cannot be considered valid and then take the correct
Since you are setting keep alive on incoming connections to your server, the effect of the keep alive setting will depend entirely upon what happens with these incoming sockets. If they are short lived (e.g. they connected, exchange some data and then disconnect like a typical HTTP connection without going inactive for any significant amount of time), then the keep-alive setting will not even come into play.
If, on the other hand, the client connects to the server and holds that connection open for a long time, then the keep-alive setting will come into play and you will see the different behaviors that are called out in the above referenced article. In addition, if the client is a battery-powered device (phone, tablet, etc...) and it holds a long running connection, then it may consume more battery power and a small bit more bandwidth responding to the regular keep-alive packets because the device has to wake up to receive incoming packets and then has to transmit to send responses.

Overhead of Idle WebSockets

Say I have an websocket that may receive an event at any time, but is mostly idle, how much bandwidth will be consumed after the initial connection in order to keep it alive?
For what it's worth, the server is NodeJS using ws, and the client is using QtWebSockets.
Once established (meaning the three-way handshake completes), a raw TCP connection uses zero bandwidth unless:
You send or receive data
TCP keepalives are explicitly enabled
A server or client can enable TCP keepalives. A keepalive is a zero-length packet sent with the ACK flag set, and is only 54 bytes sent on the wire plus another 54 for the response. By default, TCP keepalives are sent every two hours. In other words, completely negligible.
WebSockets also have their own keepalive mechanism (to deal with proxies). The server or the client may send a PING frame, and the other end MUST respond with a PONG frame. While there is no browser-side JS API to send PINGs, a node server may send them and a compliant browser will automatically respond. (QtWebSockets does have an API to send PINGs.) This does not happen by default; you must do it manually. WebSocket PING and PONG frames are at least 7 bytes and at most 131 bytes each (plus 54 bytes of TCP/IP overhead). Thus a single PING/PONG costs between 122 and 370 bytes.
ws does not do any keepalives automatically, nor does QtWebSockets. So to answer your question, a default configuration does use zero bandwidth to maintain the TCP connection.
Keepalives are important because intermediate devices (ie NAT routers) will drop inactive TCP connections. Depending on the networks between your server and your clients, this means that if you don't have any keepalives, your clients will lose their connections (possibly without knowing it, which is bad), and will have to re-eastablish the WebSocket session. This will likely be far more expensive in terms of bandwidth than enabling sane keepalives.
A PING/PONG every 5 minutes costs 1.5 - 4.4 kB per hour (per client).
Note: has its own keepalive mechanism (separate from WebSockets') that is enabled by default. The sio keepalive is managed by the sio library and happens over the WebSocket data channel (as opposed to WebSocket PING/PONG, which are control frames). The server sends an 8 byte (+overhead) keepalive message every 30 seconds, which amounts to about 15 kB per hour.

Can I make TCP Keep-Alive symmetric?

I have a server (nginx on Ubuntu) which has listen 80 so_keepalive=4m::;. I have a windows client which I set the TCP Keep-Alive timeout with . I set the server timeout to 4 minutes and the client timeout to 5 minutes. What I notice now, capturing the data between them with Wireshark is that after 4 minutes the server sends the TCP Keep-Alive and then one minute later (at 5 minutes from the start) the client sends its own TCP Keep-Alive. Why isn't the timer reset upon receipt of the servers Keep-Alive packet? Is there any way to change this behavior?
The TCP Keep-Alives is kind of a hack that was added later to the protocol.
There is the relevant RFC-1122 paragraph about the question you have: TCP Keep-Alives
To confirm that an idle connection is still active, these implementations send a probe segment designed to elicit a response from the peer TCP. Such a segment generally contains SEG.SEQ = SND.NXT-1 and may or may not contain one garbage octet of data. Note that on a quiet connection SND.NXT = RCV.NXT, so that this SEG.SEQ will be outside the window. Therefore, the probe causes the receiver to return an acknowledgment segment, confirming that the connection is still live. If the peer has dropped the connection due to a network partition or a crash, it will respond with a RST instead of an acknowledgment segment.
In other words, a TCP Keep-Alive segment uses an old sequence number (SND.NXT-1) and expects a valid reply from it. There isn't really anything else that distinguish that segment from a normal segment. The TCP stack on the other end does not need to implement anything special to know that a Keep-Alive segment was sent. As long as the protocol was properly implemented, with or without the Keep-Alive feature, it will work transparently.
As mentioned in the RFC, there are cases where a TCP implementation will not answer such a request properly unless it includes at least one octet of data. I do not know which ones (Microsoft?)...
Further, the documentation says that only the server side should make use of the Keep-Alive feature. For sure, if you know that a server has the Keep-Alive turned on, then there is no need for you to have it in your client.

linux doesn't detect dead tcp connections

After restarting my server side application, my client side OS doesn't detect dead tcp connections. The zombie connections will stay in established state, and never be closed by OS. Is anyone hava any idea about this?
This is the server side connections on port 9888:
This is the client side connections to the server:
Some information of my OS:
You might want to use TCP keep alive mechanism to detect the dead peers. As rightly mentioned in the comments you need to call set following socket options using setsockopt function,
SO_KEEPALIVE - To enable/disable the TCP keep alive mechanism
TCP_KEEPIDLE - IDLE time (in seconds) after which TCP starts sending keepalive probes
TCP_KEEPCNT - Maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before dropping the connection
TCP_KEEPINTVL - The time (in seconds) between individual keepalive probes
So for example if you set ideal time = 60 seconds, cnt = 5 and interval = 2 seconds, the system will drop the connection after 70 seconds of inactivity.
More details are available at following website
Hope this helps.
