Correct way to override content being displayed? - string

I want to enable the use of codes inside of content on a Drupal website. For example, when creating a block or a node, i want users to be able to insert code like this:
Depending on what the current language is, it might display a different value. The tricky part is not retrieving the value I want to replace it with, but figuring out at what point I replace it?
What hook or function would I use, to replace any node content that has the specific code in it, with another value? And the same for a block or any other content that is going to be displayed?

I solved this by creating my own input filter. I copied this example.


How to group more than one line of text with the datacap?

I have this document and i want to capture more than one line.I'm only managing to capture just one.
I am interested in getting all the content in blue.
Image from my script -
Result I want to get -
Using at least datacap 9.1.1 i think you would maybe want something like:
Depending on how your recognize action works, you may need to use SelectParentBlock() a few times

Wayfinder IncludeDocs parameter in Modx is breaking the snippet

I'm quite stuck on an unexpected problem. I'm trying to use Wayfinder to generate a sitemap for a project. The output of the navigation items is as expected, but I need to include a number of documents in addition to the primary navigation elements.
To do this, I have used the includeDocs parameter.
[[Wayfinder? &startId=`0` &includeDocs=`17,18,19,20`]]
When I do this, I get no output at all. Remove includeDocs and I get the standard nav (expected). Use the param and the output is completely empty.
No idea what I'm doing wrong or what (if any) other setting must be defined in order to make this work.
The includeDocs parameter is very misleading. It should rather be named "onlyIncudeDocs" or "restrictTo", since that is what it does. It also requires the docs you include to be directly accessable from your startId, alternatively have the entire path "included".
I would suggest you create weblink resources directly under your startId, and link them to the resources you want to include. That way wayfinder will pick them up by default. (Note that you may need to handle this in your rowTpl for wayfinder, since a weblink stores the actual link in it's content field)
If you also want to include the children of the id's you specify, you would probably be better of slightly revising your resource structure.

Orchard Module Override a Field Driver

Hello fellow Orcharders!
I'm not sure if what I want to do is possible, but I want to override the Driver for a single Field in the Module I'm writing.
The Field I want more control over is the Content Picker field. Basically I want the Content Picker to load the shapes for their respective content items. I've looked at Sipke's Content Picker Widget for an example on how to load shapes, however I'm unsure of the best/recommended approach to implement something similar in my module.
I have the Content Picker Field attached to my Content Part, and the default Content Picker comma list of Content Item titles appears as expected. I have tried to define an Alternate in, but I can't load the Content Item shapes from within the Alternate view.
Presumably, as per Sipke's example, these shapes need to be built in the Driver and passed along. If this is correct thing to do, how could I do this in the most Orchard-y way with minimal "hacks". Looking into the debugger, I could "hack" my way to the Field I need in my part's Driver; but the module I'm building will be reused in the future by people unfamiliar with it, and if they start adding/deleting Fields from the Content Part, I'd like everything to behave accordingly!
Of course, if I must take the "hacky" option, I'm willing to do so, but only after I've exhausted all other options. This is my first module, and I've learnt an incredible amount along the way, and I'm really trying to learn the "right" way to build an Orchard Module as best I can.
Thanks in advance!

Can I use a Kentico macro to get a partial path?

I would like to know if it is possible to use kentico macros (not necessarily coding a custom one) to access part of the rewritten URL's Path.
I would like to get the last part (Subcategory) so that I may then filter content dynamically. The reason I want to use the macro is to simply not have to have 20+ different page templates only so I can have different web part properties.
Assuming you are using Portal templates, and you don't want an 'all items in all subcategories' list on the parent:
Create an Article List web part on the parent page — parent to all the sub-categories.
Set the web part Path to /{0}/{1}/{2}/% (if your path was /Home/Parent/Subcategory for example) or something similar for your environment.
Use the default setting of Inherit for the page template for all subcategory pages.
This will not show anything on the parent page, and the sub-categories will show only the documents under themselves. Note: If you want the subcategory items to have their own views when user digs down to /{0}/{1}/{2}/item, you may need to filter by changing template inheritance, or Document Types on the web part, or something like that if you don't want the whole sub-category list to also show on the item-specific pages.
You can create a custom macro or, you can also use the string operations which are allowed within macros. Please see (and you can e.g. use the EndsWith or TrimStrart or something similar).
However, I think the best way would be to create a custom macro which will exactly fit. There might be some combination of macros and macro functions - but I think it is faster just to code a custom one which will cover your need 100%.
Also, you can take a look on the K# if there is something that will fit -

Sharepoint Custom List with custom new forms not able to add to folders

I have a custom list which has customized edit and new forms which were required by the user.
I then tried to add a new item to a folder (folders have the text of the year e.g. 2010) and when I click save on the customized new form it saves correctly but always to the root of the list.
I am wondering if there is a fix or a work around for this as it is highly annoying.
Alternatively can anyone recommend a way to implement a field which will auto calculate + 1 year from creation date, which might be a possible alternative however it will have to take into account the following.
Where the current year runs october to september.
Thanks for any help this has been driving me mad trying to find a solution.
Can't help much without knowing what you based the custom form on, but for a new form the folder to save to usually shows up in the query string.
The form is a basic custom form list which I have then just modified parts to remove fields that are not required or need to be read only.
The original form worked perfectly and allowed items to be added to the list subfolders.
The new one has no additional code and is using the standard sharepoint DataFormWebPart to create the custom list form and so I have no back end code to insert the item etc, although I may have to resort to this...will I?
You need to be careful when modifying standard forms. I recommend you go back to a copy of the standard form and verify that that saves correctly. Remove the "unneeded" fields until it stops working.
Sometimes with this sort of customisation you need to use css rather than server side changes to modify the form so that the functionality remains in place after the component is hidden.
It is definitely not an issue with the removal of fields as I created a new copy of the original and then changed it to a custom field saved it and tried to add an item.
It went straight into the root.
I tried the original form and it saves to the sub folder correctly.
Okay only work around I have for this at moment (I am currently in discussion with MS) is this.
I used the method getTagFromIdentifierAndTitle(tagName, identifier, title)
This returned the element I was after and then I basically went to the row dom node and deleted it.
I am hoping to have a nicer method but at least it is a work around for now.
