RDL file is not showing after restarting VS - visual-studio-2012

I created rdl file in ssrs after restarting vs its not showing in solution explorer. But the file is present in folder

Rdl files are not automatically recognized by Visual Studio, but you can add the rdl file manually via Shift+Alt+A in the solution explorer or via the GUI.

First try to 'Clean' and 'Rebuild' your Report solution.
If that doesn't work since you said it exists in your folder you could manually add it.
Right Click on Reports folder > Add > Existing Item. See this image http://prntscr.com/8y3eyc


Azure Activity Log - Download file from Blog

In Visual Studio Server Explorer with the Azure SDK installed.
If you open a blob container, you get a list of files.
If you click one of the files a progress bar appears showing it is downloading.
I cannot find where this file has been download to.
It's downloaded to %TEMP%\CloudStorage\. If you want to save it somewhere else, you can right-click the file and Save As instead of double-clicking it.

Report preview cannot find Data source folder

When I try to preview report in Visual Studio 2012 Designer I am getting an error:
An error occurred during local report processing.
An unexpected error occurred in Report Processing.
An error occurred during local report processing.
Error in the application.
Could not find a part of the path '...\bin\Debug\Data Sources\SomeDatasource.rds'.
Couple remarks:
There is a valid data source in project.
When I build project it creates flat (no folders) structure of reports, datasets and datasources in bin\Debug folder
Data Source folder (along with other folders) is defined for deployment only
When I removed folders in deployment settings, it is still not working
It might be related to installing the latest SSDT (11.1.40403.0) yesterday... however right after installing everything worked
Everything worked in this configuration so far...
1) open the report definition's xml by right click -> view code
2) browse to Report -> DataSources -> DataSourceReference
3) replace "/Data Sources/MyDS" with "MyDS"
This clearly should have been patched by now!
I got this error on deployment because the .rds file was not yet made in the deployment folder. My data source was under Shared Data Sources. I fixed it by building the .rds file in Visual Studio like so.
Right click on .rds file in question.
Click Build
This creates the .rds file in the folder that is being used for deployment.
I created a "Data Sources" folder under .../bin/Debug/ , and copied the data source items into it. I tried the above but this is what solved it for me. (SSDT 2017, working with SQL 2014 SSRS files )

Why do some files not auto publish with the rest of the project?

There are a handful of files in my project that do not auto publish with the rest of my project to IIS when there are changes. I have to manually right-click on those files and publish them individually.
I am pretty sure I have done something to cause this because it appears that all of the files that do this have a check-mark next to the file (see layout.cshtml in the image below). What have I done, and how can I fix it?
Set file Build Action to Content, right Mouse click on file and select Properties in Solution Explorer. Like this:

Unable to ignore files in Visual Studio 2012 using .tfignore file

I'm having some problems ignoring files in VS 2012 and was wondering if anyone could help. Essentially what I'm trying to do is ignore the Web.config file from a project in a solution.
I'm aware of the ability to "Exclude" the file but I wanted something a little more robust as I really don't like the way that VS re-includes the files when I right click the solution file and click "Check In".
Here's what I've tried so far:
Made a change to the Web.config
Team Explorer tab->Excluded Changes->click "Detected" link
Right click a file->"Ignore this local item" to create .tfignore file*
Open the .tfignore file and append "*.config". Saved.
Reopened VS
Opened Team Explorer tab again->Pending Changes
Web.config still appears in the "Included Changes" list!
As explained on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms245454(v=vs.110).aspx#tfignore
Visual Studio seems to just completely ignore my .tfignore file.
Does anyone have any ideas/workarounds? Cheers.
You'll have to make sure you are using a local workspace (can be configured in the advanced part of edit workspace). The .tfignore file should apply as long as it is in your workspace. It will apply recursively to any subfolders and can be overridden by another .tfignore in any of the subfolders. Here's the reference for the .tfignore :

Visual Studio 2012 - Database Project - setting a default profile for publish

Just wondering if anyone knows how to set a saved publish profile as the default i.e. profile that's automatically loaded when I select publish. I love the new profile approach but I'm a bit over having to reselect the same profile over and over while I'm developing.
In VS2012 and up, you can set the Default Publish Profile by right-clicking on the .xml profile file and clicking the Set As Default Publish Profile option. It will then be auto-loaded when you click to Publish the project.
So I've just discovered how to do this, right click on the specific .xml file (e.g. Debug.publish.xml) that you wish to publish and it is automatically loaded into the Publish panel.
Double clicking the XML file also works
The latest Visual Studio 2012 Updates also now include right click options for:
1 - Set as default
2 - Publish
Rob, you may want to consider setting up some batch files that call SQLPackage to use your desired Publish profile. I blogged about it here: http://schottsql.blogspot.com/2012/11/ssdt-publishing-your-project.html
For our dev team, we have a set of batch files set up that can build one or all databases locally from whatever branch they're currently using. That makes it a lot easier to update the local database. The "Publish All" batch file takes a little time to run but is still better than opening each project individually to publish the databases.
Slightly odd issue: I renamed my .xml file to .localdev.xml....file name is "double extension'd" - VS/Datatools looks for ".publish.xml" NOT just the .xml file. In my case I needed "*.localdev.publish.xml". When it had the wrong name the "Set as Default Publish Profile" right click option DID NOT show up, nor did double-clicking...where is Molder when you need him?!?!? ;)
Get the name right, get the right functionality......MS needs better, more creative QA people!! ;)
