Dandelion List Listener Fails - linux

I am trying to use lisp in linux but I can not get the listener to work.
Using Eclipse's menu, in help -> install new software, I installed the dandelion plugin but every time I try to run lisp code, like (+ 1 2), something simple, I get the following errors:
Error in background evaluation
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
Error initialising connection
java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
Starting eval server failed
Cannot run program "/home/michael/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.8_155965261/plugins/de.defmacro.dandelion.env.clisp.linux.x86_2.49.2/binary/environment_clisp_2.49.2": error=13, Permission denied
I have tried running the command
sudo chmod + /home/michael/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.8_155965261/plugins/de.defmacro.dandelion.env.clisp.linux.x86_2.49.2/binary/environment_clisp_2.49.2
Yet I see no output, the terminal just goes to the next new line. I am running a 64bit ubuntu version 14. I am pretty new to all this but I would like to use linux as my main OS as it is quite convenient for school. If anyone has ideas please let me know!

This answer will get the SBCL listener working in eclipse in linux using the Dandelion plugin.
What I had to do was tell my computer to show hidden files and folders. Manually navigate to
Right click on the executable and edit the permissions to allow me all read and write access. I did the same for
I restarted eclipse, ran the SBCL[1.1.10] listener and tested (+ 1 2) I got the answer 3. I can not get the CLISP 2.49.2 listener working but just being able to develop in linux in lisp makes me quite happy and I hope this helps someone else down the line.


Pop_OS Upgrade Causes Stuff to Break

Alright, just a disclaimer: I've been using some version of Unix or Linux for 30 years, I have good working knowledge, but when it comes to administration I'm enthusiastically dangerous :)
Every time I do the automated OS upgrade in Pop!_OS something bad happens. And I am not talking about apt update / apt dist-upgrade. I do mean going into the settings GUI and in the last item on the list clicking "Upgrade".
Last machine I did it on failed and I couldn't recover the system, not even from a bootable stick. That machine was on it's last leg, I just let it go and built a new box, it was time. Well here we are again, time for an upgrade to 20.10.
I hit "upgrade os" (maybe it's "update os" I don't remember exactly
It did some stuff, and said it needed to restart - Okay so now we're windows? Not thrilled
Restart and end up at a gray screen where it sat at 0% progress bar for the update
I let it sit a good long while, maybe 45 minutes, I was worried this mid-low range machine was just taking a while, nothing
Cringe.. hit the reset button, the system rebooted and did "something" and then came up seemingly okay
Now here's the problem list:
Did the upgrade happen fully, completely, and successfully? How can I tell? This feels like I'm running windows and just rolling in the blind mystery..
VMWare Workstation wont launch. Nothing happens with icon click, from command line I get this error:
/usr/bin/vmware: line 105: 159580 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "$BINDIR"/vmware-modconfig --appname="VMware Workstation" --icon="vmware-workstation"
Searching online a bunch there was a lot of talk that there may be permission problems after upgrade and running it as root would help. This did not work. I read that upgrading to VMWare 16.x will help. I'm open to it, but on principle WHY does this have to be the case?
I use another app that is installed from source, it's called MakeMKV. I've had no trouble with it until the Pop upgrade. Again, it doesn't launch from the icon. I rebuilt and reinstalled it. No go. Launching from command line returns:
/snap/makemkv/217/bin/desktop-launch: line 51: /home/ritchie/.config/user-dirs.dirs: Permission denied
qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :1
Could not connect to any X display.
Launching from the command line with sudo worked though! So wtf?
This feels like a key piece of the puzzle, that bit about not being able to connect to the display.
Since this post is so long I wont list the hardware, but am happy to if it helps diagnose.
Any help is appreciated!
got the same with other snap packages...
tried to figure out what's wrong...
looks like some ENV variable is not set properly causing the error:
.config/user-dirs.dirs: Permission denied
but simply reinstalling the package resolves the issue:
sudo snap remove %package%
sudo snap install %package%

Command Not Found CentOS | .bat File

Im trying to run a .bat file on my server through php popen command, ive struggled and finally got to the point where all the permissions are set correctly and now i can actually execute the file but i have a problem. In my server logs it displays
foo.bat: line 1: mstsc: command not found, referer: http://dev.example.com
The full code in the file is mstsc /v: I know this means that it doesn't recognise the command on centos but im not sure what to do to fix the problem.
The aim of this code is to open RDP for the user who requested it. Bear in mind that this code works perfectly locally on my windows OS using xampp but when i upload it to the server running CENTOS it doesnt work.
My question is
How do i fix this error and allow CENTOS to execute a command that opens an RDP window for the user
MSTSC is a Windows RDP client which is why it works on Windows.
It's not available to run on CentOS, let alone call by executing a Windows batch file! You'll need to use an alternative solution like FreeRDP and use a script like this one if you want to do this from CentOS: https://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=CentOS_7&p=x&f=5
I feel like this is exactly what you're after
It allows you run a bat file that opens windows RDP without needing to write a single line of server code. Take a look its pretty good!

StartX failing to run:- Arch linux openbox

I am a linux noob trying to setup openbox on an arch linux base. I am trying to get it as lightweight as possible in terms of resources used.
My final plan is to use openbox, with tint1 and conky.
however I am having an issue getting openbox to start. I have followed numerous guides and am struggling to figure out the problem.
I have so far installed the following (and done this config)
openbox (installed default option with the extras asked for)
create ~/.conifg/openbox
copied, rc.xml, menu.xml, autostart, environment to the above location
this didn't work so I the installed the full
still nothing, although when I try to run startx the screen goes black for a second as though it is trying, but then goes back to text mode saying it has failed.
I have had a look at the attached log file, but I don't know enough to be able to interpret it properly.
log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r76fowkooi822y9/Xorg.log?dl=0
I would appreciate any assistance.
still nothing, although when I try to run startx the screen goes black for a second as though it is trying, but then goes back to text mode saying it has failed.
what is it saying?
There is only one error: (EE) open /dev/fb0: Permission denied, try starting your environment with the same configuration as root - just to see if it works. Maybe its a problem related to rootless X.
Have you configured/checked your installation (xserver, graphics driver, xinit config) using the following guides?
Try to start a minimal X (As described in the xinitrc article) to see if your xserver and graphics driver is working correctly.

Linux XAMPP suddenly requires 32 bit compatibility library

I have been working with linux's version of XAMPP (named LAMPP) for about 3 months now and up until tonight XAMPP has worked fine, but suddenly when I tried to run the command
sudo xampp stop
it gave me this error message:
XAMPP is currently only availably as 32 bit application. Please use a 32 bit compatibility library for your system.
and since then any time I try to run any of the following commands:
sudo xampp start
sudo xampp stop
sudo xampp restart
I get the same message
I want to know why I got this message because xampp has been working flawlessly up until now and in fact, less than 30 minutes ago, I typed sudo xampp start and xampp started up normally and I was able to access localhost/phpmyadmin/
Here is some other info that may be useful:
-My OS is Arch Linux
-I am using the xfce desktop environment
-In the time between starting xampp successfully and trying to stop xampp when I got the error message above, I was trying to get the php mail() function to work by following the steps on this page http://www.absolutelytech.com/2010/07/18/howto-send-emailsusing-mail-function-from-localhost-in-php-through-msmtp-using-gmail-account-on-linux/ and I had just successfully finished step 1 and successfully sent the test email to myself.
-also, when I first got the aforementioned error message, I was still able to access pages via localhost (for instance I had a php file at /opt/lampp/htdocs/Brown/index.php that I could access successfully by typing localhost/Brown/index.php even after I was getting the error message) but then I tried to restart my computer to see if that might fix the issue and now I can't start xampp to begin with.
Please someone help me with this and feel free to ask any follow-up questions if that will help
I figured out my own issue. For anyone who sees this question, I had made a few changes to my php.ini file in attempts to get php's mail() function to work and I wanted to start fresh, so I moved php.ini to php_old.ini and copied a file named php.ini-pre1.7.2 to php.ini thinking that php.ini-pre1.7.2 was a file containing the default configuration of php.ini in case one might want to roll back to the defaults, but instead it is something entirely different. My issue was completely fixed when I moved php_old.ini back to php.ini
2021 and the same happened to me after trying to match php.ini seetings between a Windows environment and a Ubuntu 20.04 one. Everywhere I saw it told me to comment a section in the /opt/lampp/lampp file but it messed up my installation and I lost track of what was wrong. After re-installing LAMPP I matched the settings one by one restarting with sudo opt/lampp/lampp restart at each modification. The culprit was:
This line has to be stay commented (just put a semicolon at the start of the line), if you need it then this workaround may help you. Cheers!

Cygwin error: "-bash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable"

I recently reinstalled Cygwin on my computer in order to get access to several command line elements that I was missing. I have never had previous difficulty with Cygwin, but after this reinstallation, an error message continues to appear after (almost) each command entered. For instance:
-bash-4.1$ wc m1.txt
3 [main] bash 2216 child_info_fork::abort: data segment start: parent(0x26D000) != child(0x38D000)
-bash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
2013930 4027950 74968256 m1.txt
Generally, the command still runs (as seen above), but not always. Occasionally, the 'error' message occurs several times in a row (the initial number "3" will then change to a "4" or "2", notably if I start a second Cygwin window.
Also, as soon as I start up Cygwin, I get the following message before the prompt:
3 [main] bash 6140 child_info_fork::abort: data segment start: parent(0x26D000) != child(0x36D000)
-bash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable
-bash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
At the moment, I am debating whether to uninstall/reinstall Cygwin again or just live with the error messages, but I was curious if there might be an issue that I am unaware of.
(assuming Cygwin is installed at C:\Cygwin):
Open Task Manager and close any processes that look to be Cygwin related.
Open C:\Cygwin\bin in Windows Explorer
Verify that dash.exe, ash.exe, rebase.exe, and rebaseall exist in this folder
If any of them are missing, re-run Cygwin setup and select the dash, ash, and rebase packages
right-click your C:\Cygwin folder, uncheck Read-only (if its checked), and press OK.
When an error about not being able to switch some files comes up, select "Ignore All". Wait for this process to complete.
Browse to C:\Cygwin\bin in Windows Explorer
Right click dash.exe and click "Run as Administrator". A command Prompt should appear with nothing but a $
Type /usr/bin/rebaseall -v, hit enter, and wait for the process to complete.
If you get errors about Cygwin processes running, try Step 1 again. If that still doesn't work, Restart your computer into safe mode and try these steps again.
A commenter noted that, depending on your settings, you may have to type cd /usr/bin && ./rebaseall -v instead.
Try opening Cygwin again.
This process worked for me. I hope it works for you guys too.
Source: http://cygwin.wikia.com/wiki/Rebaseall
I would like to add the following to the above answers, as it is what I had to do after reinstalling Cygwin:
Navigate to the "/usr/bin" directory (usually, C:\cygwin\bin) and right click, Run as Administrator the file: dash.exe
Then, at the $ prompt type the following, hitting enter after each line:
cd /usr/bin/
/usr/bin/peflags * -d 1
/usr/bin/rebaseall -v
What it does is, it marks the dll's as "rebase-able," and then rebases them. You have to have peflags.exe in addition to the above files (in previous answers). You may have to restart windows after doing this and you will definitely need to make sure that there are no processes nor services belonging to cygwin running. (Use task manager, kill any related processes, and then under the services tab look for any service starting with CYG and stop it.)
After doing this, I was able to get cygwin to run without any errors about dll's being loaded to the wrong addresses aka fork errors, etc.
I hope that this helps others, as it was a pain to find.
SOURCE: http://www.cygwin.com/faq.html#faq.using.fixing-fork-failures
and the rebase README file.
To add on to other answers here, we ran into the same issue but could not run the rebase command from the ash or dash shell. However, when launching the command from the Windows cmd shell, the following worked.
cmd /c "C:\cygwin64\bin\ash.exe /usr/rebaseall -v"
-v is to get verbose output
I found another information here :
You have to delete the database at
/etc/rebase.db* and do in a "ash" windows :
peflags * -d 1
It works for me on 2 servers.
I solved this problem by restarting my computer. Probably installed a driver update and kept using sleep instead of shutting down.
Experienced the same issue when loading Cygwin with cygiconv-2.dll forking and not loading successfully in the Cygwin terminal, but after turning off my AntiVirus (it was specifically Ad-aware), the issue resolved, and Cygwin worked properly.
In case you are using babun's Cygwin, after rebaseall, try launching Cygwin by executing .babun\cygwin\cygwin.bat in a Windows command prompt or Windows explorer.
This works for me (while launching babun's default console - mintty results in fork error).
I had the error on win10 and i was trying to rebase to c: before install.
then i saw that the installer was installing it instead to c:/Users/myuser
so i was coping all files from c:/Users/myuser to c:.badun
and then restart plus open badun.bat
not shure if this was wise its now duplicated XD... but then it worked again.
Rebaseing didn't help in my case. In addition to what other people suggested, I noticed that reducing the length of PATH environment variable fixed the issue for me (and for other people as well as can be seen from this answer).
This issue is intermittent in nature & I found this issue when there is network is too slow to connect to remote machine on AWS.... I have Shell script that runs through Gitbash shell & it connects to AWS EC2 instance with ssh..... Most of the time, it ran correctly but 2 out 100 times it get into this issue bash: fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable .... Killing the MSYS2 terminal from task manager helps to overcome with this issue....
Negative side is you need to run the scripts from the beginning...
I had the same issue on Windows 10 and the mobaxterm app (which uses cygwin) and I tried all of answers listed here however for me, the solution was to simply delete the "CryptoPro CSP" application.
I started facing this problem after upgrading to windows 10. As of now I do not see that any of the above method working.
What I am noticing is that if you start cygwin with admin right (right click and say "run as admin") then it works fine.
Or you open cmd as administrator and then launch cygwin from there, then also it runs fine.
Just reinstall cygwin and select TCL and activate EXPECT
