Using a CDN with the new azure storage accounts - azure

I have an existing (classic) storage account which i have a cdn pointed to. I recently created a new Storage account via the new portal (not classic storage). It seems that its not possible to add a CDN via either old or new portal to point the this new storage account. Is this possible via a powershell script possibly and if so are there any pointers as to how to achieve this?

Azure CDN isn't supported in PowerShell yet. CDN isn't supported in the preview portal yet. This will prevent you from deploying CDN using V2 storage.


Azure storage non Classic (V2) - How to configure custom domain

In new Azure portal there are 2 storage account: non classic and classic account.
as I think the classic is old version then I choose the non classic.
The problem is, I cannot configure the custom domain on the new portal, it redirected me to the old azure portal ( .
and the problem continue.. the old azure portal not recognizing the new/nonClassic Azure storage.
Kindly advise, how can I configure the custom domain for storage blob V2 (non classic).
Thank you.
It looks like right now the new portal does not have a way of doing that. It's on their backlog though, so stay tuned!
For now to unblock you: The best way to edit custom domain would be through Powershell or Xplat CLI. In Powershell you'll want to use 'Switch-AzureMode AzureResourceManager' to use the new type of storage accounts. This flag will be deprecated soon and you'll default to the new stuff, but for now that's how to do it. Then, you'll then need to use the SetAzureStorageAccount command which will allow you to modify custom domain.
You can configure the custom domain by clicking on your storage account, clicking on All Settings, and choosing Custom Domains from there.
But if something does sometimes kick you back to the "old" portal, don't worry too much. It's all the same data and account. The Preview Portal is still a preview portal and may be missing a few features.
Showing up as "storage account (classic)" is normal even if you make a brand new account if you are using Storage Blob.

Why can't Azure Storage Explorer connect to storage accounts created by Azure Media Services?

I'm using Azure Storage Explorer to connect to storage accounts that I've created by hand on Azure. However when I go to browse the storage account that was created by Azure when I created a Media Services account, I'm unable to connect to it.
I'm using as the storage endpoint domain, and setting the storage account name and storage account key to be the same as Azure has defined it in the dashboard, but attempts to connect (with or without HTTPS) result in a 502-Bad Gateway HTTP error.
I'd like an easy way to browse all media files I've created without having to write special code. Has anyone been able to get this to work?
All storage accounts regardless the way they are being created are browsable with Storage Explorer!
For such storage accounts, created when you Create Media Services, you have to use the Storage Account Name and Storage Account Key, but not the Media Service Account Name and Media Service Account Key! You will not be able to access Storage service with Media Key and vice-versa.
When you create a Media Services account, one/multiple storage accounts could be attached to a particular media services account. Let's say your account name is "MediaStorage123". I believe you need to pass the following data to storage explorer:
Account name/key: this can be found in the bottom of your storage account page in Azure portal: press Manage Key button you will see the data.
storage endpoint domain: Not sure why you need this, but if so, you can see the information in Dashboard of your media services account:
Hope this helps.
Just for the record, In my case (with the use of proxy) I had do install a previous version of the Azure Storage Explorer

Can the new Azure File Service be used from Azure WebSites?

The title pretty much says it all...
Microsoft just launched the new File Services on Azure.
Can I use it from within a Azure WebSite?
Or is it limited to use from VMs and CloudServices due to "net use" restrictions?
Yes - use the REST API - the Azure website MUST be in the same region as the storage account.
Once your share is created, it can be accessed via the SMB or REST
protocol from any Azure node (VM/Worker/Web role) hosted in the same
region as the storage account hosting the share.

Access cloud service and blob storage simultaneously

I went over this article and I was able to setup a CDN successfully.
The problem is that the portal allows me to either create a CDN for the blob storage or for the cloud service. It does not allow me to create one CDN for each service.
I am not sure if this is because the blob storage is linked as resource to the cloud service or if there are problems with the Azure portal.
What would be the recommended way to serve dynamic content from a cloud service and static content form blob storage for the same web application?
It is not possible to create the same CDN endpoint for both blob and cloud service, but what is your scenario where you need to do this? Create 2 CDN endpoints, one pointing to blob and the other to your cloud service.
Assuming your domain name is you could have something like this:
CNAME -> CDN endpoint for cloud service
CNAME -> CDN endpoint for blob storage
Your cloud service would return content with the href's pointing to

How do I create a deployment from a package in Blob Storage in Azure preview portal?

In the previous Silverlight Azure Management portal it was possible to "browse storage" and select a service package and the service configuration from Blob Storage:
and that was very convenient.
Now in the "preview" new portal the equivalent dialog looks like this:
Looks like the only option now is uploading the file directly from my computer.
How do I create or update a deployment from files in Blob Storage now?
I don't think this is available just yet in the new portal. You can always go to the old portal from the newer one and use the feature from there. There are still a number of things that the new portal will not do (e.g. SQL Azure Management, Managing Co-admins etc. to name a few) and for those, you would need to go to the old portal.
Hope this helps.
