How do I create a deployment from a package in Blob Storage in Azure preview portal? - azure

In the previous Silverlight Azure Management portal it was possible to "browse storage" and select a service package and the service configuration from Blob Storage:
and that was very convenient.
Now in the "preview" new portal the equivalent dialog looks like this:
Looks like the only option now is uploading the file directly from my computer.
How do I create or update a deployment from files in Blob Storage now?

I don't think this is available just yet in the new portal. You can always go to the old portal from the newer one and use the feature from there. There are still a number of things that the new portal will not do (e.g. SQL Azure Management, Managing Co-admins etc. to name a few) and for those, you would need to go to the old portal.
Hope this helps.


ARM - UI for creating BlobStorage account

I'm authoring a createUiDefinition.json file for an Azure application. I want to allow the user to create or select an existing Blob Storage account as part of deployment, using the Microsoft.Storage.StorageAccountSelector control.
But when I'm running my UI definition through the Azure Portal, the StorageAccountSelector control doesn't seem able to create or find existing Blob Storage accounts, only general purpose Storage.
There's also some weird behavior with the Standard/Premium buttons.
What's up with this? Are Blob Storage accounts not supported through this UI control? I'm sideloading the UI definition to the portal as described here, if that makes a difference.
You're not doing anything wrong - it's not supported yet...

Azure Resource Manager: Restore VM from existing disk

I have a storage account with as OS-disk blob and would like to redeploy the VM.
Under the classic deployment system I could simply choose from disk when creating a new VM, but I cant find that functionality on the new portal, it only offers the marketplace. The disk is in the new format so I cant use the classic portal.
As noted in the comments, you can't do this end-to-end in the new portal yet.
Here's an Azure Resource Manager template to deploy a VM from an OS-disk blob:
Using the "Deploy to Azure" button takes you to the new portal to enter parameters. The readme also includes PowerShell instructions.
This write-up also covers capturing an image, and links to some of the options for creating the image using different versions of PowerShell..

Deploy to Azure using Storage Account created in new portal

I want to deploy cloud service to Azure, but when deploying must select Storage Account(tried both in new portal and in Visual Studio 2015). My storage account was created using new portal "Storage accounts" and was assigned to some Resource group, as a result I can't choose it when deploying. Any suggestions how to deploy?
One possible reason is that the storage account created by the new portal was likely created under the resource manager deployment model, while the cloud service is still under the classic deployment model. These don't play well together. You can read a little more at I don't think that a cloud service can use a resource manager storage account for deployment.
In the new portal look at the All Resources blade. If the storage account has a green icon it is a resource manager account. If the storage account has a blue icon it's a classic account.
Create a new storage account as a classic account, either by creating it in the older portal or by using the drop down in the new portal before you click create on the blade that talks about the storage accounts (the before you provide the account name, etc.). Once you do this then I think the account show show up as an option for your cloud service to deploy with.
Also note that if the storage account was created just prior to trying to select it, it might take a minute or two to become visible as an option.

Azure storage non Classic (V2) - How to configure custom domain

In new Azure portal there are 2 storage account: non classic and classic account.
as I think the classic is old version then I choose the non classic.
The problem is, I cannot configure the custom domain on the new portal, it redirected me to the old azure portal ( .
and the problem continue.. the old azure portal not recognizing the new/nonClassic Azure storage.
Kindly advise, how can I configure the custom domain for storage blob V2 (non classic).
Thank you.
It looks like right now the new portal does not have a way of doing that. It's on their backlog though, so stay tuned!
For now to unblock you: The best way to edit custom domain would be through Powershell or Xplat CLI. In Powershell you'll want to use 'Switch-AzureMode AzureResourceManager' to use the new type of storage accounts. This flag will be deprecated soon and you'll default to the new stuff, but for now that's how to do it. Then, you'll then need to use the SetAzureStorageAccount command which will allow you to modify custom domain.
You can configure the custom domain by clicking on your storage account, clicking on All Settings, and choosing Custom Domains from there.
But if something does sometimes kick you back to the "old" portal, don't worry too much. It's all the same data and account. The Preview Portal is still a preview portal and may be missing a few features.
Showing up as "storage account (classic)" is normal even if you make a brand new account if you are using Storage Blob.

How to create CDN in Windows Azure

I'm trying to deliver a file via CDN.I created a Blob and uploaded the file to it.
Now i want to use a CDN to deliver it as per Azure docs here
In the Windows Azure Management Portal, in the navigation pane, click
On the ribbon, click New. In the New dialog, select App Services, then
CDN, then Quick Create.
The problem is in my account there is nothing called App Services
How am i supposed to create the CDN?
Azure CDN is available as of April 3, 2014, as announced at the //build conference (pricing is available here).
You'll find CDN on the left-side along with the other services:
When you choose to add the endpoint, you can select from your storage accounts (or cloud services):
You'll then see your CDN endpoint, ready for use:
If you are new to Azure (you created your account recently) you will not see CDN in the portal. Currently CDN is only enabled for customers who have used it before (~2-3 years). But I do believe we will very soon see CDN enabled for all customers.
And Application Services is a group which you will see when you click the big plus (+) sign at the bottom left of management portal.
Astaykov is correct, access to CDN is being limited. It might be worth contacting MS support by submitting a ticket through the management portal to see whether CDN could be added to your subscription.
