how do you add java code in WEEBLY - weebly

I want to add my custom java code in my WEEBLY website, using embeded code. How do I do this?

I don't think you can add custom java code. From their tutorial, it looks like you can only embed HTML.


Need Help on Creating XPCOM...!

I want to create an XPCom, which I want to use to get Mozilla DOM, object in my C# application. I am really very new bee for this.
Can some one tell me exact steps?
Like from starting with C++ to create XPCOM and to end with C# which can get the DOM of firefox.
Can't advice for C#, but you can check my post on C++ XPCOM add-ons for some insights on this. I'm quite new for this as well, so I've tried to gather info and describe steps more or less...

Integrating BIRTViewer and YUI

I'm Using the BIRTViewer. How can I Integrate the Report generated in the Viewer in a better Web UI framework say like YUI.
if you are using jsp than you can use tag library provided for it

Adding "posting" facility to a website

I am creating a website using HTML and CSS only and I want to add the following feature:
Any person visiting the site should be able to post a message and that message should appear below with his name and time of posting.
How do I go about creating it?
Please help.
Thanks In advance
You won't be able to do this using HTML and CSS only (at least not in any sane way).
You will need a database of some sort (e.g. MySql, Microsoft Access etc) and you will need some sort of server-side scripting language such as PHP, .NET, Ruby etc.
I suggest picking a language and then finding some tutorials. Most tutorials will take you through using a database.
This is completely impossible using HTML and CSS only. You will have to use a server-side scripting language.

Clean HTML documentation template for Enterprise Architect

I use Enterprise Architect from Sparx Systems for reverse-engineering URL class diagrams from my source code, and want to take this a step further by using the software to generate HTML API documentation of my code.
However I find the markup generated by Enterprise Architect to be full of Javascript, and I think I may have even spotted some VB Script in there. Want I want is a clean HTML-only template that I can use to produce simple markup that will work fine in all browsers.
I have tried to manually create this template using the template editor in Enterprise Architect 8, but find this cumbersome.
Does anyone know of an existing template I can use, or an easier way to generate a template without using the built in template editor?
The only way is to use JavaScript, you can turn it on by allowing XMLHTTPRequest in your browser. It works well in Firefox, Opera and IE.
EA HTML Template doesn't give much possibilities but you can modify everything thanks to JavaScript.
Another way is to export all diagrams as png or other image file and then manually create a static web page.

What language should I use to create a simple text-formatting application online?

I want to make a page for a website that will let the user create a blog post, and want them to be able to graphically edit the formatting, like paragraphs and styles, then convert this to html. Is there a way to do it in PHP? Do I need to use Javascript or Ajax or something?
PHP (if you want dynamic behavior) with FCKeditor (on the client side) will do the job. Have a look at the demo. Another good editor is TinyMCE.
