Need Help on Creating XPCOM...! - xpcom

I want to create an XPCom, which I want to use to get Mozilla DOM, object in my C# application. I am really very new bee for this.
Can some one tell me exact steps?
Like from starting with C++ to create XPCOM and to end with C# which can get the DOM of firefox.

Can't advice for C#, but you can check my post on C++ XPCOM add-ons for some insights on this. I'm quite new for this as well, so I've tried to gather info and describe steps more or less...


PWA InkCanvas save strokes as svg in javascript

I need to use InkCanvas in my web application using javascript (angular), is it possible to save InkCanvas as a SVG using javascript (or convert InCanvas to canvas)? i see this, but it seems it works for C#, i need a way to do it in javascript!
I think InkCanvas is only supported in Universal Windows Platform (UWP) for Windows10. This is confirmed in this SO post.
You can use Webassembly to run C# code in web browser using some JS helpers. Here is a post explaining the same.
You can try this with the c# code that you are interested in. Compatibility depended. These are relatively new features and only way to know is to try.

How does the DocuSign API work?

I am very confused as to how the API of DocuSign works, I tried looking it up here:
But that didn't help me much, especially not because I need to implement DocuSign into the open source version of Vtiger.
Does anybody here know a site where I can learn more about DocuSign and how I can combine it with Vtiger open source?
As for what I already tried that is nothing, I first need to make a functional design which is kind of hard to do when you don't even understand the basic API.
I would really appreciate it.
I have never worked with an API before, so this is all new for me.
Have you tried the API overview instead of the reference guide? Check this out:
You can also look at the API Recipes to see some starting examples of what you can do in any language. I believe VTiger is written in PHP so you can find the PHP code to copy and paste to get you started.

Where to start in building a chrome extension

Im looking to get more into programming, and I've decided to look into creating a browser extension. This is exactly the kind of project I've been looking for to get stuck into programming web stuff but I'm new to it so I don't know where to start.
Could anyone suggest the different things I should look into?
The only programming experience I have so far is in Matlab. I've looked into C on and off in the past I but I have no practical experience with it.
I've started to have a look at Twando, an open source program which schedules tweets on Twitter where I'm going through and understanding all the code for that program (mostly php).
Afterwards I'll look more carefully at how to write Chrome browser extensions and then probably look into how to make 3rd party programs work with Twitter, Pinterest etc.
Am I looking along the right lines? Any constructive criticism will be appreciated.
I think you could do this using Javascript (and maybe JQuery, which is a library for Javascript that makes it easier/adds alot of easy to use functions).
For the basics:
This is great for learing to work with JSON and chrome extensions:
What you could also do is download a simple extension from the "store" and open it to check what's inside. This helped me the most with learning Javascript and JQuery.

I want to see automatic code completion and code documentation over webstorm

I am developing a project in node.js in webstorm. I don't see sufficient code completion like in Eclipse + Java. I also don't see any javascript documentation popping up with descriptions of the API - which makes it very hard to code. Please advise.
Being a java guy I am hoping to see functions and variables specific to objects that I am working on, and I don't see that in Webstorm. I guess its mainly because Javascript does not provide type safety like in Java. Is there a general workaround to this?

Adding "posting" facility to a website

I am creating a website using HTML and CSS only and I want to add the following feature:
Any person visiting the site should be able to post a message and that message should appear below with his name and time of posting.
How do I go about creating it?
Please help.
Thanks In advance
You won't be able to do this using HTML and CSS only (at least not in any sane way).
You will need a database of some sort (e.g. MySql, Microsoft Access etc) and you will need some sort of server-side scripting language such as PHP, .NET, Ruby etc.
I suggest picking a language and then finding some tutorials. Most tutorials will take you through using a database.
This is completely impossible using HTML and CSS only. You will have to use a server-side scripting language.
