Set Cronjob to Run Every 5 Minutes From 9:30am to 4:00pm - linux

I need to set a cronjob to run a bash script every 5 minutes, starting at 9:30am until 4:00pm.
I have the following but, it's not quite right...
*/5 9-16 * * * /path/to/directory/ > /path/to/log/file/job.log 2>&1

What you have there is a line that will run the command every five minutes between 09:00 and 16:55 (all ranges here are inclusive).
What you're trying to achieve can be done relatively simply with three separate crontab lines:
30-59/5 9 * * * /path/to/directory/ > /path/to/log/file/job.log 2>&1
*/5 10-15 * * * /path/to/directory/ > /path/to/log/file/job.log 2>&1
0 16 * * * /path/to/directory/ > /path/to/log/file/job.log 2>&1
The first handles the case between 09:30 and 09:55, the second every five minutes between 10:00 and 15:55, and the final one the single job at 16:00.

Cron doesn't have a syntax for expressing that directly, so you'll need 3 separate lines: one for 9:30-9:55, one for 10:00-15:55, and one for 16:00.
I think this is correct:
30-55/5 9 * * * <command>
*/5 10-15 * * * <command>
0 16 * * * <command>


How do I write a CRON expression to trigger a job every 90 seconds?

I have scheduled a web job to run every minute using this "0 * * * * * CRON expression. It is running as expected. Then I changed the CRON expression from 0 * * * * * to */90 * * * * * to make it run every 90 seconds. But it is not running every 90 seconds.
How do I write a CRON expression for running a web job every 90 seconds?
You can split it into two seperate CRON expressions:
Running every three minutes on even minutes.
0 */3 * * * *
Running every three minutes on uneven minutes starting on the 30th second.
30 1-59/3 * * * *

Crontab - run a command every 5th min after 9:15am

I want to run a program every 5th mins between 9:15am and 3:30pm.
5 * * * MON-FRI
seems to run the program every 5 mins (as expected) but its critical to run it only after 9:15
You must create several records in cron to accomplish what you want:
15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 9 * * MON-FRI /path/to/program
*/5 10-14 * * MON-FRI /path/to/program
0,5,10,15,20,25,30 15 * * MON-FRI /path/to/program
The other way is to incorporate the logic in you program
Talking about programming way this is sample shell script which will check if you are between Monday and Friday and between 9:15 and 15:30
date +"$u %H %M"|awk '{t=$2*60+$3; if ($1>=1 && $1<6 && t>=555 && t<=930) print 1; else print 0;}'
This command will print 1 if you are in to the interval of run the things and 0 if you are outside. And then you need to run the script every 5 minutes:
*/5 * * * * /path/to/program

Run a cron job every second minute of every hour

I have a cron job that i want to run every second minute of every hour.before i would just run it every minute like
* * * * * /var/www/html/cron.php
but i now need it to run every second minute of ever hour. How can this be done?.
If your operating system is FreeBSD you could use the #every_second for example:
#every_second /var/www/html/cron.php
For other systems, this could work:
Somethinig every hour:
#hourly /var/www/html/cron.php
Or every 45 minutes:
*/45 * * * * /var/www/html/cron.php
From man 5 crontab:
string meaning
------ -------
#reboot Run once, at startup of cron.
#yearly Run once a year, "0 0 1 1 *".
#annually (same as #yearly)
#monthly Run once a month, "0 0 1 * *".
#weekly Run once a week, "0 0 * * 0".
#daily Run once a day, "0 0 * * *".
#midnight (same as #daily)
#hourly Run once an hour, "0 * * * *".
#every_minute Run once a minute, "*/1 * * * *".
#every_second Run once a second.
Also, check this a reference:
In case the system you are using doesn't support the #every_second you could give a try to something like:
* * * * * /var/www/html/cron.php
* * * * * (sleep 30; /var/www/html/cron.php)
Basically, they run at the same time (every minute) but one will wait for 30 seconds before starting, so /var/www/html/cron.php will be called every 30 seconds.
The format for crontab is as follow
m h dom mon dow command
So you can do
0 * * * yourcommand
It will run every hour at 00 minutes
For me, the only solution I could get working is:
2-59/* * * * *
Which translates to simple English as:
At every 60th minute from 2 through 59.
I barely know about cron syntax, so not sure if this is the only way or is at least one of the better ways.

How to make crontab execute every 2 hours between 10am and 10pm?

I need my crontab to execute every 2 hours starting at 10am and the last one running at 10pm.
I currently have
0 */2 * * * /directory/
How do I block out the hours I don't want?
0 10/2 * * * /directory/ would do it.
0 10-22/2 * * * /directory/ would do it and be more explicit.
0 10,12,14,16,18,20,22 * * * /directory/ would do it, too.

crontab run every 15 minutes between certain hours

Is this correct scheduled to run between 07:00 and 19:00 at every 15 minutes?
*/15 07-19 * * * /path/script
Your command is fine!
To run from 7.00 until 19.45, every 15 minutes just use */15 as follows:
*/15 07-19 * * * /path/script
^^^^ ^^^^^
That is, the content */15 in the minutes column will do something every 15 minutes, while the second column, for hours, will do that thing on the specified range of hours.
If you want it to run until 19.00 then you have to write two lines:
*/15 07-18 * * * /path/script
0 19 * * * /path/script
You can have a full description of the command in
Yes, that's correct.
The entry in crontab would should be:
*/15 7-19 * * * /path/script >/dev/null 2>&1
