google Api adsense (401) Invalid Credentials - adsense-api

I have AdSense account with custom channels on it I make every thing but there are two problems:
I get reports for all account i need to get reports for one channel
based on channel id
I need to get reports for all users without they have my google to
access whene i save my details in database
My data:
"access_token" : "XXXX.XXXX",
"token_type" : "XXXX",
"expires_in" : XXXX,
"created" : XXXX
My update statements:
$access_token_update = json_decode($access_token);
$access_token_update->created = time();
I'm getting this error message:
(401) Invalid Credentials
My code:
$service= new Google_Service_AdSense($client);

do steps in this video
save code from results example
"access_token": "XXXXXXXX",
"token_type": "XXXX",
"expires_in": XXXX,
"refresh_token": "XXXXXXXXX"
then update your file as the following
$access_token = "from database or file or what you want to save"; // this will be code you got by doing steps in this video.
$access_token_json = json_decode($access_token);
$client->refreshToken($access_token_json ->refresh_token);
$service= new Google_Service_AdSense($client);
enjoy :) thanks


Microsoft OAuth 2.0 Authentication Failure - token_url Bad Request Error

I want to ensure that my OAuth 2.0 authentication credentials. So, I have client_id, client_secret, tenant_id, scope, token_url and auth_url. I am using third party app in order to send a email but, I get error in OAuth 2.0 part as Bad Request Error for token_url.
In this case, when grant_type='client_credentials', how can I fix token_url domains or subdomains?
-> token_url like that<tenant_id>/oauth2/v2.0/token
If you are dominate the this subject, Could you please mention about OAuth 2.0 process?
I tried to changed grant_type parameter as client_credentials. Default was 'refresh_token'.
In this case, it returned like that error:
(530, b'5.7.57 Client not authenticated to send mail. Error: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [ZR2P278CA0041.CHEP278.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM 2023-02-14T08:10:26.343Z 08DB0DEF6EA5D39B]', '')
2023-02-14 11:10:26,378 INFO [decorators] [send_email] StatusMessage: An error occurred while sending the email: (530, b'5.7.57 Client not authenticated to send mail. Error: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [ZR2P278CA0041.CHEP278.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM 2023-02-14T08:10:26.343Z 08DB0DEF6EA5D39B]', '')
2023-02-14 11:10:26,379 INFO [decorators] [send_email] StatusMessage: Done with sending email...
So, what is the main problem in this case?
Thank you for your attention,
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results as below: 
I created an Azure AD Application and granted admin consent to Mail.Send API permission:
Based on your requirement you can make use of Client Credential Flow or Authorization Code Flow.
If you want user interaction then make use of Authorization Code Flow.
If you want to send mail as Application then make use of Client Credential Flow. 
I generated the access token via Client Credential Flow by using parameters like below:
 To send the mail, I used below query: 
"message": {
"subject": "Test mail",
"body": {
"contentType": "Text",
"content": "Test"
"toRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"address": "****"
"ccRecipients": [
"emailAddress": {
"address": "****"
"saveToSentItems": "false"
user: sendMail - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn

Is there an Instagram API/Graph API for finding the Instagram Profile Type (Business/Personal)?

I am using the Graph API to get details from business users. Since most of the Profile is Non-Business, would like to find-out, if there is an API to get the Profile Type?
During the trial, I keep getting the following message and also discovered sometime the API is misbehaving..
"error": {
"message": "Invalid user id",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 110,
"error_subcode": 2207013,
"is_transient": false,
"error_user_title": "Cannot find User",
"error_user_msg": "The user with username: rohit_xxx cannot be found.",
"fbtrace_id": "FkKgUvBdJWZ"
So, If I know the Profile Type in advance, We can handle the response in much better way..
Thanks in Advance..
The instagram Graph API is designed to work with creator/business accounts. This is specified in multiple places.
If a user doesn't have business/creator account, the instagram id would be empty in the response.
curl -i -X GET \
"instagram_business_account": {
"id": "" // Connected IG User ID
"id": "134895793791914" // Facebook Page ID

Expected OAuth 2 access token while importing VAPID Push subscriptions into Firebase

I am trying to import vapid push subscriptions into firebase. I found some solution in It thew following error. Please help me regarding this.
Headers :
"endpoint" : "",
"keys" : {
"p256dh" : "hidden_key",
"auth" : "hidden_auth"
"error": { "code": 401, "message": "Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See", "status": "UNAUTHENTICATED" }

Facebook Ads API /adcreatives video error

My team and I have been crawling both the net and Facebook Docs for answers, but for some reason there are no valid answers to our question.
So we desperately hope for help from someone here
We are trying to create a video AD on facebook. Upload is done and we are at the step where we need to create the creative through /adcreatives endpoint.
Below is the body of the POST :[account_id]/adcreatives
"access_token": "token_that_is_valid",
"object_story_spec": {
"page_id": "valid_numeric_page_id",
"image_url": "link_to_img",
"video_id": "valid_numeric_video_id",
"call_to_action" :{
"type": "LEARN_MORE",
"link": "my_link",
"link_description": "description"
The response from facebook is rather worrying :
"error": {
"message": "Invalid parameter",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"error_subcode": 1487390,
"is_transient": false,
"error_user_title": "Adcreative Create Failed",
"error_user_msg": "The Adcreative Create Failed for the following reason: Oops, something went wrong. Please try again later",
"fbtrace_id": "EVL6GYOOtYi"
Also as an extra info, creating both non-video / image creatives and herafter ads is not an issue. Posting pre uploaded videos to a page is NOT an issue. All access rights has been given to the Facebook APP.
Thank you for taking the time to look at this.
I've the same problem with Python.
To fix it you shouldn't use video_id from admin panel.screenshot from admin panel
You should upload video and get video_id from API.
Example Python code:
video = AdVideo(parent_id=ad_account_id)
video[AdVideo.Field.filepath] = 'test.mp4'
link description is not a valid parameter in the call_to_action value:

Authorize a client to browse Office365 Graph API

I am trying to develop a webapp to let a user browse his Active Directory contacts.
I have two accounts: one to register the application (developer account) and the other that would be the general user who have access to Office365 (user account).
I have set up a Javascript client following the Azure AD Graph API documentation.
By now, I am able to prompt the user to login and retrieve an access token, but when I try to make a request, I always get a 401 error.
I am pretty new to Azure, so I don't really understand if the problem is in my application configuration or in my code.
I am able to browse the Graph API explorer with my user account, so I don't think he's missing the authorization to access it.
I am really confused.
I try to add all the steps I am doing, hoping someone could point out the error.
Request 1:
Url:{my tenant id or common (both are working) }/oauth2/authorize
Method: GET
redirect_uri // my redirect url, the same I registered in my application. It is just a page that returns the content of the URL
client_id // my client id
response_type // code
state // a random generated string, not required, but reccomanded
resource //
Response 1:
code // A long string
state // The string I sent in the request
session_state // Another string
Request 2:
Url:{my tenant id or common (both are working) }/oauth2/token
Method: POST
redirect_uri // it won't be necessary, but in some post they reccomand to add it
client_id // my client id
client_secret // my client secret
code // the code retrieved from Request 1
grant_type // authorization_code
state // a random generated string
resource //
Response 2:
token_type // Bearer
access_token // a long token
id_token // exploring it with the JWT tool, shows it has the correct app id
refresh_token // a long code
resource // the same I sent in the request
scope // Directory.Read UserProfile.Read
a couple of other irrelevant keys
Request 3:
Url:{the domain the logged account belong to}/contacts
Method: GET
Authorization: Bearer {the access token retrieved from request 2}
api-version = 1.5 // The value suggested in the documentation.
Response 3:
"odata.error": {
"code": "Authentication_MissingOrMalformed",
"message": {
"lang": "en",
"value": "Access Token missing or malformed."
"values": null
This is the content of my Access Token:
typ: "JWT",
alg: "RS256",
x5t: "foofoofoofoo"
aud: "",
iss: "<SOMEGUID>/",
iat: 1418224761,
nbf: 1418224761,
exp: 1418228661,
ver: "1.0",
tid: "<SOMEGUID>",
amr: [
idp: "<SOMEGUID>/",
email: "",
unique_name: "",
sub: "barbarbarbar",
altsecid: "<an-id>",
family_name: "Last Name",
given_name: "First Name",
appid: "<MY APP ID>",
appidacr: "1",
scp: "Directory.Read UserProfile.Read",
acr: "1"
So, it looks like user must have the "can consent" authorization to authenticate to his own active directory, and this can be provided just by the administrator.
I posted the same request on the MSDN forum and I got the same answer.
I want sincerely thank #Jason Johnston and #Dan Kershaw since this problem was driving me nut and I would never be able to sort it out without their help.
Unfortunately I can award the bounty to just one of them, so I decided to give it #Jason Johnston for the great patience he had in supporting me in this and another discussion.
I believe if you actually want to browse the Active Directory, and not just read the authenticated user's profile, you need administrator consent for a web app. See
If you already knew that, then maybe it's a problem with how you've registered your app or the token itself. Make sure you've selected the appropriate permissions per that link in your app registration. If those look right, then you can check the token. There's a handy little token parser here: Just paste in the value of your token and it will show you the decoded JSON. Look at the scope or scp parameters.
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "RS256",
"x5t": "asdfsadfasdfsa"
"aud": "",
"iss": "<SOMEGUID>",
"iat": 1418158549,
"nbf": 1418158549,
"exp": 1418162449,
"ver": "1.0",
"tid": "<SOMEGUID>",
"amr": [
"oid": "<SOMEGUID>",
"upn": "",
"unique_name": "",
"sub": "askdljalsdfs",
"puid": "1003BFFD88937280",
"family_name": "Administrator",
"given_name": "MOD",
"appid": "<YOUR APP ID>",
"appidacr": "0",
"scp": "Directory.Read user_impersonation UserProfile.Read",
"acr": "1"
The token you've pasted is missing the OID and UPN, and that'll probably be why you are seeing this error. I'll have to go back and check how this access token could have been issued without those claims.
