What's the difference between the "data" and "type" keywords? - haskell

The data and type keywords always confuse me.
I want to know what is the difference between data and type and how to use them.

type declares a type synonym. A type synonym is a new name for an existing type. For example, this is how String is defined in the standard library:
type String = [Char]
String is another name for a list of Chars. GHC will replace all usages of String in your program with [Char] at compile-time.
To be clear, a String literally is a list of Chars. It's just an alias. You can use all the standard list functions on String values:
-- length :: [a] -> Int
ghci> length "haskell"
-- reverse :: [a] -> [a]
ghci> reverse "functional"
data declares a new data type, which, unlike a type synonym, is different from any other type. Data types have a number of constructors defining the possible cases of your type. For example, this is how Bool is defined in the standard library:
data Bool = False | True
A Bool value can be either True or False. Data types support pattern matching, allowing you to perform a runtime case-analysis on a value of a data type.
yesno :: Bool -> String
yesno True = "yes"
yesno False = "no"
data types can have multiple constructors (as with Bool), can be parameterised by other types, can contain other types inside them, and can recursively refer to themselves. Here's a model of exceptions which demonstrates this; an Error a contains an error message of type a, and possibly the error which caused it.
data Error a = Error { value :: a, cause :: Maybe (Error a) }
type ErrorWithMessage = Error String
myError1, myError2 :: ErrorWithMessage
myError1 = Error "woops" Nothing
myError2 = Error "myError1 was thrown" (Just myError1)
It's important to realise that data declares a new type which is apart from any other type in the system. If String had been declared as a data type containing a list of Chars (rather than a type synonym), you wouldn't be able to use any list functions on it.
data String = MkString [Char]
myString = MkString ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
myReversedString = reverse myString -- type error
There's one more variety of type declaration: newtype. This works rather like a data declaration - it introduces a new data type separate from any other type, and can be pattern matched - except you are restricted to a single constructor with a single field. In other words, a newtype is a data type which wraps up an existing type.
The important difference is the cost of a newtype: the compiler promises that a newtype is represented in the same way as the type it wraps. There's no runtime cost to packing or unpacking a newtype. This makes newtypes useful for making administrative (rather than structural) distinctions between values.
newtypes interact well with type classes. For example, consider Monoid, the class of types with a way to combine elements (mappend) and a special 'empty' element (mempty). Int can be made into a Monoid in many ways, including addition with 0 and multiplication with 1. How can we choose which one to use for a possible Monoid instance of Int? It's better not to express a preference, and use newtypes to enable either usage with no runtime cost. Paraphrasing the standard library:
-- introduce a type Sum with a constructor Sum which wraps an Int, and an extractor getSum which gives you back the Int
newtype Sum = Sum { getSum :: Int }
instance Monoid Sum where
(Sum x) `mappend` (Sum y) = Sum (x + y)
mempty = Sum 0
newtype Product = Product { getProduct :: Int }
instance Monoid Product where
(Product x) `mappend` (Product y) = Product (x * y)
mempty = Product 1

With data you create new datatype and declare a constructor for it:
data NewData = NewDataConstructor
With type you define just an alias:
type MyChar = Char
In the type case you can pass value of MyChar type to function expecting a Char and vice versa, but you can't do this for data MyChar = MyChar Char.

type works just like let: it allows you to give a re-usable name to something, but that something will always work just as if you had inlined the definition. So
type ℝ = Double
f :: ℝ -> ℝ -> ℝ
f x y = let x2 = x^2
in x2 + y
behaves exactly the same way as
f' :: Double -> Double -> Double
f' x y = x^2 + y
as in: you can anywhere in your code replace f with f' and vice versa; nothing would change.
OTOH, both data and newtype create an opaque abstraction. They are more like a class constructor in OO: even though some value is implemented simply in terms of a single number, it doesn't necessarily behave like such a number. For instance,
newtype Logscaledℝ = LogScaledℝ { getLogscaled :: Double }
instance Num LogScaledℝ where
LogScaledℝ a + LogScaledℝ b = LogScaledℝ $ a*b
LogScaledℝ a - LogScaledℝ b = LogScaledℝ $ a/b
LogScaledℝ a * LogScaledℝ b = LogScaledℝ $ a**b
Here, although Logscaledℝ is data-wise still just a Double number, it clearly behaves different from Double.


Clarifying Data Constructor in Haskell

In the following:
data DataType a = Data a | Datum
I understand that Data Constructor are value level function. What we do above is defining their type. They can be function of multiple arity or const. That's fine. I'm ok with saying Datum construct Datum. What is not that explicit and clear to me here is somehow the difference between the constructor function and what it produce. Please let me know if i am getting it well:
1 - a) Basically writing Data a, is defining both a Data Structure and its Constructor function (as in scala or java usually the class and the constructor have the same name) ?
2 - b) So if i unpack and make an analogy. With Data a We are both defining a Structure(don't want to use class cause class imply a type already i think, but maybe we could) of object (Data Structure), the constructor function (Data Constructor/Value constructor), and the later return an object of that object Structure. Finally The type of that Structure of object is given by the Type constructor. An Object Structure in a sense is just a Tag surrounding a bunch value of some type. Is my understanding correct ?
3 - c) Can I formally Say:
Data Constructor that are Nullary represent constant values -> Return the the constant value itself of which the type is given by the Type Constructor at the definition site.
Data Constructor that takes an argument represent class of values, where class is a Tag ? -> Return an infinite number of object of that class, of which the type is given by the Type constructor at the definition site.
Another way of writing this:
data DataType a = Data a | Datum
Is with generalised algebraic data type (GADT) syntax, using the GADTSyntax extension, which lets us specify the types of the constructors explicitly:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTSyntax #-}
data DataType a where
Data :: a -> DataType a
Datum :: DataType a
(The GADTs extension would work too; it would also allow us to specify constructors with different type arguments in the result, like DataType Int vs. DataType Bool, but that’s a more advanced topic, and we don’t need that functionality here.)
These are exactly the types you would see in GHCi if you asked for the types of the constructor functions with :type / :t:
> :{
| data DataType a where
| Data :: a -> DataType a
| Datum :: DataType a
| :}
> :type Data
Data :: a -> DataType a
> :t Datum
Datum :: DataType a
With ExplicitForAll we can also specify the scope of the type variables explicitly, and make it clearer that the a in the data definition is a separate variable from the a in the constructor definitions by also giving them different names:
data DataType a where
Data :: forall b. b -> DataType b
Datum :: forall c. DataType c
Some more examples of this notation with standard prelude types:
data Either a b where
Left :: forall a b. a -> Either a b
Right :: forall a b. b -> Either a b
data Maybe a where
Nothing :: Maybe a
Just :: a -> Maybe a
data Bool where
False :: Bool
True :: Bool
data Ordering where
LT, EQ, GT :: Ordering -- Shorthand for repeated ‘:: Ordering’
I understand that Data Constructor are value level function. What we do above is defining their type. They can be function of multiple arity or const. That's fine. I'm ok with saying Datum construct Datum. What is not that explicit and clear to me here is somehow the difference between the constructor function and what it produce.
Datum and Data are both “constructors” of DataType a values; neither Datum nor Data is a type! These are just “tags” that select between the possible varieties of a DataType a value.
What is produced is always a value of type DataType a for a given a; the constructor selects which “shape” it takes.
A rough analogue of this is a union in languages like C or C++, plus an enumeration for the “tag”. In pseudocode:
enum Tag {
// A single anonymous field.
struct DataFields<A> {
A field1;
// No fields.
struct DatumFields<A> {};
// A union of the possible field types.
union Fields<A> {
DataFields<A> data;
DatumFields<A> datum;
// A pair of a tag with the fields for that tag.
struct DataType<A> {
Tag tag;
Fields<A> fields;
The constructors are then just functions returning a value with the appropriate tag and fields. Pseudocode:
<A> DataType<A> newData(A x) {
DataType<A> result;
result.tag = DataTag;
result.fields.data.field1 = x;
return result;
<A> DataType<A> newDatum() {
DataType<A> result;
result.tag = DatumTag;
// No fields.
return result;
Unions are unsafe, since the tag and fields can get out of sync, but sum types are safe because they couple these together.
A pattern-match like this in Haskell:
case someDT of
Datum -> f
Data x -> g x
Is a combination of testing the tag and extracting the fields. Again, in pseudocode:
if (someDT.tag == DatumTag) {
} else if (someDT.tag == DataTag) {
var x = someDT.fields.data.field1;
Again this is coupled in Haskell to ensure that you can only ever access the fields if you have checked the tag by pattern-matching.
So, in answer to your questions:
1 - a) Basically writing Data a, is defining both a Data Structure and its Constructor function (as in scala or java usually the class and the constructor have the same name) ?
Data a in your original code is not defining a data structure, in that Data is not a separate type from DataType a, it’s just one of the possible tags that a DataType a value may have. Internally, a value of type DataType Int is one of the following:
The tag for Data (in GHC, a pointer to an “info table” for the constructor), and a reference to a value of type Int.
x = Data (1 :: Int) :: DataType Int
+----------+----------------+ +---------+----------------+
x ---->| Data tag | pointer to Int |---->| Int tag | unboxed Int# 1 |
+----------+----------------+ +---------+----------------+
The tag for Datum, and no other fields.
y = Datum :: DataType Int
y ----> | Datum tag |
In a language with unions, the size of a union is the maximum of all its alternatives, since the type must support representing any of the alternatives with mutation. In Haskell, since values are immutable, they don’t require any extra “padding” since they can’t be changed.
It’s a similar situation for standard data types, e.g., a product or sum type:
(x :: X, y :: Y) :: (X, Y)
| (,) tag | pointer to X | pointer to Y |
Left (m :: M) :: Either M N
| Left tag | pointer to M |
Right (n :: N) :: Either M N
| Right tag | pointer to N |
2 - b) So if i unpack and make an analogy. With Data a We are both defining a Structure(don't want to use class cause class imply a type already i think, but maybe we could) of object (Data Structure), the constructor function (Data Constructor/Value constructor), and the later return an object of that object Structure. Finally The type of that Structure of object is given by the Type constructor. An Object Structure in a sense is just a Tag surrounding a bunch value of some type. Is my understanding correct ?
This is sort of correct, but again, the constructors Data and Datum aren’t “data structures” by themselves. They’re just the names used to introduce (construct) and eliminate (match) values of type DataType a, for some type a that is chosen by the caller of the constructors to fill in the forall
data DataType a = Data a | Datum says:
If some term e has type T, then the term Data e has type DataType T
Inversely, if some value of type DataType T matches the pattern Data x, then x has type T in the scope of the match (case branch or function equation)
The term Datum has type DataType T for any type T
3 - c) Can I formally Say:
Data Constructor that are Nullary represent constant values -> Return the the constant value itself of which the type is given by the Type Constructor at the definition site.
Data Constructor that takes an argument represent class of values, where class is a Tag ? -> Return an infinite number of object of that class, of which the type is given by the Type constructor at the definition site.
Not exactly. A type constructor like DataType :: Type -> Type, Maybe :: Type -> Type, or Either :: Type -> Type -> Type, or [] :: Type -> Type (list), or a polymorphic data type, represents an “infinite” family of concrete types (Maybe Int, Maybe Char, Maybe (String -> String), …) but only in the same way that id :: forall a. a -> a represents an “infinite” family of functions (id :: Int -> Int, id :: Char -> Char, id :: String -> String, …).
That is, the type a here is a parameter filled in with an argument value given by the caller. Usually this is implicit, through type inference, but you can specify it explicitly with the TypeApplications extension:
-- Akin to: \ (a :: Type) -> \ (x :: a) -> x
id :: forall a. a -> a
id x = x
id #Int :: Int -> Int
id #Int 1 :: Int
Data :: forall a. a -> DataType a
Data #Char :: Char -> DataType Char
Data #Char 'x' :: DataType Char
The data constructors of each instantiation don’t really have anything to do with each other. There’s nothing in common between the instantiations Data :: Int -> DataType Int and Data :: Char -> DataType Char, apart from the fact that they share the same tag name.
Another way of thinking about this in Java terms is with the visitor pattern. DataType would be represented as a function that accepts a “DataType visitor”, and then the constructors don’t correspond to separate data types, they’re just the methods of the visitor which accept the fields and return some result. Writing the equivalent code in Java is a worthwhile exercise, but here it is in Haskell:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- (Allows passing polymorphic functions as arguments.)
type DataType a
= forall r. -- A visitor with a generic result type
r -- With one “method” for the ‘Datum’ case (no fields)
-> (a -> r) -- And one for the ‘Data’ case (one field)
-> r -- Returning the result
newData :: a -> DataType a
newData field = \ _visitDatum visitData -> visitData field
newDatum :: DataType a
newDatum = \ visitDatum _visitData -> visitDatum
Pattern-matching is simply running the visitor:
matchDT :: DataType a -> b -> (a -> b) -> b
matchDT dt visitDatum visitData = dt visitDatum visitData
-- Or: matchDT dt = dt
-- Or: matchDT = id
-- case someDT of { Datum -> f; Data x -> g x }
-- f :: r
-- g :: a -> r
-- someDT :: DataType a
-- :: forall r. r -> (a -> r) -> r
someDT f (\ x -> g x)
Similarly, in Haskell, data constructors are just the ways of introducing and eliminating values of a user-defined type.
What is not that explicit and clear to me here is somehow the difference between the constructor function and what it produce
I'm having trouble following your question, but I think you are complicating things. I would suggest not thinking too deeply about the "constructor" terminology.
But hopefully the following helps:
Starting simple:
data DataType = Data Int | Datum
The above reads "Declare a new type named DataType, which has the possible values Datum or Data <some_number> (e.g. Data 42)"
So e.g. Datum is a value of type DataType.
Going back to your example with a type parameter, I want to point out what the syntax is doing:
data DataType a = Data a | Datum
^ ^ ^ These things appear in type signatures (type level)
^ ^ These things appear in code (value level stuff)
There's a bit of punning happening here. so in the data declaration you might see "Data Int" and this is mixing type-level and value-level stuff in a way that you wouldn't see in code. In code you'd see e.g. Data 42 or Data someVal.
I hope that helps a little...

What can type families do that multi param type classes and functional dependencies cannot

I have played around with TypeFamilies, FunctionalDependencies, and MultiParamTypeClasses. And it seems to me as though TypeFamilies doesn't add any concrete functionality over the other two. (But not vice versa). But I know type families are pretty well liked so I feel like I am missing something:
"open" relation between types, such as a conversion function, which does not seem possible with TypeFamilies. Done with MultiParamTypeClasses:
class Convert a b where
convert :: a -> b
instance Convert Foo Bar where
convert = foo2Bar
instance Convert Foo Baz where
convert = foo2Baz
instance Convert Bar Baz where
convert = bar2Baz
Surjective relation between types, such as a sort of type safe pseudo-duck typing mechanism, that would normally be done with a standard type family. Done with MultiParamTypeClasses and FunctionalDependencies:
class HasLength a b | a -> b where
getLength :: a -> b
instance HasLength [a] Int where
getLength = length
instance HasLength (Set a) Int where
getLength = S.size
instance HasLength Event DateDiff where
getLength = dateDiff (start event) (end event)
Bijective relation between types, such as for an unboxed container, which could be done through TypeFamilies with a data family, although then you have to declare a new data type for every contained type, such as with a newtype. Either that or with an injective type family, which I think is not available prior to GHC 8. Done with MultiParamTypeClasses and FunctionalDependencies:
class Unboxed a b | a -> b, b -> a where
toList :: a -> [b]
fromList :: [b] -> a
instance Unboxed FooVector Foo where
toList = fooVector2List
fromList = list2FooVector
instance Unboxed BarVector Bar where
toList = barVector2List
fromList = list2BarVector
And lastly a surjective relations between two types and a third type, such as python2 or java style division function, which can be done with TypeFamilies by also using MultiParamTypeClasses. Done with MultiParamTypeClasses and FunctionalDependencies:
class Divide a b c | a b -> c where
divide :: a -> b -> c
instance Divide Int Int Int where
divide = div
instance Divide Int Double Double where
divide = (/) . fromIntegral
instance Divide Double Int Double where
divide = (. fromIntegral) . (/)
instance Divide Double Double Double where
divide = (/)
One other thing I should also add is that it seems like FunctionalDependencies and MultiParamTypeClasses are also quite a bit more concise (for the examples above anyway) as you only have to write the type once, and you don't have to come up with a dummy type name which you then have to type for every instance like you do with TypeFamilies:
instance FooBar LongTypeName LongerTypeName where
FooBarResult LongTypeName LongerTypeName = LongestTypeName
fooBar = someFunction
instance FooBar LongTypeName LongerTypeName LongestTypeName where
fooBar = someFunction
So unless I am convinced otherwise it really seems like I should just not bother with TypeFamilies and use solely FunctionalDependencies and MultiParamTypeClasses. Because as far as I can tell it will make my code more concise, more consistent (one less extension to care about), and will also give me more flexibility such as with open type relationships or bijective relations (potentially the latter is solver by GHC 8).
Here's an example of where TypeFamilies really shines compared to MultiParamClasses with FunctionalDependencies. In fact, I challenge you to come up with an equivalent MultiParamClasses solution, even one that uses FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstance, etc.
Consider the problem of type level substitution (I ran across a specific variant of this in Quipper in QData.hs). Essentially what you want to do is recursively substitute one type for another. For example, I want to be able to
substitute Int for Bool in Either [Int] String and get Either [Bool] String,
substitute [Int] for Bool in Either [Int] String and get Either Bool String,
substitute [Int] for [Bool] in Either [Int] String and get Either [Bool] String.
All in all, I want the usual notion of type level substitution. With a closed type family, I can do this for any types (albeit I need an extra line for each higher-kinded type constructor - I stopped at * -> * -> * -> * -> *).
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- Subsitute type `x` for type `y` in type `a`
type family Substitute x y a where
Substitute x y x = y
Substitute x y (k a b c d) = k (Substitute x y a) (Substitute x y b) (Substitute x y c) (Substitute x y d)
Substitute x y (k a b c) = k (Substitute x y a) (Substitute x y b) (Substitute x y c)
Substitute x y (k a b) = k (Substitute x y a) (Substitute x y b)
Substitute x y (k a) = k (Substitute x y a)
Substitute x y a = a
And trying at ghci I get the desired output:
> :t undefined :: Substitute Int Bool (Either [Int] String)
undefined :: Either [Bool] [Char]
> :t undefined :: Substitute [Int] Bool (Either [Int] String)
undefined :: Either Bool [Char]
> :t undefined :: Substitute [Int] [Bool] (Either [Int] String)
undefined :: Either [Bool] [Char]
With that said, maybe you should be asking yourself why am I using MultiParamClasses and not TypeFamilies. Of the examples you gave above, all except Convert translate to type families (albeit you will need an extra line per instance for the type declaration).
Then again, for Convert, I am not convinced it is a good idea to define such a thing. The natural extension to Convert would be instances such as
instance (Convert a b, Convert b c) => Convert a c where
convert = convert . convert
instance Convert a a where
convert = id
which are as unresolvable for GHC as they are elegant to write...
To be clear, I am not saying there are no uses of MultiParamClasses, just that when possible you should be using TypeFamilies - they let you think about type-level functions instead of just relations.
This old HaskellWiki page does an OK job of comparing the two.
Some more contrasting and history I stumbled upon from augustss blog
Type families grew out of the need to have type classes with
associated types. The latter is not strictly necessary since it can be
emulated with multi-parameter type classes, but it gives a much nicer
notation in many cases. The same is true for type families; they can
also be emulated by multi-parameter type classes. But MPTC gives a
very logic programming style of doing type computation; whereas type
families (which are just type functions that can pattern match on the
arguments) is like functional programming.
Using closed type families
adds some extra strength that cannot be achieved by type classes. To
get the same power from type classes we would need to add closed type
classes. Which would be quite useful; this is what instance chains
gives you.
Functional dependencies only affect the process of constraint solving, while type families introduced the notion of non-syntactic type equality, represented in GHC's intermediate form by coercions. This means type families interact better with GADTs. See this question for the canonical example of how functional dependencies fail here.

Is there a compiler-extension for untagged union types in Haskell?

In some languages (#racket/typed, for example), the programmer can specify a union type without discriminating against it, for instance, the type (U Integer String) captures integers and strings, without tagging them (I Integer) (S String) in a data IntOrStringUnion = ... form or anything like that.
Is there a way to do the same in Haskell?
Either is what you're looking for... ish.
In Haskell terms, I'd describe what you're looking for as an anonymous sum type. By anonymous, I mean that it doesn't have a defined name (like something with a data declaration). By sum type, I mean a data type that can have one of several (distinguishable) types; a tagged union or such. (If you're not familiar with this terminology, try Wikipedia for starters.)
We have a well-known idiomatic anonymous product type, which is just a tuple. If you want to have both an Int and a String, you just smush them together with a comma: (Int, String). And tuples (seemingly) can go on forever--(Int, String, Double, Word), and you can pattern-match the same way. (There's a limit, but never mind.)
The well-known idiomatic anonymous sum type is Either, from Data.Either (and the Prelude):
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable)
It has some shortcomings, most prominently a Functor instance that favors Right in a way that's odd in this context. The problem is that chaining it introduces a lot of awkwardness: the type ends up like Either (Int (Either String (Either Double Word))). Pattern matching is even more awkward, as others have noted.
I just want to note that we can get closer to (what I understand to be) the Racket use case. From my extremely brief Googling, it looks like in Racket you can use functions like isNumber? to determine what type is actually in a given value of a union type. In Haskell, we usually do that with case analysis (pattern matching), but that's awkward with Either, and function using simple pattern-matching will likely end up hard-wired to a particular union type. We can do better.
I'm going to write a function I think is an idiomatic Haskell stand-in for isNumber?. First, we don't like doing Boolean tests and then running functions that assume their result; instead, we tend to just convert to Maybe and go from there. So the function's type will end with -> Maybe Int. (Using Int as a stand-in for now.)
But what's on the left hand of the arrow? "Something that might be an Int -- or a String, or whatever other types we put in the union." Uh, okay. So it's going to be one of a number of types. That sounds like typeclass, so we'll put a constraint and a type variable on the left hand of the arrow: MightBeInt a => a -> Maybe Int. Okay, let's write out the class:
class MightBeInt a where
isInt :: a -> Maybe Int
fromInt :: Int -> a
Okay, now how do we write the instances? Well, we know if the first parameter to Either is Int, we're golden, so let's write that out. (Incidentally, if you want a nice exercise, only look at the instance ... where parts of these next three code blocks, and try to implement that class members yourself.)
instance MightBeInt (Either Int b) where
isInt (Left i) = Just i
isInt _ = Nothing
fromInt = Left
Fine. And ditto if Int is the second parameter:
instance MightBeInt (Either a Int) where
isInt (Right i) = Just i
isInt _ = Nothing
fromInt = Right
But what about Either String (Either Bool Int)? The trick is to recurse on the right hand type: if it's not Int, is it an instance of MightBeInt itself?
instance MightBeInt b => MightBeInt (Either a b) where
isInt (Right xs) = isInt xs
isInt _ = Nothing
fromInt = Right . fromInt
(Note that these all require FlexibleInstances and OverlappingInstances.) It took me a long time to get a feel for writing and reading these class instances; don't worry if this instance is surprising. The punch line is that we can now do this:
anInt1 :: Either Int String
anInt1 = fromInt 1
anInt2 :: Either String (Either Int Double)
anInt2 = fromInt 2
anInt3 :: Either String Int
anInt3 = fromInt 3
notAnInt :: Either String Int
notAnInt = Left "notint"
ghci> isInt anInt3
Just 3
ghci> isInt notAnInt
Okay, but now do we need to write another type class for each type we want to look up? Nope! We can parameterize the class by the type we want to look up! It's a pretty mechanical translation; the only question is how to tell the compiler what type we're looking for, and that's where Proxy comes to the rescue. (If you don't want to install tagged or run base 4.7, just define data Proxy a = Proxy. It's nothing special, but you'll need PolyKinds.)
class MightBeA t a where
isA :: proxy t -> a -> Maybe t
fromA :: t -> a
instance MightBeA t t where
isA _ = Just
fromA = id
instance MightBeA t (Either t b) where
isA _ (Left i) = Just i
isA _ _ = Nothing
fromA = Left
instance MightBeA t b => MightBeA t (Either a b) where
isA p (Right xs) = isA p xs
isA _ _ = Nothing
fromA = Right . fromA
ghci> isA (Proxy :: Proxy Int) anInt3
Just 3
ghci> isA (Proxy :: Proxy String) notAnInt
Just "notint"
Now the usability situation is... better. The main thing we've lost, by the way, is the exhaustiveness checker.
Notational Parity With (U String Int Double)
For fun, in GHC 7.8 we can use DataKinds and TypeFamilies to eliminate the infix type constructors in favor of type-level lists. (In Haskell, you can't have one type constructor--like IO or Either--take a variable number of parameters, but a type-level list is just one parameter.) It's just a few lines, which I'm not really going to explain:
type family OneOf (as :: [*]) :: * where
OneOf '[] = Void
OneOf '[a] = a
OneOf (a ': as) = Either a (OneOf as)
Note that you'll need to import Data.Void. Now we can do this:
anInt4 :: OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String]
anInt4 = fromInt 4
ghci> :kind! OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String]
OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String] :: *
= Either Int (Either Double (Either Float [Char]))
In other words, OneOf '[Int, Double, Float, String] is the same as Either Int (Either Double (Either Float [Char])).
You need some kind of tagging because you need to be able to check if a value is actually an Integer or a String to use it for anything. One way to alleviate having to create a custom ADT for every combination is to use a type such as
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
data a :+: b = L a | R b
infixr 6 :+:
returnsIntOrString :: Integer -> Integer :+: String
returnsIntOrString i
| i `rem` 2 == 0 = R "Even"
| otherwise = L (i * 2)
returnsOneOfThree :: Integer -> Integer :+: String :+: Bool
returnsOneOfThree i
| i `rem` 2 == 0 = (R . L) "Even"
| i `rem` 3 == 0 = (R . R) False
| otherwise = L (i * 2)

Haskell get type of algebraic parameter

I have a type
class IntegerAsType a where
value :: a -> Integer
data T5
instance IntegerAsType T5 where value _ = 5
newtype (IntegerAsType q) => Zq q = Zq Integer deriving (Eq)
newtype (Num a, IntegerAsType n) => PolyRing a n = PolyRing [a]
I'm trying to make a nice "show" for the PolyRing type. In particular, I want the "show" to print out the type 'a'. Is there a function that returns the type of an algebraic parameter (a 'show' for types)?
The other way I'm trying to do it is using pattern matching, but I'm running into problems with built-in types and the algebraic type.
I want a different result for each of Integer, Int and Zq q.
(toy example:)
test :: (Num a, IntegerAsType q) => a -> a
(Int x) = x+1
(Integer x) = x+2
(Zq x) = x+3
There are at least two different problems here.
1) Int and Integer are not data constructors for the 'Int' and 'Integer' types. Are there data constructors for these types/how do I pattern match with them?
2) Although not shown in my code, Zq IS an instance of Num. The problem I'm getting is:
Ambiguous constraint `IntegerAsType q'
At least one of the forall'd type variables mentioned by the constraint
must be reachable from the type after the '=>'
In the type signature for `test':
test :: (Num a, IntegerAsType q) => a -> a
I kind of see why it is complaining, but I don't know how to get around that.
A better example of what I'm trying to do with the test function:
test :: (Num a) => a -> a
test (Integer x) = x+2
test (Int x) = x+1
test (Zq x) = x
Even if we ignore the fact that I can't construct Integers and Ints this way (still want to know how!) this 'test' doesn't compile because:
Could not deduce (a ~ Zq t0) from the context (Num a)
My next try at this function was with the type signature:
test :: (Num a, IntegerAsType q) => a -> a
which leads to the new error
Ambiguous constraint `IntegerAsType q'
At least one of the forall'd type variables mentioned by the constraint
must be reachable from the type after the '=>'
I hope that makes my question a little clearer....
I'm not sure what you're driving at with that test function, but you can do something like this if you like:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
class NamedType a where
name :: a -> String
instance NamedType Int where
name _ = "Int"
instance NamedType Integer where
name _ = "Integer"
instance NamedType q => NamedType (Zq q) where
name _ = "Zq (" ++ name (undefined :: q) ++ ")"
I would not be doing my Stack Overflow duty if I did not follow up this answer with a warning: what you are asking for is very, very strange. You are probably doing something in a very unidiomatic way, and will be fighting the language the whole way. I strongly recommend that your next question be a much broader design question, so that we can help guide you to a more idiomatic solution.
There is another half to your question, namely, how to write a test function that "pattern matches" on the input to check whether it's an Int, an Integer, a Zq type, etc. You provide this suggestive code snippet:
test :: (Num a) => a -> a
test (Integer x) = x+2
test (Int x) = x+1
test (Zq x) = x
There are a couple of things to clear up here.
Haskell has three levels of objects: the value level, the type level, and the kind level. Some examples of things at the value level include "Hello, world!", 42, the function \a -> a, or fix (\xs -> 0:1:zipWith (+) xs (tail xs)). Some examples of things at the type level include Bool, Int, Maybe, Maybe Int, and Monad m => m (). Some examples of things at the kind level include * and (* -> *) -> *.
The levels are in order; value level objects are classified by type level objects, and type level objects are classified by kind level objects. We write the classification relationship using ::, so for example, 32 :: Int or "Hello, world!" :: [Char]. (The kind level isn't too interesting for this discussion, but * classifies types, and arrow kinds classify type constructors. For example, Int :: * and [Int] :: *, but [] :: * -> *.)
Now, one of the most basic properties of Haskell is that each level is completely isolated. You will never see a string like "Hello, world!" in a type; similarly, value-level objects don't pass around or operate on types. Moreover, there are separate namespaces for values and types. Take the example of Maybe:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
This declaration creates a new name Maybe :: * -> * at the type level, and two new names Nothing :: Maybe a and Just :: a -> Maybe a at the value level. One common pattern is to use the same name for a type constructor and for its value constructor, if there's only one; for example, you might see
newtype Wrapped a = Wrapped a
which declares a new name Wrapped :: * -> * at the type level, and simultaneously declares a distinct name Wrapped :: a -> Wrapped a at the value level. Some particularly common (and confusing examples) include (), which is both a value-level object (of type ()) and a type-level object (of kind *), and [], which is both a value-level object (of type [a]) and a type-level object (of kind * -> *). Note that the fact that the value-level and type-level objects happen to be spelled the same in your source is just a coincidence! If you wanted to confuse your readers, you could perfectly well write
newtype Huey a = Louie a
newtype Louie a = Dewey a
newtype Dewey a = Huey a
where none of these three declarations are related to each other at all!
Now, we can finally tackle what goes wrong with test above: Integer and Int are not value constructors, so they can't be used in patterns. Remember -- the value level and type level are isolated, so you can't put type names in value definitions! By now, you might wish you had written test' instead:
test' :: Num a => a -> a
test' (x :: Integer) = x + 2
test' (x :: Int) = x + 1
test' (Zq x :: Zq a) = x
...but alas, it doesn't quite work like that. Value-level things aren't allowed to depend on type-level things. What you can do is to write separate functions at each of the Int, Integer, and Zq a types:
testInteger :: Integer -> Integer
testInteger x = x + 2
testInt :: Int -> Int
testInt x = x + 1
testZq :: Num a => Zq a -> Zq a
testZq (Zq x) = Zq x
Then we can call the appropriate one of these functions when we want to do a test. Since we're in a statically-typed language, exactly one of these functions is going to be applicable to any particular variable.
Now, it's a bit onerous to remember to call the right function, so Haskell offers a slight convenience: you can let the compiler choose one of these functions for you at compile time. This mechanism is the big idea behind classes. It looks like this:
class Testable a where test :: a -> a
instance Testable Integer where test = testInteger
instance Testable Int where test = testInt
instance Num a => Testable (Zq a) where test = testZq
Now, it looks like there's a single function called test which can handle any of Int, Integer, or numeric Zq's -- but in fact there are three functions, and the compiler is transparently choosing one for you. And that's an important insight. The type of test:
test :: Testable a => a -> a
...looks at first blush like it is a function that takes a value that could be any Testable type. But in fact, it's a function that can be specialized to any Testable type -- and then only takes values of that type! This difference explains yet another reason the original test function didn't work. You can't have multiple patterns with variables at different types, because the function only ever works on a single type at a time.
The ideas behind the classes NamedType and Testable above can be generalized a bit; if you do, you get the Typeable class suggested by hammar above.
I think now I've rambled more than enough, and likely confused more things than I've clarified, but leave me a comment saying which parts were unclear, and I'll do my best.
Is there a function that returns the type of an algebraic parameter (a 'show' for types)?
I think Data.Typeable may be what you're looking for.
Prelude> :m + Data.Typeable
Prelude Data.Typeable> typeOf (1 :: Int)
Prelude Data.Typeable> typeOf (1 :: Integer)
Note that this will not work on any type, just those which have a Typeable instance.
Using the extension DeriveDataTypeable, you can have the compiler automatically derive these for your own types:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable
data Foo = Bar
deriving Typeable
*Main> typeOf Bar
I didn't quite get what you're trying to do in the second half of your question, but hopefully this should be of some help.

Can you pattern match constructors on a type class constrained parameter?

See code example below. It won't compile. I had thought that maybe it's because it has to have a single type for the first parameter in the test function. But that doesn't make sense because if I don't pattern match on it so it will compile, I can call it with both MyObj11 5 and MyObj21 5 which are two different types.
So what is it that restricts so you can't pattern match on constructors with a type class constrained parameter? Or is there some mechanism by which you can?
class SomeClass a where toString :: a -> String
instance SomeClass MyType1 where toString v = "MyType1"
instance SomeClass MyType2 where toString v = "MyType2"
data MyType1 = MyObj11 Int | MyObj12 Int Int
data MyType2 = MyObj21 Int | MyObj22 Int Int
test :: SomeClass a => a -> String
test (MyObj11 x) = "11"
test (MyObj12 x y) = "12" -- Error here if remove 3rd line: rigid type bound error
test (MyObj22 x y) = "22" -- Error here about not match MyType1.
what is it that restricts so you can't pattern match on constructors with a type class constrained parameter?
When you pattern match on an explicit constructor, you commit to a specific data type representation. This data type is not shared among all instances of the class, and so it is simply not possible to write a function that works for all instances in this way.
Instead, you need to associate the different behaviors your want with each instance, like so:
class C a where
toString :: a -> String
draw :: a -> String
instance C MyType1 where
toString v = "MyType1"
draw (MyObj11 x) = "11"
draw (MyObj12 x y) = "12"
instance C MyType2 where
toString v = "MyType2"
draw (MyObj22 x y) = "22"
data MyType1 = MyObj11 Int | MyObj12 Int Int
data MyType2 = MyObj21 Int | MyObj22 Int Int
test :: C a => a -> String
test x = draw x
The branches of your original test function are now distributed amongst the instances.
Some alternative tricks involve using class-associated data types (where you prove to the compiler that a data type is shared amongst all instances), or view patterns (which let you generalize pattern matching).
View patterns
We can use view patterns to clean up the connection between pattern matching and type class instances, a little, allowing us to approximate pattern matching across instances by pattern matching on a shared type.
Here's an example, where we write one function, with two cases, that lets us pattern match against anything in the class.
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
class C a where
view :: a -> View
data View = One Int
| Two Int Int
data MyType1 = MyObj11 Int | MyObj12 Int Int
instance C MyType1 where
view (MyObj11 n) = One n
view (MyObj12 n m) = Two n m
data MyType2 = MyObj21 Int | MyObj22 Int Int
instance C MyType2 where
view (MyObj21 n) = One n
view (MyObj22 n m) = Two n m
test :: C a => a -> String
test (view -> One n) = "One " ++ show n
test (view -> Two n m) = "Two " ++ show n ++ show m
Note how the -> syntax lets us call back to the right view function in each instance, looking up a custom data type encoding per-type, in order to pattern match on it.
The design challenge is to come up with a view type that captures all the behavior variants you're interested in.
In your original question, you wanted every constructor to have a different behavior, so there's actually no reason to use a view type (dispatching directly to that behavior in each instance already works well enough).
