Can you pattern match constructors on a type class constrained parameter? - haskell

See code example below. It won't compile. I had thought that maybe it's because it has to have a single type for the first parameter in the test function. But that doesn't make sense because if I don't pattern match on it so it will compile, I can call it with both MyObj11 5 and MyObj21 5 which are two different types.
So what is it that restricts so you can't pattern match on constructors with a type class constrained parameter? Or is there some mechanism by which you can?
class SomeClass a where toString :: a -> String
instance SomeClass MyType1 where toString v = "MyType1"
instance SomeClass MyType2 where toString v = "MyType2"
data MyType1 = MyObj11 Int | MyObj12 Int Int
data MyType2 = MyObj21 Int | MyObj22 Int Int
test :: SomeClass a => a -> String
test (MyObj11 x) = "11"
test (MyObj12 x y) = "12" -- Error here if remove 3rd line: rigid type bound error
test (MyObj22 x y) = "22" -- Error here about not match MyType1.

what is it that restricts so you can't pattern match on constructors with a type class constrained parameter?
When you pattern match on an explicit constructor, you commit to a specific data type representation. This data type is not shared among all instances of the class, and so it is simply not possible to write a function that works for all instances in this way.
Instead, you need to associate the different behaviors your want with each instance, like so:
class C a where
toString :: a -> String
draw :: a -> String
instance C MyType1 where
toString v = "MyType1"
draw (MyObj11 x) = "11"
draw (MyObj12 x y) = "12"
instance C MyType2 where
toString v = "MyType2"
draw (MyObj22 x y) = "22"
data MyType1 = MyObj11 Int | MyObj12 Int Int
data MyType2 = MyObj21 Int | MyObj22 Int Int
test :: C a => a -> String
test x = draw x
The branches of your original test function are now distributed amongst the instances.
Some alternative tricks involve using class-associated data types (where you prove to the compiler that a data type is shared amongst all instances), or view patterns (which let you generalize pattern matching).
View patterns
We can use view patterns to clean up the connection between pattern matching and type class instances, a little, allowing us to approximate pattern matching across instances by pattern matching on a shared type.
Here's an example, where we write one function, with two cases, that lets us pattern match against anything in the class.
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
class C a where
view :: a -> View
data View = One Int
| Two Int Int
data MyType1 = MyObj11 Int | MyObj12 Int Int
instance C MyType1 where
view (MyObj11 n) = One n
view (MyObj12 n m) = Two n m
data MyType2 = MyObj21 Int | MyObj22 Int Int
instance C MyType2 where
view (MyObj21 n) = One n
view (MyObj22 n m) = Two n m
test :: C a => a -> String
test (view -> One n) = "One " ++ show n
test (view -> Two n m) = "Two " ++ show n ++ show m
Note how the -> syntax lets us call back to the right view function in each instance, looking up a custom data type encoding per-type, in order to pattern match on it.
The design challenge is to come up with a view type that captures all the behavior variants you're interested in.
In your original question, you wanted every constructor to have a different behavior, so there's actually no reason to use a view type (dispatching directly to that behavior in each instance already works well enough).


How might I be able to write multiple function definitions for multiple types in a polymorphic manner in Haskell?

Given my type definitions:
data Tile = Revealed | Covered deriving (Eq, Show)
data MinePit = Clean | Unsafe deriving (Eq, Show)
data Flag = Flagged | Unflagged deriving (Eq, Show)
type Square = (Tile, MinePit, Flag)
type Board = [[Square]]
I created two functions:
createBoard generates a 2D list of tuples of values -- or a 'Board'. It initialises a list of dimension n*m all of the same value.
createBoard :: Int -> Int -> Board
createBoard 0 _ = [[]]
createBoard _ 0 = [[]]
createBoard 1 1 = [[(Covered, Clean, Unflagged)]]
createBoard n m = take n (repeat (take m (repeat (Covered, Clean, Unflagged))))
An example:
λ> createBoard 2 3
A function defineIndices was defined for the purpose of an in order list of indices for Board(s) produced by createBoard.
defineIndices :: Int -> Int -> [[(Int,Int)]]
defineIndices n m = [[(i,j) | j <- [1..m]] | i <- [1..n]]
It behaves like:
λ> defineIndices 2 3
From here, I have created a function to create a MapBoard, where the values of a particular Square could be looked up given its indicies.
type MapBoard = Map (Int, Int) Square
createMapBoard :: [[(Int,Int)]] -> [[Square]] -> MapBoard
createMapBoard indices squares = M.fromList $ zip (concat indices) (concat squares)
However, it seemed reasonable to me that I should also write a method in which I can create a MapBoard directly from a pair of Int(s), implementing my prior functions. This might look like:
createMapBoard2 :: Int -> Int -> MapBoard
createMapBoard2 n m = createMapBoard indices squares where
indices = defineIndices n m
squares = createBoard n m
However, I looked up as to whether it is possible achieve polymorphism in this situataion with createMapBoard, and have createMapBoard2 be instead createMapBoard. I discovered online that this is called Ad-Hoc Polymorphism, and one can do e.g.
class Square a where
square :: a -> a
instance Square Int where
square x = x * x
instance Square Float where
square x = x * x
Attempting to write something similar myself, the best I could come up with is the following:
class MyClass a b MapBoard where
createMapBoard :: a -> b -> MapBoard
instance createMapBoard [[(Int,Int)]] -> [[Square]] -> MapBoard where
createMapBoard indices squares = M.fromList $ zip (concat indices) (concat squares)
instance createMapBoard Int -> Int -> MapBoard where
createMapBoard n m = createMapBoard indices squares where
indices = defineIndices n m
squares = createBoard n m
Attempting to compile this results in a Compilation error:
src/minesweeper.hs:35:19-26: error: …
Unexpected type ‘MapBoard’
In the class declaration for ‘MyClass’
A class declaration should have form
class MyClass a b c where ...
Compilation failed.
I am confused as to why I am not allowed to use a non-algebraic type such as MapBoard in the class definition.
class MyClass a b MapBoard where
Replacing MapBoard with another algebraic type c brings about another compilation error, which is lost on me.
src/minesweeper.hs:37:10-63: error: …
Illegal class instance: ‘createMapBoard [[(Int, Int)]]
-> [[Square]] -> MapBoard’
Class instances must be of the form
context => C ty_1 ... ty_n
where ‘C’ is a class
src/minesweeper.hs:39:10-46: error: …
Illegal class instance: ‘createMapBoard Int -> Int -> MapBoard’
Class instances must be of the form
context => C ty_1 ... ty_n
where ‘C’ is a class
Compilation failed.
Is it possible for me to achieve the ad-hoc polymorphism of createMapBoard? Am I able to create a class definition which has a strict constraint that the return type must be MapBoard for all instances?
Having corrected the syntactic errors, my code is now:
class MyClass a b where
createMapBoard :: a -> b
instance createMapBoard [[(Int,Int)]] [[Square]] where
createMapBoard indices squares = M.fromList $ zip (concat indices) (concat squares)
instance createMapBoard Int Int where
createMapBoard n m = createMapBoard indices squares where
indices = defineIndices n m
squares = createBoard n m
This leads to yet another compilation error:
src/minesweeper.hs:37:10-23: error: …
Not in scope: type variable ‘createMapBoard’
src/minesweeper.hs:39:10-23: error: …
Not in scope: type variable ‘createMapBoard’
Compilation failed.
I am inclined to believe that an error in my understanding of classes is still present.
You want to write it this way:
class MyClass a b where createMapBoard :: a -> b -> MapBoard
instance MyClass [[(Int,Int)]] [[Square]] where
createMapBoard indices squares = M.fromList $ zip ...
instance MyClass Int Int where
createMapBoard n m = createMapBoard indices squares where
The ... -> ... -> MapBoard is already in the createMapBoard method's signature, this doesn't belong in the class / instance heads.
Incidentally, I'm not convinced that it really makes sense to have a class here at all. There's nothing wrong with having two separately named createMapBoard functions. A class only is the way to go if you can actually write polymorphic functions over it, but in this case I doubt it – you'd rather have either the concrete situation where you need the one version, or the other. There's no need for a class then, just hard-write which version it is you want.
One reason for rather going with separate functions than a class method is that it makes the type checker's work easier. As soon as the arguments of createMapBoard are polymorphic, they could potentially have any type (at least as far as the type checker is concerned). So you can only call it with arguments whose type is fully determined elsewhere. Now, in other programming languages the type of values you might want to pass is generally fixed anyway, but in Haskell it's actually extremely common to have also polymorphic values. The simplest example is number literals – they don't have type Int or so, but Num a => a.
I personally find “reverse polymorphism” normally nicer to work with than “forward polymorphism”: don't make the arguments to functions polymorphic, but rather the results. This way, it's enough to have the outermost type of an expression fixed by the environment, and automatically all the subexpressions are inferred by the type checker. The other way around, you have to have all the individual expressions' types fixed, and the compiler can infer the final result type... which is hardly useful because you probably want to fix that by a signature anyway.

What's the difference between the "data" and "type" keywords?

The data and type keywords always confuse me.
I want to know what is the difference between data and type and how to use them.
type declares a type synonym. A type synonym is a new name for an existing type. For example, this is how String is defined in the standard library:
type String = [Char]
String is another name for a list of Chars. GHC will replace all usages of String in your program with [Char] at compile-time.
To be clear, a String literally is a list of Chars. It's just an alias. You can use all the standard list functions on String values:
-- length :: [a] -> Int
ghci> length "haskell"
-- reverse :: [a] -> [a]
ghci> reverse "functional"
data declares a new data type, which, unlike a type synonym, is different from any other type. Data types have a number of constructors defining the possible cases of your type. For example, this is how Bool is defined in the standard library:
data Bool = False | True
A Bool value can be either True or False. Data types support pattern matching, allowing you to perform a runtime case-analysis on a value of a data type.
yesno :: Bool -> String
yesno True = "yes"
yesno False = "no"
data types can have multiple constructors (as with Bool), can be parameterised by other types, can contain other types inside them, and can recursively refer to themselves. Here's a model of exceptions which demonstrates this; an Error a contains an error message of type a, and possibly the error which caused it.
data Error a = Error { value :: a, cause :: Maybe (Error a) }
type ErrorWithMessage = Error String
myError1, myError2 :: ErrorWithMessage
myError1 = Error "woops" Nothing
myError2 = Error "myError1 was thrown" (Just myError1)
It's important to realise that data declares a new type which is apart from any other type in the system. If String had been declared as a data type containing a list of Chars (rather than a type synonym), you wouldn't be able to use any list functions on it.
data String = MkString [Char]
myString = MkString ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
myReversedString = reverse myString -- type error
There's one more variety of type declaration: newtype. This works rather like a data declaration - it introduces a new data type separate from any other type, and can be pattern matched - except you are restricted to a single constructor with a single field. In other words, a newtype is a data type which wraps up an existing type.
The important difference is the cost of a newtype: the compiler promises that a newtype is represented in the same way as the type it wraps. There's no runtime cost to packing or unpacking a newtype. This makes newtypes useful for making administrative (rather than structural) distinctions between values.
newtypes interact well with type classes. For example, consider Monoid, the class of types with a way to combine elements (mappend) and a special 'empty' element (mempty). Int can be made into a Monoid in many ways, including addition with 0 and multiplication with 1. How can we choose which one to use for a possible Monoid instance of Int? It's better not to express a preference, and use newtypes to enable either usage with no runtime cost. Paraphrasing the standard library:
-- introduce a type Sum with a constructor Sum which wraps an Int, and an extractor getSum which gives you back the Int
newtype Sum = Sum { getSum :: Int }
instance Monoid Sum where
(Sum x) `mappend` (Sum y) = Sum (x + y)
mempty = Sum 0
newtype Product = Product { getProduct :: Int }
instance Monoid Product where
(Product x) `mappend` (Product y) = Product (x * y)
mempty = Product 1
With data you create new datatype and declare a constructor for it:
data NewData = NewDataConstructor
With type you define just an alias:
type MyChar = Char
In the type case you can pass value of MyChar type to function expecting a Char and vice versa, but you can't do this for data MyChar = MyChar Char.
type works just like let: it allows you to give a re-usable name to something, but that something will always work just as if you had inlined the definition. So
type ℝ = Double
f :: ℝ -> ℝ -> ℝ
f x y = let x2 = x^2
in x2 + y
behaves exactly the same way as
f' :: Double -> Double -> Double
f' x y = x^2 + y
as in: you can anywhere in your code replace f with f' and vice versa; nothing would change.
OTOH, both data and newtype create an opaque abstraction. They are more like a class constructor in OO: even though some value is implemented simply in terms of a single number, it doesn't necessarily behave like such a number. For instance,
newtype Logscaledℝ = LogScaledℝ { getLogscaled :: Double }
instance Num LogScaledℝ where
LogScaledℝ a + LogScaledℝ b = LogScaledℝ $ a*b
LogScaledℝ a - LogScaledℝ b = LogScaledℝ $ a/b
LogScaledℝ a * LogScaledℝ b = LogScaledℝ $ a**b
Here, although Logscaledℝ is data-wise still just a Double number, it clearly behaves different from Double.

Check if it is a specific type - haskell

I thought it would be really easy to find the answer online but I had no luck with that. Which means that my question should't be a question but I am sure more people new to Haskell might come up with the same question.
So how do I check if a value is of a certain type?
I have the following data type defined and I wanna check whether the input on a function is of a specific type.
data MyType a = MyInt Int | MyOther a (MyType a)
First, your data declaration will not work. Let's assume you're using this type:
data MyType a = MyInt Int | MyOther a (MyType a)
then you can have functions that take a MyType a, some specific MyType (e.g. MyType Int) or a constrained MyType (e.g. Num a => MyType a).
If you want to know whether you have a MyInt or a MyOther, you can simply use pattern matching:
whichAmI :: MyType a -> String
whichAmI (MyInt i) = "I'm an Int with value " ++ show i
whichAmI (MyOther _ _) = "I'm something else"
When you want to know if the type in the parameter a is a Num, or what type it is, you will run into a fundamental Haskell limitation. Haskell is statically typed so there is no such dynamic checking of what the a in MyType a is.
The solution is to limit your function if you need a certain type of a. For example we can have:
mySum :: Num a => MyType a -> a
mySum (MyInt i) = fromIntegral i
mySum (MyOther n m) = n + mySum m
or we can have a function that only works if a is a Bool:
trueOrGE10 :: MyType Bool -> Bool
trueOrGE10 (MyInt i) = i >= 10
trueOrGE10 (MyOther b _) = b
As with all Haskell code, it will need to be possible to determine at compile-time whether a particular expression you put into one of these functions has the right type.

How can I perform a scatter/gather operation on types in Haskell?

I have tree that hold contains nodes of different types. These are tagged using a datatype:
data Wrapping = A Int
| B String
I want to write two functions:
scatter :: Wrapping -> a
gather :: a -> Output
The idea is that I can use (scatter.gather) :: Wrapping -> Output. There will of course be several different variations on both the scatter and the gather function (with each scatter variant having a unique Wrappingn datatype, but the set of intermediate types will always be the same) and I want to be able to cleanly compose them.
The issue that I have is that the type parameter a is not really free, it is a small explicit set of types (here it is {Int,String}). If I try to encode what I have so far into Haskell typeclasses then I get to:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
data Wrapping = A Int | B String
class Fanin a where
gather :: a -> String
instance Fanin Int where
gather x = show x
instance Fanin String where
gather x = x
class Fanout a where
scatter :: Fanout a => Wrapping -> a
instance Fanout Int where
scatter (A n) = n
instance Fanout String where
scatter (B x) = x
combined = gather.scatter
The two classes typecheck fine but obviously the final line throws errors because ghc knows that the type parameters do match on every case, only on the two that I have defined. I've tried various combinations of extending one class from the other:
class Fanin a => Fanout a where ...
class Fanout a => Fanin a where ...
Finally I've looked at GADTs and existential types to solve this but I am stumbling around in the dark. I can't find a way to express a legal qualified type signature to GHC, where I've tried combinations of:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
class (forall a. Fanout a) => Fanin a where
class (forall a. Fanin a) => Fanout a where
Question: how do I express to GHC that I want to restrict a to only the two types in the set?
I get the feeling that the solution lies in one of the techniques that I've looked at but I'm too lost to see what it is...
The idea is that I can use (scatter.gather) :: Wrapping -> Output.
There will of course be several different variations on both the
scatter and the gather function (with each scatter variant having a
unique Wrappingn datatype, but the set of intermediate types will
always be the same) and I want to be able to cleanly compose them.
If I understand correctly, you'd like to have different Wrapping types but the intermediate a type is constantly Either Int String. We can just reflect this information in our classes:
data Wrapping = A Int
| B String
class Fanout wrap where
scatter :: wrap -> Either Int String
instance Fanout Wrapping where
scatter (A n) = Left n
scatter (B str) = Right str
class Fanin output where
gather :: Either Int String -> output
instance Fanin String where
gather = either show id
combined :: Wrapping -> String
combined = gather . scatter
Also, this use case doesn't seem especially amenable to type classes, from what I can glean from the question. In particular, we can get rid of Fanin, and then combined = either show id . scatter looks better to my eyes than the previous definition.
The type class solution makes sense here only if just a single Either Int String -> a or a -> Either Int String function makes sense for each a, and you'd like to enforce this.
If I understand you correctly you need something like the following:
module Main ( main ) where
-- Different kinds of wrapper data types
data WrapperA = A Int | B String
data WrapperB = C Int | D Float
-- A single intermediate data type (with phantom type)
data Intermediate a = E Int | F String
-- Generic scatter and gather functions
class Wrapped a where
scatter :: Wrapped a => a -> Intermediate a
gather :: Wrapped a => Intermediate a -> String
-- Specific scatter and gather implementations
instance Wrapped WrapperA where
scatter (A i) = E i
scatter (B s) = F s
gather (E i) = show i
gather (F s) = s
instance Wrapped WrapperB where
scatter (C i) = E i
scatter (D f) = F $ show f
gather (E i) = show i
gather (F s) = s ++ " was a float"
-- Beautiful composability
combined :: Wrapped a => a -> String
combined = gather . scatter
wrapperAexample1 = A 10
wrapperAexample2 = B "testing"
wrapperBexample1 = C 11
wrapperBexample2 = D 12.4
main :: IO ()
main = do print $ combined wrapperAexample1
print $ combined wrapperAexample2
print $ combined wrapperBexample1
print $ combined wrapperBexample2
The main issue seems to be that you have an intermediate type which can have different kinds of content, but this is constant for different wrappers. Still, depending on the kind of wrapper, you want the gather function to behave differently.
To do this, I would define the Intermediate type to specify the kinds of values that can be held in the intermediate stage, and give it a phantom type parameter (to remember what kind of wrapper it originated from). You can then define a class to hold the scatter and gather functions, and define these differently for different kinds of wrappers.
The code above compiles without errors for me, and gives the following output:
"12.4 was a float"
As you can see, the WrapperB/D Float input is treated differently than the WrapperA/B String (it is tagged as a float value, even after it has been converted to a String). This is because in the Intermediate representation it is remembered that the origin is a WrapperB: the one is of type Intermediate WrapperA, the other of Intermediate WrapperB.
If, on the other hand, you don't actually want the gather function to behave differently for different wrappers, you can simply take that out of the class and take out the phantom type. The easiest way to let ghc know that the type in the intermediate stage can be Int or String seems to me to still define something like the Intermediate type, rather than use just a.

Create a type that can contain an int and a string in either order

I'm following this introduction to Haskell, and this particular place (user defined types 2.2) I'm finding particularly obscure. To the point, I don't even understand what part of it is code, and what part is the thoughts of the author. (What is Pt - it is never defined anywhere?). Needless to say, I can't execute / compile it.
As an example that would make it easier for me to understand, I wanted to define a type, which is a pair of an Integer and a String, or a String and an Integer, but nothing else.
The theoretical function that would use it would look like so:
combine :: StringIntPair -> String
combine a b = (show a) ++ b
combine a b = a ++ (show b)
If you need a working code, that does the same, here's CL code for doing it:
(defgeneric combine (a b)
(:documentation "Combines strings and integers"))
(defmethod combine ((a string) (b integer))
(concatenate 'string a (write-to-string b)))
(defmethod combine ((a integer) (b string))
(concatenate 'string (write-to-string a) b))
(combine 100 "500")
Here's one way to define the datatype:
data StringIntPair = StringInt String Int |
IntString Int String
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
Note that I've defined two constructors for type StringIntPair, and they are StringInt and IntString.
Now in the definition of combine:
combine :: StringIntPair -> String
combine (StringInt s i) = s ++ (show i)
combine (IntString i s) = (show i) ++ s
I'm using pattern matching to match the constructors and select the correct behavior.
Here are some examples of usage:
*Main> let y = StringInt "abc" 123
*Main> let z = IntString 789 "a string"
*Main> combine y
*Main> combine z
"789a string"
*Main> :t y
y :: StringIntPair
*Main> :t z
z :: StringIntPair
A few things to note about the examples:
StringIntPair is a type; doing :t <expression> in the interpreter shows the type of an expression
StringInt and IntString are constructors of the same type
the vertical bar (|) separates constructors
a well-written function should match each constructor of its argument's types; that's why I've written combine with two patterns, one for each constructor
data StringIntPair = StringInt String Int
| IntString Int String
combine :: StringIntPair -> String
combine (StringInt s i) = s ++ (show i)
combine (IntString i s) = (show i) ++ s
So it can be used like that:
> combine $ StringInt "asdf" 3
> combine $ IntString 4 "fasdf"
Since Haskell is strongly typed, you always know what type a variable has. Additionally, you will never know more. For instance, consider the function length that calculates the length of a list. It has the type:
length :: [a] -> Int
That is, it takes a list of arbitrary a (although all elements have the same type) and returns and Int. The function may never look inside one of the lists node and inspect what is stored in there, since it hasn't and can't get any informations about what type that stuff stored has. This makes Haskell pretty efficient, since, as opposed to typical OOP languages such as Java, no type information has to be stored at runtime.
To make it possible to have different types of variables in one parameter, one can use an Algebraic Data Type (ADT). One, that stores either a String and an Int or an Int and a String can be defined as:
data StringIntPair = StringInt String Int
| IntString Int String
You can find out about which of the two is taken by pattern matching on the parameter. (Notice that you have only one, since both the string and the in are encapsulated in an ADT):
combine :: StringIntPair -> String
combine (StringInt str int) = str ++ show int
combine (IntString int str) = show int ++ str
