Concurrent operations in spark streaming - apache-spark

I wanted to understand something about the internals of spark streaming executions.
If I have a stream X, and in my program I send stream X to function A and function B:
In function A, I do a few transform/filter operations etc. on X->Y->Z to create stream Z. Now I do a forEach Operation on Z and print the output to a file.
Then in function B, I reduce stream X -> X2 (say min value of each RDD), and print the output to file
Are both functions being executed for each RDD in parallel? How does it work?
--- Comments from Spark Community ----
I am adding comments from the spark community -
If you execute the collect step (foreach in 1, possibly reduce in 2) in two threads in the driver then both of them will be executed in parallel. Whichever gets submitted to Spark first gets executed first - you can use a semaphore if you need to ensure the ordering of execution, though I would assume that the ordering wouldn't matter.

#Eswara's answer is seems right but it does not apply to your use case as your separate transformation DAG's (X->Y->Z and X->X2) have a common DStream ancestor in X. This means that when the actions are run to trigger each of these flows, the transformation X->Y and the transformation X->X2 cannot happen at the same time. What will happen is the partitions for RDD X will be either computed or loaded from memory (if cached) for each of these transformations separately in a non-parallel manner.
Ideally what would happen is that the transformation X->Y would resolve and then the transformations Y->Z and X->X2 would finish in parallel as there is no shared state between them. I believe Spark's pipelining architecture would optimize for this. You can ensure faster computation on X->X2 by persisting DStream X so that it can be loaded from memory rather than being recomputed or being loaded from disk. See here for more information on persistence.
What would be interesting is if you could provide the replication storage levels *_2 (e.g. MEMORY_ONLY_2 or MEMORY_AND_DISK_2) to be able to run transformations concurrently on the same source. I think those storage levels are currently only useful against lost partitions right now, as the duplicate partition will be processed in place of the lost one.

It's similar to spark's execution model which uses DAGs and lazy evaluation except that streaming runs the DAG repeatedly on each fresh batch of data.
In your case, since the DAGs(or sub-DAGs of larger DAG if one prefers to call that way) required to finish each action(each of the 2 foreachs you have) do not have common links all the way back till source, they run completely in parallel.The streaming application as a whole gets X executors(JVMs) and Y cores(threads) per executor allotted at the time of application submission to resource manager.At any time, a given task(i.e., thread) in X*Y tasks will be executing a part or whole of one of these DAGs.Note that any 2 given threads of an application, whether in same executor or otherwise, can execute different actions of the same application at the same time.


Spark with divide and conquer

I'm learning Spark and trying to process some huge dataset. I don't understand why I don't see decrease in stage completion times with following strategy (pseudo):
data = sc.textFile(dataset).cache()
while True:
y =
data = data.filter(lambda x: x < y).persist()
So idea is to pick y so that it most of the time ~halves the data. But for some reason it looks like all the data is always processed again on each count().
Is this some kind of an anti-pattern? How I'm supposed to do this with Spark?
Yes, that is an anti-pattern.
map, same as most, but not all, of the distributed primitives in Spark, is pretty much by definition a divide and conquer approach. You take the data, you compute splits, and transparently distribute computing of individual splits over the cluster.
Trying to further divide this process, using high level API, makes no sense at all. At best it will provide no benefits at all, at worst it will incur the cost of multiple data scans, caching and spills.
Spark is lazily evaluated so in the for or while loop above each call to data.filter does not sequentially return the data but instead sequentially returns Spark calls to be executed later. All these calls get aggregated and then executed simultaneously when you do something later.
In particular, results remain unevaluated and merely represented until a Spark Action gets called. Past a certain point the application can’t handle that many parallel tasks.
In a way we’re running into a conflict between two different representations: conventional structured coding with its implicit (or at least implied) execution patterns and independent, distributed, lazily-evaluated Spark representations.

What does Spark do if a node running a .foreach() fails?

We have a large RDD with millions of rows. Each row needs to be processed with a third-party optimizer that is licensed (Gurobi). We have a limited number of licenses.
We have been calling the optimizer in the Spark .map() function. The problem is that Spark will run many more mappers than it needs and throw away the results. This causes a problem with license exhaustion.
We're looking at calling Gurobi inside the Spark .foreach() method. This works, but we have two problems:
Getting the data back from the optimizer into another RDD. Our tentative plan for this is to write the results into a database (e.g. MongoDB or DynamoDB).
What happens if the node on which the .foreach() method dies? Spark guarantees that each foreach only runs once. Does it detect that it dies and restart it elsewhere? Or does something else happen?
In general if task executed with foreachPartition dies a whole job dies.
This means that, if not additional steps are taken to ensure correctness, partial result might have been acknowledged by an external system, leading to inconsistent state.
Considering limited number of licenses map or foreachPartition shouldn't make any difference. Not going into discussion if using Spark in this case makes any sense, the best way to resolve it, is to limit number of executor cores, to the number of licenses you own.
If the goal here is to limit just X number of concurrent calls, I would repartition the RDD with x, and then run a partition level operation. I think that should keep you from exhausting the licenses.

If a Spark stage has completed, is the computation done?

I'm viewing my job in the Spark Application Master console and I can see in real-time the various stages completing as Spark eats its way through my application's DAG. It all goes reasonably fast. Some stages take less than a second, others take a minute or two.
The final stage, at the top of the list, is rdd.saveAsTextFile(path, classOf[GzipCodec]). This stage takes a very long time.
I understand that transformations are executed zero, one or many times depending upon the execution plan created as a result of actions like saveAsTextFile or count.
As the job progresses, I can see the execution plan in the App Manager. Some stages are not present. Some are present more than once. This is expected. I can see the progress of each stage in realtime (as long as I keep hitting F5 to refresh the page). The execution time is roughly commensurate with the data input size for each stage. Because of this, I'm certain that what the App Manager is showing me is the progress of the actual transformations, and not some meta-activity on the DAG.
So if the transformations are occurring in each of those stages, why is the final stage - a simple write to S3 from EMR - so slow?
If, as my colleague suggest, the transformation stages shown in the App Manager are not doing actual computation, what are they doing that consumes so much memory, CPU & time?
In Spark lazy evaluation is a key concept, and a concept you'd better get familiar with if you want to work with Spark.
The stages you witness to complete too fast do not do any significant computation.
If they are not doing actual computation, what are they doing?
They are updating the DAG.
When an action is triggered, then Spark has the chance to consult the DAG to optimize computation (something that wouldn't be possible without lazy optimization).
For more, read Spark Transformation - Why its lazy and what is the advantage?
Moreover, I think your colleague rushed to give you an answer, and mistakenly said:
transformation are cheap
The truth lies in ref's RDD operations:
All transformations in Spark are lazy, in that they do not compute
their results right away. Instead, they just remember the
transformations applied to some base dataset (e.g. a file). The
transformations are only computed when an action requires a result to
be returned to the driver program.
Cheap is not the right word.
That explains why, in the end of the day, the final stage of yours (that actually asks for data and triggers the action) is so slow in comparison with the other tasks.
I mean every stage you mention does not seem to trigger any action. As a result, the final stage has to take into account all of the prior stages, and do all the work needed, but remember, in an optimized Spark-viewpoint.
I guess the real confusion is here:
transformation are cheap
Transformations are lazy (most of the time), but nowhere near cheap. It means transformation won't be applied, unless there is an eager descendant (action) depending on it. It doesn't tell you anything about its cost.
In general transformations are places, where the real work happens. Output actions, excluding storage / network IO, are the ones who are usually cheap, compared to the logic executed in transformations.

Spark SQL - READ and WRITE in sequence or pipeline?

I am working on a cost function for Spark SQL.
While modelling the TABLE SCAN behaviour I cannot understand if READ and WRITE are carried out in pipeline or in sequence.
Let us consider the following SQL query:
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE columnA = ‘xyz’;
Each task:
Reads a data block (either locally or from a remote node)
Filter out the tuples that do not satisfy the predicate
Write to the disk the remaining tuples
Are (1), (2) and (3) carried out in sequence or in pipeline? In other words, the data block is completely read (all the disk pages composing it) first and then it is filtered and then it is rewritten to the disk or are these activities carried out in pipeline? (i.e. while reading the (n+1)-tuple, n-tuple can be processed and written).
Thanks in advance.
Whenever you submit a job, first thing spark does is create DAG (Directed acyclic graph) for your job.
After creating DAG, spark knows, which tasks it can run in parallel, which task are dependent on output of previous step and so on.
So, in your case,
Spark will read your data in parallel (which you can see in partition), filter them out (in each partition).
Now, since saving required filtering, so it will wait for filtering to finish for at least one partition, then start to save it.
After some more digging I found out that Spark SQL uses a so called "volcano style pull model".
According to such model, a simple scan-filter-write query whould be executed in pipeline and are fully distributed.
In other words, while reading the partition (HDFS block), filtering can be executed on read rows. No need to read the whole block to kick off the filtering. Writing is performed accordingly.

Synchronization between Spark RDD partitions

Say that I have an RDD with 3 partitions and I want to run each executor/ worker in a sequence, such that, after partition 1 has been computed, then partition 2 can be computed, and after 2 is computed, finally, partition 3 can be computed. The reason I need this synchronization is because each partition has a dependency on some computation of a previous partition. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this type of synchronization does not appear to be well suited for the Spark framework.
I have pondered opening a JDBC connection in each worker task node as illustrated below:
rdd.foreachPartition( partition => {
// 1. open jdbc connection
// 2. poll database for the completion of dependent partition
// 3. read dependent edge case value from computed dependent partition
// 4. compute this partition
// 5. write this edge case result to database
// 6. close connection
I have even pondered using accumulators, picking the acc value up in the driver, and then re-broadcasting a value so the appropriate worker can start computation, but apparently broadcasting doesn't work like this, i.e., once you have shipped the broadcast variable through foreachPartition, you cannot re-broadcast a different value.
Synchronization is not really an issue. Problem is that you want to use a concurrency layer to achieve this and as a result you get completely sequential execution. No to mention that by pushing changes to the database just to fetch these back on another worker means you get not benefits of in-memory processing. In the current form it doesn't make sense to use Spark at all.
Generally speaking if you want to achieve synchronization in Spark you should think in terms of transformations. Your question is rather sketchy but you can try something like this:
Create first RDD with data from the first partition. Process in parallel and optionally push results outside
Compute differential buffer
Create second RDD with data from the second partition. Merge with differential buffer from 2, process, optionally push results to database.
Back to 2. and repeat
What do you gain here? First of all you can utilize your whole cluster. Moreover partial results are kept in memory and don't have to be transfered back and forth between the workers and the database.
