Installing IIS on windows 10 - iis

I'm trying to connect Java to mysql on a windows 10 machine. I was told that I first needed to install IIS. I've done this but when I go to localhost in my browser I get:
HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error
Handler "StaticFile" has a bad module "DefaultDocumentModule" in its module list
I'm not sure what to do at this point

I uninstalled IIS and reinstalled and now it works


Vaadin Whitelabel Error Page "Failed to install Node"

I am using the Vaadin sping boot web app starter and everytime I run the application java file to start the web page, I always get
There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500). java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to install Node"
Followed by hundreds of lines of error messages all related to either node or zip END header not found.
Even though I have Node.js installed on my Laptop.
I'm using JDK 18, Windows 10, IntelliJ community edition 2022.1.2 and Vaadin 22.
Any help on how to get my localhost up and running would be greatly appreciated.
Since you did not mention any build automation tool that you use, you can solve the problem by installing two missing tools (Node.js and npm) manually.
Go to
Choose and download installer
Make sure npm is also installed (select the option)

Hosting Nodejs in Cpanel- Enter to the virtual environment

what does these command means?
Secondly my nodejs RestAPI is working fine with local machine - but not working once i deploy it to server using nodejs cpanel.
Local postman
while in actual server getting "Cannot GET /apps/api/product/all" -- where my domainName/apps represents "Application URL" in the Cpanel.
little advice....push your project to git then pull it to your server. all dependencies on your machine will be ignored then in the server you can run install updated packages and compatible with your servers Operating system then start the server. fixes most of the version dependency problems you will keep facing. This is the ideal concept not a straight answer

Localhost failing to start after installing mifos

I installed xampp v 3.2.2, jdk 9.0.4. The xampp package has, Mysql 7.2.3. I installed mifos following the installation guide from the All the modules in xampp are working fine. I attempted to launch mifos through running tomcat admin in xampp. However on attempting to start mifos, an error occurred. I am using windows 8.1, 64bit.
Can somebody please assist on how i can resolve this problem. i have attached the log file and screenshot of the event.

Bonobo.Git.Server early error

I'm trying to install Bonobo.Git.Server on my Windows 2008 R2 server (under IIS 7.0). I followed step by step the installation procedure (bonobo install) but when I try to access the application URL I got the following error:
What's up?
Well I forgot to install .NET Framework 4.6 (that was one of the prerequisites) now it works.

cloud9 installation on ubuntu 13.10

I have installed the cloud9 on my ubuntu server by following the instructions given in the following link.
when i start the cloud9 on my server through mindterm ssh, i got the message that it was running in the url [http://localhost:3131], but when i access the url i can't get any response in my browser, i could i locate the cloud9 response. how can i get the cloud9 response in my browser?.
you can open your firebug , and look the Console!
There are details about your request and response from the server!
In my last time installation of cloud9 ide on my ubuntu server, i left the requirements section of installing the cloud9 ide. When i had seen the requirements i forget to install the
package in my server. After installing the above package ,cloud ide is running in my server.
