C# Bandwidth Throttling w/Azure - c#-4.0

I wrote a small utility that utilizes Azure blob storage to push some files across for a secondary backup (~100GB). Thus far it works really well, however since it is sitting in a colocation area, my bandwidth usage can hit 190mb/s+ which is a bill I'd rather not pay. Given this, I have two questions:
Outbound traffic on a server with multiple IPs utilizes the first IP configured as the "main" one. I know in C# I can get a list of network adapters and change properties, but is it possible to tell an app that it's traffic needs to utilize a specific IP (instead of the default) for outgoing connections? We could use this to filter anything coming out of that IP, regardless of destination and only this app would use that address.
If not, is it possible to configure an app to send all traffic on a separate adapter that would have a single IP, so we could filter outbound at our router level to throttle that traffic?
Alternatively (if we're attacking this from the wrong angle), is it possible to limit Azure transfers to a maximum bandwidth allotment in some capacity? That's all I'm really after, as any other traffic should be able to use the maximum it can (meaning QoS doesn't apply - there isn't contention here, just too much outgoing in general).

For your backup needs, did you already evaluate RA-GRS, it provides built-in data replication to secondary location with read-only access on the data.
As far as I can tell there is no API allows you setup a limits for the bandwidth consumed, however you can enable storage monitoring so that you have a better idea on how many transactions triggered.
Btw, there is one thing which might be able to address your cost concern is to setup your spending limit for your Azure subscription, but this depends the type of your subscription.


High concurrency system on Google App Engine

Here is my situation.
I have a project hosted on Google Cloud, more specifically GAE (NodeJS) and Firestore.
I have a queue stored on Firestore that it could be up to 30 - 40k entries.
Each entry is basically an object with which I'll have to make an api call to an external service.
That external service allows only 10 requests/s for one IP.
At the moment I take batches of 10 and make for each one an api call, but it's to slow.
I already tried to instantiate multiple instances of the GAE service, but I still hit the limitation ( the instances use the same ip ?! ).
Another option would be to move the making of the api call in a Cloud Function and hit it there, but I think that I would bet the same outcome as with the GAE instances.
So, what do you think ?
Many thanks!
In my opinion, the requests per second per IP limit is put in place to throttle the overall amount of incoming requests and gaming this rule may cause issue to that service. The best way to handle this situation is either to get a paid subscription or to discuss the issue directly with the service provider.
Regarding the App Engine instances and IP addresses the short answer is:
No, GAE instances don't have their own dynamic IPs.
For more reference you can confirm it in the FAQ for App Engine:
App Engine does not currently provide a way to map static IP addresses to an application. In order to optimize the network path between an end user and an App Engine application, end users on different ISPs or geographic locations might use different IP addresses to access the same App Engine application. DNS might return different IP addresses to access App Engine over time or from different network locations.
tcptraceroute to a google service shows one of these points:
According to the description of Google Edge Network:
Our Edge Points of Presence (PoPs) are where we connect Google's network to the rest of the internet via peering. We are present on over 90 internet exchanges and at over 100 interconnection facilities around the world.
To sum it up: your application should exit the Google's network from the Edge Point closest to it's target it would make sense that it's always the same point with the same IP and from the amount of the services and the client applications GCP hosts you can expect a reverse proxy being used by Google.

Is Azure Traffic manager is reliable for failover? what are other problems I should be worried about?

I am planning to use Azure Traffic manager to do a failover of my app running on one Azure zone to Azure zone.
I need some suggestion, if that is the correct approach to do a failover ? We have seen issue with Azure that, most of the services in one region goes down for few hours. Although I understand that Azure traffic manager is not associated with the region. But is it possible that Azure traffic manager goes down or that traffic manager endpoint is not reachable although my backend webapp is reachable?
If I am planning to use Azure traffic manager, what are other problems I should be worried about ?
I've been working with TM for some time now, so here are a few issues I haven't seen mentioned before:
If your service allows Keep-Alive, then your DNS entry will be ignored as long as the connection remains open. I've seen some exceptionally odd behavior result from this, including users being stuck on a fallback page since they kept using the connection, causing it to remain open indefinitely. If you have access to IIS Manager, you can force Keep-Alive to be false.
Browser DNS Caching
Most browsers have their own DNS cache, and very few honor DNS Time To Live. In my experience Chrome is pretty responsive, with IE and Edge having significant delays if you need them to rollover quickly. I've heard that Opera is particularly bad.
Other DNS Caching
Even if you're not accessing your service through a browser, other components can have DNS caches, and some of them will allow you to manage the cache yourself. This can in theory even depend on ISP's DNS caching, though reports on the magnitude of this vary significantly.
Traffic Manager works at the DNS level, which itself is replicated. However, even then, you should still build in redundancy into your solution.
Take a look at the Azure Architecture Center under "Make all things redundant" and you will see a recommendation for Traffic Manager:
consider adding another traffic management solution as a failback. If
the Azure Traffic Manager service fails, change your CNAME records in
DNS to point to the other traffic management service.
The Traffic Manager internal architecture is resilient to the failure of any single Azure region. So, even if a region fails, Traffic Manager should stay up. That applies to all Traffic Manager components: control plane, endpoint monitoring, and DNS name servers.
Since Traffic Manager works at the DNS level, it doesn't have an 'endpoint' that proxies your traffic--it uses DNS to direct clients to the appropriate endpoint, and clients then connect to those endpoints directly. Thus, an unreachable endpoint is an application problem, not a Traffic Manager problem.
That said, if the Traffic Manager DNS name servers are down, you have a serious problem. You DNS resolution path will fail and your customers will be impacted. The only solution is to either accept the risk (small, but can never be zero) or have a plan in place to use another DNS system, either in parallel or failover. This is not a limitation of Traffic Manager; you could say the same about any DNS-based traffic management system.
The earlier answer from DornaDigital is very good (other than the first point which suggests DNS caching will protect you through a name server outage--it won't). It covers some important points. In short, DNS-based failover works well for new sessions. Existing clients may have to refresh or even close their browser and reconnect.
I also agree with the details provided dornadigital.
There are considerations for front end applications as well. The browsers all have different thresholds for how long they maintain persistent connections. Chromium, for example, currently maintains a connection unless there is inactivity for 300 seconds.
In our web applications, we are detecting the failover by the presence of a certain number of failed requests to the endpoint. After requests begin failing, we pause requests for 301 seconds to allow the connection to reset. This allows the DNS change from the traffic manager to be applied to subsequent requests. We pop up a snackbar to indicate to the user that we are having an issue and display the count down when requests will resume. Similar to Gmail when it has an issue connecting to their servers.
I hope that gives you one idea on how to build some redundancy into your web apps.
I disagree with Jonathan as his understanding of the resiliency of the Traffic Manager service is in disagreement with Microsoft's own documentation on the subject.
When you provision Azure Traffic Manager, you select a region in which to deploy the service. I (correctly) inferred this to assert if said region were to fail, the Traffic Manager service could also be impacted and in turn, your application solution would not properly fail over to the secondary region.
According to Microsoft's Azure Application Architecture Guide, under "Make all things redundant", a customer should deploy Traffic Manager into more than one region:
Include redundancy for Traffic Manager. Traffic Manager is a possible failure point. Review the Traffic Manager SLA, and determine whether using Traffic Manager alone meets your business requirements for high availability. If not, consider adding another traffic management solution as a failback. If the Azure Traffic Manager service fails, change your CNAME records in DNS to point to the other traffic management service.
Azure Application Architecture Guide - Make all things redundant
My thought and intention is to not deploy Traffic Manager within the primary service region, but instead to deploy it into the secondary (failover region) and a tertiary (3rd) region as a backup.

Azure Traffic manager - Route by User IP Address

I have a webapplication in multiple Regions in the Azure Cloud and i'm using the Traffic Manager in Performance mode zu redirect the user to the closest Region.
What's concerning me is the following:
With this site https://www.whatsmydns.net i checked my Webapplication to see, which Datacenter is selected.
The funny thing is, that people from California gets redirected to the server in Westeurope but there is a Server in US Central too.
So from the site of the traffic manager the ping to the europe server is faster then to US central.
But i believe, that the difference between these too can not be high...
Now i have the fear, that it can happen that a user jumps between US Central and Europe all the time because he is in such a zone where the latencies to the available servers are nearly identical.
I also store files in a Azure Storage account in each region. If the user now jumps, i would have to transfer these files between the regions all the time...
So i was wondering if there is a possibility to redirect the user by his GEOIp to a specific region than by latency?
One of the benefit of the traffic manager is in my eyes that i can use one domain for all regions...
the only solution for my problem i can think of is a own cloudservice which replaces the traffic manager and redirects the user to the different regions by their IP like us-center.DOMAIN.com, we-eu.DOMAIN.com etc...
Are there any other solutions?
Thanks for your help!
If you believe Traffic Manager is routing queries incorrectly, that should be raised with Azure Support.
Traffic Manager 'Performance' mode routing is based on an internal 'IP address to Azure data center latency map. The source IP of the DNS query (which is typically the IP of your DNS server) is looked up in the map to determine which Azure location will offer the best performance. There is an implicit assumption that the IP address of the DNS server is a good proxy for the location of the end user.
The 'Performance' mode in Azure Traffic Manager is deterministic. Identical queries from the same address will be routed consistently. The only exception is that routing may change during occasional map updates, which affect only a small %age of the IP address space.
A more common cause of routing changes is customers moving from place to place. For example, during travel, or simply by picking up a Wifi network that uses a DNS service in a different location, with a different IP address.
A Geo-IP based routing is not currently supported by Traffic Manager. However, please note that it would work in the same way as the 'performance' routing, just that it would use a different map. Users could still be routed to different locations as a result of map updates or changing DNS servers.
As you describe, if your application requires a strong, un-violable association between a user and a region, one option is re-direct users at the application level (e.g. via HTTP 302).

Is Azure limiting outgoing connections

I'm running a VM in Azure on which I have a service that makes a lot of outgoing http client calls. After a while (approx 10 minutes) when the service has made around 5000-10000 calls it suddenly starts to get Connection Refused as reponse to the requests.
When running the same service locally (tried in many environments and computers) it runs without any error. We are using the HttpClient class for the request.
The requests are done in 3 tasks running concurrently.
Is there some limits on the amount of outgoing connections in Azure that I should be aware of?
There is a maximum connection limit per azure subscription.
You should reuse the connections instead of opening new ones.
Read more about it here: http://www.freekpaans.nl/2015/08/starving-outgoing-connections-on-windows-azure-web-sites/
We have hit similar issues in the past, and looks like the VMs have an outbound connection limit of 1024 to an external IP. Internal Azure IPs, when they are in the same data center won't have this limitation since internal routing tables are able to handle those connections.
There is a lot of relevant information here:
Summarizing key points:
Try assigning a public IP to your VM if it doesn't have one. This is only viable if you are running a handful of VMs.
Try adding multiple IPs to your VNET/Load balancer if you are running behind one. Each external IP will multiply your connection limit.
Try optimizing your connection usage, i.e. keep connections alive for longer for efficient pipe-lining.
If you are using Linux VM, execute the below command to check the limit on open files/sockets
Ulimit - d cmd will give the value. The default is 1024
You can permanently change this value by appending the following in your limits.conf file
*soft nofile 65536
*hard nofile 65536
Beware of Azure DNS throttling.
DNS query traffic is throttled for each VM. Throttling shouldn't impact most applications. If request throttling is observed, ensure that client-side caching is enabled. For more information, see DNS client configuration.
Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/virtual-networks-name-resolution-for-vms-and-role-instances
I know its late but may be helpful for others.
Yes Azure has outbound connection limits as per subscriptions.
Do not use multiple http client instances use single instance per application.
Reference link for connection limits is Here
How to use single instance example C# from Here
Here is the Azure page for service limits. It does not specify a call per time frame but does set max network connections for TCP as 500K and below that table there are settings for "Web Apps (Websites) Limits" that you may be reaching.
There is a limit of 500K TCP connections on a VM or web role (behind the scenes a web role sits on a VM as well). You can refer to the link below for Azure limits
Looks like your application is heavy on making outbound requests. In such a scenario, you might want to decouple this piece and use 'Azure functions' Azure Functions which gives you a serverless architecture capability.
Without knowing Azure at all, I wonder if the problem is that your VM has a limit on the number of TCP sockets - all of those (closed) TCP connections in FIN-WAIT state might have exhausted some limit set for Azure that isn't set in other circumstances. This is pure speculation.

automatic failover if webserver is down (SRV / additional A-record / ?)

I am starting to develop a webservice that will be hosted in the cloud but needs higher availability than typical cloud SLAs provide.
Typical SLAs, e.g. Windows Azure, promise an availability of 99.9%, i.e. up to 43min downtime per month. I am looking for an order of magnitude better availability (<5min down time per month). While I can configure several load balanced database back-ends to resolve that part of the issue I see a bottleneck at the webserver. If the webserver fails, the whole service is unavailable to the customer. What are the options of reducing that risk without introducing another possible single point of failure? I see the following solutions and drawbacks to each:
I duplicate the whole infrastructure (and take care that the databases are in sync) and add additional SRV records for the domain so that the user tying to access www.example.com will automatically get forwarded to example.cloud1.com or if that one is offline to example.cloud2.com. Googling around it seems that SRV records are not supported by any major browser, is that true?
second A-record:
Add an additional A-record as alternatives. Drawbacks:
a) at my hosting provider I do not see any possibility to add a second A-record but just one... is that normal?
b)if one server of two servers are down I am not sure if the user gets automatically re-directed to the other one or 50% of all users get a 404 or some other error
Any clues for a best-practice would be appreciated
The availability of the instance i.e. SLA when specified by the Cloud Provider means the "Instance's Health is server running in the context of Hypervisor or Fabric Controller". With that said, you need to take an effort and ensure the instance is not failing because of your app / OS / or pretty much anything running inside the instance. There are few things which devops tend to miss and that kind of hit back hard like for instance - forgetting to configure the OS Updates and Patches.
The fundamental axiom with the availability is the redundancy. More redundant your application / infrastructure is more availabile is your app.
I recommend your to look into the Azure Traffic Manager and then re-work on your architecture. You need not worry about the SRV record or A-Record. Just a CNAME for the traffic manager would do the trick.
The idea of traffic manager is simple, you can tell the traffic
manager to stand after the domain name ( domain name resolution of the
app ) then the traffic manager decides where to send the request on
considerations of factors like Round-Robin, Disaster Management etc.
With the combination of the Traffic Manager and multi-region infrastructure setup; you will march towards the high availability goal.
Azure Traffic Manager Overview
Cloud Power: How to scale Azure Websites globally with Traffic Manager
Maybe You should configure a corosync cluster with DRBD ?
DRBD will ensure You that the data on both nodes are replicated (for example website files and db files).
Apache as web server will be available under a virtual IP to which domain is pointed. In case of one server is down corosync will move all services to second server within few seconds.
