Launch Exe from UWP app - exe

I have a UWP app and I need to launch an .Exe file from the users %appdata% folder.
I don't know how to find %appdata% or how to launch Exe files.
I have looked all over but none of the solutions I have worked for me. Thanks in advance.

There is no supported mechanism to launch random EXEs in a Universal Windows App. You can launch apps via a URI scheme or a file association if one is registered.
What does the EXE do that you're trying to launch? Is it your own program or is it someone else's? And do you want to do this for yourself or do you want to put it in the store?

As for 2016 you problem can be solved by Desktop app converter. So you can add live tile directly to your XNA game.

You can launch .exe through socket connection.
Here is my sample code.
Here is my sample code.
But as ad1Dima said, DAC is best solution.


How do I run

How do I run I got this file from GitHub this is the link:
I am completely new to Android Studio, what are the steps to run this file?
On the getting started subtitle when you scroll down on the GitHub site, it tells says to create a file on the "root directory" called secure. properties. I am sorry, but I have no clue what or where the root directory is located and how to create the file. But I did get an Google Maps API key.
I also did import the project, but how do I add an emulator. I have downloaded the emulator and it works because on a different project I created a Google Maps Activity Project and just ran the sample code putting a marker on Sydney. I am not sure how to add the emulator to the project I downloaded from github though. I tried to add a template configuration for an android app, but it says no module. How do I add that? In summary, I am just looking for a step by step way to run this file.
(Also, I am sorry if this seems like a mess of questions, but I really have no idea what I am doing)
You question sounds too generic, so I will give some suggestions:
demo activity could not be run separately, you have to create a full environment of android and open the main activity, then open this demo activity
Don't use emulator for developing Map features, use a real device. In fact, I always use "Real Device" when developing, because "emulator" seems lots of bug, and its speed is very slow.
when studying a new tech/skill/feature, bit by bit. e.g.
3.1 you should know some knowlege about android main activity, android basics
3.2 play with emulator and real device, and know adb commands
3.2 play with DemoActivity
good luck!

Electron: How to handle open commands with multiple Windows users?

My Electron app shows files inside their enclosing folder using the standard command shell.showItemInFolder(fullPath). Works.
Now when two Windows users are signed in and they both use the app, the file is always shown on the Windows desktop of the user opened the app first.
In real life, it looks as if the function is broken, but actually the Windows Explorer is simply opened in the other Windows user's session in the background.
Does anyone know how to get rid of this problem?

AutoHotkey Run command issue in Windows 8.1

this is my first time on such a prestidigious site, so please welcome me by assisting me. I am doing independent development and am primarily a music designer. So that is why I may not sound like a real pro coder but nevertheless truly love creating my music through automative processes.
My present issue is this:
Windows 8.1 Pro
AutoHotkey 32bit (running as Admin)
Everytime I attempt to use the command 'RUN' with an .ahk target, I get the expected result except that the .ahk residing folder is opened by MS Explorer. I suspect that something like the fact that AutoHokey is an unsigned app, windows does not want it to run flawlessly. I am now trying a number of Administrative Tool Services disabling, but with no success yet.
RUN C\:XZN\Mecanisms\AnyAHK_script.ahk
RUN AnyAHK_script.ahk, C\:XZN\Mecanisms
RUN C\:XZN\Mecanisms\BactchfileLaunchingAboveScript.bat
RUN AnyAHK_script.ahk, C\:XZN\Mecanisms
Would there be a workaround this at the OS settings level or another way to run/start an .ahk file?
I tried the 'Comspec' approach as well as running an .ahk from within a batchfile, but the .ahk always get intercepted whenever it contains a 'RUN' command requesting an .ahk target.
You are using outdated version of AutoHotkey which is more than 5 years old. Always use AutoHotkey and its documenatation from (current uptodate version, new official website)! AutoHotkey and its documentation from is outdated and you may have some problems using them!
One thing to try if you only have this problem on win 8 is to Enable interaction with administrative programs
That script modifies the executable file's embedded manifest, then creates and installs a self-signed certificate and uses it to sign the file. The executable will not run on any other system, unless you install the certificate used to sign the file.
But lets see some script code that way we have something to test with and can better help you out...

is there any way i can use Application Loader on windows?

I have just created an iPhone app and need to upload the .ipa file, but I downloaded application loader and I am not able to open it via windows 7. is there any way around this?
I know this is an old question, but it came up on my search for a solution to the same problem. I wanted to share that I found a service that offers remote access to Mac OS called
I gave it a try, and it's surprisingly easy. Documentation isn't great, but it's not that difficult once you have access to the remote mac. Depending on how much time you're going to need to spend, there are a few pricing options, the cheapest of which is $12/week, but you can cancel any time (we'll see).
Of course it's very late for answering this, but maybe someone need this service. There is a desktop application that allows you to send your generated .ipa as well as Application Loader.
See here:
You can have Mac OS on your PC Virtual Machine, then easily install Application Loader there
When in search "Application Uploader" in Google, the following result comes at no. 3. Apparently they charge $5 to upload your app.

Spotify apps / home directory location (Windows local development)?

My development account for Spotify has been enabled and I am trying to walk through their simple tutorial app ( I should note here that I am on a Win 7 workstation.
When I try to load the local app by typing 'spotify:app:Tutorial' in the search field I get the following msg/error: "Sorry, I could find this app. metadatafailed URI: spotify:app:Tutorial Error: appNotFound."
I have tried adding the app files to the following directories and still getting the error:
C:\Users\Me\Documents\Spotify\Tutorial (note this dir did not exist I created it)
So where exactly are you suppose to add the files so that Spotify will load local apps?
Your first guess is correct (C:\Users\Me\Documents\Spotify\Tutorial). However you need to be running the latest preview release ( And on my PC I had to completely un-install and reinstall the application before the developer options became enabled.
Not sure whether it helps in your case, but try naming the folder tutorial with lowercase t. See Spotify Tutorial example app is blank
I can't leave a comment, but I was having the same issues and had to do a combination of what Niklas and akakjs did. I had to completely uninstall the spotify app, download/install the preview version, create a Spotify directory in My Documents, then create the folder Tutorial. Then, in the Spotify search bar I had to type "spotify:app:tutorial" with the lowercase t. I hope this helps!
Had the exact same problem. I had to run Spotify as administrator, worked right away.
And the path i used were: C:\Users\me\Documents\Spotify
I had the same problem: Spotify could not find my app directory even though the proper folder had been created in my Documents folder.
I Fixed it by running Spotify as an Administrator.
