I've have splits open in vim which look like:
| A | B | C |
| D | E |
I'd like to expand the C split such that my splits look like:
| A | B | |
----------| C |
| D | E | |
Is there an easy way to do this?
Press <C-W>L in window C. See :h CTRL-W_L.
Let's say we have 3 buffers (A, B, C) open in Vim arranged as follows
| | |
| | |
| | |
| A | |
| | |
| | |
|------------------| B |
| | |
| | |
| C | |
| | |
| | |
and we want to rearrange it as
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | B |
| | |
| | |
| A |--------------------|
| | |
| | |
| | C |
| | |
| | |
I know I can do this by closing C and reopening it after splitting B. Is there a simple way to do this where I don't have to close buffers and I can rearrange the windows directly?
You wouldn't "close" the buffer C, only the window that displays it.
Vim has dedicated normal mode commands for:
switching a window and the next one in a row or column,
rotating the whole window layout,
pushing a window to the far top, far right, far bottom, and far left,
but it doesn't have one for moving a window to an arbitrary point so, assuming the window you want to move has the focus, the command should look like this:
:q|winc w|sp c
which is not too shabby. You might be able to find a plugin that provides the level of control you are after on https://www.vim.org.
Let's say I have this layout in vim:
| | | |
| a | | |
| | | |
+-----+ c | d |
| | | |
| b | | |
| | | |
is it possible to end up with this layout:
| | | |
| a | c | |
| | | |
+-----+-----+ d |
| | |
| b | |
| | |
like an "extend right" command ?
PS. Don't tell me to use ctrl-w J on b then ctrl-w L on d, my layout is actually more complex then this. I'm really looking for an "extend right" command if it exists.
This is hard to implement as a feature since there can be a lot of edge case scenarios to consider, also why vim doesn't do this natively.
If you don't like the option of using ctrl-w J on b then ctrl-w L on d then the simplest approach would be to close the c split and then open a new vertical split on a and open the buffer / file within it that you desired.
This is brittle, but probably better than nothing!
function! ExtendRight()
let l:start=winnr()
exe "normal \<c-w>l"
let l:shrink=bufnr('%')
exe "normal " . l:start . "\<c-w>w"
exe "normal \<c-w>k"
exe "b " . l:shrink
You can map it with nnoremap <c-w>e :call ExtendRight()<CR>.
I have four windows like this:
| | | |
| A | | |
|_________| C | D |
| B | | |
| | | |
So, how can I change them into this way?
| | |
| A | C |
| B | D |
| | |
thing is always moving the window to the far other side, I can't use them to do this.
what I can think of is two steps:
move cursor to C, press C-W c to close the window
move cursor to D, press :sp #<enter>
The idea is, close one window(buffer), and reopen it in right place (by sp or vs).
glad to know if there is easier way.
In Vim I tend to open buffers in new vertical splits (with the occasional horizontal split). I keep my code to 80 chars wide, so this works pretty well on large monitors.
I often end up with this window arrangement:
| | | | |
| | | | |
------ | A | B |
| | | | |
| | | | |
At four or five columns wide, it can start getting a bit too narrow, so then I want to move the windows around so it looks like this:
| | | A |
| | | |
------ ------
| | | B |
| | | |
As far as I know, this is impossible to do by moving the windows in Vim.
The only way to get that window arrangement I've found, is to close window A, and then re-open A as a new horizontal split from window B.
Is that correct, or is there a way to move/re-arrange windows like that in Vim? Maybe a plugin?
I'm yet to find anything, so I thought I would ask because I find the opening/closing of windows anoying and breaks my flow.
FWIW, I find the Ctrl-W + J / Ctrl-W + K shortcuts useless, because they make the new horizontal split as wide as the whole screen, rather than splitting with the neighbouring window. I.e. Ctrl-W + J would give me this:
| | | |
| | | |
------ | A |
| | | |
| | | |
| |
| B |
Which is generally never what I want.
If anyone has some ideas, let me know!
There's a plugin that can do exactly what you want. Here's the link : https://github.com/fabi1cazenave/suckless.vim.
Defined a macro
let #a='$F|vF|<80>kr^V5jd'
Sample Input File
| Name | S1 | S2
| A | -4.703 | -2.378
| B | -3283.2 | -3204.5
| C | 8779 | 7302
| D | 22078 | 18018
When i'm using it as macro, its doing 1 task
:%norm #a
Result 1
| Name | S2
when try to do the same operation by
:%norm $F|vF|<80>kr^V5jd on the same file
it is doing different task
Result 2
| D | 22078 | 18018
Is there any special care we need to take while handling Visual Block Content Macros In Normal Mode ?
Is there anything wrong.
Actually, what i was trying to do was to remove the S1 Column, can any one help in that way!
Desired Output
| Name | S2
| A | -2.378
| B | -3205.5
| C | 7302
| D | 18018
This is what I got: