Post to external URL and show page - jsf

There is a requirement in the webapp I am developing (not changeable unfortunately ) that states that I have to send via post certain parameters to a servlet from a JSF managed bean. That servlet then forwards to a page where it shows some of the parameters sent via POST in a form for the client to see.
That servlet is part of an external application, thus I cannot use RequestDispatche.
I have tried Apache Http client but i get to a point that the post URL responds with the content of the page (i can actually see the HTML in my logs), what i would like to do is forward to the page not receive it as answer in my code.
If this makes no sense let me know :).
what i need to do is:
JSF BEAN->POST data to an external servlet -> Follow servlet redirect/forward to an external page
One way I'm thinking of doing this is forwarding to an internal facelets or JSP page that builds a hidden form with all required parameters and automatically submits it to the post Servlet

So after trying to find other ways to do it, I have decided to go this way:
Create an internal page, with a hidden form that will be automatically committed with a small javascript.
Get all required data in the bean, navigate to page, fill hidden fields with the required info, post to external servlet.
I should also say that a better way to do this kind of interaction would be:
Post data to servlet (for example using apache http client)
manage the servlet response (for example 200 OK)
navigate via GET (using a redirect) to the servlet by passing some id as a
get parameter through which the data can be shown in the page
This would require the servlet to accept POST and get requests, and also to have a way to get the data sent via post when it's called via get. This was not the case for us.


How to listen on a stateless POST request and set JSF managed bean properties

I have a Java-EE application that works with JSF (ManagedBean, ManagedProperty, ect ...) and Spring framework. I need to be able to retrieve data via a javascript form sent from an external website. I have opened the rights to authorize the CORS (Cross Origin or Cross Domain).
I would like to know what is the best way to grab an external form with JSF so that it is processed by my ManagedBean.
To make my question more explicit I made a diagram
The application works with JSF, I'm looking for a way to retrieve data (from a Javascript form on an external site) in a ManagedBean under JSF. I tried to retrieve this data by creating a Java-EE standard servlet and using the doPost ... methods of HttpServlet. But this solution does not work (this was the subject of my previous question on S.O). Several people told me that in a web application do not mix Java-EE standard and JSF, it is either Servlet or JSF. I made a diagram (above) explaining quickly what I am trying to do.
To recap: I would like to retrieve data from an external website (via a Javascript form) in the ManagedBean of my application.
I've already tried with a standard Java-EE servlet but it's not the right way. Indeed, with a standard servlet I can recover the data from the form but I can not access the ManagedBean. I must therefore have abandoned this hypothesis.
I did not find a similar question about Stackoverflow, If necessary I can give more indications.
Thank you for your help.

Reading property file data from a servlet

I am working on a web application, in which I am reading some configuration data stored in xml file from a Servlet. I want the data read from this servlet available to all the requests coming to this servlet. So inside the init() method of this servlet I am initializing global variable , which will have content read from this xml file so that all the request coming to this servlet will have this data available and don't have to read from the xml file again and again.
My first question is, is this method is better way to share data among request coming only to this servlet. I don't want to share it across all the servlets.
The rule here is just locality: if that data is only used by one single servlet, it should be local to the servlet, meaning as per you proposal:
a member of the servlet class
loaded in the init method of the servlet
But (as your initial post asked), if that data can be updated by another servlet of the same web application, it make sense to move it one step up to a SerletContext attribute. That way:
it can still be initially loaded in the init method of the servlet
it can be changed at any time by any other component of the web application that knows the name of the attribute.
You can imagine plenty of other ways, by using for example custom events and using an observable pattern, or by mapping the servlet to a special (and private) URL that would signal that the xml file must be reloaded, but IMHO, a servlet context attribute is a clean and simple way to allow different servlet to exchange informations.
But beware, you will still need an extra synchronization mechanisme if your web application is intended to be served by more than one single server

Is there any way to identify if type of an HTTP request is changed by the intercepter?

Is it possible to validate if an HTTP request originated from the client as GET, but was intercepted in between and converted to POST, or vice versa?
It is one of the security validations that is required as part of the project I am working on, but not getting enough clue about it. One of the way we thought of using as validation is to check if it is a GET request with a body than it could be POST. But that is just one case. Also if a POST is changed to GET by forging the request, I believe the data in the body can also be removed.
edit: Added more information about application and the intercepter
It is a regular Java web application developed using Struts with JSPs on the client side. The request from the web pages are being intercepted using Burp Suit Proxy to change the payload in the request.

Post Form to a page in CQ5

I have a custom search component which searches for some parameter(s) from a dropdown [myParam] and displays the search results in another page. I currently use the default (GET) form
<form id="searchForm" action="/content/myWeb/searchResult.html" method="get" target="_blank">
In the result page, a component picks up the request params and processes the search.
I need to make it a POST submission so that the search parameters are NOT visible in the URL. But if I make it a method="Post" in the form above, I get this error:
javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException: no matching property definition found for {}myParam
Location /content/myWeb/searchResult
Parent Location /content/myWeb
That exception is the incidental way that Sling tells you that the servlet to which you are attempting to POST can not be found. What happens, in this case, is that Sling defaults to the SlingDefaultPostServlet, which attempts to to POST properties (represented by your form values) to the node /content/myWeb/searchResult. There's no way for Sling to say "I can't find a servlet that's registered to your request", so it just falls back to it's default behavior.
I'm assuming /content/myWeb/searchResult is a cq:Page node type. That node type is very restrictive, which is why it tells you that you cannot add properties that correspond to your form values.
This worked before, because your GET request to /content/myWeb/searchResult.html was able to resolve and execute. All GET requests to a page node can be served up by the system, inherently.
Now, since you are trying to do a POST, you need to create and register a new servlet that can handle this POST request. To do this, you'll need to create a SlingPostServlet and register it to your specific path (not recommended) or a specific selector/extension combination (recommended). That servlet should process the request parameters and respond with an HTML document.
A caveat...
What I just described will help you technically build what you are asking. That said, I don't agree with the premise that you should "make it a POST to hide the request parameters." The reason this is so much extra work, is because you are circumventing the principles of REST, which Sling is theoretically built to support. Your URL (via request path and parameters) should be communicating "I want the page at /content/myWeb/searchResult, given the criteria param1=x, param2=y, and so on". The GET with request params is an appropriately RESTful request.
I suggest you rethink what you're trying to do. Building a more complex solution around RESTful principles is not a good practice.
Just as a sidenote, you can always check if a given URL is bound to a servlet via the sling servlet resolver. Reachable via the OSGI-console or via URL:
This can at least help you find closure on, if the servlet is registered to the given URL.
You can create a POST.jsp for your page, which could handle the POST request.
It is not restful to make get like request with POST, but sometimes it can be useful. Also With POST, dispatcher won't cache your request.

Managed bean Constructor is not getting fired in page navigation

I am using MyFaces 1.1.14. I have two JSPX pages with JSF components and my managed bean is in request scope. At first page, bean constructor is getting fired and when I submit a form it is fired again. But after my app navigates to the new page, it is not getting fired. The constructor is supposed to be called, right?
The thing is that page is accessing some properties of the bean — those setters get called — no problem with that, but why is the constructor not called? When the page get loaded I need to get data from previous process (i.e from different framework). What is the problem with my understandings?
The navigation does by default not fire a new HTTP request. Instead, a different view is been used as content of the current HTTP response. Only when you navigate with a redirect by appending the <redirect/> entry to the <navigation-case>, then a new HTTP request would be created.
You should totally understand it if you're familiar with RequestDispatcher#forward() concept of the basic Servlet API which JSF is sitting on top of.
See also:
What is the difference between redirect and navigation/forward and when to use what? - Note that the code examples are targeted at JSF 2.x, but the principles apply as good on JSF 1.x.
