Merging two loglog plot in gnuplot - gnuplot

given the following set of data:
0.0010339964703699645 1.1335006374746552e-7 0.0036126270484542334
0.0012221213681267867 1.9921394136413835e-7 0.005261243901795814
0.0014205289558535598 3.288567819970283e-7 0.007425886368281838
0.0017072805793891044 5.09897629791369e-7 0.010481131341546832
0.001984452250029774 8.417246932261471e-7 0.014793400915475614
0.0023455026862141174 0.000001389495494373136 0.020235896477251224
0.002772242492080673 0.0000022937401556835766 0.028561585549968214
0.003276623164863039 0.0000037864418582867756 0.04031272694269899
0.003808572703579145 0.000005870937850692427 0.05344304028586673
0.004426882588756425 0.000009691579392800477 0.07085004591866341
0.005320504478191538 0.000015026946780037802 0.09999999999999795
0.006184271765580915 0.000024806061902520164 0.13679002274643795
0.00743264474795339 0.0000435969173544848 0.20555363918508876
0.008784937113875308 0.00006759770831018738 0.2901249202026803
0.010041876641771868 0.0001115883992507748 0.3727593720314877
0.011868891598451578 0.00018420699693267163 0.5261243901795244
0.014264776540746428 0.0003040837394100148 0.7196856730011411
0.0168601041894875 0.0005019729006676898 1.0157871652296924
0.019927624696285583 0.0008286427728546826 1.4793400915475645
0.023553248637906678 0.0013679002274643991 2.0235896477251267
0.027377045003188133 0.0021209508879201926 2.768068739417809
0.03182162276758441 0.0035012061856667213 3.669660188580873
0.04674029725500457 0.012258444754550964 7.783169035335985
0.062101694189156224 0.02442053094548645 13.679002274643823
0.07158292449880059 0.04159562163071843 18.134408785428295
0.08531678524172823 0.0665471179633392 27.25047957060815
0.10083928648856323 0.10985411419875572 37.27593720314892
0.11721022975334817 0.17033053754470567 49.417133613237674
0.13623894453468574 0.28117686979742307 65.51285568595429
0.16102620275609408 0.46415888336127725 95.40954763499826
0.1935313656264482 0.7662204546142304 138.9495494373119
0.22874238366617797 1.2648552168552907 190.0691202813751
0.27035968002353816 2.222996482526191 268.2695795279694
0.31425172980765415 3.2374575428176398 366.96601885808883
0.3714265618637218 5.34430402858675 501.97290066768466
0.4390037596367272 8.822227063126444 708.5004591866399
0.5188759253192368 14.563484775012384 969.1579392800378
0.5931161449307741 23.29951810515367 1325.7113655900946
0.7248599145008832 39.68619443383435 1930.6977288832318
0.828572105824921 61.53407071116586 2559.54792269951
0.9958297992232203 101.5787165229707 3612.627048453646
1.1770106683368593 178.52567354823375 5098.976297913632
1.41460506489842 276.8068739417843 7425.88636828145
1.6170052641696395 456.9450168789167 9844.581958011371
1.9112025450223642 708.5004591866457 13051.074191219035
2.221480309984754 1169.5726687403355 17852.567354823266
2.6256555351043787 1930.6977288832436 24420.53094548635
3.1556771051918786 3187.141611585059 33404.84983513217
3.667991428805581 5428.6754393238425 45694.50168789148
4.335344299236616 8157.641691281789 66547.11796333866
5.124115079800981 14337.141946186151 91029.81779915153
6.158482110660273 23667.35144725228 136790.02274643906
7.15829244988006 39069.39937054605 199213.9413641371
8.182493376519213 56898.660290182816 272504.7957060832
9.671212897295495 99999.99999999959 384621.9041536204
I want to use gnuplot to do a log-log plot of the data using atomic units in the left y axys and using another units in the right y axys. Attemting to do so using the command:
p 'Freq_vs_Intensity_TDPT_AU.dat' u 1:2 w l, '' u 1:($2*3.51e16) w l axes x1y2
Produces two lines that are not superimposed as I want. How can I do this log-log plot?

should the rescaled column represent the same data expressed in different units, then there is probably no need to plot it twice. One could merely set the corresponding y2range and show the y2 axis, e.g.,
fac = 3.51e16
ymin = 1E-7
ymax = 1E5
set yr [ymin:ymax]
set y2r [ymin*fac:ymax*fac]
set ytics nomirror
set y2tics
p 'Freq_vs_Intensity_TDPT_AU.dat' u 1:2 w l
#, '' u 1:($2*3.51e16) w l axes x1y2


Same increment, same axis length but different x and y ranges in Gnuplot

My test data is given below
# Test data
0.02952 0.00964 6998.41996 0.03072 0.01139 0.04932 0.01484 6998.41996 0.05043 0.01643 0.04709 0.00679 6998.41996 0.04837 0.00871 0.04681 0.00635 6998.41996 0.04805 0.00812 0.0461 0.00527 6998.41996 0.04703 0.0071
0.02993 0.01074 6441.69266 0.03103 0.01222 0.04986 0.01626 6441.69266 0.05087 0.01763 0.04738 0.00769 6441.69266 0.04861 0.00934 0.04714 0.00721 6441.69266 0.04827 0.00871 0.04633 0.00603 6471.42616 0.04722 0.00759
0.03041 0.0119 5929.25325 0.03137 0.0131 0.05054 0.01783 5929.25325 0.05137 0.0189 0.04778 0.00865 5929.25325 0.04888 0.01002 0.04767 0.00838 5929.25325 0.04852 0.00935 0.04663 0.00678 5984.11595 0.04743 0.00811
0.03098 0.01305 5457.57861 0.03175 0.01405 0.05119 0.01936 5457.57861 0.05193 0.02026 0.04819 0.00961 5457.57861 0.04916 0.01073 0.04815 0.00934 5457.57861 0.04878 0.01002 0.04696 0.00755 5533.50109 0.04765 0.00866
0.03163 0.01432 5023.4259 0.03217 0.01505 0.05191 0.02105 5023.4259 0.05254 0.02171 0.04887 0.01063 5023.4259 0.04949 0.0115 0.04859 0.01029 5023.4259 0.04909 0.01075 0.04729 0.00831 5116.81836 0.04791 0.00924
0.032 0.01547 4623.81021 0.03264 0.01612 0.05269 0.02276 4623.81021 0.05323 0.02325 0.04899 0.01155 4623.81021 0.04985 0.01231 0.04908 0.01125 4623.81021 0.04943 0.01151 0.04765 0.00914 4731.51259 0.0482 0.00985
0.03297 0.01698 4255.98413 0.03316 0.01725 0.05409 0.02444 4255.98413 0.05399 0.02488 0.04948 0.01255 4255.98413 0.05025 0.01317 0.04962 0.01216 4255.98413 0.04981 0.01233 0.04804 0.00988 4375.22105 0.04851 0.0105
0.03336 0.0181 3917.41877 0.03374 0.01845 0.05454 0.02638 3917.41877 0.05485 0.0266 0.05022 0.01364 3917.41877 0.0507 0.01408 0.04997 0.01295 3917.41877 0.05023 0.01319 0.04856 0.01078 4045.75892 0.04886 0.01119
0.03424 0.01958 3605.78643 0.03439 0.01973 0.05554 0.02842 3605.78643 0.0558 0.02843 0.05083 0.01471 3605.78643 0.0512 0.01504 0.05059 0.01395 3605.78643 0.0507 0.0141 0.04901 0.01167 3741.10588 0.04925 0.01191
0.03516 0.02102 3318.94458 0.03511 0.02107 0.05675 0.03035 3318.94458 0.05685 0.03036 0.05153 0.01581 3318.94458 0.05175 0.01607 0.0513 0.015 3318.94458 0.05123 0.01506 0.04953 0.01258 3459.39378 0.04967 0.01267
0.03612 0.02247 3054.92111 0.03592 0.02249 0.05834 0.03203 3054.92111 0.05804 0.0324 0.05235 0.01697 3054.92111 0.05237 0.01714 0.05186 0.01617 3054.92111 0.05181 0.01608 0.05011 0.01353 3191.53786 0.05014 0.01346
0.03718 0.02411 2811.90083 0.0368 0.02397 0.05955 0.03468 2811.90083 0.05935 0.03452 0.05319 0.01818 2811.90083 0.05305 0.01827 0.05253 0.01711 2811.90083 0.05246 0.01715 0.05074 0.01439 2951.20923 0.05066 0.01429
0.03818 0.02559 2588.21292 0.0378 0.02553 0.06121 0.03693 2588.21292 0.0608 0.03675 0.0541 0.01946 2588.21292 0.0538 0.01945 0.05362 0.01833 2588.21292 0.05319 0.01826 0.05143 0.01534 2728.97778 0.05124 0.01517
0.03942 0.02723 2382.31947 0.0389 0.02716 0.06298 0.0393 2382.31947 0.06241 0.03908 0.05507 0.0207 2382.31947 0.05464 0.02068 0.05413 0.01937 2382.31947 0.054 0.01942 0.05213 0.01622 2523.48077 0.05187 0.01607
0.04078 0.02895 2192.80494 0.04011 0.02885 0.06494 0.04169 2192.80494 0.06421 0.04149 0.05607 0.02198 2192.80494 0.05557 0.02196 0.05514 0.02056 2192.80494 0.05489 0.02062 0.05291 0.01718 2333.45806 0.05258 0.017
0.04239 0.03073 2018.36636 0.04146 0.03061 0.06707 0.04418 2018.36636 0.06618 0.04399 0.05722 0.02328 2018.36636 0.0566 0.02329 0.05643 0.02189 2018.36636 0.05588 0.02187 0.05377 0.01821 2157.74441 0.05335 0.01797
0.0442 0.03265 1853.53162 0.04294 0.03242 0.06911 0.04671 1853.53162 0.06837 0.04657 0.05849 0.02461 1853.53162 0.05773 0.02466 0.05743 0.02311 1853.53162 0.05698 0.02315 0.05474 0.01921 1995.26231 0.0542 0.01895
0.04562 0.03421 1706.08239 0.04458 0.03427 0.07185 0.04927 1706.08239 0.07076 0.04919 0.0598 0.02593 1706.08239 0.05897 0.02607 0.05862 0.02425 1706.08239 0.05818 0.02446 0.05574 0.02015 1845.01542 0.05513 0.01997
0.04744 0.03597 1570.3628 0.04638 0.03617 0.07448 0.05177 1570.3628 0.0734 0.05187 0.06122 0.02739 1570.3628 0.06034 0.02751 0.06 0.02549 1570.3628 0.0595 0.02579 0.05679 0.0212 1706.08239 0.05615 0.021
0.04951 0.03782 1445.43977 0.04834 0.03809 0.07739 0.05433 1445.43977 0.07627 0.05457 0.0627 0.02867 1445.43977 0.06182 0.02896 0.06152 0.0269 1445.43977 0.06095 0.02713 0.05799 0.02222 1577.61127 0.05724 0.02204
0.05171 0.03966 1330.45442 0.05049 0.04004 0.08065 0.05713 1330.45442 0.0794 0.05729 0.06437 0.03012 1330.45442 0.06346 0.03042 0.06314 0.02807 1330.45442 0.06253 0.02847 0.05928 0.02328 1458.81426 0.05845 0.02307
0.05393 0.04128 1224.6162 0.05282 0.04197 0.08413 0.05955 1224.6162 0.08281 0.05998 0.06618 0.03152 1224.6162 0.06522 0.03189 0.06527 0.02944 1224.6162 0.06425 0.0298 0.05972 0.0236 1348.96288 0.05974 0.02411
0.05666 0.04317 1127.19746 0.05535 0.04388 0.08748 0.06138 1127.19746 0.08648 0.06263 0.06816 0.03281 1127.19746 0.06713 0.03333 0.0667 0.03056 1127.19746 0.0661 0.0311 0.06175 0.0251 1247.38351 0.06115 0.02513
0.05932 0.04509 1037.52842 0.05806 0.04574 0.0918 0.06524 1037.52842 0.09043 0.06519 0.07027 0.03414 1037.52842 0.06919 0.03475 0.06888 0.03189 1037.52842 0.06808 0.03237 0.06353 0.02603 1153.45326 0.06264 0.02612
0.06225 0.04668 954.99259 0.06097 0.04755 0.09596 0.06681 954.99259 0.09464 0.06766 0.07236 0.03541 954.99259 0.07138 0.03612 0.07082 0.03292 954.99259 0.0702 0.03356 0.06505 0.02698 1066.59612 0.06424 0.02708
0.06517 0.04821 879.02252 0.06406 0.04928 0.09993 0.06878 879.02252 0.09912 0.06999 0.07457 0.03664 879.02252 0.07372 0.03743 0.07297 0.03389 879.02252 0.07245 0.03469 0.06674 0.02784 986.27949 0.06594 0.02798
0.06837 0.04967 809.0959 0.06735 0.05089 0.10443 0.07091 809.0959 0.10381 0.07214 0.07697 0.03779 809.0959 0.0762 0.03866 0.07543 0.03496 809.0959 0.07482 0.03572 0.06848 0.02859 912.01084 0.06773 0.02882
0.07145 0.05112 744.73197 0.0708 0.05238 0.10997 0.07277 744.73197 0.10884 0.07409 0.07931 0.03914 744.73197 0.07881 0.03979 0.07775 0.03589 744.73197 0.07731 0.03665 0.07015 0.02913 841.39514 0.06961 0.0296
0.07514 0.0525 685.48823 0.0744 0.05371 0.11398 0.07457 685.48823 0.11398 0.07582 0.08213 0.03987 685.48823 0.08153 0.04082 0.08056 0.03682 685.48823 0.0799 0.03745 0.07214 0.02995 778.03655 0.07157 0.03029
0.07846 0.05346 630.95734 0.07815 0.05487 0.11808 0.07749 630.95734 0.11932 0.07729 0.08473 0.04055 630.95734 0.08435 0.04171 0.08311 0.03766 630.95734 0.08256 0.03813 0.07413 0.03059 719.44898 0.0736 0.0309
0.08225 0.05446 580.76442 0.08201 0.05585 0.12414 0.07791 580.76442 0.12476 0.07848 0.08766 0.0415 580.76442 0.08727 0.04247 0.08574 0.0383 580.76442 0.08529 0.03865 0.0762 0.03098 665.27316 0.0757 0.03139
0.08615 0.05561 534.56436 0.08596 0.05663 0.1301 0.07893 534.56436 0.1304 0.07938 0.0904 0.04235 534.56436 0.09025 0.04308 0.08814 0.0389 534.56436 0.08806 0.03903 0.07831 0.03146 615.17687 0.07784 0.03178
0.09021 0.05617 492.03954 0.08997 0.05719 0.13544 0.07942 492.03954 0.13605 0.07998 0.0935 0.04295 492.03954 0.09328 0.04354 0.09105 0.03915 492.03954 0.09086 0.03925 0.08017 0.03178 568.85293 0.08001 0.03206
0.09373 0.05673 452.89758 0.09401 0.05754 0.14396 0.08375 452.89758 0.1417 0.08028 0.09647 0.04343 452.89758 0.09634 0.04384 0.09419 0.03944 452.89758 0.09366 0.03932 0.08222 0.03207 526.01727 0.08221 0.03221
0.09803 0.0571 416.86938 0.09806 0.05769 0.14663 0.07984 416.86938 0.14735 0.08028 0.0993 0.04338 416.86938 0.0994 0.04399 0.09673 0.03943 416.86938 0.09644 0.03923 0.08449 0.03232 486.40721 0.08439 0.03225
0.10197 0.05731 383.70725 0.10209 0.05762 0.15125 0.0799 383.70725 0.15289 0.07998 0.10242 0.0438 383.70725 0.10243 0.04398 0.09912 0.03957 383.70725 0.09918 0.03901 0.08301 0.02946 449.77985 0.08658 0.03218
0.10566 0.05509 353.18317 0.10607 0.05736 0.16665 0.08047 353.18317 0.15844 0.07941 0.10607 0.04421 353.18317 0.10545 0.04381 0.10172 0.04029 353.18317 0.10186 0.03865 0.08819 0.03179 415.91061 0.08874 0.032
0.10997 0.05691 325.0873 0.10997 0.05691 0.16141 0.08017 325.0873 0.16378 0.07859 0.10833 0.04355 325.0873 0.10843 0.04353 0.10484 0.03917 325.0873 0.10443 0.03817 0.09017 0.03157 384.59178 0.09085 0.03171
0.11377 0.05691 299.22646 0.11377 0.05628 0.16922 0.07903 299.22646 0.16901 0.07754 0.11202 0.04329 299.22646 0.11131 0.04311 0.10689 0.03842 299.22646 0.10699 0.03758 0.09266 0.03127 355.63132 0.09292 0.03133
0.11767 0.05615 275.42287 0.11747 0.05551 0.17353 0.07787 275.42287 0.17394 0.07631 0.11398 0.04274 275.42287 0.11408 0.04257 0.10946 0.03774 275.42287 0.10946 0.03689 0.09476 0.03164 328.85163 0.09491 0.03085
0.12168 0.05538 253.51286 0.12096 0.05461 0.17846 0.07675 253.51286 0.17877 0.07491 0.11634 0.0429 253.51286 0.11675 0.04195 0.11285 0.03736 253.51286 0.11172 0.03613 0.09679 0.03081 304.0885 0.09684 0.0303
0.12517 0.05473 232.80913 0.12435 0.0536 0.18431 0.07453 232.80913 0.18339 0.07337 0.11952 0.04162 232.80913 0.11942 0.04123 0.11428 0.0362 232.80913 0.11398 0.03531 0.09834 0.0299 281.19008 0.09869 0.02967
0.12845 0.05358 214.28906 0.12763 0.0525 0.18503 0.07043 214.28906 0.1878 0.07172 0.1226 0.04084 214.28906 0.12188 0.04046 0.11716 0.03502 214.28906 0.11603 0.03444 0.09968 0.02942 260.01596 0.10045 0.029
0.13205 0.05237 197.24227 0.13071 0.05134 0.1915 0.07037 197.24227 0.19191 0.07 0.12394 0.03993 197.24227 0.12424 0.03963 0.1189 0.03488 197.24227 0.11798 0.03355 0.10139 0.02871 239.88329 0.10213 0.02829
0.13585 0.05077 181.55157 0.13359 0.05014 0.19592 0.06969 181.55157 0.19592 0.06824 0.12732 0.03886 181.55157 0.1265 0.03878 0.11849 0.03304 181.55157 0.11983 0.03263 0.10381 0.0279 221.81964 0.10371 0.02753
0.13831 0.05007 167.10906 0.13636 0.04892 0.19889 0.06667 167.10906 0.19961 0.06647 0.12999 0.03829 167.10906 0.12866 0.03791 0.12147 0.03146 167.10906 0.12157 0.03172 0.10566 0.02702 205.11622 0.10525 0.02676
0.14303 0.04758 153.81546 0.13903 0.04769 0.20177 0.06753 153.81546 0.2031 0.06469 0.13112 0.03896 153.81546 0.13071 0.03704 0.12342 0.03227 153.81546 0.12322 0.0308 0.10792 0.02548 189.67059 0.10658 0.02598
0.14355 0.04769 141.57938 0.14149 0.04647 0.2107 0.06523 141.57938 0.20639 0.06295 0.13379 0.03653 141.57938 0.13256 0.03616 0.12383 0.02983 141.57938 0.12476 0.02992 0.10956 0.02459 175.38805 0.10792 0.02519
0.14653 0.04559 130.31668 0.14386 0.04528 0.21265 0.05532 130.31668 0.20947 0.06125 0.13687 0.03557 130.31668 0.13441 0.03531 0.12774 0.02789 130.31668 0.1263 0.02906 0.10915 0.02405 162.18101 0.10925 0.0244
0.1493 0.04481 119.94993 0.14601 0.04412 0.21173 0.0577 119.94993 0.21245 0.05962 0.13862 0.03374 119.94993 0.13616 0.03449 0.12589 0.02592 119.94993 0.12763 0.02823 0.11747 0.02416 149.96848 0.11038 0.02363
Gnuplot script is given below
reset session
set terminal postscript eps enhanced colour font 'Times-Bold,12' size 4in,4in
set output "test.eps"
set style line 6 lt 6 lw 5 lc rgb "#000FF"
set xtics out scale 1.5
set ytics out scale 1.5
set tics font ", 16"
set xlabel "{/Times-Italic Z}_{Re} (m{/Symbol \127}. cm^{-2})" font ",16"
set ylabel "{/Times-Italic -Z}_{Im} (m{/Symbol \127}. cm^{-2})" font ",16"
set key spacing 1.15 font ",14" width -1.0
set xtics 20
set ytics 20
set yrange [0:100]
set key inside left top
plot [0:220] 'test.dat' u ($1*1000):($2*1000) w points pt 4 ps 1.50 lt -1 title "-1.40 V", \
'' u ($6*1000):($7*1000) w points pt 6 ps 1.50 lt -1 title "-1.25 V", \
'' u ($11*1000):($12*1000) w points pt 8 ps 1.50 lt -1 title "-1.20 V", \
'' u ($16*1000):($17*1000) w points pt 10 ps 1.50 lt -1 title "-1.10 V", \
'' u ($21*1000):($22*1000) w points pt 12 ps 1.50 lt -1 title "-1.00 V", \
'test.dat' u ($4*1000):($5*1000) w l ls 6 title "Fit", \
'' u ($9*1000):($10*1000) w l ls 6 notitle, \
'' u ($14*1000):($15*1000) w l ls 6 notitle, \
'' u ($19*1000):($20*1000) w l ls 6 notitle, \
'' u ($24*1000):($25*1000) w l ls 6 notitle, \
'test.dat' u ($1*1000):($2*1000):(sprintf("%.0f",$3)) every 25::24 w labels offset 0,-1.75 boxed notitle, \
'' u ($6*1000):($7*1000):(sprintf("%.0f",$8)) every 25::24 w labels offset 0,-1.75 boxed notitle, \
'' u ($11*1000):($12*1000):(sprintf("%.0f",$13)) every 25::24 w labels offset 0,-1.75 boxed notitle, \
'' u ($16*1000):($17*1000):(sprintf("%.0f",$18)) every 25::24 w labels offset 0,-1.75 boxed notitle, \
'' u ($21*1000):($22*1000):(sprintf("%.0f",$23)) every 25::24 w labels offset 0,-1.75 boxed notitle, \
Plotting is ok but I wish to have the same length of axis for 0 to 20 in both x and y axis. That is, although the increment of xtics and ytics is same, the length is not same. Since this is one of the requirements of plotting complex impedance data, any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks,
You set the yrange to [0:100]. And your plotting the xrange [0:220]. First, I would set the xrange via
set xrange[0:220]
And add the line
set size ratio -1
Check help size.
...The meaning of a negative value for is different. If =-1,
gnuplot tries to set the scales so that the unit has the same length
on both the x and y axes.
gnuplot> help set view equal
The command `set view equal xy` forces the unit length of the x and y axes
to be on the same scale, and chooses that scale so that the plot will fit on
the page. The command `set view equal xyz` additionally sets the z axis
scale to match the x and y axes; however there is no guarantee that the
current z axis range will fit within the plot boundary.
By default all three axes are scaled independently to fill the available area.

gnuploting curve filled maps

I want to get a map using gnuplot like map1.
There are my code and part of the data.When I do set set timefmt "%Y/%m/%d/%h" set xdata time``set format x "%m/%d", it responded error in map2. I didn't know how to figure out it. Hope you can help me.
set style data lines
set style fill solid 1.00 noborder
set boxwidth 0.75 absolute
unset ylabel
unset xlabel
unset xtics
set origin 0.050, 0.300
unset ylabel
#set timefmt "%Y/%m/%d/%h"
#set xdata time
#set format x "%m/%d"
set ytics nomirror font ",11"
set style increment default
set xtics nomirror norangelimit
set ytics 0,80,320
set size 0.9,0.9
set size ratio 0.4
unset key
plot [][0:320]'average.shijiazhua.ch36km.2020.NSA_total.ts' using 1:(0):(\$2) w filledcu axis x1y1 lc rgb "#EF476F" t "Power",\
'' using 1:(\$2):(\$2+\$3) w filledcu lc rgb "#8ac926" t "Industry",\
'' using 1:(\$2+\$3):(\$2+\$3+\$4) w filledcu lc rgb "#1982c4" t "Agriculture",\
'' using 1:(\$2+\$3+\$4):(\$2+\$3+\$4+\$5) w filledcu t "Residential",\
'' using 1:(\$2+\$3+\$4+\$5):(\$2+\$3+\$4+\$5+\$6) w filledcu lc rgb "#c77dff" t "Transportation"
2020050500 34.92820 33.47148 69.01359 8.37408 36.82053
2020050501 34.14014 31.02070 68.22377 8.03866 35.97493
2020050502 32.93465 28.59794 66.69872 7.79872 34.76229
2020050503 31.56261 26.31655 64.97402 7.60045 33.42817
2020050504 29.55138 23.19680 61.65179 7.20578 31.10942
2020050505 28.45511 21.41614 60.70938 7.15501 29.97279
2020050506 28.78439 21.22073 63.38977 7.55193 30.63113
2020050507 28.32452 20.49873 64.72398 7.80252 30.85250
2020050508 25.49913 18.48231 60.84341 7.72398 29.33283
2020050509 19.03617 14.95413 49.02392 7.68153 23.93946
2020050510 14.25507 12.42948 39.15635 7.59906 19.45655
2020050511 11.56549 10.86627 33.26527 7.08790 16.58210
2020050512 10.40714 10.28374 30.64410 6.73005 15.23610
2020050513 9.99347 10.23459 30.32369 6.50979 15.00718
2020050514 9.77059 10.03319 30.06268 6.34308 14.90386
2020050515 9.46511 9.68426 28.68079 6.15453 14.22397
2020050516 9.12669 9.52622 27.02652 6.12770 13.46605
2020050517 8.94960 9.70764 26.01473 6.21285 12.75945
2020050518 8.30828 9.19368 23.64348 5.64860 11.42775
2020050519 6.98423 7.77228 19.39676 4.56069 9.39085
2020050520 5.81946 6.37644 15.79359 3.60976 7.73696
2020050521 5.36498 5.64128 14.26162 3.11704 7.00662
2020050522 5.18471 5.20392 13.71013 2.84699 6.70183
2020050523 4.96575 4.67512 13.20869 2.56693 6.34549
2020050600 4.80342 4.29339 12.99936 2.36875 6.11740
2020050601 4.57129 3.82130 12.45918 2.13018 5.80136
2020050602 4.62375 3.69038 12.84608 2.07090 5.95253
2020050603 4.89624 3.78565 13.95552 2.15729 6.42439
2020050604 5.11386 3.70182 14.69319 2.17235 6.70257
2020050605 5.32001 3.66094 15.21974 2.19411 6.86478
2020050606 5.51991 3.87873 15.74852 2.32875 7.07490
2020050607 5.67472 4.34660 16.24980 2.56207 7.47552
2020050608 7.11860 7.23675 22.40004 3.77179 10.82728
2020050609 7.91739 8.27180 24.90193 4.18627 12.04413
2020050610 8.40120 8.44643 25.63029 4.42067 12.51950
2020050611 8.78894 8.91031 26.46757 4.79258 13.22055
2020050612 8.75023 9.05808 25.82002 5.18174 13.31731
2020050613 8.69377 9.18953 25.18435 5.58854 13.35642
2020050614 8.67938 9.23050 24.79873 5.81155 13.34736
2020050615 8.61072 9.05110 24.20865 5.83554 13.13042
2020050616 8.61898 9.38255 24.24635 6.02599 13.15560
2020050617 9.88121 12.44088 28.35582 7.22637 15.13754
2020050618 13.03567 17.87587 35.27399 8.69368 18.69806
2020050619 17.21906 22.73761 41.73368 9.50554 22.38980
2020050620 22.06430 26.93686 48.36322 10.13785 26.27978
2020050621 27.02551 30.15065 54.72841 10.65425 30.01287
2020050622 29.04600 30.14368 57.09066 10.54669 31.39031
2020050623 28.72626 28.07003 56.50034 10.02480 30.99561
2020050700 28.97064 26.99266 57.29614 9.75325 31.34316
2020050701 29.37847 26.09241 57.38815 9.41128 31.39288
2020050702 29.04029 23.62373 54.13726 8.71631 29.70628
2020050703 26.91615 19.50575 47.41990 7.68835 26.01030
2020050704 22.78487 15.26919 39.35748 6.38515 21.32836
2020050705 15.26723 10.62037 27.09076 5.20689 14.57554
2020050706 8.87406 7.55900 17.58181 4.93560 9.53557
2020050707 6.11438 6.48395 14.25941 5.27410 7.86598
2020050708 4.67842 5.50418 12.43140 5.45161 7.09094
2020050709 3.64316 4.24208 10.22776 5.41426 6.11685
2020050710 3.17714 3.64387 8.92585 5.55745 5.67752
2020050711 3.20047 3.70725 8.78954 5.71015 5.83647
2020050712 3.50073 4.00986 9.26960 5.64515 6.21379
2020050713 3.59172 4.10384 9.19951 5.44214 6.23010
2020050714 3.32714 3.86352 8.31776 4.95656 5.70188
2020050715 2.92304 3.50896 7.19465 4.30262 4.96345
2020050716 2.61181 3.36959 6.41498 3.78693 4.42651
2020050717 2.77914 4.12923 6.82416 3.69544 4.57126
2020050718 4.21519 6.94777 9.53290 4.03701 6.17134
2020050719 6.95361 11.13112 14.64627 4.72538 9.09068
2020050720 10.43964 15.30013 21.20108 5.65491 12.65777
2020050721 13.85205 18.44100 27.72278 6.57799 16.04925
2020050722 16.65494 20.41442 33.30551 7.37484 18.98996
2020050723 18.98237 21.99487 38.32611 8.08933 21.69509
2020050800 21.45151 23.63957 42.98992 8.55449 24.35935
I'm not sure whether this question is fully answered.
I cleaned up your code a little. I don't know why you used \$2. If you put the below code into a text file and load this text file to gnuplot it should work.
Edit: to make the plot command a bit shorter and more clear you can:
define a function myTime(col) = timecolumn(col,myTimeFmt)
instead of filling the area between 2 curves, fill the area between a curve and the x-axis, but start with the upper curve.
why do you unset key? don't you want a legend?
### filledcurves and time data
reset session
$Data <<EOD
2020050500 34.92820 33.47148 69.01359 8.37408 36.82053
2020050501 34.14014 31.02070 68.22377 8.03866 35.97493
2020050502 32.93465 28.59794 66.69872 7.79872 34.76229
2020050503 31.56261 26.31655 64.97402 7.60045 33.42817
2020050504 29.55138 23.19680 61.65179 7.20578 31.10942
2020050505 28.45511 21.41614 60.70938 7.15501 29.97279
2020050506 28.78439 21.22073 63.38977 7.55193 30.63113
2020050507 28.32452 20.49873 64.72398 7.80252 30.85250
2020050508 25.49913 18.48231 60.84341 7.72398 29.33283
2020050509 19.03617 14.95413 49.02392 7.68153 23.93946
2020050510 14.25507 12.42948 39.15635 7.59906 19.45655
2020050511 11.56549 10.86627 33.26527 7.08790 16.58210
2020050512 10.40714 10.28374 30.64410 6.73005 15.23610
2020050513 9.99347 10.23459 30.32369 6.50979 15.00718
2020050514 9.77059 10.03319 30.06268 6.34308 14.90386
2020050515 9.46511 9.68426 28.68079 6.15453 14.22397
2020050516 9.12669 9.52622 27.02652 6.12770 13.46605
2020050517 8.94960 9.70764 26.01473 6.21285 12.75945
2020050518 8.30828 9.19368 23.64348 5.64860 11.42775
2020050519 6.98423 7.77228 19.39676 4.56069 9.39085
2020050520 5.81946 6.37644 15.79359 3.60976 7.73696
2020050521 5.36498 5.64128 14.26162 3.11704 7.00662
2020050522 5.18471 5.20392 13.71013 2.84699 6.70183
2020050523 4.96575 4.67512 13.20869 2.56693 6.34549
2020050600 4.80342 4.29339 12.99936 2.36875 6.11740
2020050601 4.57129 3.82130 12.45918 2.13018 5.80136
2020050602 4.62375 3.69038 12.84608 2.07090 5.95253
2020050603 4.89624 3.78565 13.95552 2.15729 6.42439
2020050604 5.11386 3.70182 14.69319 2.17235 6.70257
2020050605 5.32001 3.66094 15.21974 2.19411 6.86478
2020050606 5.51991 3.87873 15.74852 2.32875 7.07490
2020050607 5.67472 4.34660 16.24980 2.56207 7.47552
2020050608 7.11860 7.23675 22.40004 3.77179 10.82728
2020050609 7.91739 8.27180 24.90193 4.18627 12.04413
2020050610 8.40120 8.44643 25.63029 4.42067 12.51950
2020050611 8.78894 8.91031 26.46757 4.79258 13.22055
2020050612 8.75023 9.05808 25.82002 5.18174 13.31731
2020050613 8.69377 9.18953 25.18435 5.58854 13.35642
2020050614 8.67938 9.23050 24.79873 5.81155 13.34736
2020050615 8.61072 9.05110 24.20865 5.83554 13.13042
2020050616 8.61898 9.38255 24.24635 6.02599 13.15560
2020050617 9.88121 12.44088 28.35582 7.22637 15.13754
2020050618 13.03567 17.87587 35.27399 8.69368 18.69806
2020050619 17.21906 22.73761 41.73368 9.50554 22.38980
2020050620 22.06430 26.93686 48.36322 10.13785 26.27978
2020050621 27.02551 30.15065 54.72841 10.65425 30.01287
2020050622 29.04600 30.14368 57.09066 10.54669 31.39031
2020050623 28.72626 28.07003 56.50034 10.02480 30.99561
2020050700 28.97064 26.99266 57.29614 9.75325 31.34316
2020050701 29.37847 26.09241 57.38815 9.41128 31.39288
2020050702 29.04029 23.62373 54.13726 8.71631 29.70628
2020050703 26.91615 19.50575 47.41990 7.68835 26.01030
2020050704 22.78487 15.26919 39.35748 6.38515 21.32836
2020050705 15.26723 10.62037 27.09076 5.20689 14.57554
2020050706 8.87406 7.55900 17.58181 4.93560 9.53557
2020050707 6.11438 6.48395 14.25941 5.27410 7.86598
2020050708 4.67842 5.50418 12.43140 5.45161 7.09094
2020050709 3.64316 4.24208 10.22776 5.41426 6.11685
2020050710 3.17714 3.64387 8.92585 5.55745 5.67752
2020050711 3.20047 3.70725 8.78954 5.71015 5.83647
2020050712 3.50073 4.00986 9.26960 5.64515 6.21379
2020050713 3.59172 4.10384 9.19951 5.44214 6.23010
2020050714 3.32714 3.86352 8.31776 4.95656 5.70188
2020050715 2.92304 3.50896 7.19465 4.30262 4.96345
2020050716 2.61181 3.36959 6.41498 3.78693 4.42651
2020050717 2.77914 4.12923 6.82416 3.69544 4.57126
2020050718 4.21519 6.94777 9.53290 4.03701 6.17134
2020050719 6.95361 11.13112 14.64627 4.72538 9.09068
2020050720 10.43964 15.30013 21.20108 5.65491 12.65777
2020050721 13.85205 18.44100 27.72278 6.57799 16.04925
2020050722 16.65494 20.41442 33.30551 7.37484 18.98996
2020050723 18.98237 21.99487 38.32611 8.08933 21.69509
2020050800 21.45151 23.63957 42.98992 8.55449 24.35935
set size 0.9,0.9
set size ratio 0.4
unset xlabel
unset xtics
set xtics nomirror norangelimit
unset ylabel
set ytics nomirror font ",11"
set ytics 0,80,320
myTimeFmt = "%Y%m%d%H"
set format x "%m/%d\n%H:%M" time
set style data lines
set style fill solid 1.00 noborder
set style increment default
myTime(col) = timecolumn(col,myTimeFmt)
plot [][0:320] \
$Data u (myTime(1)):($2+$3+$4+$5+$6) w filledcu x1 lc rgb "#c77dff" t "Transportation", \
'' u (myTime(1)):($2+$3+$4+$5) w filledcu x1 t "Residential",\
'' u (myTime(1)):($2+$3+$4) w filledcu x1 lc rgb "#1982c4" t "Agriculture",\
'' u (myTime(1)):($2+$3) w filledcu x1 lc rgb "#8ac926" t "Industry",\
'' u (myTime(1)):($2) w filledcu x1 lc rgb "#EF476F" t "Power"
### end of code

Plot a list of matrices at heights in 3d scatter plot

I have a file with a number of matrices separated by a newline. I can plot any one of these matrices as a heatmap as shown in
However, now I would like to visualize all the matrices together on the same graph by plotting each matrix at increasing values of z, where each point is a coloured dot. I am trying to achieve something similar to the following question,
Plot 3D Grid Data as Heat Map using gnuplot
but without the cubes, as dots are sufficient.
This is the data for one matrix:
7.606193E-01 -2.706752E-01 1.605924E-01 9.973101E-01 6.646065E-01 -4.177295E-01 -5.101588E-01 -5.338852E-01 -9.443505E-01 6.273689E-01 4.401633E-01 9.428387E-01 -1.783963E-01 1.702644E-01 -9.304313E-01 3.995178E-01
-1.574189E-01 -3.911715E-01 -5.581077E-01 -3.719385E-02 7.144460E-01 -3.147125E-01 4.237802E-01 6.533050E-01 5.385187E-01 8.391651E-02 -5.773817E-01 1.456075E-01 6.028832E-01 5.313966E-01 3.894490E-01 7.329324E-01
8.147309E-01 -8.286917E-01 -9.708381E-01 -6.634787E-02 8.603123E-01 8.952920E-01 6.777392E-01 4.347730E-01 -9.271995E-01 8.899992E-01 5.525438E-01 -7.496139E-01 7.592094E-01 3.412833E-01 1.220876E-01 7.281239E-01
6.915789E-01 3.365000E-01 -4.771788E-01 7.674200E-01 8.059295E-01 3.545558E-01 2.764826E-01 3.801301E-01 -6.679796E-01 1.163551E-01 -5.292152E-01 -3.500514E-01 -8.614216E-01 -8.356531E-02 -8.391827E-01 7.258298E-01
1.219247E-01 5.344889E-01 8.977039E-01 -5.708083E-01 -6.809624E-01 -5.687558E-01 3.830947E-01 9.990373E-01 -6.038938E-01 9.162573E-01 -4.214753E-01 4.186414E-01 -4.224649E-01 -9.376176E-01 -1.170071E-01 3.825447E-01
-1.046988E-01 5.206562E-01 -9.832160E-01 -6.588389E-01 6.122716E-01 2.926736E-01 -8.736564E-01 9.977460E-01 8.937872E-01 -8.719974E-02 -7.742046E-01 -9.490100E-01 6.090313E-01 8.220433E-01 7.705420E-01 5.937839E-01
8.668659E-01 -5.811435E-01 -4.980876E-01 -5.458175E-02 -1.702000E-01 -9.681295E-01 -9.898823E-01 8.014537E-01 6.852101E-01 3.412942E-01 -4.313660E-01 6.886256E-01 -8.974125E-01 8.012120E-01 7.893018E-01 -1.869330E-01
-1.168977E-01 -8.988775E-01 -2.580437E-01 -8.019403E-02 4.935626E-01 3.774684E-01 5.609375E-02 8.018482E-01 -9.803250E-01 -8.223162E-01 -7.441623E-02 7.592162E-01 -3.084599E-01 2.728176E-01 -7.114622E-01 -4.335231E-01
9.071215E-01 7.551532E-01 1.640213E-02 -2.627113E-01 -1.102158E-01 -3.576760E-02 7.584369E-02 3.586933E-01 9.412469E-01 -7.919924E-01 -7.883645E-01 -4.693788E-01 -1.549372E-01 1.823575E-01 4.206510E-01 -4.489097E-01
2.449895E-01 -4.566137E-02 5.805491E-01 3.808071E-01 4.885185E-01 9.662528E-01 -9.306209E-02 2.467101E-02 2.380986E-01 -9.053143E-01 -3.499831E-01 -4.224079E-01 -2.420047E-01 1.568254E-01 -1.696076E-01 -2.344714E-01
-1.045739E-01 -2.254802E-01 -5.760012E-01 7.194423E-01 9.792110E-01 -7.514746E-01 -1.239218E-01 -3.922474E-01 -6.499553E-01 5.908898E-01 8.695512E-01 -6.576686E-01 7.101708E-01 6.389254E-01 -3.228182E-01 3.177363E-01
-7.059239E-01 -8.482834E-01 -1.630977E-01 -9.891499E-01 -5.450270E-01 -6.303106E-01 1.596098E-01 -2.695453E-01 1.340886E-01 -3.888265E-01 -4.888381E-02 1.609239E-01 3.058087E-01 7.288026E-01 9.176123E-01 2.593470E-02
-5.400585E-01 8.222967E-01 3.648388E-01 -6.635013E-01 -4.210275E-01 -2.741717E-01 1.431661E-01 -2.184412E-01 -6.006791E-01 -9.289613E-03 2.788451E-01 -2.769694E-01 -9.857075E-01 -5.143206E-01 -1.455316E-01 9.782214E-01
-7.254217E-01 -1.668047E-01 -7.403084E-01 5.606276E-01 1.713349E-01 8.025852E-01 -9.133063E-01 -3.648469E-01 9.402033E-01 -2.317766E-01 7.771178E-01 8.427679E-01 5.951350E-02 9.725678E-01 7.514953E-01 -2.132574E-02
3.962623E-01 -8.680837E-01 -6.393657E-01 7.831294E-01 -5.947012E-02 -9.781432E-01 -8.829182E-01 -9.939770E-01 7.487056E-02 -7.578757E-01 6.196460E-01 -7.909356E-01 -1.149577E-01 -2.736676E-01 2.013560E-01 5.961972E-02
7.165400E-01 -2.371667E-01 -7.857778E-01 7.715441E-01 5.449374E-01 2.804987E-02 -1.380231E-01 -5.877602E-01 3.679530E-01 3.016719E-01 -5.242305E-01 1.064826E-01 -6.910435E-02 7.062310E-01 8.472682E-02 -9.717143E-01
I am not sure if I understood correctly, but it seems that you want each matrix as a heatmap at a fixed (arbitrary) z-value.
As mentioned on the link you posted, making a plot like that one would require (at least to my knowledge) a lot of scrambling around on gnuplot. However, you could have a rough idea by doing:
set term png
set out "tmp.png"
set view 80,30
splot "tmp" matrix u 1:2:(2):3 w p pt 5 ps 0.75 pal,\
"tmp" matrix u 1:2:(1):3 w p pt 5 ps 0.75 pal,\
"tmp" matrix u 1:2:(0):3 w p pt 5 ps 0.75 pal
Which would give you:
Not pretty, but works. You'd have to play around with the labels, tics and view parameters depending on how many matrices you have. Hope it helps!
You could splot each matrix with image:
set ztics 1
set ticslevel 0
stats "data.dat" matrix nooutput
set xrange [-0.5:STATS_size_x - 0.5]
set yrange [-0.5:STATS_size_y - 0.5]
splot for [i=1:3] "data.dat" matrix using 1:2:(i):3 with image notitle
Or, depending on your need, you can also splot ... with pm3d:
set view 70,23
set ztics 1
set ticslevel 0
set pm3d interpolate 5,5
set autoscale xfix
set autoscale yfix
splot for [i=1:3] "data.dat" matrix using 1:2:(i):3 with pm3d notitle

How plot graph with missing data lines?

I have data recorded in time. But some data lines are missing and gnuplot replace them with long lines in these intervals.
How can i set gnuplot to draw nothing instead of draw lines in these intervals?
PS. I don't have free cells in these lines, I dont have these lines at all.
column 1 ... col 195
13:30:20.8 0.78061899
13:30:21.8 5.969546498
13:32:19.8 17.21257881
13:32:20.8 6.922475345
If you don't want to draw a line between two points you must insert an empty line in the data file between the two point entries, so that effectively you have
13:30:20.8 0.78061899
13:30:21.8 5.969546498
13:32:19.8 17.21257881
13:32:20.8 6.922475345
This cannot be done with gnuplot directly, but you can use e.g. awk to do the processing on-the-fly:
set timefmt '%H:%M:%S'
set xdata time
filename = 'data.txt'
plot 'awk ''{split($1,d,":"); t_prev = t; t = (d[1] * 60 + d[2])*60 + d[3]; if (t_prev && (t - t_prev > 10)) print ""; print }'' '.filename with lines
Here, the gap threshold is 10 seconds.
I suppose your miss data identifier is "NaN", then you can use the following command
plot "data" using 1:($2) with linespoints
instead of
plot "data" using 1:2 with linespoints
The former one will ignore the missing data and treat it as blank line and therefore not draw a connecting line across the gap while the latter one will draw continuous, unbroken line.
Just for the records: there are later questions about the same/similar issue.
Avoid connection of points when there is empty data
How to remove line between "jumping" values, in gnuplot?
Removing vertical lines due to sudden jumps in gnuplot
However, my solutions there require transparent color, which was not available in at the time of OP's question (gnuplot 4.6.5, Feb 2014). Nevertheless, there is a solution without external tools like awk or changing the data.
First solution for gnuplot 4.6.: Instead of a transparent line you use a white line which, however, will cover the grid lines, although it will be hardly visible.
Second solution for gnuplot 4.6 is using vectors. This really interrupts the line and will work for gnuplot 5.x as well.
00:00:00 0.406406
00:00:44 0.339779
00:01:28 0.986602
00:02:13 0.17746
00:02:57 0.0580277
00:03:42 0.586614
00:04:26 0.84247
00:05:11 0.597502
00:05:55 0.0394846
00:06:40 0.369416
00:13:20 0.527109
00:13:42 0.371411
00:14:04 0.851465
00:14:26 0.980312
00:14:48 0.431391
00:15:11 0.545491
00:15:33 0.708445
00:15:55 0.861669
00:16:17 0.277122
00:16:40 0.787273
### avoid showing a line across larger time gaps
FILE = "SO26510245.dat"
myFmt = "%H:%M:%S"
tGap = 60 # 60 seconds
set format x "%H:%M"
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set xdata time
set ytics 0.5
set key top center noautotitle
set grid x,y
set multiplot layout 3,1
plot FILE u 1:2 w l lc rgb "red" ti "data as is"
myColor(col) = (t0=t1, t1=timecolumn(1), t1-t0>tGap ? 0xffffff : 0x0000ff)
plot t1=NaN FILE u 1:2:(myColor(1)) w l lc rgb var ti "white line"
myGap(col) = (t1-t0>tGap ? NaN : y0)
plot t1=y1=NaN FILE u (t0=t1,t1=timecolumn(1),t0):(y0=y1,y1=$2,myGap(0)):(t1-t0):(y1-y0) \
w vec lc rgb "web-green" nohead ti "with vectors"
unset multiplot
### end of script
Result: (created with gnuplot 4.6.0, from March 2012)

How to specify the start of the x-axis at 1 instead of 0

I use gnuplot to plot execution times measured on the CPU and GPU depending on the data size. So I have two files with the execution times in it. Plotting them is straight forward.
set title "CPU vs GPU"
set xlabel "Number of Particles (* 10'000)"
set ylabel "Time in Microseconds"
plot "cpuTimes.txt" title "CPU" with linespoints, \
"gpuTimes.txt" title "GPU" wit
The resulting plot can be found here: 1
I tried to use xtics however it doesn't shift the x-axis to start at 1 but just starts the ticks at 1. How can I shift the x-axis so it starts at 1 and ends at 50?
Datafile cpuTimes.txt below
xtics are only to "label" the x-axis. What you are looking for is some sort of "data manipulation". I'd suggest making use of using like so:
plot "cpuTimes.txt" u ($0+1):1 t "CPU" w lp, \
"gpuTimes.txt" u ($0+1):1 t "GPU" w lp
To make the plot end at 50 there are two ways:
You could specify the x-range with set xrange [1:50] or with
plot [1:50] "cpuTimes.txt" u ($0+1):1 t "CPU" w lp, \
"gpuTimes.txt" u ($0+1):1 t "GPU" w lp
You need to include every like so:
plot "cpuTimes.txt" u ($0+1):1 every 1::::50 t "CPU" w lp, \
"gpuTimes.txt" u ($0+1):1 every 1::::50 t "GPU" w lp
See every for documentation for further reference.
I haven't used gnuplot in awhile, but I believe you can use set xrange to adjust what is plotted.
In your case the command is:
set xrange [ 1 : 50 ]
Give an axis range in your plot command:
plot [1:50] "cpuTimes.txt"
