ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Class 'Database_Mysqli' not found
MODPATH/database/classes/kohana/database.php [ 78 ]
74 // Set the driver class name
75 $driver = 'Database_'.ucfirst($config['type']);
77 // Create the database connection instance
78 new $driver($name, $config);
79 }
81 return Database::$instances[$name];
82 }
{PHP internal call} ยป Kohana_Core::shutdown_handler()
i tried everything doesnt work, can anyone help, i cant configure it, i can give remote access to see whats wrong
As mentioned in comment download enter link description here
In config -> database.php use type => 'MySQLi'
Note: It looks like you typed it as Mysqli as In kohana 3.3 onward class name are case sensitive.
Let's say that there are multiple found access points (AP) with the same name (SSID). How can I choose to which one to connect?
Behind a SSID there is a BSSID/MAC of the AP.
First find the BSSID/MAC of the AP from the duplicate SSIDs.
For example if you are using a route visit its configuration page:
There are many ways that it can be found.
Then just set it:
//C4 : 48 : FA : 41 : 26 : 99
//196 72 250 65 38 153
const uint8_t bssid[6] = {196, 72, 250, 65, 38, 153};
String ssid = "Java4Ever";
String password = "XXX";
WiFi.begin(ssid.c_str(), password.c_str(), 0, bssid, true);
Note that in my case it is not necessary to set the BSSID, because the ESP32 can receive only in 2.4Ghz thus the other AP is not visible to it.
Let's say I'm reading a TCP or UDP stream in Node Js. This question basically applies to any language or platform, but how do I go about creating a header for my data layer?
I suppose I need
A magic set of characters to identify a header
A number that says the length of the packet
I would like to future proof it and follow any "typical" data packet header structures (maybe they usually include version? protocol?) but cannot for the life of me find any great information online.
Use the pcapng format. The spec should have everything you need if you want to look at header bytes at a deeper level. Pcap is the older format, but has limitations.
There's already a pcapng parser available, pcap-ng-parser available via npm.
If you want a general protocol analyzer, you should look at Wireshark
Generate a pcapng file
In order to work with a pcapng, we need a pcapng file. Fortunately, tshark (part of Wireshark), makes this easy. We can use tshark to generate 10 packets (-c 10) and save to the pcapng format (-F).
tshark -w myfile.pcapng -F pcapng -c 10
JS pcapng libraries
We can use the sample js file on the about page:
# temp.js
const PCAPNGParser = require('pcap-ng-parser')
const pcapNgParser = new PCAPNGParser()
const myFileStream = require('fs').createReadStream('./myfile.pcapng')
.on('data', parsedPacket => {
.on('interface', interfaceInfo => {
Getting info from pcapng file
Running sample JS
Running it on my system, we see link and interface information.
$ node temp.js
linkType: 1,
snapLen: 524288,
name: 'en0\u0003\u0005Wi-Fi\t\u0001\u0006',
code_12: 'Mac OS X 10.14.6, build 18G103 (Darwin 18.7.0)\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000h\u0000\u0000\u0000'
interfaceId: 0,
timestampHigh: 367043,
timestampLow: 1954977647,
data: <Buffer a8 bd 27 c8 f2 fe 6c 96 cf d8 7f e7 08 00 45 00 00 28 87 c3 00 00 40 06 e4 ba ac 1f 63 c6 8c 52 72 1a fc 3c 01 bb 6c 24 4d 01 54 03 1b 06 50 10 08 00 ... 4 more bytes>
... <output truncated>
Vs tshark
Depending on your use case, tshark may make more sense anyway
tshark -r myfile.pcapng -c 1 -T json
"_index": "packets-2019-12-15",
"_type": "pcap_file",
"_score": null,
"_source": {
"layers": {
"frame": {
"frame.interface_id": "0",
"frame.interface_id_tree": {
"frame.interface_name": "en0",
"frame.interface_description": "Wi-Fi"
"frame.encap_type": "1",
"frame.time": "Dec 15, 2019 12:04:14.932076000 PST",
"frame.offset_shift": "0.000000000",
"frame.time_epoch": "1576440254.932076000",
"frame.time_delta": "0.000000000",
"frame.time_delta_displayed": "0.000000000",
"frame.time_relative": "0.000000000",
"frame.number": "1",
"frame.len": "175",
"frame.cap_len": "175",
"frame.marked": "0",
"frame.ignored": "0",
"frame.protocols": "eth:ethertype:ip:udp:db-lsp-disc:json",
"": "UDP",
"frame.coloring_rule.string": "udp"
"eth": {
"eth.dst": "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff",
"eth.dst_tree": {
I'm developing the standard Node+Express web app. Everything else is working fine, but I can't make the .env file to populate process.env
At first, I thought it was a scope problem since my app.js, where dotenv is called from, is within the src subfolder and .env is in the root. But using node tools and confirming it with a package called find-config, I have the correct absolute path. I've never gotten an ENOENT for a file not found.
I tried everything, from dotenv's debug thingy explained in the docs, to my own debugging, making sure everything is in place. This is my latest attempt:
const fs = require('fs');
const realpath = require('find-config')('.env');
I've paused execution and asserted that indeed realpath is exactly the absolute .env path
And here's .env
The console.log outputs {}, which is consistent with every avenue I've tried: never an error, never a parsed object either. Just nothingness.
Doing this:
const results = JSON.stringify(dotenv.config({"path":"/100%/correct/path/.env"}));
It throws back {"parsed":{}}
I've become so suspicious that I downloaded, installed and run the mega Hackathon Starter repo of 29k stars, which uses the same method.
Initially, it doesn't work because the author used a relative path. With the absolute path it works.
A bit more info in case it helps:
/* =========== Dotenv troubleshooting ===========
const realPath = path.join(__dirname, '../.env');
const buffer = fs.readFileSync(realPath);
const envConfig = dotenv.parse(buffer, {debug:true});
/* end of Dotenv troubleshooting ------------------ */
This logs the following:
> node server.js
SESSION_SECRET=blabla value when parsing line 1: NODE_ENV=development
19:06:11 info: /100%/correct/path/.env
19:06:11 info: <Buffer 4e 4f 44 45 5f 45 4e 56 3d 64 65 76 65 6c 6f 70 6d 65 6e 74 0d 4e 4f 44 45 5f 48 4f 53 54 3d 6c 6f 63 61 6c 68 6f 73 74 0d 4e 4f 44 45 5f 50 4f 52 54 ... 41 more bytes>
19:06:11 info: {}
And as you can tell, that buffer is indeed the file:
/100%/correct/path $ xxd .env
00000000: 4e4f 4445 5f45 4e56 3d64 6576 656c 6f70 NODE_ENV=develop
00000010: 6d65 6e74 0d4e 4f44 455f 484f 5354 3d6c ment.NODE_HOST=l
After too much time scrutinizing my code, I finally discovered the issue.
Depending on operating systems and down to files themselves (and text editors and IDEs), at the end of the line you can have a Line Feed ("LF") character (0x0A, \n), Carriage Return ("CR") character (0x0D, \r) or End of Line ("EOL") character (0x0D0A, \r\n).
Unfortunately, dotenv only understands \n as the end of a line. So it was a parsing issue due to the simplicity of the checking. As far as I know, however, \n is kind of the standard.
For some reason, the .env file was using \r as a line separator. So it was a quick fix:
In my case, using a JetBrains product you can configure in the settings to always use the same end of line.
At the risk of posting a duplicate, I am new here and don't have a rating yet so it wouldn't let me comment on the only relevant similar question I did find here:
Zurb Foundation for Apps - CLI Fails.
Zurb Foundation for Apps - CLI Fails
However I tried the answer there and I still get the same fail.
My message is :
(I don't have a reputation so I can't post images "!##"):
but it is essentially the same as the other post except mine mentions line 118 of foundationCLI.js where theirs notes line 139. Also the answer said to fix line 97 but in mine that code is on line 99.
92 // NEW
93 // Clones the Foundation for Apps template and installs dependencies
94 = function(args, options) {
95 var projectName = args[0];
96 var gitClone = ['git', 'clone', '', args[0]];
97 var npmInstall = [npm, 'install'];
98 var bowerInstall = [bower, 'install'];
99 var bundleInstall = [bundle.bat];
100 if (isRoot()) bowerInstall.push('--allow-root');
102 // Show help screen if the user didn't enter a project name
103 if (typeof projectName === 'undefined') {
105 process.exit();
106 }
108 yeti([
109 'Thanks for using Foundation for Apps!',
110 '-------------------------------------',
111 'Let\'s set up a new project.',
112 'It shouldn\'t take more than a minute.'
113 ]);
115 // Clone the template repo
116 process.stdout.write("\nDownloading the Foundation for Apps template...".cyan);
117 exec(gitClone, function(err, out, code) {
118 if (err instanceof Error) throw err;
120 process.stdout.write([
121 "\nDone downloading!".green,
122 "\n\nInstalling dependencies...".cyan,
123 "\n"
124 ].join(''));
I also posted an error log here
yesterday, as directed in the following error message: (which I am unable to post the image of "!##").
But I have yet to receive a response there.
Any idea how I can get past this so I can start an app?
Thanks, A
You may need to also install the git command-line client. On line 117, the foundation-cli.js is trying to run git clone and this is failing.
Could you please run
git --version
and paste the text (not image) of the output you see?
If you have installed git already (e.g., because you have Github for Windows < > ) then you may need to use the Git Shell shortcut or close/re-open your command prompt window in order to use git on the command line.
Once you've installed git and closed/reopened your shell, try the command
foundation-apps new myApp again.
I am beta testing an application that includes a Firefox extension as one component. It was originally deployed when FF3.5.5 was the latest version, and survived 3.5.6 and 3.5.7. However on FF3.6 I'm getting the following in my error console:
Warning: reference to undefined property Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2
Source file: chrome://overthewall/content/otwhelper.js
Line: 55
Error: Component returned failure code: 0x80570018 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_IID)
Source file: chrome://overthewall/content/otwhelper.js
Line: 55
The function throwing the error is:
48 function otwRunHelper(cmd, aCallback) {
49 var file =
50 Components.classes[";1"].
51 createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
52 file.initWithPath(otwRegInstallDir+'otwhelper.exe');
54 otwProcess = Components.classes[";1"]
55 .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2);
57 otwProcess.init(file);
58 var params = new Array();
59 params = cmd.split(' ');
61 otwNextCallback = aCallback;
62 otwObserver = new otwHelperProcess();
63 otwProcess.runAsync(params, params.length, otwObserver, false);
64 }
As you can see, all this function does is run an external EXE helper file (located by a registry key) with some command line parameters and sets up an Observer to asynchronously wait for a response and process the Exit code.
The offending line implies that Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2 is no longer defined in FF3.6. Where did it go? I can't find anything in the Mozilla documentation indicating that it has been changed in the latest release.
The method on nsIProcess2 was moved to nsIProcess. For your code to work in both versions, change this line:
otwProcess = Components.classes[";1"]
to this:
otwProcess = Components.classes[";1"]
.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2 || Components.interfaces.nsIProcess);
You will still get the warning, but the error will go away, and your code will work just fine in both versions. You could also store the interface iid in a variable and use the variable:
let iid = ("nsIProcess2" in Components.interfaces) ?
Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2 :
otwProcess = Components.classes[";1"]