Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2 in Firefox 3.6 -- where did it go? - xpcom

I am beta testing an application that includes a Firefox extension as one component. It was originally deployed when FF3.5.5 was the latest version, and survived 3.5.6 and 3.5.7. However on FF3.6 I'm getting the following in my error console:
Warning: reference to undefined property Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2
Source file: chrome://overthewall/content/otwhelper.js
Line: 55
Error: Component returned failure code: 0x80570018 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_IID)
Source file: chrome://overthewall/content/otwhelper.js
Line: 55
The function throwing the error is:
48 function otwRunHelper(cmd, aCallback) {
49 var file =
50 Components.classes[";1"].
51 createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
52 file.initWithPath(otwRegInstallDir+'otwhelper.exe');
54 otwProcess = Components.classes[";1"]
55 .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2);
57 otwProcess.init(file);
58 var params = new Array();
59 params = cmd.split(' ');
61 otwNextCallback = aCallback;
62 otwObserver = new otwHelperProcess();
63 otwProcess.runAsync(params, params.length, otwObserver, false);
64 }
As you can see, all this function does is run an external EXE helper file (located by a registry key) with some command line parameters and sets up an Observer to asynchronously wait for a response and process the Exit code.
The offending line implies that Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2 is no longer defined in FF3.6. Where did it go? I can't find anything in the Mozilla documentation indicating that it has been changed in the latest release.

The method on nsIProcess2 was moved to nsIProcess. For your code to work in both versions, change this line:
otwProcess = Components.classes[";1"]
to this:
otwProcess = Components.classes[";1"]
.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2 || Components.interfaces.nsIProcess);
You will still get the warning, but the error will go away, and your code will work just fine in both versions. You could also store the interface iid in a variable and use the variable:
let iid = ("nsIProcess2" in Components.interfaces) ?
Components.interfaces.nsIProcess2 :
otwProcess = Components.classes[";1"]


Issues using tkdraw.basic on jupyter VCS

So i tried to execute a code using the the tkdraw.basic library in jupyter notebook, and this is what i got :
Its just a simple program that is supposed to draw a line along the window :
import tkdraw.basic as graph
def ligne_horiz(y,larg):
for x in range(larg):
hers the error :
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [12], line 7
4 for x in range(larg):
5 graph.plot(y,x)
----> 7 graph.open_win(120,160)
8 ligne_horiz(50,160)
9 graph.wait()
File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tkdraw/, in open_win(height, width, zoom)
59 # pylint: disable=global-statement
60 # I really want to use a global in this module, to make those functions
61 # easier to use.
62 global _WINDOW
---> 63 assert not _WINDOW, "ERROR: function open() was called twice!"
64 _WINDOW = tkd.Screen((height, width), zoom, grid=False)
AssertionError: ERROR: function open() was called twice!
The code work perfectly on the terminal or in an another .py folder so i think the issue come from the Extension,
I tried to find any similar issue or an update in the library but nothing wrong apparently.(maybe a parameter in the extension it self ?)

Groovy Script to find a string in console output and make the build failure

I have the following entry in the Jenkins console "Output: × 35 of 45 failed (78%) 06:13 247 3 38 66 140", I need to grep the number 78 and make the build failure if the number is >=30 with Groovy script.
Can someone please help me with this?
def result= manager.logContains('%)')
println result*.toString() // Read a line which has the failed test cases count
String test = result
def failedtest = test.substring(test.indexOf("%") - 2)
def failednumber = failedtest.split("%")[0].toInteger() as int
println failednumber

Line endings in child_process.exec() stdout

I'm building my custom wrapper around wmic using node.js and I have problems parsing it's output. Not a problem, but I just don't know why this happens.
I thought line endings are either \r or \r\n and decided to look on it
Here's a demo piece of code:
exec('wmic process', {maxBuffer :1000*1024}, function (err, stdout, stderr){
let location =stdout.indexOf('\n')-6;
let region =stdout.substr(location, 10);
let buf = new Buffer(stdout);
let buf2 = new Buffer(30);
buf.copy(buf2, 0, location, location+30);
I looked at region and saw this:
For some reason there are two \rs instead of one!
Output of console.log(buf2) also shows this:
<Buffer 6f 75 6e 74 20 20 0d 0d 0a 53 79 73 ...
^^ ^^ ^^
I was ready to split lines by \r\r\n when I decided to pipe its output to text file and look through a hex editor:
wmic process > wmic.txt
What? Where are two \rs?
I have two questions:
Where does Node get second \r from? I tried to find some info, but Google is kind of heavy on queries such as \r\r\n, this is the closest I could get, I'm not sure if it's related
Why hex editor shows 16bit encoding and Node doesn't? I suppose I should've specified encoding in exec() options but I don't know which one. chcp shows 437th codepage, but I kind of want it to work in other codepages as well.

Kohana app database not connecting

ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Class 'Database_Mysqli' not found
MODPATH/database/classes/kohana/database.php [ 78 ]
74 // Set the driver class name
75 $driver = 'Database_'.ucfirst($config['type']);
77 // Create the database connection instance
78 new $driver($name, $config);
79 }
81 return Database::$instances[$name];
82 }
{PHP internal call} » Kohana_Core::shutdown_handler()
i tried everything doesnt work, can anyone help, i cant configure it, i can give remote access to see whats wrong
As mentioned in comment download enter link description here
In config -> database.php use type => 'MySQLi'
Note: It looks like you typed it as Mysqli as In kohana 3.3 onward class name are case sensitive.

Zurb Foundation for Apps - CLI Fails2

At the risk of posting a duplicate, I am new here and don't have a rating yet so it wouldn't let me comment on the only relevant similar question I did find here:
Zurb Foundation for Apps - CLI Fails.
Zurb Foundation for Apps - CLI Fails
However I tried the answer there and I still get the same fail.
My message is :
(I don't have a reputation so I can't post images "!##"):
but it is essentially the same as the other post except mine mentions line 118 of foundationCLI.js where theirs notes line 139. Also the answer said to fix line 97 but in mine that code is on line 99.
92 // NEW
93 // Clones the Foundation for Apps template and installs dependencies
94 = function(args, options) {
95 var projectName = args[0];
96 var gitClone = ['git', 'clone', '', args[0]];
97 var npmInstall = [npm, 'install'];
98 var bowerInstall = [bower, 'install'];
99 var bundleInstall = [bundle.bat];
100 if (isRoot()) bowerInstall.push('--allow-root');
102 // Show help screen if the user didn't enter a project name
103 if (typeof projectName === 'undefined') {
105 process.exit();
106 }
108 yeti([
109 'Thanks for using Foundation for Apps!',
110 '-------------------------------------',
111 'Let\'s set up a new project.',
112 'It shouldn\'t take more than a minute.'
113 ]);
115 // Clone the template repo
116 process.stdout.write("\nDownloading the Foundation for Apps template...".cyan);
117 exec(gitClone, function(err, out, code) {
118 if (err instanceof Error) throw err;
120 process.stdout.write([
121 "\nDone downloading!".green,
122 "\n\nInstalling dependencies...".cyan,
123 "\n"
124 ].join(''));
I also posted an error log here
yesterday, as directed in the following error message: (which I am unable to post the image of "!##").
But I have yet to receive a response there.
Any idea how I can get past this so I can start an app?
Thanks, A
You may need to also install the git command-line client. On line 117, the foundation-cli.js is trying to run git clone and this is failing.
Could you please run
git --version
and paste the text (not image) of the output you see?
If you have installed git already (e.g., because you have Github for Windows < > ) then you may need to use the Git Shell shortcut or close/re-open your command prompt window in order to use git on the command line.
Once you've installed git and closed/reopened your shell, try the command
foundation-apps new myApp again.
